1889   1890   1894   1900
1901   1904   1905   1907   1908   1909   1910
1911   1912   1913   1914   1915   1916   1917   1918   1919   1920
1921   1922   1923   1924   1925   1926   1927   1928   1929   1930
1931   1932   1933   1934   1935   1936   1937   1938   1939   1940
1941   1942   1943   1944   1945   1946   1947   1948   1949   1950
1951   1952   1953   1954   1955   1956   1957   1958   1959   1960
1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970
1971   1972   1975   1976   1977   1978   1979   1980
1981   1982   1983   1985   1986   1987   1988   1990
1992   1994   1996   1998   1999   2000
2001   2002   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010
2011   2012   2013   2014   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020
2021   2022  


Jan. 18 Constitution & Rules "List of Members" (VAA)
July 5 Victoria Weekly Colonist "Art Exhibition" (VAA)


Feb. 28 Victoria Weekly Colonist "Vancouver Art Association"
Dec. 20 The Dominion Illustrated "Our British Columbia Letter" (VAA)


July 19 Vancouver Daily World "Theo. H. Hardiman - Pioneer Art Gallery"
- History of British Columbia "Arts and Sciences", William Briggs, Toronto ON


? Canadian Architect & Builder "B.C. Letters. No. III" (AHSAV/VACA)
May Canadian Architect & Builder "Arts & Crafts Association"
December Canadian Architect & Builder "B.C. Letters. No. IV" (VACA)


? Canadian Architect & Builder "B.C. Letters. No. V" (VACA)
December Canadian Architect & Builder "B.C. Letters. No. VII" (VACA)


March 10 Vancouver Province "Studio Club Formed"
Oct. 17 Personal letter "Letter of Recommendation for John Kyle"


July 1 News-Advertisor (untitled article on John Innes)


- CANADA "List of Illustrations by T. Mower Martin"
July Westward Ho! "Models I Have Known" by Mrs. Beanlands
August Westward Ho! "Announcement"
October Canadian Magazine "Canadian Art and Its Critics" by J.A. Radford
December Westward Ho! "S.P. Judge School of Art"


Feb. 8 Canadian Courier "Do You Like Good Pictures?" (John Innes)
Nov. 20 Victoria Times "Society of Fine Arts"


March 2 Semi-Weekly Colonist "Pleased With Art of West Coast Indians" (Jacobus Semeyn)
April 2 Victoria Times "Society of Fine Arts"
July 3 B.C. Saturday Sunset "Vancouver Studio Club Spring Exhibition" by Felix Penne
Oct. 30 B.C. Saturday Sunset "The Studio Club Autumn Exhibition" by Felix Penne
Nov. 6 B.C. Saturday Sunset "Vancouver Studio Club" by Felix Penne


- BCSFA "Constitution & Bylaws"
- Opportunities magazine "Art in British Columbia" by B. McEvoy
March Mitton's Home Builder "How the Sculptor's Work Gives Character to the Home" by Charles Marega
May Mitton's Home Builder "Artistic Garden Ornaments" by Charles Marega
Sept. 28 Victoria Daily Times "Art and Crafts at Exhibition"


- Opportunities magazine "Fostering British Columbia Art" by Mary Daniell
June 23 The Western Call "A Rising Canadian Artist" (M. Frechette)
Nov. 21 News Advertiser "Some Pictures by B.C. Artists " by A.N. St. John Mildmay
Nov. 23 Vancouver Daily World "Fine Arts Society Makes Fine Exhibit"
December British Columbia magazine "Our Germ of Art" by Eugene de Lopatecki


May 7 Vancouver Sun "Thousands Witness Unveiling of Memorial to the Late King"
Oct. 15 The Studio magazine "The Art of Charles John Collings: An Appreciation"


June 3 Vancouver Sun "Wanderbund Club exhibition"


(?) B.C. From the Earliest Times ... "John Kyle, Hon. A.R.C.A."
Aug. 15 Canadian Courier "The Canadian Women's Press Club" (Charles Marega)
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott


Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "V.S.B. Honor Roll - C.E.F." (C.H. Scott painting)
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "Report on Night Classes" by Graham A. Laing


Aug. 3 Vancouver Daily World " ... the following appointments were made: ... Miss Unina Hall"
Sept. 27 Vancouver Province "With The B.C. Artists" (Notes by a Visitor)


March 29 Hedley Gazette "Important Undertakings Marked the Activities of the Company During the Year" (A. Langford)
May 7 Vancouver Daily World "Social Notes"
July 20 Vancouver Daily World "To Take Part in Entertaining Seattle Visitors"
July 28 Vancouver Daily World "Artists in Trenches"
September Westminster Review "B.C. Society of Fine Arts - An Appreciation" by R.A.H.
Dec. 3 Vancouver Daily World "Many Visitors At Sketch Club"


Feb. 4 Vancouver Daily World "Sketch Club Display"
Feb. 15 The Studio magazine "BCSFA 11th Annual Exhibition"
April (9?) Vancouver Daily World "Miss Neilson Terry Is Guest of Sketch Club"
Aug. 10 Vancouver Province "Savary Island"
Nov. 5 London Gazette Supplement "(Military Cross awarded)"
Christmas The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 "A Vancouver Sculptor"
Christmas The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 "Art and the Soldier" by James Leyland
Christmas The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 "Honor Roll - B.C. Society of Fine Arts"
Christmas The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 "A Clever Soldier Artist" (Ernest Le Messurier)


May The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 "The Cherry's, an Artistic Family"
May The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 "John Innes, Author, Artist, Soldier, Cowboy"
May The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 "Mary Riter Hamilton" by J.E.H. Bruce
July 18 Vancouver Daily World "Is Clever Water Colorist" (A.N. Mildmay)
Aug. 21 Vancouver Daily World "The World's Window"
Sept. 5 Vancouver Province "Savary Island"
Sept. 8 Vancouver Province "Sketch Club Open Winter Season's Work"
Oct. 2 Vancouver Province "Local Work is on View" by Bernard McEvoy
Oct. 4 London Gazette Supplement "(Military Cross Bar awarded)" (G.L.T. Sharp)


Feb. 9 Vancouver Daily World "Sketch Club Has Resumed Exhibitions"
Jan. 29 VSB Annual Report "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott
April 13 Vancouver Province "Art Exhibits Fewer But Maintain Standard"
June 5 Western Woman's Weekly "Freshness And Vitality In Exhibition Of Vancouver Sketch Club"
June 5 Western Woman's Weekly "Art At The Vancouver Exhibition"
July 17 Vancouver Province "Sketch Club Is Well Organized" by I.B.
date? Vancouver Province "Savary Island"
Sept. 18 Western Woman's Weekly "Arts Clubs Active - B.C. Society of Fine Arts"
Sept. 18 Western Woman's Weekly "Arts Clubs Active - Vancouver Sketch Club"
Sept. 18 Western Woman's Weekly "Dates to Remember - School of Art meeting"
Oct. 9 Western Woman's Weekly "B.C. Art League Committees Are Active"
Oct. 9 Western Woman's Weekly "Vancouver Sketch Club"
Dec. 6 Vancouver Province "Annual Exhibit By Sketch Club"


April 23 Western Woman's Weekly "Important Meeting of British Columbia Art League"
March 25 Vancouver Daily World "Art Specialist Miss Unina F. Hall has been offered the position ... "
July 23 Western Woman's Weekly "The B.C. Art League"
Aug. 9 Vancouver Province "Annual Carnival at Savary Island Splendid Success"
Sept. 19 Vancouver Province "Pictures at B.C. Fine Arts"
Oct. 6 Vancouver Province "By the Way in Art"
Nov. 7 Vancouver Daily World "Original Work Exhibited at the Sketch Club"
Nov. 7 Vancouver Sun "Many View Sketch Club Exhibit and Much Work Shown"


April 3 Vancouver Daily World "Sketch Club Tea Enjoyable Event; Good Work Shown"
April 5 The Citizen (Ottawa) "Honors are Gained by Local Sculptor" (Coeur de Lion McCarthy)
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Sketching Trip Enjoyed"
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Art Gallery At Exhibition Great Attraction This Year" by J.L.
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Fine Art Advisory Board To The Vancouver Exhibition Association"
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "The Case of Local Artists", by T.W. Fripp
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Vancouver Sketch Club Officers"
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "B.C. Art League Officers"
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Officers - B.C. Society of Fine Arts"
July 29 Western Woman's Weekly "Advertisement - T.W. Fripp"
Sept. 19 Vancouver Province "Fine Arts Exhibition" (BCSFA) by J. Butterfield
Sept. 19 Vancouver Sun "Fine Arts Show Is Interesting" (BCSFA)


March 5 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Sketch Club"
May 14 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Fine Arts Has Good Show" (BCSFA) by Felix Penne
May 14 Vancouver Sun "Exhibition Of Pictures By Fine Art Society" (BCSFA)
May 15 Vancouver Province "B.C. Fine Arts Society Exhibition" by J. Butterfield
June British Columbia Monthly "Semi-Annual Exhibit by the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow
Dec. 15 B.C. Ladies' Mirror "Sketch Club Semi-Annual Art Exhibition"
Dec. 15 B.C. Ladies' Mirror "Student Classes At Sketch Club" by L.H.G.


Feb. 4 Vancouver Daily World "Sketch Club Exhibit Held"
March British Columbia Monthly "Impressions of the Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow
May 7 Vancouver Province "B.C. Society of Fine Arts - Annual Exhibition All This Week"
May 9 Vancouver Province "Exhibition Of B.C. Society of Fine Arts"
May 10 Vancouver Province "Will Feature B.C. Artists" (Vancouver Exhibition)
May 16 Vancouver Province "B.C. Society of Fine Arts Annual Exhibition"
June 14 Western Woman's Weekly "A Summary Of The Chief Work Of The Year Pertaining To Fine And Applied Arts In Vancouver"
June British Columbia Monthly "Exhibition of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts" by Alice Winlow
July British Columbia Monthly "The Midsummer Exhibit of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Bertha Lewis
September British Columbia Monthly "September Exhibition of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Alice Winlow
December British Columbia Monthly "Educational Notes" by "Spectator"


January British Columbia Monthly "Semi-Annual Exhibition of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Bertha Lewis
Jan. 13 Vancouver Province "Coming Art School"
April 19 Vancouver Sun "Art Experiments Lead B.C. Artist On Way To Fame" (Harold McGiverin)
May 11 Vancouver Province "Many Attend At Fine Arts Show" (BCSFA)
July 7 Vancouver Province "An Arts and Crafts School"
July 7 Vancouver Province "No More Scurvy"
Nov. 30 Vancouver Province "Private View Precedes Sketch Club Exhibition"
(Dec.) Vancouver Province "Donations to Art Gallery Building"
- B.C. Art League "List of Members"
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "Report on Drawing" by S.P. Judge
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "School of Decorative and Applied Arts" - Chairman's Report by F.J. Nicholson
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "School of Decorative and Applied Art" - Report of Management Committee
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "School of Decorative and Applied Art" - Report of Municipal Inspector of Schools
Dec. 31 VSB Annual Report "School of Decorative and Applied Arts" - Director's Report by G.T. Sharp


Jan. 22 Vancouver Province "Horse Traffic Ban Proposal Rejected"
Feb. Museum Notes, Vol. I No. 1 "Curator's Report" by T.P.O. Menzies
June 14 Vancouver Province "Art School To Stage Exhibit"
June 14 Vancouver Province "Many Visitors Attend Exhibition On Closing Day"
June The Paint Box (first issue) "Places To Sketch" by Maud Sherman
June (Province?) "Vancouver Offers Plenty of Material for Art Students"
June School Days "On the Selection of a Career" by John Kyle
June Museum Notes, Vol. I No. 2 "History of the Art, Historical and Scientific Association; Biographical - Founders and Members"
June The Camosun "Matriculation Idols - Selected by the Staff" (C.D. Gaitskell)
September British Columbia Monthly "Alice M. Winlow" by Bertha Lewis
Nov. 6 Vancouver Province "Palette and Chisel Club" by Diogenes
Nov. 15 Vancouver Star "Local artist A.N. St. John Mildmay"


Feb. Museum Notes, Vol II No. 1 "Mr. Thos. W. Fripp"
April 4 Vancouver Province "By The Way In Art"
June The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 2 "Composition" by Maud Sherman
June The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 2 "Things As They Are" by Charles H. Scott
June (unknown) "The Paint Box Is Annual of Vancouver Art School"
June (unknown) "Prizes Presented to Art Students"
Aug. 6 The Morning Leader "Pictures by Canadian Woman Adorn Many European Homes" (Adelaide Langford)
Aug. 27 Vancouver Province "Artist Who Sketches Nursery Rhyme Characters Is Canadian Visiting This City" (Peggy Harvey)
Oct. 20 (unknown) "Ogopogo Yawns On Gay Crowd At Bal Masque"
Oct. 29 Vancouver Sun "Youthful Artist Suffers Hardships to Get Pictures" (A.C. Leighton)
September The B.C. Teacher "The Picture and the Point of View" by Charles H. Scott
December British Columbia Monthly "B.C. Art League"


April 28 Vancouver Province "BCSFA exhibition" by Diogenes
May 1 Vancouver Province "Interest in School Exhibit" (PNS exhibition) by D. Law
June The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 3 "Pattern" by Grace Melvin
Sept. Museum & Art Notes "The First Art Organization in Vancouver" by Mrs. W. Garland Foster


March Museum & Art Notes "The City Art Gallery" by G.H. Lardner
June Museum & Art Notes "Les Pauvres" and its Artist" (Mary R. Hamilton) by Mrs. W. Garland Foster
Dec. Spencer Store Topics "Some Interesting People You Know" (E.J. Cherry)
Dec. Spencer Store Topics "Acknowledgments"
Dec. 18 Vancouver Sun "Vagabonds Club Holds Meeting"


Jan. 17 Montreal Star "B.C. Artists Say Societies Ignored"
Jan. 19 Montreal Gazette "Members to Be Named to Help Select Works in British Columbia" by Canadian Press
Jan. 23 Montreal Star "Western Memories" (John Innes) by S. Morgan-Powell
March 1 Vancouver Sun "Art Notes" by John Radford
June Museum & Art Notes "William Ferris" by E.J. Norcross
July 11 Vancouver Province "Margaret Wake" by G.H. Lardner
Oct. 7 Vancouver Sun "Building Indicative of Progress in City" (Marine Building)
Oct. 16 Vancouver Sun "Margaret Wake Obituary"
Oct. 16 Vancouver Star "Margaret Wake Obituary"
Nov. 15 Vancouver Province "BCSFA Winter exhibition" by Diogenes
Nov. ? ? "Pioneer Art Students From Pasovas Club"


Feb. 22 Vancouver Province "In the Chelsea Follies" (Peggy Cartwright)
March 15 Sunday Province "Fripp, Weston, & J.W.G. Macdonald works selected for NG"
May 16 Montreal Gazette "Academy Honors Canadian Artist" (Melita Aitken)
June Museum & Art Notes "The Late T.W. Fripp" by Greenjacket
Aug. 15 Vancouver Sun "French Honor Artist's Work" (John Delisle Parker)
Oct. 5 VAG Inaugural Exhibition "The Founders' Collection"
October Vancouver Province "Art Gallery Will Receive Memorial"
October Vancouver Sun "Fripp Bust to be Presented"
Nov. 30 Vancouver Star "Loan Exhibit to Open in Gallery"
Dec. 1 Montreal Gazette "Fine Collection of Portraits On View" (Kathleen Shackleton)
Dec. 7 Montreal Gazette "New Epoch Is Seen In Canadian Art" (Group of Seven)
Dec. 16 Vancouver Province "Fripp's Pictures" (T.W. Fripp) by Diogenes
Dec. 19 Vancouver Sun "In the World of Art" by Doris Milligan
Dec. ? The Canadian Forum "The Vancouver School of Decorative & Applied Art" by Helen Dickson


Jan. 27 Vancouver Sun "Sketch Club Members Exhibit Their Work"
Feb. 27 ? "West Van Sketch Club To Exhibit"
Feb. 29 ? "Sketch Club Holds Exhibition of Work at West Vancouver"
May 9 Vancouver Sun "Sketch Club Showing Has Fine Pictures"
May 11 ? "B.C. Artists Display at All-Canada Exhibition"
June The B.C. Teacher "A British Columbian School of Art" by Charles H. Scott
Oct. 1 Vancouver Sun "The Note Book" by Julia Henshaw
Oct. ? ? "B.C. Artists Reveal Talent at Show"
Nov. 14 Vancouver Sun "Death Calls Noted Artist" (Charles Warburton Young)
Dec. 8 Montreal Gazette "Canadian Artists Unite to Boycott National Gallery"
Dec. 10 Saturday Night "British Columbia Art" by H. Mortimer Lamb


Jan. 7 Vancouver Sun "A Home Filled With Treasure" (Alfred J. Davis)
Feb. 2 Vancouver Sun "In the World of Art" by Doris Milligan
Feb. 12 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Feb. 12 Vancouver Sun "Art Hung Upside Down - Experts Didn't Know"
Feb. 15 Vancouver Sun "'West End' Show Of Art Works" by D.S.M.
Feb. 19 Vancouver Province "Weds Musical Comedy Star" (Peggy Cartwright)
Feb. 23 Vancouver Sun "Newcombe Art at Gallery" by Doris Milligan
April 1 News-Herald "Art Notes" by Doris Milligan
April 22 Vancouver Sun "Exhibition of Young Artists at Gallery" by Doris Milligan
April 24 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
May News-Herald "Fine Works of Art Students"
May 4 News-Herald "Art Students' Exhibits Reveal Much Talent"
May 4 Vancouver Sun "Varied Display By Art Graduates"
May 6 Vancouver Province "Fine Work By Art Students"
May 14 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
May 22 Vancouver Province "New Pictures at Vancouver Art Gallery"
May 24 Vancouver Sun "Palette Club Show Pleases Art Lovers" by Doris Milligan
May 27 Vancouver Sun "12 Paintings on Display (by J.E.H. Macdonald)
June 6 Vancouver Province "Art Gallery has Four Shows at Once"
June 7 News Herald "23rd Exhibit of Pictures by B.C. Artists"
June 7 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Art Works" by Doris Milligan
June 11 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
June 30 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Discover Savary Island" by Noel Robinson
July 4 Vancouver Province "Art Students Hold Display of Summer Work"
July 8 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
July 11 Vancouver Sun "Ustinov Pictures at Art Gallery" by D.S.M.
Sept. 20 Vancouver Province "Stone's Sketches to be Displayed"
Oct. 21 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Oct. 21 Saturday Night "Canadian Artists' Show" (CGP) by Frank Bagnall
Nov. 8 Vancouver Sun "One Man Art Show"
Nov. 8 News Herald "Fine Display is Made of B.C. Portraiture" by T.H.W.
Nov. 17 News Herald "Innes Pictures"
Dec. 1 Vancouver Sun "Bargains in Art - Christmas Exhibition Sale" by D.S.M.
December News Herald "Clever Pictures by Vancouver Architect" by T.H.W.
December News Herald "Work of B.C. Artists Seen In Xmas Show" by T.H.W.
Dec. 4 Vancouver Province "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Dec. 20 newspaper? "(Roberts) Paintings Take City Back To Early Days"
Dec. 27 newspaper? "Children Show Their Native Art Talent"


Jan. 4 newspaper? "Roberts Pictures At Gallery"
Feb. 3 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Feb. 10 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art: (B.C. College of Art posters)"
Feb. 26 Vancouver Province "Mountaineering Club Photographic Display Open at Art Gallery"
March 2 Vancouver Province "City Artist's Exhibit"
March 5 Vancouver Province "Notable Exhibition by Local Artist" by Wayfarer
March 10 Vancouver Province "Art of "Neil Duncan" by Wayfarer
April 26 Victoria Times "Former Local Artist Coming"
May 5 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art: (BCCA and VSDAA news)"
May 5 Vancouver Province "Art School Graduates In Fine Display"
May 5 Vancouver Sun "Graduate's Association Work Also On Display" by Mamie Maloney
May 11 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Artist Honored Abroad" by Wayfarer
May 17 Vancouver Sun "Leighton Art Exhibit"
May 20 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
May 24 Vancouver Sun "Industrial Art of Vancouver students"
May 25 Financial News "Leighton Exhibit of Water Colors Very Attractive"
May 30 News Herald "Art Students Show Their Adaptability" by T.H.W.
June 2 Vancouver Sun "Julius Griffith Jr.'s One-Man Art Show"
June 9 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
June 9 News Herald "Realism Marks Art Work of Children" by T.H.W.
June 9 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Children Natural Artists"
June 25 Vancouver Province "God's Country" (J.D. Parker) by Edgar Brown
July 7 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art: (tribute to Alec Dalgleish)"
July 27 Daily Colonist "Drawing Methods of Today Radical Change From Past" (Weston)
Aug. 4 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Aug. 25 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Sept. 7 News Herald "Fine Water Colors By Vancouver Artist" by T.H.W.
Sept. 8 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Sept. 10 Vancouver Sun "Alex. Paterson's Art Exhibit"
Sept. 22 Vancouver Province "Annual Exhibit of B.C. Artists Attractive"
Sept. 22 News Herald "B.C. Artists' Display Reveals Development" by T.H.W.
Sept. 23 A.S. Grigsby letter "Letter re Saturday Morning Classes"
Sept. 25 Vancouver Province "One-Man Display By W.P. Weston at Art Gallery Attractive"
Sept. 25 News Herald "Art Textbook Author Shows His Paintings" by T.H.W.
Sept. 27 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Art Exhibit"
Oct. 11 Daily Colonist "Artist To Give One-Man Show"
Oct. ? VAG Press release "Vancouver Pictures Come to Chilliwack"
Oct. 18 newspaper? "A Gentleman Adventurer" by Edgar Brown
Oct. 23 News Herald "Clever Artist Has Fine Exhibit Displayed Here" by T.H.W.
Oct. 24 Vancouver Province "Fine Display of Paintings by J. Parker"
Oct. 24 News Herald "Frost Phantasies New Development of Art" (J. Money) by T.H.W.
Oct. 26 Vancouver Sun "Variety of Art" (J. Money)
Nov. 6 Vancouver Province "PASOVAS Club Has Splendid Annual Show" by Reta Myers
Nov. 14 News Herald "Artist Inspired by Scenes of Northwest" by T.H.W.
Nov. 17 Saturday Night "World of Art" (RCA) by Lucy Van Gogh
Nov. 27 Vancouver Sun "Many Visit Art Exhibit"
Dec. ? News Herald "Good Show of Water Colors and Crayons" by T.H.W.
Dec. 4 News Herald "Clever Water Color Display" at Gallery by T.H.W.
Dec. 5 News Herald "Youth Must Be Individual in Art Attitude" by T.H.W.
Dec. 5 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Have Christmas Exhibit" by R.W.M.
Dec. 5 Vancouver Sun "New Artists At Christmas Exhibition"


April 10 Vancouver Province "Charming Display of Water Colors" by R.W.M.
April 25 Vancouver Sun "Water Color Exhibition" (A.C. Leighton)
April 27 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Have Splendid Display Here" by R.W.M.
May 23 Vancouver Province "Art Grads Have Varied Displays" by R.W.M.
May 23 Vancouver Province "Children Have Fine Paintings at Art Gallery" by R.W.M.
n.d. Vancouver School of Art "Summer Sketching Camp - Savary Island"
July-Aug. Arthur Lismer "Report on Art Galleries, Museums and Other Art Activities in Western Canada July - August, 1935."
Oct. 10 News Herald "P.V. Ustinov Gains Beatrice Stone Medal"
Nov. 9 Vancouver Province "Spirit of Savary at Art Gallery" (C.H. Scott) by R.W.M.
Nov. ? V.A.G. Archives "Christmas Exhibition At Art Gallery"
( n.d. ) V.A.G. Archives "Pictures Purchased From 1935 Christmas Exhibition by Mr. D.N. Hossie"


February The Ubyssey "Art Exhibit in Faculty Room of Library"
Feb. 21 Vancouver Province ? "PASOVAS Exhibit"
Feb. 21 Vancouver Sun ? "Fine PASOVAS Art Exhibition"
February News Herald "PASOVAS Club Annual Display"
March 3 News Herald "Familiar Landscapes by Vancouver Artist" by T.H.W.
March 18 Vancouver Sun "Cheery Animal Pictures" (K.A. Smith)
March 19 West End Breeze "At The Art Gallery"
Spring VSAGA The Smock Pocket: Spring 1936 Issue
April 2 West End Breeze "At The Art Gallery"
April 18 News Herald "Memorial Display for Well Known Artist"
April 25 (unknown newspaper) "Graduates in Art" by CINTRA
May ? Vancouver Sun "Art School Graduation Ceremony Today"
June 13 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
June Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Show Opened by Dr. Weir" by Reta W. Myers
June 27 Vancouver Province "B.C. Society of Arts Exhibition Opens Here"
July 8 Vancouver Province "Notable Display of Water Colors" (Juliet Young)
July 16 ? "Fine Water Colors by Arthur H. Parker on Show at Gallery"
Aug. 15 Vancouver Sun "400 B.C. Pictures in Jubilee Art Show" (Spencer's)
Aug. 19 News Herald "Guests Entertained At Tea After Exhibition Opens" (Spencer's)
Aug. 22 Vancouver Province ? "Bronze Figure of Vancouver to Rule Scene" (Charles Marega)
July 16 (unknown monograph) "Fine Water Colors by Arthur H. Parker On Show at Gallery"
Aug. 22 Vancouver Province ? "Heroic Bronze by Marega is acclaimed"
Sept. 8 Vancouver Province "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers
Sept. 19 News Herald "Superior Quality in Show of B.C. Artists"
Oct. 27 Victoria Daily Times "Display of Island Artistry is Opened " (IACS)
Oct. 28 News Herald "Shadbolt Exhibition Shows Wide Variety" by T.H.W.
Nov. 21 Vancouver Province "Unusual Souvenir of Vancouver" (Peggy Harvey)
Nov. 25 ? "Japanese Artist Paints Beauties of B.C. Coast"
Nov. 28 Vancouver Sun ""(book review)" (A Whimsical Vancouverite) (Peggy Harvey)
Nov. 28 Vancouver Province "B.C. Laureate in Art" (W.P. Weston) by C.O. Scott
Dec. ? Vancouver Sun "Buy A Picture For Christmas"


January The B.C. Teacher "A New Era Opens in the Teaching of Art" by Jack Shadbolt
March (?) (Victoria newspaper) "Victoria Liberal Dies Suddenly" (Harold McGiverin)
May 8 Vancouver Sun "Tea Time Topics" (Godfrey)
May 26 (unknown newspaper) "Marcel Godfrey Paintings at Private Viewing"
May 28 Vancouver Sun "Graduation at Art Gallery" (VSDAA)
May 28 Vancouver Sun "Lend Me Your Ears" (Marcel Godfrey) by Bob Bouchette
June (unknown newspaper) "Seven Gain Art Diplomas" (VSDAA)
June The B.C. Teacher "School Art and the Workshop Spirit" by Jack Shadbolt
June 10? Vancouver Province "Modern Canadian Art Wins Acclaim" (RCA) by E.N.B.
July 20 News Herald "Art Exhibition Shows Works in Many Media" (H.F. Smith)
July 24 Toronto Star Weekly "Art Teacher has Many Hobbies" (W.P. Weston)
Aug. 2 News Herald "Several Shows at Art Gallery"
Aug. 19 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Artists in Coronation Show" (Weston, Macdonald)
Aug. 27 Vancouver Sun "The Daily Tattler" by Alan Palmer Morley
Sept. 10 Vancouver Province "Fine Work Seen at Art Gallery" (C.W. Holliday) by E.N.B.
Sept. 18 News Herald "Drastic Pruning For B.C. Artists Display"
Sept. 22 (unknown newspaper) "Russian-Born Artist Wins Art Gallery Painting Award"
Oct. 6 Vancouver Province "Young Artist has Good Show Here" (Woldemar Neufeld) by E.N.B.
Nov. 3 News Herald "Art Graduates Have Excellent Exhibits"
November Art Gallery Bulletin "B.C. Artists' Travelling Exhibition"
Dec. 1 News Herald "Youngest One Man Show in History of Gallery"


Feb. 23 Vancouver Province "One Man Exhibit" (G.K. Lamont)
Feb. 24 News Herald "Clever Artist Presents Show" (G.K. Lamont)
March News Herald "Delisle Parker Show at Gallery"
March 10 (unknown newspaper) "Plateau Paintings on Exhibition" (J.D. Parker)
March 26 Vancouver Province "Cheney Paintings Gallery Feature" by T.H.W.
March 28 News Herald "Clever Portraiture Marks Exhibit at Art Gallery" (N.L. Cheney)
April 30 Vancouver Province "Fine Showing by B.C. Artists Follows Conventional Lines" by E.N.B.
April 30 Vancouver Sun "28th Annual Art Exhibit" (catalogue)
May 6 News Herald "Stone Sketches Now On View" by T.H.W.
May 7 Montreal Gazette "Saskatchewan Artist One of Four Who Decorated Canadian Pavilion"
June Vancouver Province "Art Gallery Reopens After Month's "Sit-down""
July 6 Daily Colonist "Art Shown In Common Things" (W.P. Weston)
July 13 Vancouver Province "Six Local Artists Show at Gallery" by E.N.B.
July 19 Daily Colonist "Sculpture Key To Good Form" (W.P. Weston)
July 19 Victoria Times "Telephone Is Today's Statue" (W.P. Weston)
July 27 Daily Colonist "Cubism Dead Says Artist" (W.P. Weston)
July 27 News Herald "Artist Applies Aboriginal Designs to Handicrafts"
July 28 Victoria Times "Says Canada's Art Distinct" (W.P. Weston)
Aug. 2 Victoria Times "Art Revived In Common Things" (W.P. Weston)
Aug. 3 Victoria Times "Machine Now Assists Art" (W.P. Weston)
Aug. 26 Vancouver Province "Six Paintings From B.C. Go To England" (Century Cdn Art)
September News Herald "School of Art Scholarships Presented"
Sept. 21 News Herald "Miss Spencer Shows Herself Clever Colorist"
Sept. 17 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists' Exhibition Opens with 225 Entries" by E.N.B.
Sept. 21 News Herald "Miss Spencer Shows Herself Clever Colorist"
Sept. 23 News Herald "Medallists' List At B.C. Artists Show Out"
Sept. 30 Vancouver Sun "Coveted Art Prize Goes to Vancouver Painter"
Oct. 13 Vancouver Province "Emily Carr's Oils Shown"
Oct. 14 Vancouver Sun "Art Becomes ART When An Expert Can't Decide Which Side Is Up" by Alan Morley
Oct. 18 Vancouver Province "Mrs. Lily Alice Lefevre, Famed Vancouver Pioneer, Passes Away"
Oct. 18 Vancouver Sun "Mrs. Lefevre, Pioneer, Poetess, Dead at 84"
Oct. 19 Vancouver Sun "Many Mourn At Rites for Mrs. Lefevre"
October VAG Bulletin V6 No2 "Medal Awards in B.C. Artists Exhibition"
Nov. 2 Vancouver Province "Canada's Most Original Artist Showing Here"
Nov. 2 Vancouver Sun "Sedgwick Lauds Woman Painter"
Nov. 4 Ubyssey "Faculty, Student Review Emily Carr Art Exhibition" by Prof. F.G. Brand
Nov. 12 Vancouver Province "Exhibitors at Art Gallery" (Shadbolt, Milne, Bonnycastle, Ackroyd) by E.N.B.
November? VAG Bulletin V6 No3 "Mr. Hubert Ackroyd is a photographer of distinction."
Dec. 1 News-Herald Obituary of Tomhu Roberts
Dec. 29 Montreal Gazette Obituary of Victor Albert Long


Jan. 13 Vancouver Sun "Ingenious Device Helps Move Heavy Lions for Bridgehead"
Jan. 23 Vancouver Sun "Lions Now Guard Bridge"
Jan. 23 Vancouver Province "To Guard Narrows Span"
Feb. 10 Vancouver Sun "Ustinov Art Show Pleases" by John Radford
Feb. 11 Vancouver Sun "Local Artists Unite Talents on Mural for New Vancouver (Hotel)"
Feb. 28 Vancouver Sun "Hundreds Enter Competition" (Peggy Harvey)
March 15 Vancouver Sun "Island Arts on Display" by John Radford
March 25 Vancouver Sun "Noted Local Sculptor Dies"
March 25 Vancouver Province "Charles Marega Gained Fame for Many Works of Art Here"
March 25 (unknown newspaper) "Charles Marega, Noted Sculptor, Succumbs"
March 27 Vancouver Province "Funeral Of Famed Sculptor Tuesday"
April 3 Vancouver Province "Artist Honored" (W.P. Weston)
April 5 Vancouver Province "Loaned by Citizens Vancouver-Owned Portraits On Display" by E.N.B.
April 18 Vancouver Province "City Artist Gives One-Man Exhibit" by E.N.B.
May 6 Vancouver Sun "Manitoba Art Display Here" (Mabel May)
May 16 Vancouver Province "Exhibit of Animal Art Here Praised" (R.H. Savery)
May 17 Vancouver Sun "Realism Depicted" (R.H. Savery)
May 27 Vancouver Province "Facts About New Hotel" (Hotel Vancouver)
May 27 Vancouver Province "Rare Craftsmanship Shown in Stonework" (Hotel Vancouver)
(date?) (unknown newspaper) "Local Women Artists Helped Decorate Hotel"
June 6 Vancouver Province "Canadian Artist Exhibiting Work"
June 8 The Savary Pudding "Wet Woods in June" by Grace Melvin
June 8 The Savary Pudding "Sound of the Sea" by Grace Melvin
June 8 The Savary Pudding "The Woods at Night" by Grace Melvin
June 8 The Savary Pudding "Requiem" by Grace Melvin
June 10 News-Herald "Leading Provincial Artists Exhibit at Show" by T.H.W.
June 10 News Herald "City Artists Find Scope For Talent Here" (exhibition)
June 10 Vancouver Province "Fine Arts Society Members Displaying Mature Pictures"
June 23 Vancouver Province "Surrealist Exhibit by City Painter" by P.C.W.
July 6 Vancouver Sun "Special Shows At Art Gallery"
July 19 Vancouver Province "Miss Kathleen Shackleton Shows Canadian Paintings ... " by A.C. Cummings
July 19 Vancouver Province "Flower Artist Self-Taught" (Emily Sartain)
July 19 Winnipeg Tribune "Exhibition by Miss Shackleton"
July 21 Vancouver Sun "Two Fine Water Color Exhibits" (Emily Sartain)
Aug. 1 Vancouver Sun "Two Art Shows Extended, Three New Ones at Gallery"
Aug. 16 News Herald "Exhibition by Miss Shackleton"
Aug. 18 Vancouver Sun "City Portraits in Art Display" (K. Shackleton)
Aug. 31 News Herald "B.C. Artists Display Plans"
Sept. 2 Vancouver Province "Diplomas Awarded To Art Students"
Sept. 12 News Herald "B.C. Artists' Show Attracts 387 Entries"
Sept. 16 Vancouver Province "Mayor Opens Eighth Annual Exhibition of B.C. Artists"
Sept. ? Vancouver Province "Fine Display of Photography at Art Gallery" (VPS) by T.H.W.
Oct. 11 News Herald "Here Is Artist Whose Output Is Remarkable"
Oct. 12 Vancouver Province "Palette Catches Nature's Colors" (Mrs. J. Clay)
Oct. 12 News Herald "B.C. Artists' Show Attracts 387 Entries"
Oct. 26 Sackville Tribune "First Exhibition of B.C. Paintings is Hung Here" by Prof. Stanley Royle
Nov. ? VAG Bulletin "Maritime Art Association"
Nov. 8 News Herald "Women Artists Display Work In Two Media" (Carr, Townley) by T.H.W.
Nov. 30 News Herald "Carr Painting Is Given To Gallery"
Dec. 1 News Herald "December Shows At Art Gallery"
Dec. 6 News Herald "Three Displays Open at Art Gallery" (Birley, Jackson, McTaggart)
Dec. ? Vancouver Sun "Three Artists Display Work" (Birley, Jackson, McTaggart)
Dec. ? Vancouver Sun "Young City Artist Fights 'Wolf' with Mop and Soap Suds" by Doris Milligan
Dec. 6 Vancouver Province "Canadian Artists Show Their Work"


Jan. 20 Vancouver Province "Sentinels of the Past" (Pauline Johnson memorial) by Ronald Kenvyn
Jan. 28 Daily Colonist "An Artist Comes to Stay" (Stella Langdale) by J.E.M. Bruce
Feb. 27 Vancouver Sun "Wood Carvings On View" (Elmer Hodges)
March The School magazine "Art Teaching In British Columbia" by Charles H. Scott
March 29 Vancouver Sun "Art Gallery Lists Six Exhibits"
March 30 News Herald "Six Shows During April In Gallery"
April 2 Vancouver Sun "'Old' At Twenty, Artist Displays City's First 'Abstract' Show" by Doris Milligan
April 3 Vancouver Sun "Students Hold Art Exhibition"
April 3 News Herald "Atelier Sketch Club Takes a Bow"
April 3 News Herald "Unconventional Prints On Show" (Peter Sager)
April 4 Vancouver Province "Art Group, Youth Share City Gallery"
April 9 Vancouver Province "Kit Thorne Interprets B.C. In Art Gallery Exhibition"
April 10 News Herald "Artist Exhibits In Varied Media" (G.K. Thorne)
April 10 Vancouver Sun "Kit Thorne Sketches On View at Gallery" (G.K. Thorne)
April ? Vancouver Province "False Creek Painting Start Toward Fame" (Eric Freifeld)
April 24 News Herald "Variety in Art Gallery Exhibit" (B.A. Fry)
May 8 Vancouver Province "Children's Posters Shown At Gallery" by A.W.M.
May 10 Vancouver Sun "H.A. Stone Shows Work At Gallery"
May 11 News Herald "Fripp Paintings Placed On View"
May 13 Vancouver Sun "Artist Family's Pictures Shown"
May 15 Vancouver Sun "Art Exhibit" (BCSFA)
May 18 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Hold Annual Exhibition" by M.A.E.
May 22 Vancouver Sun "New Emily Sartain Art Exhibit Opens"
May 24 News Herald "Floral Paintings Now At Gallery" (E. Sartain) by T.H.W.
May 28 Vancouver Province "Gay Caricatures In Gallery Display" (J. Shadbolt)
May 29 News Herald "Murals Feature Gallery Display" (J. Shadbolt) by T.H.W.
June 4 Vancouver Sun "Flower Artist"
June 5 Vancouver Province "Photographic Salon Praised" (VPS)
June 7 News Herald "Two Pictures Outstanding" (VPS)
June 8 Vancouver Sun "Photo Exhibition Attracts Crowds" (VPS)
June 12 Vancouver Province "Graphic Art Show Includes Local Works" (CSGA) by M.A.E.
June Behind The Palette "Evening School" by Fred Amess
June 24 Vancouver Province "Work Of Noted Water Colorist At Art Gallery" by M.A.E.
June 27 News Herald "Fine Water Color Show At Gallery" (C.J. Collings)
June 28 Vancouver Sun "Collings' Works Shown At Gallery"
July 5 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Artists For Photograph Show"
July ? Vancouver Province "Photographic Studies Win Acclaim" by M.E.
July 24 Vancouver Province "Indian Paintings To Be Shown Here" (Jean Findlay)
July 26 Vancouver Province "Native Life On Canvas" (Jean Findlay)
July 28 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists Show Work Next Week"
July 31 News Herald "Indian Life And Murals Displayed" (Jean Findlay)
Aug. 1 Vancouver Sun "Fine B.C. And American Art Shown At Gallery" by M.V. Thornton
Sept. 6 Vancouver Sun "Fine Showing Of Pottery And Textile Designs At Gallery" by M.V. Thornton
Sept. 9 Vancouver Province "B.C. Ceramic Art Displayed At Gallery" (VSA)
Oct. 7 Vancouver Sun "Major Art Award to CASF Officer At B.C. Artists' Annual Exhibit"
Dec. 21 Vancouver Province "Woman Shapes Beauty in Stone" by Charles J. Woodsworth


Jan. 16 Canadian Press "B.C. Naval Man Killed in Action"
Feb. 11 Vancouver Province Obituary of Lauchlan Alexander Hamilton
Feb. 28 Victoria Times Obituary of Thomas Bamford
March 1 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Girl, Now Famous Star, In Canada to Entertain for Troops" (Peggy Cartwright)
March 10 Vancouver Province "Last Rites Held For City Artist" (Josiah Howard Smith)
March 11 Vancouver Sun "Josiah Howard Smith"
May 10 News Herald "Speaking of Pictures" (Weston etc.) by Browni Wingate
June 9 Victoria Times "Cowichan Lake Landscape" (Max Maynard)
June 20 Vancouver Province "(untitled article)" (Stansfeld Jones) by Palette
June 27 Vancouver Province "RCAF Officer Wins Praise For Exhibit Of Fine Paintings" by Palette
June ? Vancouver Sun "Fine Paintings By RCAF Man Now On Show At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton
July 18 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Artists' Work in Hemisphere Art Exhibition" (W.P. Weston & J.W.G. Macdonald)
July 21 Vancouver Sun "Newspaperman, Artist Too, His Work On Display"
July 23 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Artists' Paintings Bought for Famous Collection" by Palette
July 29 Vancouver Sun "Jack Nilan Shows Expert Work In Watercolours" by M.V. Thornton
July 30 News Herald "One-Man Exhibit By Jack Nilan At Art Gallery"
Sept. 30 Victoria Colonist "Named Manager Of Art Gallery" (Max Maynard)
Nov. 20 Vancouver Province "Western Artists Capture Interest At Toronto Show" by Palette
Nov.-Dec. Vancouver Province "Paintings Feature B.C. Scenes" (PNS students) by Palette


Jan. 6 Vancouver Province "Show Contest Entries Soon" (incl. Binning, Thomas) by Palette
Jan. 14 Vancouver Province "Stimulating Show Presented by Canadian Painters Group"
Jan. 19 News Herald "Harry Hood's Paintings on Exhibition Tuesday" by Browni Wingate
Jan. 20 News Herald "Canadian Artists Form Federation" (FCA)
Jan. 21 Vancouver Province "Clever Young painter Makes Living as Elevator Operator" (Thomas) by Norman Cribbens
Jan. 24 News Herald "Disregard Architecture Says Speaker" (B.C. Binning) by Browni Wingate
Jan. 30 Vancouver Province "New Group Aims to Promote & Coordinate Art in Canada" (FCA) by Palette
Feb. 5 News Herald "Young Self-Taught Artists Exhibit Drawings" (Bell) by Browni Wingate
Feb. 6 Vancouver Province "Panels by Templeton Pupils Portray Growth of Vancouver" (also Bell) by Palette
Feb. 11 Vancouver Sun "Talented Husband and Wife Have Display at Art Gallery" (Bell) by M.V. Thornton
Feb. 14 Vancouver Province "Ex-City Illustrator Reaches Top - John Clymer Known Here"
Feb. 17 News Herald "Shadbolt Opens Art Exhibit"
Feb. 18 News Herald "She Sells Her Art For Stamps" (Molly Lamb) by Browni Wingate
Feb. 19 Vancouver Province "Bold Canvasses of B.C. Scenes in Shadbolt One-man Show" by Palette
March 7 Vancouver Sun "Joan Thompson Wins Sun Poster Contest"
March 21 Vancouver Sun "Prize-Winning Entry in Vancouver Sun's Monthly Poster Contest" (Joan Thompson)
April 10 Vancouver Province "Chinese Skier" (Yitkon Ho)
April 10 Vancouver Province "Ski Heil: Clever People" (Yitkon Ho) by Don Tyrell
April 16 Vancouver Province "Local Artists Contributors in Royal Academy Exhibition" by Palette
April 18 Victoria Colonist "Princess Alice Visits Gallery" (VAG, W.P. Weston)
April 19 Vancouver Sun "Picture Sold to Princess" (W.P. Weston) by M.V. Thornton
April 19 Vancouver Province "Princess Alice Buys Painting By City Man" (W.P. Weston)
April 30 Vancouver Sun "Three Exhibits On View At Art Gallery" (Cheney, Brunst)
May 4 News Herald "Variety Marks Art Exhibitions" (Brunst, Cheney) by Browni Wingate
May 4? News Herald "Speaking of Art" (FCA) by Browni Wingate
May 6 News Herald "Art Master's Work On View" (David Payne) by Browni Wingate
May 6 Vancouver Sun "Gallery Showing Payne Paintings" by M.V. Thornton
May Vancouver Province "Pastel Portraits and Payne Display Art Gallery Features"
May 16 Vancouver Province "B.C. Society of Fine Arts Display Sets New High Mark"
May 16 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Artists' Exhibit Has Native Vigor " by M.V. Thornton
May 18 News Herald "Speaking of Art" (VAG) by Browni Wingate
May 19 News Herald "Ex-Mountie Has Works On View" (G.K. Thorne) by Browni Wingate
May 29 Vancouver Sun "2 Water Color Exhibits at Art Gallery" (S.P. Judge, J. Korner) by M.V. Thornton
June 6 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Lad Wins in Seattle Poster Competition"
June Vancouver Province "B.C. Artist's Display Goes to Calgary for Exhibition" by Palette
June 27 Vancouver Sun "Commended in Poster Contest" (Joan Thompson)
July 2 Vancouver Sun "Kennedy Exhibit At Art Gallery"
July 3 News Herald Obituary for Frederick Tait
July 6 News Herald "Three Exhibitions at Art Gallery" by Browni Wingate
July 6 News Herald "Speaking of Art" (D. Kennedy) by Browni Wingate
July 8 Vancouver Sun "Two Exhibitions At Art Gallery"
Aug. 14 Vancouver Province "Exhibition By B.C. Artists Proves Success At Gallery" by Palette
Sept. 19 Vancouver Province "Colorful Display Presented In Exhibition By B.C. Artists" by Palette
Sept. 26 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Artists Evading War's Responsibility" by M.V. Thornton
Sept. 26 Vancouver Province "Homely Verse By B.C. Writer" (Peggy Harvey)
Sept. 28 News Herald "Speaking of Art" (BC Artists) by Browni Wingate
Oct. 1 Vancouver Province "Artist Pictures Invasion of City" (Shadbolt)
Nov. 4 Vancouver Province "Blast Smashes Courthouse Lion"
Oct. 31 Vancouver Sun "Noted Artists Offer Paintings for Red Cross"
Dec. 6 Vancouver Sun "In B.C. Lighthouses" by Jean Ness Findlay


Feb. 1 Vancouver Province "Tunisia Color Caught in City Artist's Work" (J.D. Parker)
Feb. 2 Vancouver Sun "Tunisia Paintings On View at Gallery" (J.D. Parker) by M.V. Thornton
Feb. 6 Vancouver Province "Work of B.C. Artists Features National Gallery Display Here" by Palette
April 17 News Herald "Office, Shipyard Workers Find Relaxation In Drawing" by Browni Wingate
April 17 Vancouver Province "Rear Attack" (courthouse lion damage)
May 7 Vancouver Province "Scenes of Early Vancouver On Display at Art Gallery" by Palette
May 8 Vancouver Sun "City Artists' Photos Win High Praise" (VPS)
May 14 Vancouver Province "Grace Melvin Scores Notable Success In Book Illustrations" by Palette
May 17 News Herald "Hundreds Enjoy Tea At Gallery" (BCSFA Exhibition)
May 18 News Herald "War Artist" (G.C. Tinning)
May 21 Vancouver Province "Fine Creative Spirit Marks Exhibition By B.C. Artists" by Palette
July 7 (?) Vancouver Province "Summer Show at Gallery Major Event for Art Lovers" by Palette
Aug. 14 Vancouver Province "Toronto Art Gallery Acquires Works of British Columbians" by Palette
Aug. 28 Vancouver Province "Artist With A Message" (W.P. Weston) by Palette
November VAG Bulletin "12th Annual B.C. Artists' Exhibition"


? Museum & Art Notes History of the AHSAV "Vancouver's First Cultural Association"
April 6 News-Herald "Art Museum Was Success From Start"
May 19 Vancouver Province "Diversity, Independent Spirit Keynote Fine Arts Display" (BCSFA) by Palette
May Vancouver Sun "Notable Exhibits at Artists' Show" by M.V. Thornton
June 28 Vancouver Sun "Van Loon Lauds Godfrey's New York Art Approach" by Pat Wallace
July 3 Vancouver Sun "Capt. and Mrs. Marcel Godfrey"
Oct. 7 Vancouver Province "B.C. Artists ... are invited to exhibit"
Oct. 17 Vancouver Sun "Artist Rebels Open Own Show"
Oct. 17 VAG Memo "Re: Galloway-Dorbils Exhibit" by A.S. Grigsby
Oct. 20 VAG Memo "Re: 13th Annual B.C. Artists' Exhibition" by A.S. Grigsby
Nov. 15 Calgary Herald "Noted B.C. Artist In One-Man Show" (W.P. Weston) by Geneva Lent


Jan. 3 Vancouver Province "Canadian Group of Painters Opens 1945 Gallery Program" by Palette
Jan. 3 Vancouver Province "City Will Send Eight Paintings To Odessa" (BC At Work)
Jan. 3 News Herald "Recognition Won By Arts Exhibit" (BC At Work)
Jan. 5 Vancouver Sun "Gallery Exhibit Raises Bitter Scorn of Critic" (CGP) by M.V. Thornton
Jan. 6 News Herald "Varied Aim, Technique In Gallery Art Exhibit" (CGP) by Browni Wingate
Jan. 10 Vancouver Province "Exhibition of Theatre Art Arranged for City Gallery" (also Allsebrook) by Palette
Jan. 11 Vancouver Sun "Kaslo Artist Shows In City Galleries" (Allsebrook)
Jan. 13 Vancouver Sun "Kaslo Artist Staging Show At Art Gallery" (Allsebrook) by M.V. Thornton
Jan. 13 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Art For Odessa" (BC At Work)
Jan. 24 Vancouver Province "Collection of Eastern Artist Features Art Gallery Display" by Palette
Jan. 31 Vancouver Province "Proposal to Open Art Centre At Victoria Wins Approval" (AGGV, Harris) by Palette
Feb. 3 Vancouver Sun "Lawren Harris Has Show at Gallery"
May 10 Vancouver Province "Striking B.C. Scenic Studies Highlight One-man Art Show" (W.P. Weston) by Palette
May 19 Vancouver Province "Fine Arts Show at Gallery Features Leading City Artists" (BCSFA) by Palette
May 19 News Herald "80 Exhibits On Display By Fine Arts Society" (BCSFA) by Browni Wingate
May 21 Vancouver Sun "Lack of Room Limits Art Gallery Display" (BCSFA) by M.V. Thornton
May 21 Vancouver Sun "Works of Art by Thorne Displayed"
May 28 Vancouver Sun "Art Seen as Post War Aid to World" (Sing Lim)
June 20 Victoria Daily Times "Need Practical Support" (Mark Kearley with A.S. Grigsby)
Aug. 4 Vancouver Province "I Live the Life I Love Best" (James Blomfield)
Sept. 24 Vancouver Province "Graphic Arts and Sculpture Place in Gallery Exhibition" (BC Artists) by Palette
Nov.-Dec. ? "B.C. Industry Lives in Gallery Display"


March 19 Vancouver Province "Grateful For Food" (Peggy Harvey)
April 10 VAG Memo "Leading Vancouver Artists"
April 26 Vancouver Province "Park To Be Pictured In Gallery Exhibition" (SPIP, Dale) by Palette
April 29 News Herald "ART" (Emily Carr)
March 27 Vancouver Province "W.P. Weston Retires After Eventful Art Career" by Palette
Nov. 13 News Herald "Weston Exhibit Shows Strong Use Of Imagery"
Nov. 13 Vancouver Province "Weston Display Major Event in Province's Art History" by Palette
Nov. 22 Vancouver Province "Allan Brooks - Audubon of the West" by G.E. Valentine
Nov. 22 Vancouver Sun "Weston Show At Gallery Impressive" by Mildred Valley Thornton
Nov. 26 Globe & Mail "Church Beauty Lives in Blomfield's Art"
Dec. 27 Vancouver Province "Gallery To Show Collection of George Goutiere Paintings" by Palette


Jan. 17 Vancouver Province "Exhibition of Goutiere's Works to Go From Here To New York" by Palette
Jan. 18 News Herald "Goutiere Art Gallery Exhibit Vivid, Poetic" by Constance Mackay
Jan. 20 Vancouver Sun "Vigor Shown in Goutiere's Rich Paintings" by M.V. Thornton
May VAG Bulletin "Gallery Docent" (Jessie Faunt)
May 12 News Herald "B.C. Art Exhibit Non-Experimental" by Constance Mackay
May 14 Vancouver Sun "Noted Polish War Refugee 'Oldest' Graduate at UBC" (George Bulhak)
June Behind The Palette "A Short History of B.C. Art" by Charles H. Scott
July 15 Vancouver Province "City Artist Finishes Murals at Malibu Club" (Inez Brewton)
July 23 Vancouver Province "Gallery Features Landscapes In Small Centre Exhibition" by Palette
July 26 Vancouver Sun "Blonde Co-Ed Plays Nurse-Maid to Cars" (Jackie Hugo)
July 28 Vancouver Sun "Interior Art Shows Promise, Much Quality" by M.V. Thornton
July 30 Vancouver Province "Peter Aspell Wins Awards"
Aug. 2 Vancouver Province "Stanley Park Paintings On Exhibition At Gallery" by Palette
Aug. 13 (?) Vancouver Province "Mt. Garibaldi Scaled by Lone City Chinese" (Yitkon Ho)
Aug. 18 Vancouver Province "Magic of Hard Work Makes PNE Attractive" by A.J. Dalrymple
Oct. - Nov. Canadian Art "The Teaching of Drawing" by B.C. Binning
Oct. - Nov. Canadian Art "Painter of An Intimate World" (Harold Mortimer Lamb)
Oct. - Nov. Canadian Art "Painting for Pleasure" (Jesse Topham Brown)
Dec. 25 Victoria Colonist Obituary of Josephine Crease
Dec. - Jan. Canadian Art "Introducing Valentin Shabaeff" by Robert Ayre


Jan. 29 Trail Daily Times "Artist Sees Trail As a Jap Print" (W.P. Weston) by Ed Costello
Jan. 30 Vancouver Sun "War Bride Artist Exhibiting Works" by M.V. Thornton
Jan. 30 Vancouver Province "Veteran Painter Begins Tour to Assist Artists" by Palette
Feb. 27 Vancouver Province "S.D. Tytler, B.C Artist, Succumbs" by Palette
Feb. 28 Vancouver Province "City Artist Ends Successful B.C. Tour" by Palette
March 11 The Lions Gate Times "Painter's Colic" by E.L.
March 15 Personal letter Letter re West Vancouver Sketch Club by Mrs. Eileen Laurie
March Trail Daily Times "Likes Weston" by Allan P. Allsebrook
April 8 Vancouver Province "Vancouver Sculptor's Work On Display Soon" by Palette
April ? Vancouver Sun "Watercolours on View At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton
April 28 Vancouver Sun "Art Gallery WA Reports $3981 Assets"
April 28 Vancouver Sun "New Pictures On Show At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton
April 30 Vancouver Province "Doctor's Gallery Exhibit Inspired by B.C. Scenes" by Palette
May 2 News Herald "Fine Arts Exhibition Features Aspell Works" by Constance MacKay
Sept. VAG Bulletin "B.C. Artists' Annual Exhibition - Jury or Non-Jury?" by W.P. Weston
Sept. (unknown) "H. Bulwer, Sportsman, Dies at 93"
Oct. 25 Personal letter Letter re Saltspring Island Art Group exhibition by Norah Bittancourt


March 21 Vancouver Sun "'Fame' for Rummy Players in Murals at Gordon House" (Molly Lamb) by Mac Reynolds
May 3 Vancouver Province "Lively Spirit Pervades B.C. Artists' Exhibition" by Palette
May 14 Vancouver Province "Labour Temple Mural Symbolizes Industry" (B. Lennie) by Palette
Sept. 14 Victoria Times "Weston Pictures Leave Lasting Impression" by Audrey St.D. Johnson
Sept. 21 Vancouver Province "Bust of Mussolini Now Glares At Wall" (Charles Marega) by Ron Thornber


Vol. 7 No. 4 Canadian Art "A Fresh Brevity of Form" (Joan Boyd Wright) by Doris Shadbolt
April 1 Vancouver Province "Waterfront Caught By Vancouver Artist" (Patric) by Palette
April 1 (paper) "Painter Of Animals Puts No Price Tag On Ambition" (Maisie Robertson) by Naomi Lang
April (paper) "History of Art in B.C. Display To Feature Emily Carr's Work" by Pat Prowd
April 22 Vancouver Province "For and about Women: East Meets West"
April 22 Vancouver Sun "Art Exhibit Records Forty Years Of Painting"
April 25 BCSA Exhibition catalogue "B.C. Society of Artists - A History" by J. Delisle Parker
May 5 Vancouver Sun "Watercolors Highlight of Art Showing" by M.V. Thornton
June 16 Vancouver Province "Donald M. Flather"
July 22 Vancouver Province "City-Owned Treasures In September Display" by Palette
Nov. 18 Vancouver Province "Calling All m'B'wanas" (Donald Flather)
Nov. 25 Vancouver Sun "Work of B.C. Artists offered at V.A.G. Showing"


Jan. 11 Vancouver Province "This Column" by Jean Howarth
Feb. 14 Vancouver Province "Aerial Pictures Unscrambled as Machine Pin-Points Areas in City and Country" (Jackie Hugo)
May 19 Daily Colonist "Art Show Depicts Wildlife" (R.H. Savery)
May 23 Daily Colonist "Fine Work by Victorian On Display at Museum" (R.H. Savery) by John Kyle
May 26 Victoria Daily Times "Artist Displays Striking Works Of Wild Animals" (R.H. Savery)
June 23 Victoria Daily Times "Sunny French Vineyards Gave Artist Inspiration" (R.H. Savery) by Merriman
June 25 Toronto Star "Artist James Blomfield's is 26th Traffic Fatality"
July 25 Vancouver Province "From an Angle on the Square" by D.A. McGregor
Aug. 29 Vancouver Province "Great Mural Nears Competion at Bank" (Charles Comfort) by Palette
Sept. 19 Vancouver Sun "Eye to Better Futures" (Donald Flather)


May 10 Vancouver Sun "Give-and-Take in 'Art War' Delights Artist Newcomer" (Francoise Andre) by Naomi Lang
Vol. 9 No. 3 Canadian Art "Molly and Bruno Bobak" by Doris Shadbolt


Feb. 7 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Queen Victoria fountain)
Feb. 14 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (David Oppenheimer bust)
Feb. 21 Vancouver Province "She Paints Life as She Finds It" (Francoise Andre) by J. Delisle Parker
Feb. 21 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (King Edward VII fountain)
March 14 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Pauline Johnson)
April 11 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Harding memorial)
April 18 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Joe Fortes fountain)
May 2 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Robbie Burns statue)
May 16 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Captain Vancouver)
June 13 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Gerry McGeer bust)
Aug. 1 Vancouver Sun "Vancouver Gargoyles" by Harold James (Medical Dental Building)
Aug. 26 Vancouver Province "Palette Exhibit - Paintings Capture Life of Far-Away Places"
Autumn Canadian Art "Vancouver Artists Design for the Ballet" by Guy Glover


Jan. 19 Vancouver Sun "Skiers Take to Hills In Town, on Mountains" (Yitkon Ho) by Don Tyrell
Feb. 22 Times Colonist "Earl Winton Clarke Funeral Under Masonic Direction"
Feb. 23 Times Colonist "Hands That Are Stilled" (Earl W. Clarke)
May 27 Vancouver Sun "At YWCA - (English Bay) Sketch Club Presents Good Show" by M.V. Thornton
Sept. 8 Vancouver Province "Steel Scaffolding for Mural Artist" by Palette
Sept. 25 Vancouver Province "New Office's Mural in Striking Effect" (B.C. Binning)
Oct. 23 Vancouver Sun "Sculpture By the Ton" by Elinor Glenn (Beatrice Lennie)


March 30 Victoria Daily Times "City Artist's Work to Appear In London Illustrated News" (Edward Goodall)
April 4 Vancouver Province "Former Province critic dies at 90 in England" (A.N. St. John Mildmay)
June 6 Owen Sun-Times "Victorian Era Artist Will Have Name Appearing on Century-Old Sketches" (Edward Goodall)
June 7 Ottawa Citizen "Canada artist carries fames from Crimea" (Edward Goodall)
June 20 Vancouver Sun "Stuart Thomson's Camera Captured Vancouver History" by Eric Lindsay
Winter Canadian Art "A Return To Europe" by Joe Plaskett


Feb. 13 Vancouver Herald "Vancouver Native Daughter is Noted Canadian Sculptor" (Beatrice Lennie)
Sept. 6 Vancouver Sun "(English Bay) Sketch Club Term Opens"
Nov. 7 Victoria Daily Times "Illustrated London News Features UBC Drawings" (Edward Goodall)
Dec. 8 Vancouver Province "Sky-High City Zoo" by Allen Roy Evans (Hotel Vancouver)


Spring Canadian Art "Art in Canadian Schools" by C.D. Gaitskell


March 15 Vancouver Sun "Library Board Balks at $7,500 Sculpture Outlay" (Thomas)
April 1 Vancouver Province Obituary of John Kyle
July 6 Vancouver Sun "Variety Keynote of Art Exhibition" by M.V. Thornton
October Canadian Art "Mosaics: Vancouver to Venice and Return" by B.C. Binning


April 7 Vancouver Sun "Graphic Art Show Work of Craftsman" (George Kuthan) by Mildred Valley Thornton
April 24 Vancouver Sun "Cabbage - It Can Be Art" (W.P. Weston solo) by Mac Reynolds
April 29 Vancouver Sun ? "450 Jam Gallery For Weston Show"
May ? Vancouver Sun "Veteran Artist's Works on Show" (W.P. Weston) by Mildred Valley Thornton
May 30 Nelson Daily News "World Famous Artist Holds First Coast Exhibition After 13 Years" (W.P. Weston) by CP
May ? Vancouver Sun ? "Abstractionist Art - Or 'Drip And Dribble' " (W.P. Weston) by CP
June 12 Vancouver Sun "Many Interpretations in Theme of Auditorium Mural" by John Cartwright
Aug. 21 Vancouver Sun "Stained Glass Window Gift from New Canadians" (QE Theatre)
? Canadian Art "The Reactionaries" by Joe Plaskett


March 10 Vancouver Sun "Stuart Thomson Dead"
March 11 Vancouver Province "Pioneer of photography from the air dies here" (Stuart Thomson)
April 15 Vancouver Province "Graphic Show not too 'Arty'" (George Kuthan) by Edith Post
May 15 Vancouver Sun "No Sunday Painters Here" by Nikki Moir
May 21 Vancouver Sun "Poetic Imagery in Paint Shows Nature's Life Cycle" (Shadbolt)
May 21 Vancouver Sun "Art Entering Golden Age of Elegance for Public" (Orville Fisher interview)
May 21 Vancouver Sun "Artist Considered Crackpot When City 25 Years Old" (W.P. Weston)
Dec. 9 Vancouver Sun "'Indescribable' Sculpture to Adorn City's Public Library" by Frank Walden
Dec. 10 Vancouver Sun "Library's Odd Sculpture Finding Friends and Foes"
Winter UBC Alumni Chronicle "Another Triumph for the Thomases" (Brock Hall mosaic, UBC)


Jan. 19 (personal letterhead) "(artist information)" by Grace Melvin
Feb. 17 The Buzzer "B.C. Art Display at Maritime Museum" (Kit Thorne, Western Art Circle)
April 21 Vancouver Sun "Artist Builds Place to Pause, Urges More of Them in City" (UBC)
June 20 Montreal Gazette "Fountain Fury Flows" (R.H. Savery)
Aug. 22 Chilliwack Progress "Paintings on View" (F.W. Lee)
Dec. Arts Council News "A Free Standing Illuminated Sculpture" (Thomas) by Elizabeth B. Marshall


Feb. 24 Vancouver Province "Onley Mural Jibes Unfunny" by Mike Tytherleigh
Feb. 26 Vancouver Sun "Visitors Shocked, Jolted at New Playhouse Theatre" (Toni Onley)
March 1 Vancouver Province "Artist and Controversial Work" (Toni Onley)
March 2 Vancouver Province "Playouse Mural is a Real Communist Plot" (letter to editor re Onley)
March 2 Vancouver Sun "Mural's Meaning? Artist Knows It" (Toni Onley)
May 18 The Buzzer "B.C. Artists Exhibit at Vancouver Art Gallery"
June 23-29 CBC Times "Portrait of An Artist" (W.P. Weston)
June 29 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Art Master Lecture Subject" (W.P. Weston) by Flora Kyle
Aug. 2 Nanaimo Daily News "Work of Artist Frank Bass On Display Here"
Winter Beautiful BC "Mildred Valley Thornton Painting"


Sept. 18 Vancouver Sun "Rathie Opens Royal Bank's New Branch" (Thomas)
Nov. 1 Vancouver Sun "What's About Our Town" (Sing Lim)
Nov. 22 Vancouver Sun "Watercolours by B.C. Artists" (Frank Bass)
Dec. 20 Vancouver Sun "Hotel Vancouver Has Played in Hard Luck" by Alan Morley


June 22 Vancouver Sun "Outstanding B.C. Sculpture Marks Oakridge Art Show" by Martha Robinson
Aug. Western Homes & Living "B.C. Artists - Jack Harman"
Oct. 23 Victoria Daily Times "Angel Mural for Cathedral Crypt" (Frank Bass)


Feb. 19 The Ubyssey "$2,000 For New Mural" (Paul Deggan, UBC)
Feb. 25 Vancouver Province "$2,000 Prize Given Sculptor" (Paul Deggan, UBC)
Feb. 26 Vancouver Times "Harold Pym - in search of sanity - His aim: Christianity back in Art" by Les Rimes
March The BC Teacher "Mural for Education Building Completed" (Paul Deggan, UBC)
(Spring) RCA Report 1964-65 "Charles H. Scott Obituary"
June 2 Vancouver Province "Sculpture to Mark First Mill" (Gerhard Class)
June 10 Vancouver Province "Hastings Mill History Carved in B.C. Granite" (Gerhard Class)
June 10 Vancouver Sun (news item p.20) (Gerhard Class, Hastings Mill)
June 11 Vancouver Times (news item p.20) (Gerhard Class, Hastings Mill)
June 20 Vancouver Sun "Final Touches Now Being Put to Pacific Press Sculpture" (Jack Harman)
July 7 Vancouver Province "New Look at Pacific Press Building" (Jack Harman)
July 7 Vancouver Sun "Newspaper 'Family' Moves Into New Residence" (Jack Harman)


March 14 Vancouver Sun "It's Sort of a Fantasy" by George Norris (Pacific Press lobby sculpture)
April 7 Vancouver Province "Sculpture Dramatic From Any Angle (George Norris) by Joan Lowndes
April 28 Vancouver Sun "City Fountain 'Sore Thumb' So It's Kicked Down Drain" by Keith Bradbury
May 14 Maclean's Magazine "Opposition in Vancouver to Centennial Fountain"
June 10 Vancouver Province "Sculpture to Mark Old Hastings Mill" (Gerhard Class)
Sept. 12 Vancouver Sun "B.C. Artist Gives Buyers Brush-Off" by Jim Rae
Sept. 16 Vancouver Province "Weston imposes his will even on the clouds" by Joan Lowndes
Oct. 19 Vancouver Sun "Fountain Mermaids Bared" by Jim Scott
Oct. 22 Victoria Times "Carr Show in High Gear" (Emily Carr) by Audrey Johnson
Nov. 3 Vancouver Sun "City pays to restore old mural" (Fraser Wilson) by Moira Farrow


May 16 Vancouver Sun "Crab Design Sculpture Chosen for Planetarium" (George Norris)
June 16 Vancouver Province "West End Was a Wilderness" (re Cunningham sundial)
July 17 Vancouver Sun "Judy Hands Out Awards, Encouragement to Sculptors"
July 18 Vancouver Province "$5,000 Award Given for Winning Sculpture" (Frank Perry, QE Plaza)
Sept. 29 Victoria Times "Well Known Artist Dead at 93" (Maud Paget)
Sept. 30 Victoria Colonist "Miniatures Were Her Forte" (Maud Paget)
Dec. 21 Vancouver Sun "Prominent B.C. Artist Dies at 88" by Staff Reporter
Dec. 21 Vancouver Province "W. Weston, noted city artist, dies"


April 22 Vancouver Sun "Bank Building Gets Bronze Sculpture" (Elza Mayhew)
April 11 Vancouver Province "Robert Murray A Canadian Sculpture ... in New York" by Joan Lowndes
June 4 Vancouver Sun "Stone Brother's Watching" by Robert Hunter
June 13 Vancouver Province "Art Takes a Flight of Fancy at Airport" by Jack McCaugherty
Sept. 13 Vancouver Province "A Monument to Match the Jet Age" by Joan Lowndes
Sept. 17 Vancouver Sun "Canvas Art - Husband Wife Team Work Seen" (Sylvia Golman) by Ann Rosenberg
Sept. 23 Vancouver Sun "Cumbria Not Snow Plow or Billboard - It's Art"
Sept. 28 Vancouver Sun "For Art's Sake" (re Cumbria sculpture)
Oct. 4 Vancouver Sun "Sculptor Had Fun Creating Museum's New Showpiece" by Mike Jessen
Oct. 4 Vancouver Province "Crab Statue Erected" (George Norris)
Oct. 18 Vancouver Province "Planetarium - Star Attraction"


Jan. 3 Vancouver Province "A Building That Makes This A Big City" (1075 W. Georgia) by Joan Lowndes
Jan. 25 Vancouver Province "Universal Language" (re Sherry Grauer, 808 W. Hastings)
April 3 Vancouver Province "The Fountain of Tsutakawa will Soon Bubble and Tumble in Our City"
April Western Homes & Living "Harman - A Classic Approach" (Family Group)
June 12 Vancouver Province "Modern Fountain Honours Pioneers" (Bentall Centre)
June 12 Vancouver Province "Bentall's Fountain is An Urban Asset" by Joan Lowndes
June 12 Vancouver Sun "Water Makes The Fountain" by Charlotte Townsend
Sept. 26 Vancouver Province "Bank Unveils Mural" (Gordon Smith, 1177 W. Hastings) by Joan Lowndes
Dec. 8 Vancouver Sun "First Day Crowds Flock to the New Conservatory" (Henry Moore)
Dec. 8 Vancouver Province "Major Moore Vancouver Coup" by Joan Lowndes


Jan. 31 Vancouver Sun "Rites Held For Artist"
Jan. 9 The Ubyssey "The Face of Sculpture: U.B.C. and Vancouver" by Leslie Minot
March 10 Vancouver Express "He's Here, There, and Everywhere" (Lutz Haufschild)
May 29 Vancouver Province "Weather Will Fashion Horizons Dark Blue" (Gerhard Class) by Joan Lowndes
June 15 Vancouver Sun "Honest Sculpture Erected at an Industrial Plant" by Eileen Johnson
Sept. 28 Vancouver Province "The Art of Business" by Kay Alsop
Oct. 14 North Vancouver Citizen "Housewife Combines Art With Home Chores" (Sylvia Golman)
Oct. 16 Vancouver Province "Know Where to Stop" (Lutz Haufschild) by Ken Spotswood
Nov. 10 Vancouver Province "Fruit of the Loom is Her Harvest" by Heather Ion (1075 W. Georgia)


Feb. 9 Kamloops Daily Sentinel "Talented Artist to Display Her Work" (Francoise Andre)
April 23 Vancouver Province "A Monument To Live With" (Henry Moore) by Richard Simmins
May 1 London Evening Free Press "Hangs Her One-man Show on Campus" (Francoise Andre)
Nov. 6 Vancouver Province "Public Art ..." by Richard Simmins


Jan. 12 Vancouver Province "Georgia Landmark Sold for $5 Million" by Art McKenzie (Medical Dental Building)
Feb. 4 Vancouver Province "A Monumental Quiz" by Gordon Croucher & Olivia Ward
March 9 The Courier "New Johnson Plaque Women's Club Project" (Pauline Johnson memorial)


May 8 Vancouver Sun "The Art of Charles Marega"
Aug. 1 Vancouver Province "Monument to Principal" (Charles Hepburn Scott)
Autumn The Beaver "Charles John Collings: the Recluse of the Rockies" by Maria Tippett


May 5 Vancouver Province "Adding a Touch of Class" (Alfredo Dalfo) by Aileen Campbell
Summer The Beaver "Paul Rand's West" by Douglas Cole


Volume 60 Cdn Alpine Journal "Charles John Collings: the Recluse of the Rockies" by Maria Tippett (reprint of 1975)


Sept. 27 Chilliwack Progress "Chilliwack Scenes Included in Show" (Jackie Hugo)
Oct. 27 Vancouver Sun "Artist Jack Shadbolt Faces Six Charges over Income Tax"
Oct. 27 Vancouver Sun "Artist Shadbolt Faces Tax Charges"
Oct. 27 Vancouver Province "Artist Jack Shadbolt Charged With Evading Income Taxes"


Jan. 10 Chilliwack Progress "Former Chilliwack Artist in Japan Show" (J.A. Smith) by Gerald Fischer
March 23 Vancouver Express "The man who did anything" (Stuart Thomson) by Aileen Campbell
Dec. 8 Vancouver Province "Chinese Artist Recalls His Boyhood in Vancouver" (Sing Lim)


Jan. 23 Vancouver Sun Obituary of R.H. Savery
Oct. 15 Hope Standard "Valley Art Gallery Plans Grand Opening October 16"
Nov. 7 Times-Colonist "Artist Goodall opens one-man show Sunday" (Edward Goodall)


Oct. 5 Times Colonist "Annora Brown: She watched western history with the eyes of an artist" by Gray Campbell
Dec. - Jan. Vanguard "A Pensive Clarity - E.J. Hughes" by Anthony Robertson


Jan. 29 Kamloops News "Kamloops art goes to Coast" by Sandra Albers
March Interface "Nudes and Flowers as Abstract Realism" (Mia Johnson) by David Watmough
? Kamloops News "Local artists' work displayed in Victoria"


April 6 Kamloops News "Local content in juried show" by Sandra Albers


Jan. 28 Burnaby Now "Tampering With Textures" (Mia Johnson)
Feb. 6 Vancouver Sun "Artist's Eye on Human Interference" (Mia Johnson)
Feb. 8 Vancouver Sun (Tampering exhibition) (Mia Johnson)


May 25 Times Colonist "An artist in education as well as in the studio" (John Kyle) by Emily-Jane Orford
Nov. 3 Vancouver Sun "City Pays to Restore Old Mural" (Fraser Wilson) by Moira Farrow


July 11 Vancouver Sun "At 71, there's no slowing down for artist Pavelic" by Elizabeth Godley


March 11 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Elmor Ozard


March 31 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Plato von Ustinov


July 11 Vancouver Sun "The Master In His Eighties" (Jack Shadbolt) by Mick Gzowski
July 11 Vancouver Sun "100 Works Depict Shadbolt's Progress" by Ann Rosenberg


Nov. 26 Vancouver Sun "Senses and Sensibilities" (Jack Shadbolt) by Robin Laurence


July 13 Vancouver Sun "Inventive Paintings Trace Process of Creation" (Jack Shadbolt) by Michael Scott


Nov. 28 Vancouver Sun "Facets of a West Coast Legend" (Jack Shadbolt) by Scott Watson


Spring Beautiful B.C. "The Secret Life of Donald Flather" by Daniel Wood


? VAG Concern group "It's A Matter of Principle" (statement re Alf Bogusky)
April 17 Vancouver Art Gallery "To All Members" (Merla Beckerman letter re Alf Bogusky)
April 18 Globe & Mail "Running the Gauntlet at the VAG" (Acting Dir. McHugh) by Chris Dafoe
Sept. 26 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Irene Neff


Oct. 21 Times Colonist Obituary of Alice Parker


Sept. 22 New York Times "No Brain - No Gain" (Gary Ness)


April 10 Vancouver Sun "Home is where your art is" (Charles Comfort mural) by Kevin Griffin


July 12 Globe & Mail "An apt pupil works in his mentor's image" (K. Kawaguchi) by Jonathan Woodward
Sept. 10 Vancouver Sun "Show highlights Viewpoints of two local artists" (Gary Sim)
Nov. 4 Globe & Mail "ART: You Don't Need A Fat Wallet" (Art of Collecting Forum) by Danielle Egan


Jan. 27 Vancouver Courier "History's Shutterbug" (Stuart Thomson) by Len Corbin
March 27 Mission City Record Obituary of Maxine Botteril
June 8 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Barbara Wilkes Adams
Sept. 24 New York Times Obituary of Lorraine Havercroft
Nov. 7 Chilliwack Progress "The View From Hoff"


? Cdn Mil Hist #16, 4 A War Artist’s Legacy: Patrick G. Cowley-Brown (1918–2007) by Laura Brandon
Jan. 4 Times Colonist Obituary of Allan Lifton
Jan. 13 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Ruth Dickson
Feb. 2 Vancouver Courier "Politician fourth publisher of paper that would become Vancouver Courier"
(J.A. Paton of The Gold Stripe)
Aug. 8 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Bruce Dickson Boyd
Sept. 17 Vancouver Province "EXHIBIT: Coastal Range" (Gary Sim)
Sept. 27 Burnaby News-Leader "Prints show artist's view of B.C. landscape" (Gary Sim)
Nov. 24 Times Colonist Obituary of William (Bill) West


April 29 Times Colonist Obituary of Leslie Planta


April/May Preview "E.J. Hughes: The Man and His Work" by Mia Johnson
Sept. 3 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Walter Langdon-Davies


March 1 Vancouver Sun/Province Obituary of Dorothy Chapman Gibbs
Oct. 29 Kelowna Capital News Obituary of Mary Rowat Bull
Nov. 3 Vancouver Sun/Province Obituary of Mary Rowat Bull


April 27 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Jessie Hetherington
July 30 Times Colonist Obituary of Benita Considine
Nov. 5 Globe & Mail Obituary of Rowena McNair


Jan. 31 Business in Vancouver "Wood designers carve out Asia sales"" (Judson Beaumont)
June 16 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Alfred S. Colton
Dec. 18 Vancouver Sun "Canada's First Chinese Print Shop Still Operating on East Georgia" (Sing Lim) by John Mackie
Dec. 12-13 Honolulu Star-Advertiser Obituary of Claire Loring


Feb. 2 Times-Colonist "CD of B.C. artists is a labour of love" (Gary Sim) by Robert Amos (q.v.)


Jan. 2 Vancouver Province "Railway Rock Gang: Book Launch" (Gary Sim)


Spring BC History "The Agricultural Hall on Mayne Island" (ref L.G. Fawkes) by Jennifer Iredale


June 7 Gulf Island Driftwood "Treasury of warm tales gets launched" (The Summer Book, Gary Sim)
Summer BC Bookworld "All About Eve & Pnina" (Pnina Granirer) by Joan Givner


Feb. 10 Toronto Star Obituary of Beulah Jaenicke


Nov. 13 Montreal Gazette Obituary of W.G. Kinnis


Feb. 1 Times Colonist Obituary of Philip Butterfield


Jan. 29 MonteCristo online "A Schoolteacher Was One of the First Single Women in B.C. to Hold a Mortgage."
   (Gertrude Lawson) by Janet Nicol
Aug. 2 MonteCristo online "Vancouver’s Chinatown Through the Eyes of Artist and Printer Sing Lim" by Janet Nicol
Winter B.C. History "Emily Carr, Cartoonist" by Robert Ratcliffe Taylor


Fall/Winter Devil's Artisan 91 "Sing Lim, Vancouver Artist & Printer" by Janet Nicol
Dec. 28 Vancouver Sun Obituary of Dunstan Massey
