Jan. 18 | Constitution & Rules | "List of Members" (VAA) |
July 5 | Victoria Weekly Colonist | "Art Exhibition" (VAA) |
Feb. 28 | Victoria Weekly Colonist | "Vancouver Art Association" |
Dec. 20 | The Dominion Illustrated | "Our British Columbia Letter" (VAA) |
July 19 | Vancouver Daily World | "Theo. H. Hardiman - Pioneer Art Gallery" |
- | History of British Columbia | "Arts and Sciences", William Briggs, Toronto ON |
? | Canadian Architect & Builder | "B.C. Letters. No. III" (AHSAV/VACA) |
May | Canadian Architect & Builder | "Arts & Crafts Association" |
December | Canadian Architect & Builder | "B.C. Letters. No. IV" (VACA) |
? | Canadian Architect & Builder | "B.C. Letters. No. V" (VACA) |
December | Canadian Architect & Builder | "B.C. Letters. No. VII" (VACA) |
March 10 | Vancouver Province | "Studio Club Formed" |
Oct. 17 | Personal letter | "Letter of Recommendation for John Kyle" |
July 1 | News-Advertisor | (untitled article on John Innes) |
- | CANADA | "List of Illustrations by T. Mower Martin" |
July | Westward Ho! | "Models I Have Known" by Mrs. Beanlands |
August | Westward Ho! | "Announcement" |
October | Canadian Magazine | "Canadian Art and Its Critics" by J.A. Radford |
December | Westward Ho! | "S.P. Judge School of Art" |
Feb. 8 | Canadian Courier | "Do You Like Good Pictures?" (John Innes) |
Nov. 20 | Victoria Times | "Society of Fine Arts" |
March 2 | Semi-Weekly Colonist | "Pleased With Art of West Coast Indians" (Jacobus Semeyn) |
April 2 | Victoria Times | "Society of Fine Arts" |
July 3 | B.C. Saturday Sunset | "Vancouver Studio Club Spring Exhibition" by Felix Penne |
Oct. 30 | B.C. Saturday Sunset | "The Studio Club Autumn Exhibition" by Felix Penne |
Nov. 6 | B.C. Saturday Sunset | "Vancouver Studio Club" by Felix Penne |
- | BCSFA | "Constitution & Bylaws" |
- | Opportunities magazine | "Art in British Columbia" by B. McEvoy |
March | Mitton's Home Builder | "How the Sculptor's Work Gives Character to the Home" by Charles Marega |
May | Mitton's Home Builder | "Artistic Garden Ornaments" by Charles Marega |
Sept. 28 | Victoria Daily Times | "Art and Crafts at Exhibition" |
- | Opportunities magazine | "Fostering British Columbia Art" by Mary Daniell |
June 23 | The Western Call | "A Rising Canadian Artist" (M. Frechette) |
Nov. 21 | News Advertiser | "Some Pictures by B.C. Artists " by A.N. St. John Mildmay |
Nov. 23 | Vancouver Daily World | "Fine Arts Society Makes Fine Exhibit" |
December | British Columbia magazine | "Our Germ of Art" by Eugene de Lopatecki |
May 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Thousands Witness Unveiling of Memorial to the Late King" |
Oct. 15 | The Studio magazine | "The Art of Charles John Collings: An Appreciation" |
June 3 | Vancouver Sun | "Wanderbund Club exhibition" |
(?) | B.C. From the Earliest Times ... | "John Kyle, Hon. A.R.C.A." |
Aug. 15 | Canadian Courier | "The Canadian Women's Press Club" (Charles Marega) |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "V.S.B. Honor Roll - C.E.F." (C.H. Scott painting) |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "Report on Night Classes" by Graham A. Laing |
Aug. 3 | Vancouver Daily World | " ... the following appointments were made: ... Miss Unina Hall" |
Sept. 27 | Vancouver Province | "With The B.C. Artists" (Notes by a Visitor) |
March 29 | Hedley Gazette | "Important Undertakings Marked the Activities of the Company During the Year" (A. Langford) |
May 7 | Vancouver Daily World | "Social Notes" |
July 20 | Vancouver Daily World | "To Take Part in Entertaining Seattle Visitors" |
July 28 | Vancouver Daily World | "Artists in Trenches" |
September | Westminster Review | "B.C. Society of Fine Arts - An Appreciation" by R.A.H. |
Dec. 3 | Vancouver Daily World | "Many Visitors At Sketch Club" |
Feb. 4 | Vancouver Daily World | "Sketch Club Display" |
Feb. 15 | The Studio magazine | "BCSFA 11th Annual Exhibition" |
April (9?) | Vancouver Daily World | "Miss Neilson Terry Is Guest of Sketch Club" |
Aug. 10 | Vancouver Province | "Savary Island" |
Nov. 5 | London Gazette Supplement | "(Military Cross awarded)" |
Christmas | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 | "A Vancouver Sculptor" |
Christmas | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 | "Art and the Soldier" by James Leyland |
Christmas | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 | "Honor Roll - B.C. Society of Fine Arts" |
Christmas | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 1 | "A Clever Soldier Artist" (Ernest Le Messurier) |
May | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 | "The Cherry's, an Artistic Family" |
May | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 | "John Innes, Author, Artist, Soldier, Cowboy" |
May | The Gold Stripe - Vol. 2 | "Mary Riter Hamilton" by J.E.H. Bruce |
July 18 | Vancouver Daily World | "Is Clever Water Colorist" (A.N. Mildmay) |
Aug. 21 | Vancouver Daily World | "The World's Window" |
Sept. 5 | Vancouver Province | "Savary Island" |
Sept. 8 | Vancouver Province | "Sketch Club Open Winter Season's Work" |
Oct. 2 | Vancouver Province | "Local Work is on View" by Bernard McEvoy |
Oct. 4 | London Gazette Supplement | "(Military Cross Bar awarded)" (G.L.T. Sharp) |
Feb. 9 | Vancouver Daily World | "Sketch Club Has Resumed Exhibitions" |
Jan. 29 | VSB Annual Report | "Report on Drawing" by Charles H. Scott |
April 13 | Vancouver Province | "Art Exhibits Fewer But Maintain Standard" |
June 5 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Freshness And Vitality In Exhibition Of Vancouver Sketch Club" |
June 5 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Art At The Vancouver Exhibition" |
July 17 | Vancouver Province | "Sketch Club Is Well Organized" by I.B. |
date? | Vancouver Province | "Savary Island" |
Sept. 18 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Arts Clubs Active - B.C. Society of Fine Arts" |
Sept. 18 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Arts Clubs Active - Vancouver Sketch Club" |
Sept. 18 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Dates to Remember - School of Art meeting" |
Oct. 9 | Western Woman's Weekly | "B.C. Art League Committees Are Active" |
Oct. 9 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Vancouver Sketch Club" |
Dec. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Annual Exhibit By Sketch Club" |
April 23 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Important Meeting of British Columbia Art League" |
March 25 | Vancouver Daily World | "Art Specialist Miss Unina F. Hall has been offered the position ... " |
July 23 | Western Woman's Weekly | "The B.C. Art League" |
Aug. 9 | Vancouver Province | "Annual Carnival at Savary Island Splendid Success" |
Sept. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Pictures at B.C. Fine Arts" |
Oct. 6 | Vancouver Province | "By the Way in Art" |
Nov. 7 | Vancouver Daily World | "Original Work Exhibited at the Sketch Club" |
Nov. 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Many View Sketch Club Exhibit and Much Work Shown" |
April 3 | Vancouver Daily World | "Sketch Club Tea Enjoyable Event; Good Work Shown" |
April 5 | The Citizen (Ottawa) | "Honors are Gained by Local Sculptor" (Coeur de Lion McCarthy) |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Sketching Trip Enjoyed" |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Art Gallery At Exhibition Great Attraction This Year" by J.L. |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Fine Art Advisory Board To The Vancouver Exhibition Association" |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "The Case of Local Artists", by T.W. Fripp |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Vancouver Sketch Club Officers" |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "B.C. Art League Officers" |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Officers - B.C. Society of Fine Arts" |
July 29 | Western Woman's Weekly | "Advertisement - T.W. Fripp" |
Sept. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Arts Exhibition" (BCSFA) by J. Butterfield |
Sept. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Fine Arts Show Is Interesting" (BCSFA) |
March 5 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Sketch Club" |
May 14 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Fine Arts Has Good Show" (BCSFA) by Felix Penne |
May 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Exhibition Of Pictures By Fine Art Society" (BCSFA) |
May 15 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Fine Arts Society Exhibition" by J. Butterfield |
June | British Columbia Monthly | "Semi-Annual Exhibit by the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow |
Dec. 15 | B.C. Ladies' Mirror | "Sketch Club Semi-Annual Art Exhibition" |
Dec. 15 | B.C. Ladies' Mirror | "Student Classes At Sketch Club" by L.H.G. |
Feb. 4 | Vancouver Daily World | "Sketch Club Exhibit Held" |
March | British Columbia Monthly | "Impressions of the Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow |
May 7 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Society of Fine Arts - Annual Exhibition All This Week" |
May 9 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibition Of B.C. Society of Fine Arts" |
May 10 | Vancouver Province | "Will Feature B.C. Artists" (Vancouver Exhibition) |
May 16 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Society of Fine Arts Annual Exhibition" |
June 14 | Western Woman's Weekly | "A Summary Of The Chief Work Of The Year Pertaining To Fine And Applied Arts In Vancouver" |
June | British Columbia Monthly | "Exhibition of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts" by Alice Winlow |
July | British Columbia Monthly | "The Midsummer Exhibit of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Bertha Lewis |
September | British Columbia Monthly | "September Exhibition of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Alice Winlow |
December | British Columbia Monthly | "Educational Notes" by "Spectator" |
January | British Columbia Monthly | "Semi-Annual Exhibition of the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Bertha Lewis |
Jan. 13 | Vancouver Province | "Coming Art School" |
April 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Experiments Lead B.C. Artist On Way To Fame" (Harold McGiverin) |
May 11 | Vancouver Province | "Many Attend At Fine Arts Show" (BCSFA) |
July 7 | Vancouver Province | "An Arts and Crafts School" |
July 7 | Vancouver Province | "No More Scurvy" |
Nov. 30 | Vancouver Province | "Private View Precedes Sketch Club Exhibition" |
(Dec.) | Vancouver Province | "Donations to Art Gallery Building" |
- | B.C. Art League | "List of Members" |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "Report on Drawing" by S.P. Judge |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "School of Decorative and Applied Arts" - Chairman's Report by F.J. Nicholson |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "School of Decorative and Applied Art" - Report of Management Committee |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "School of Decorative and Applied Art" - Report of Municipal Inspector of Schools |
Dec. 31 | VSB Annual Report | "School of Decorative and Applied Arts" - Director's Report by G.T. Sharp |
Jan. 22 | Vancouver Province | "Horse Traffic Ban Proposal Rejected" |
Feb. | Museum Notes, Vol. I No. 1 | "Curator's Report" by T.P.O. Menzies |
June 14 | Vancouver Province | "Art School To Stage Exhibit" |
June 14 | Vancouver Province | "Many Visitors Attend Exhibition On Closing Day" |
June | The Paint Box (first issue) | "Places To Sketch" by Maud Sherman |
June | (Province?) | "Vancouver Offers Plenty of Material for Art Students" |
June | School Days | "On the Selection of a Career" by John Kyle |
June | Museum Notes, Vol. I No. 2 | "History of the Art, Historical and Scientific Association; Biographical - Founders and Members" |
June | The Camosun | "Matriculation Idols - Selected by the Staff" (C.D. Gaitskell) |
September | British Columbia Monthly | "Alice M. Winlow" by Bertha Lewis |
Nov. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Palette and Chisel Club" by Diogenes |
Nov. 15 | Vancouver Star | "Local artist A.N. St. John Mildmay" |
Feb. | Museum Notes, Vol II No. 1 | "Mr. Thos. W. Fripp" |
April 4 | Vancouver Province | "By The Way In Art" |
June | The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 2 | "Composition" by Maud Sherman |
June | The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 2 | "Things As They Are" by Charles H. Scott |
June | (unknown) | "The Paint Box Is Annual of Vancouver Art School" |
June | (unknown) | "Prizes Presented to Art Students" |
Aug. 6 | The Morning Leader | "Pictures by Canadian Woman Adorn Many European Homes" (Adelaide Langford) |
Aug. 27 | Vancouver Province | "Artist Who Sketches Nursery Rhyme Characters Is Canadian Visiting This City" (Peggy Harvey) |
Oct. 20 | (unknown) | "Ogopogo Yawns On Gay Crowd At Bal Masque" |
Oct. 29 | Vancouver Sun | "Youthful Artist Suffers Hardships to Get Pictures" (A.C. Leighton) |
September | The B.C. Teacher | "The Picture and the Point of View" by Charles H. Scott |
December | British Columbia Monthly | "B.C. Art League" |
April 28 | Vancouver Province | "BCSFA exhibition" by Diogenes |
May 1 | Vancouver Province | "Interest in School Exhibit" (PNS exhibition) by D. Law |
June | The Paint Box, Vol. I No. 3 | "Pattern" by Grace Melvin |
Sept. | Museum & Art Notes | "The First Art Organization in Vancouver" by Mrs. W. Garland Foster |
March | Museum & Art Notes | "The City Art Gallery" by G.H. Lardner |
June | Museum & Art Notes | "Les Pauvres" and its Artist" (Mary R. Hamilton) by Mrs. W. Garland Foster |
Dec. | Spencer Store Topics | "Some Interesting People You Know" (E.J. Cherry) |
Dec. | Spencer Store Topics | "Acknowledgments" |
Dec. 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Vagabonds Club Holds Meeting" |
Jan. 17 | Montreal Star | "B.C. Artists Say Societies Ignored" |
Jan. 19 | Montreal Gazette | "Members to Be Named to Help Select Works in British Columbia" by Canadian Press |
Jan. 23 | Montreal Star | "Western Memories" (John Innes) by S. Morgan-Powell |
March 1 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Notes" by John Radford |
June | Museum & Art Notes | "William Ferris" by E.J. Norcross |
July 11 | Vancouver Province | "Margaret Wake" by G.H. Lardner |
Oct. 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Building Indicative of Progress in City" (Marine Building) |
Oct. 16 | Vancouver Sun | "Margaret Wake Obituary" |
Oct. 16 | Vancouver Star | "Margaret Wake Obituary" |
Nov. 15 | Vancouver Province | "BCSFA Winter exhibition" by Diogenes |
Nov. ? | ? | "Pioneer Art Students From Pasovas Club" |
Feb. 22 | Vancouver Province | "In the Chelsea Follies" (Peggy Cartwright) |
March 15 | Sunday Province | "Fripp, Weston, & J.W.G. Macdonald works selected for NG" |
May 16 | Montreal Gazette | "Academy Honors Canadian Artist" (Melita Aitken) |
June | Museum & Art Notes | "The Late T.W. Fripp" by Greenjacket |
Aug. 15 | Vancouver Sun | "French Honor Artist's Work" (John Delisle Parker) |
Oct. 5 | VAG Inaugural Exhibition | "The Founders' Collection" |
October | Vancouver Province | "Art Gallery Will Receive Memorial" |
October | Vancouver Sun | "Fripp Bust to be Presented" |
Nov. 30 | Vancouver Star | "Loan Exhibit to Open in Gallery" |
Dec. 1 | Montreal Gazette | "Fine Collection of Portraits On View" (Kathleen Shackleton) |
Dec. 7 | Montreal Gazette | "New Epoch Is Seen In Canadian Art" (Group of Seven) |
Dec. 16 | Vancouver Province | "Fripp's Pictures" (T.W. Fripp) by Diogenes |
Dec. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "In the World of Art" by Doris Milligan |
Dec. ? | The Canadian Forum | "The Vancouver School of Decorative & Applied Art" by Helen Dickson |
Jan. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Sketch Club Members Exhibit Their Work" |
Feb. 27 | ? | "West Van Sketch Club To Exhibit" |
Feb. 29 | ? | "Sketch Club Holds Exhibition of Work at West Vancouver" |
May 9 | Vancouver Sun | "Sketch Club Showing Has Fine Pictures" |
May 11 | ? | "B.C. Artists Display at All-Canada Exhibition" |
June | The B.C. Teacher | "A British Columbian School of Art" by Charles H. Scott |
Oct. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "The Note Book" by Julia Henshaw |
Oct. ? | ? | "B.C. Artists Reveal Talent at Show" |
Nov. 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Death Calls Noted Artist" (Charles Warburton Young) |
Dec. 8 | Montreal Gazette | "Canadian Artists Unite to Boycott National Gallery" |
Dec. 10 | Saturday Night | "British Columbia Art" by H. Mortimer Lamb |
Jan. 7 | Vancouver Sun | "A Home Filled With Treasure" (Alfred J. Davis) |
Feb. 2 | Vancouver Sun | "In the World of Art" by Doris Milligan |
Feb. 12 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Feb. 12 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Hung Upside Down - Experts Didn't Know" |
Feb. 15 | Vancouver Sun | "'West End' Show Of Art Works" by D.S.M. |
Feb. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Weds Musical Comedy Star" (Peggy Cartwright) |
Feb. 23 | Vancouver Sun | "Newcombe Art at Gallery" by Doris Milligan |
April 1 | News-Herald | "Art Notes" by Doris Milligan |
April 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Exhibition of Young Artists at Gallery" by Doris Milligan |
April 24 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
May | News-Herald | "Fine Works of Art Students" |
May 4 | News-Herald | "Art Students' Exhibits Reveal Much Talent" |
May 4 | Vancouver Sun | "Varied Display By Art Graduates" |
May 6 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Work By Art Students" |
May 14 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
May 22 | Vancouver Province | "New Pictures at Vancouver Art Gallery" |
May 24 | Vancouver Sun | "Palette Club Show Pleases Art Lovers" by Doris Milligan |
May 27 | Vancouver Sun | "12 Paintings on Display (by J.E.H. Macdonald) |
June 6 | Vancouver Province | "Art Gallery has Four Shows at Once" |
June 7 | News Herald | "23rd Exhibit of Pictures by B.C. Artists" |
June 7 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Art Works" by Doris Milligan |
June 11 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
June 30 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Discover Savary Island" by Noel Robinson |
July 4 | Vancouver Province | "Art Students Hold Display of Summer Work" |
July 8 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
July 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Ustinov Pictures at Art Gallery" by D.S.M. |
Sept. 20 | Vancouver Province | "Stone's Sketches to be Displayed" |
Oct. 21 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Oct. 21 | Saturday Night | "Canadian Artists' Show" (CGP) by Frank Bagnall |
Nov. 8 | Vancouver Sun | "One Man Art Show" |
Nov. 8 | News Herald | "Fine Display is Made of B.C. Portraiture" by T.H.W. |
Nov. 17 | News Herald | "Innes Pictures" |
Dec. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "Bargains in Art - Christmas Exhibition Sale" by D.S.M. |
December | News Herald | "Clever Pictures by Vancouver Architect" by T.H.W. |
December | News Herald | "Work of B.C. Artists Seen In Xmas Show" by T.H.W. |
Dec. 4 | Vancouver Province | "In the Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Dec. 20 | newspaper? | "(Roberts) Paintings Take City Back To Early Days" |
Dec. 27 | newspaper? | "Children Show Their Native Art Talent" |
Jan. 4 | newspaper? | "Roberts Pictures At Gallery" |
Feb. 3 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Feb. 10 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art: (B.C. College of Art posters)" |
Feb. 26 | Vancouver Province | "Mountaineering Club Photographic Display Open at Art Gallery" |
March 2 | Vancouver Province | "City Artist's Exhibit" |
March 5 | Vancouver Province | "Notable Exhibition by Local Artist" by Wayfarer |
March 10 | Vancouver Province | "Art of "Neil Duncan" by Wayfarer |
April 26 | Victoria Times | "Former Local Artist Coming" |
May 5 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art: (BCCA and VSDAA news)" |
May 5 | Vancouver Province | "Art School Graduates In Fine Display" |
May 5 | Vancouver Sun | "Graduate's Association Work Also On Display" by Mamie Maloney |
May 11 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Artist Honored Abroad" by Wayfarer |
May 17 | Vancouver Sun | "Leighton Art Exhibit" |
May 20 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
May 24 | Vancouver Sun | "Industrial Art of Vancouver students" |
May 25 | Financial News | "Leighton Exhibit of Water Colors Very Attractive" |
May 30 | News Herald | "Art Students Show Their Adaptability" by T.H.W. |
June 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Julius Griffith Jr.'s One-Man Art Show" |
June 9 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
June 9 | News Herald | "Realism Marks Art Work of Children" by T.H.W. |
June 9 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Children Natural Artists" |
June 25 | Vancouver Province | "God's Country" (J.D. Parker) by Edgar Brown |
July 7 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art: (tribute to Alec Dalgleish)" |
July 27 | Daily Colonist | "Drawing Methods of Today Radical Change From Past" (Weston) |
Aug. 4 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Aug. 25 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Sept. 7 | News Herald | "Fine Water Colors By Vancouver Artist" by T.H.W. |
Sept. 8 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Sept. 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Alex. Paterson's Art Exhibit" |
Sept. 22 | Vancouver Province | "Annual Exhibit of B.C. Artists Attractive" |
Sept. 22 | News Herald | "B.C. Artists' Display Reveals Development" by T.H.W. |
Sept. 23 | A.S. Grigsby letter | "Letter re Saturday Morning Classes" |
Sept. 25 | Vancouver Province | "One-Man Display By W.P. Weston at Art Gallery Attractive" |
Sept. 25 | News Herald | "Art Textbook Author Shows His Paintings" by T.H.W. |
Sept. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Art Exhibit" |
Oct. 11 | Daily Colonist | "Artist To Give One-Man Show" |
Oct. ? | VAG Press release | "Vancouver Pictures Come to Chilliwack" |
Oct. 18 | newspaper? | "A Gentleman Adventurer" by Edgar Brown |
Oct. 23 | News Herald | "Clever Artist Has Fine Exhibit Displayed Here" by T.H.W. |
Oct. 24 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Display of Paintings by J. Parker" |
Oct. 24 | News Herald | "Frost Phantasies New Development of Art" (J. Money) by T.H.W. |
Oct. 26 | Vancouver Sun | "Variety of Art" (J. Money) |
Nov. 6 | Vancouver Province | "PASOVAS Club Has Splendid Annual Show" by Reta Myers |
Nov. 14 | News Herald | "Artist Inspired by Scenes of Northwest" by T.H.W. |
Nov. 17 | Saturday Night | "World of Art" (RCA) by Lucy Van Gogh |
Nov. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Many Visit Art Exhibit" |
Dec. ? | News Herald | "Good Show of Water Colors and Crayons" by T.H.W. |
Dec. 4 | News Herald | "Clever Water Color Display" at Gallery by T.H.W. |
Dec. 5 | News Herald | "Youth Must Be Individual in Art Attitude" by T.H.W. |
Dec. 5 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Have Christmas Exhibit" by R.W.M. |
Dec. 5 | Vancouver Sun | "New Artists At Christmas Exhibition" |
April 10 | Vancouver Province | "Charming Display of Water Colors" by R.W.M. |
April 25 | Vancouver Sun | "Water Color Exhibition" (A.C. Leighton) |
April 27 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Have Splendid Display Here" by R.W.M. |
May 23 | Vancouver Province | "Art Grads Have Varied Displays" by R.W.M. |
May 23 | Vancouver Province | "Children Have Fine Paintings at Art Gallery" by R.W.M. |
n.d. | Vancouver School of Art | "Summer Sketching Camp - Savary Island" |
July-Aug. | Arthur Lismer | "Report on Art Galleries, Museums and Other Art Activities in Western Canada July - August, 1935." |
Oct. 10 | News Herald | "P.V. Ustinov Gains Beatrice Stone Medal" |
Nov. 9 | Vancouver Province | "Spirit of Savary at Art Gallery" (C.H. Scott) by R.W.M. |
Nov. ? | V.A.G. Archives | "Christmas Exhibition At Art Gallery" |
( n.d. ) | V.A.G. Archives | "Pictures Purchased From 1935 Christmas Exhibition by Mr. D.N. Hossie" |
February | The Ubyssey | "Art Exhibit in Faculty Room of Library" |
Feb. 21 | Vancouver Province ? | "PASOVAS Exhibit" |
Feb. 21 | Vancouver Sun ? | "Fine PASOVAS Art Exhibition" |
February | News Herald | "PASOVAS Club Annual Display" |
March 3 | News Herald | "Familiar Landscapes by Vancouver Artist" by T.H.W. |
March 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Cheery Animal Pictures" (K.A. Smith) |
March 19 | West End Breeze | "At The Art Gallery" |
Spring | VSAGA | The Smock Pocket: Spring 1936 Issue |
April 2 | West End Breeze | "At The Art Gallery" |
April 18 | News Herald | "Memorial Display for Well Known Artist" |
April 25 | (unknown newspaper) | "Graduates in Art" by CINTRA |
May ? | Vancouver Sun | "Art School Graduation Ceremony Today" |
June 13 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
June | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Show Opened by Dr. Weir" by Reta W. Myers |
June 27 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Society of Arts Exhibition Opens Here" |
July 8 | Vancouver Province | "Notable Display of Water Colors" (Juliet Young) |
July 16 | ? | "Fine Water Colors by Arthur H. Parker on Show at Gallery" |
Aug. 15 | Vancouver Sun | "400 B.C. Pictures in Jubilee Art Show" (Spencer's) |
Aug. 19 | News Herald | "Guests Entertained At Tea After Exhibition Opens" (Spencer's) |
Aug. 22 | Vancouver Province ? | "Bronze Figure of Vancouver to Rule Scene" (Charles Marega) |
July 16 | (unknown monograph) | "Fine Water Colors by Arthur H. Parker On Show at Gallery" |
Aug. 22 | Vancouver Province ? | "Heroic Bronze by Marega is acclaimed" |
Sept. 8 | Vancouver Province | "In The Domain of Art" by Reta W. Myers |
Sept. 19 | News Herald | "Superior Quality in Show of B.C. Artists" |
Oct. 27 | Victoria Daily Times | "Display of Island Artistry is Opened " (IACS) |
Oct. 28 | News Herald | "Shadbolt Exhibition Shows Wide Variety" by T.H.W. |
Nov. 21 | Vancouver Province | "Unusual Souvenir of Vancouver" (Peggy Harvey) |
Nov. 25 | ? | "Japanese Artist Paints Beauties of B.C. Coast" |
Nov. 28 | Vancouver Sun | ""(book review)" (A Whimsical Vancouverite) (Peggy Harvey) |
Nov. 28 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Laureate in Art" (W.P. Weston) by C.O. Scott |
Dec. ? | Vancouver Sun | "Buy A Picture For Christmas" |
January | The B.C. Teacher | "A New Era Opens in the Teaching of Art" by Jack Shadbolt |
March (?) | (Victoria newspaper) | "Victoria Liberal Dies Suddenly" (Harold McGiverin) |
May 8 | Vancouver Sun | "Tea Time Topics" (Godfrey) |
May 26 | (unknown newspaper) | "Marcel Godfrey Paintings at Private Viewing" |
May 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Graduation at Art Gallery" (VSDAA) |
May 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Lend Me Your Ears" (Marcel Godfrey) by Bob Bouchette |
June | (unknown newspaper) | "Seven Gain Art Diplomas" (VSDAA) |
June | The B.C. Teacher | "School Art and the Workshop Spirit" by Jack Shadbolt |
June 10? | Vancouver Province | "Modern Canadian Art Wins Acclaim" (RCA) by E.N.B. |
July 20 | News Herald | "Art Exhibition Shows Works in Many Media" (H.F. Smith) |
July 24 | Toronto Star Weekly | "Art Teacher has Many Hobbies" (W.P. Weston) |
Aug. 2 | News Herald | "Several Shows at Art Gallery" |
Aug. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Artists in Coronation Show" (Weston, Macdonald) |
Aug. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "The Daily Tattler" by Alan Palmer Morley |
Sept. 10 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Work Seen at Art Gallery" (C.W. Holliday) by E.N.B. |
Sept. 18 | News Herald | "Drastic Pruning For B.C. Artists Display" |
Sept. 22 | (unknown newspaper) | "Russian-Born Artist Wins Art Gallery Painting Award" |
Oct. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Young Artist has Good Show Here" (Woldemar Neufeld) by E.N.B. |
Nov. 3 | News Herald | "Art Graduates Have Excellent Exhibits" |
November | Art Gallery Bulletin | "B.C. Artists' Travelling Exhibition" |
Dec. 1 | News Herald | "Youngest One Man Show in History of Gallery" |
Feb. 23 | Vancouver Province | "One Man Exhibit" (G.K. Lamont) |
Feb. 24 | News Herald | "Clever Artist Presents Show" (G.K. Lamont) |
March | News Herald | "Delisle Parker Show at Gallery" |
March 10 | (unknown newspaper) | "Plateau Paintings on Exhibition" (J.D. Parker) |
March 26 | Vancouver Province | "Cheney Paintings Gallery Feature" by T.H.W. |
March 28 | News Herald | "Clever Portraiture Marks Exhibit at Art Gallery" (N.L. Cheney) |
April 30 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Showing by B.C. Artists Follows Conventional Lines" by E.N.B. |
April 30 | Vancouver Sun | "28th Annual Art Exhibit" (catalogue) |
May 6 | News Herald | "Stone Sketches Now On View" by T.H.W. |
May 7 | Montreal Gazette | "Saskatchewan Artist One of Four Who Decorated Canadian Pavilion" |
June | Vancouver Province | "Art Gallery Reopens After Month's "Sit-down"" |
July 6 | Daily Colonist | "Art Shown In Common Things" (W.P. Weston) |
July 13 | Vancouver Province | "Six Local Artists Show at Gallery" by E.N.B. |
July 19 | Daily Colonist | "Sculpture Key To Good Form" (W.P. Weston) |
July 19 | Victoria Times | "Telephone Is Today's Statue" (W.P. Weston) |
July 27 | Daily Colonist | "Cubism Dead Says Artist" (W.P. Weston) |
July 27 | News Herald | "Artist Applies Aboriginal Designs to Handicrafts" |
July 28 | Victoria Times | "Says Canada's Art Distinct" (W.P. Weston) |
Aug. 2 | Victoria Times | "Art Revived In Common Things" (W.P. Weston) |
Aug. 3 | Victoria Times | "Machine Now Assists Art" (W.P. Weston) |
Aug. 26 | Vancouver Province | "Six Paintings From B.C. Go To England" (Century Cdn Art) |
September | News Herald | "School of Art Scholarships Presented" |
Sept. 21 | News Herald | "Miss Spencer Shows Herself Clever Colorist" |
Sept. 17 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists' Exhibition Opens with 225 Entries" by E.N.B. |
Sept. 21 | News Herald | "Miss Spencer Shows Herself Clever Colorist" |
Sept. 23 | News Herald | "Medallists' List At B.C. Artists Show Out" |
Sept. 30 | Vancouver Sun | "Coveted Art Prize Goes to Vancouver Painter" |
Oct. 13 | Vancouver Province | "Emily Carr's Oils Shown" |
Oct. 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Becomes ART When An Expert Can't Decide Which Side Is Up" by Alan Morley |
Oct. 18 | Vancouver Province | "Mrs. Lily Alice Lefevre, Famed Vancouver Pioneer, Passes Away" |
Oct. 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Mrs. Lefevre, Pioneer, Poetess, Dead at 84" |
Oct. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Many Mourn At Rites for Mrs. Lefevre" |
October | VAG Bulletin V6 No2 | "Medal Awards in B.C. Artists Exhibition" |
Nov. 2 | Vancouver Province | "Canada's Most Original Artist Showing Here" |
Nov. 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Sedgwick Lauds Woman Painter" |
Nov. 4 | Ubyssey | "Faculty, Student Review Emily Carr Art Exhibition" by Prof. F.G. Brand |
Nov. 12 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibitors at Art Gallery" (Shadbolt, Milne, Bonnycastle, Ackroyd) by E.N.B. |
November? | VAG Bulletin V6 No3 | "Mr. Hubert Ackroyd is a photographer of distinction." |
Dec. 1 | News-Herald | Obituary of Tomhu Roberts |
Dec. 29 | Montreal Gazette | Obituary of Victor Albert Long |
Jan. 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Ingenious Device Helps Move Heavy Lions for Bridgehead" |
Jan. 23 | Vancouver Sun | "Lions Now Guard Bridge" |
Jan. 23 | Vancouver Province | "To Guard Narrows Span" |
Feb. 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Ustinov Art Show Pleases" by John Radford |
Feb. 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Local Artists Unite Talents on Mural for New Vancouver (Hotel)" |
Feb. 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Hundreds Enter Competition" (Peggy Harvey) |
March 15 | Vancouver Sun | "Island Arts on Display" by John Radford |
March 25 | Vancouver Sun | "Noted Local Sculptor Dies" |
March 25 | Vancouver Province | "Charles Marega Gained Fame for Many Works of Art Here" |
March 25 | (unknown newspaper) | "Charles Marega, Noted Sculptor, Succumbs" |
March 27 | Vancouver Province | "Funeral Of Famed Sculptor Tuesday" |
April 3 | Vancouver Province | "Artist Honored" (W.P. Weston) |
April 5 | Vancouver Province | "Loaned by Citizens Vancouver-Owned Portraits On Display" by E.N.B. |
April 18 | Vancouver Province | "City Artist Gives One-Man Exhibit" by E.N.B. |
May 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Manitoba Art Display Here" (Mabel May) |
May 16 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibit of Animal Art Here Praised" (R.H. Savery) |
May 17 | Vancouver Sun | "Realism Depicted" (R.H. Savery) |
May 27 | Vancouver Province | "Facts About New Hotel" (Hotel Vancouver) |
May 27 | Vancouver Province | "Rare Craftsmanship Shown in Stonework" (Hotel Vancouver) |
(date?) | (unknown newspaper) | "Local Women Artists Helped Decorate Hotel" |
June 6 | Vancouver Province | "Canadian Artist Exhibiting Work" |
June 8 | The Savary Pudding | "Wet Woods in June" by Grace Melvin |
June 8 | The Savary Pudding | "Sound of the Sea" by Grace Melvin |
June 8 | The Savary Pudding | "The Woods at Night" by Grace Melvin |
June 8 | The Savary Pudding | "Requiem" by Grace Melvin |
June 10 | News-Herald | "Leading Provincial Artists Exhibit at Show" by T.H.W. |
June 10 | News Herald | "City Artists Find Scope For Talent Here" (exhibition) |
June 10 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Arts Society Members Displaying Mature Pictures" |
June 23 | Vancouver Province | "Surrealist Exhibit by City Painter" by P.C.W. |
July 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Special Shows At Art Gallery" |
July 19 | Vancouver Province | "Miss Kathleen Shackleton Shows Canadian Paintings ... " by A.C. Cummings |
July 19 | Vancouver Province | "Flower Artist Self-Taught" (Emily Sartain) |
July 19 | Winnipeg Tribune | "Exhibition by Miss Shackleton" |
July 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Two Fine Water Color Exhibits" (Emily Sartain) |
Aug. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "Two Art Shows Extended, Three New Ones at Gallery" |
Aug. 16 | News Herald | "Exhibition by Miss Shackleton" |
Aug. 18 | Vancouver Sun | "City Portraits in Art Display" (K. Shackleton) |
Aug. 31 | News Herald | "B.C. Artists Display Plans" |
Sept. 2 | Vancouver Province | "Diplomas Awarded To Art Students" |
Sept. 12 | News Herald | "B.C. Artists' Show Attracts 387 Entries" |
Sept. 16 | Vancouver Province | "Mayor Opens Eighth Annual Exhibition of B.C. Artists" |
Sept. ? | Vancouver Province | "Fine Display of Photography at Art Gallery" (VPS) by T.H.W. |
Oct. 11 | News Herald | "Here Is Artist Whose Output Is Remarkable" |
Oct. 12 | Vancouver Province | "Palette Catches Nature's Colors" (Mrs. J. Clay) |
Oct. 12 | News Herald | "B.C. Artists' Show Attracts 387 Entries" |
Oct. 26 | Sackville Tribune | "First Exhibition of B.C. Paintings is Hung Here" by Prof. Stanley Royle |
Nov. ? | VAG Bulletin | "Maritime Art Association" |
Nov. 8 | News Herald | "Women Artists Display Work In Two Media" (Carr, Townley) by T.H.W. |
Nov. 30 | News Herald | "Carr Painting Is Given To Gallery" |
Dec. 1 | News Herald | "December Shows At Art Gallery" |
Dec. 6 | News Herald | "Three Displays Open at Art Gallery" (Birley, Jackson, McTaggart) |
Dec. ? | Vancouver Sun | "Three Artists Display Work" (Birley, Jackson, McTaggart) |
Dec. ? | Vancouver Sun | "Young City Artist Fights 'Wolf' with Mop and Soap Suds" by Doris Milligan |
Dec. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Canadian Artists Show Their Work" |
Jan. 20 | Vancouver Province | "Sentinels of the Past" (Pauline Johnson memorial) by Ronald Kenvyn |
Jan. 28 | Daily Colonist | "An Artist Comes to Stay" (Stella Langdale) by J.E.M. Bruce |
Feb. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Wood Carvings On View" (Elmer Hodges) |
March | The School magazine | "Art Teaching In British Columbia" by Charles H. Scott |
March 29 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Gallery Lists Six Exhibits" |
March 30 | News Herald | "Six Shows During April In Gallery" |
April 2 | Vancouver Sun | "'Old' At Twenty, Artist Displays City's First 'Abstract' Show" by Doris Milligan |
April 3 | Vancouver Sun | "Students Hold Art Exhibition" |
April 3 | News Herald | "Atelier Sketch Club Takes a Bow" |
April 3 | News Herald | "Unconventional Prints On Show" (Peter Sager) |
April 4 | Vancouver Province | "Art Group, Youth Share City Gallery" |
April 9 | Vancouver Province | "Kit Thorne Interprets B.C. In Art Gallery Exhibition" |
April 10 | News Herald | "Artist Exhibits In Varied Media" (G.K. Thorne) |
April 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Kit Thorne Sketches On View at Gallery" (G.K. Thorne) |
April ? | Vancouver Province | "False Creek Painting Start Toward Fame" (Eric Freifeld) |
April 24 | News Herald | "Variety in Art Gallery Exhibit" (B.A. Fry) |
May 8 | Vancouver Province | "Children's Posters Shown At Gallery" by A.W.M. |
May 10 | Vancouver Sun | "H.A. Stone Shows Work At Gallery" |
May 11 | News Herald | "Fripp Paintings Placed On View" |
May 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Family's Pictures Shown" |
May 15 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Exhibit" (BCSFA) |
May 18 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Hold Annual Exhibition" by M.A.E. |
May 22 | Vancouver Sun | "New Emily Sartain Art Exhibit Opens" |
May 24 | News Herald | "Floral Paintings Now At Gallery" (E. Sartain) by T.H.W. |
May 28 | Vancouver Province | "Gay Caricatures In Gallery Display" (J. Shadbolt) |
May 29 | News Herald | "Murals Feature Gallery Display" (J. Shadbolt) by T.H.W. |
June 4 | Vancouver Sun | "Flower Artist" |
June 5 | Vancouver Province | "Photographic Salon Praised" (VPS) |
June 7 | News Herald | "Two Pictures Outstanding" (VPS) |
June 8 | Vancouver Sun | "Photo Exhibition Attracts Crowds" (VPS) |
June 12 | Vancouver Province | "Graphic Art Show Includes Local Works" (CSGA) by M.A.E. |
June | Behind The Palette | "Evening School" by Fred Amess |
June 24 | Vancouver Province | "Work Of Noted Water Colorist At Art Gallery" by M.A.E. |
June 27 | News Herald | "Fine Water Color Show At Gallery" (C.J. Collings) |
June 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Collings' Works Shown At Gallery" |
July 5 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Artists For Photograph Show" |
July ? | Vancouver Province | "Photographic Studies Win Acclaim" by M.E. |
July 24 | Vancouver Province | "Indian Paintings To Be Shown Here" (Jean Findlay) |
July 26 | Vancouver Province | "Native Life On Canvas" (Jean Findlay) |
July 28 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists Show Work Next Week" |
July 31 | News Herald | "Indian Life And Murals Displayed" (Jean Findlay) |
Aug. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "Fine B.C. And American Art Shown At Gallery" by M.V. Thornton |
Sept. 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Fine Showing Of Pottery And Textile Designs At Gallery" by M.V. Thornton |
Sept. 9 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Ceramic Art Displayed At Gallery" (VSA) |
Oct. 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Major Art Award to CASF Officer At B.C. Artists' Annual Exhibit" |
Dec. 21 | Vancouver Province | "Woman Shapes Beauty in Stone" by Charles J. Woodsworth |
Jan. 16 | Canadian Press | "B.C. Naval Man Killed in Action" |
Feb. 11 | Vancouver Province | Obituary of Lauchlan Alexander Hamilton |
Feb. 28 | Victoria Times | Obituary of Thomas Bamford |
March 1 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Girl, Now Famous Star, In Canada to Entertain for Troops" (Peggy Cartwright) |
March 10 | Vancouver Province | "Last Rites Held For City Artist" (Josiah Howard Smith) |
March 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Josiah Howard Smith" |
May 10 | News Herald | "Speaking of Pictures" (Weston etc.) by Browni Wingate |
June 9 | Victoria Times | "Cowichan Lake Landscape" (Max Maynard) |
June 20 | Vancouver Province | "(untitled article)" (Stansfeld Jones) by Palette |
June 27 | Vancouver Province | "RCAF Officer Wins Praise For Exhibit Of Fine Paintings" by Palette |
June ? | Vancouver Sun | "Fine Paintings By RCAF Man Now On Show At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton |
July 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Artists' Work in Hemisphere Art Exhibition" (W.P. Weston & J.W.G. Macdonald) |
July 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Newspaperman, Artist Too, His Work On Display" |
July 23 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Artists' Paintings Bought for Famous Collection" by Palette |
July 29 | Vancouver Sun | "Jack Nilan Shows Expert Work In Watercolours" by M.V. Thornton |
July 30 | News Herald | "One-Man Exhibit By Jack Nilan At Art Gallery" |
Sept. 30 | Victoria Colonist | "Named Manager Of Art Gallery" (Max Maynard) |
Nov. 20 | Vancouver Province | "Western Artists Capture Interest At Toronto Show" by Palette |
Nov.-Dec. | Vancouver Province | "Paintings Feature B.C. Scenes" (PNS students) by Palette |
Jan. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Show Contest Entries Soon" (incl. Binning, Thomas) by Palette |
Jan. 14 | Vancouver Province | "Stimulating Show Presented by Canadian Painters Group" |
Jan. 19 | News Herald | "Harry Hood's Paintings on Exhibition Tuesday" by Browni Wingate |
Jan. 20 | News Herald | "Canadian Artists Form Federation" (FCA) |
Jan. 21 | Vancouver Province | "Clever Young painter Makes Living as Elevator Operator" (Thomas) by Norman Cribbens |
Jan. 24 | News Herald | "Disregard Architecture Says Speaker" (B.C. Binning) by Browni Wingate |
Jan. 30 | Vancouver Province | "New Group Aims to Promote & Coordinate Art in Canada" (FCA) by Palette |
Feb. 5 | News Herald | "Young Self-Taught Artists Exhibit Drawings" (Bell) by Browni Wingate |
Feb. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Panels by Templeton Pupils Portray Growth of Vancouver" (also Bell) by Palette |
Feb. 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Talented Husband and Wife Have Display at Art Gallery" (Bell) by M.V. Thornton |
Feb. 14 | Vancouver Province | "Ex-City Illustrator Reaches Top - John Clymer Known Here" |
Feb. 17 | News Herald | "Shadbolt Opens Art Exhibit" |
Feb. 18 | News Herald | "She Sells Her Art For Stamps" (Molly Lamb) by Browni Wingate |
Feb. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Bold Canvasses of B.C. Scenes in Shadbolt One-man Show" by Palette |
March 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Joan Thompson Wins Sun Poster Contest" |
March 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Prize-Winning Entry in Vancouver Sun's Monthly Poster Contest" (Joan Thompson) |
April 10 | Vancouver Province | "Chinese Skier" (Yitkon Ho) |
April 10 | Vancouver Province | "Ski Heil: Clever People" (Yitkon Ho) by Don Tyrell |
April 16 | Vancouver Province | "Local Artists Contributors in Royal Academy Exhibition" by Palette |
April 18 | Victoria Colonist | "Princess Alice Visits Gallery" (VAG, W.P. Weston) |
April 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Picture Sold to Princess" (W.P. Weston) by M.V. Thornton |
April 19 | Vancouver Province | "Princess Alice Buys Painting By City Man" (W.P. Weston) |
April 30 | Vancouver Sun | "Three Exhibits On View At Art Gallery" (Cheney, Brunst) |
May 4 | News Herald | "Variety Marks Art Exhibitions" (Brunst, Cheney) by Browni Wingate |
May 4? | News Herald | "Speaking of Art" (FCA) by Browni Wingate |
May 6 | News Herald | "Art Master's Work On View" (David Payne) by Browni Wingate |
May 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Gallery Showing Payne Paintings" by M.V. Thornton |
May | Vancouver Province | "Pastel Portraits and Payne Display Art Gallery Features" |
May 16 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Society of Fine Arts Display Sets New High Mark" |
May 16 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Artists' Exhibit Has Native Vigor " by M.V. Thornton |
May 18 | News Herald | "Speaking of Art" (VAG) by Browni Wingate |
May 19 | News Herald | "Ex-Mountie Has Works On View" (G.K. Thorne) by Browni Wingate |
May 29 | Vancouver Sun | "2 Water Color Exhibits at Art Gallery" (S.P. Judge, J. Korner) by M.V. Thornton |
June 6 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Lad Wins in Seattle Poster Competition" |
June | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artist's Display Goes to Calgary for Exhibition" by Palette |
June 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Commended in Poster Contest" (Joan Thompson) |
July 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Kennedy Exhibit At Art Gallery" |
July 3 | News Herald | Obituary for Frederick Tait |
July 6 | News Herald | "Three Exhibitions at Art Gallery" by Browni Wingate |
July 6 | News Herald | "Speaking of Art" (D. Kennedy) by Browni Wingate |
July 8 | Vancouver Sun | "Two Exhibitions At Art Gallery" |
Aug. 14 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibition By B.C. Artists Proves Success At Gallery" by Palette |
Sept. 19 | Vancouver Province | "Colorful Display Presented In Exhibition By B.C. Artists" by Palette |
Sept. 26 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Artists Evading War's Responsibility" by M.V. Thornton |
Sept. 26 | Vancouver Province | "Homely Verse By B.C. Writer" (Peggy Harvey) |
Sept. 28 | News Herald | "Speaking of Art" (BC Artists) by Browni Wingate |
Oct. 1 | Vancouver Province | "Artist Pictures Invasion of City" (Shadbolt) |
Nov. 4 | Vancouver Province | "Blast Smashes Courthouse Lion" |
Oct. 31 | Vancouver Sun | "Noted Artists Offer Paintings for Red Cross" |
Dec. 6 | Vancouver Sun | "In B.C. Lighthouses" by Jean Ness Findlay |
Feb. 1 | Vancouver Province | "Tunisia Color Caught in City Artist's Work" (J.D. Parker) |
Feb. 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Tunisia Paintings On View at Gallery" (J.D. Parker) by M.V. Thornton |
Feb. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Work of B.C. Artists Features National Gallery Display Here" by Palette |
April 17 | News Herald | "Office, Shipyard Workers Find Relaxation In Drawing" by Browni Wingate |
April 17 | Vancouver Province | "Rear Attack" (courthouse lion damage) |
May 7 | Vancouver Province | "Scenes of Early Vancouver On Display at Art Gallery" by Palette |
May 8 | Vancouver Sun | "City Artists' Photos Win High Praise" (VPS) |
May 14 | Vancouver Province | "Grace Melvin Scores Notable Success In Book Illustrations" by Palette |
May 17 | News Herald | "Hundreds Enjoy Tea At Gallery" (BCSFA Exhibition) |
May 18 | News Herald | "War Artist" (G.C. Tinning) |
May 21 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Creative Spirit Marks Exhibition By B.C. Artists" by Palette |
July 7 (?) | Vancouver Province | "Summer Show at Gallery Major Event for Art Lovers" by Palette |
Aug. 14 | Vancouver Province | "Toronto Art Gallery Acquires Works of British Columbians" by Palette |
Aug. 28 | Vancouver Province | "Artist With A Message" (W.P. Weston) by Palette |
November | VAG Bulletin | "12th Annual B.C. Artists' Exhibition" |
? | Museum & Art Notes | History of the AHSAV "Vancouver's First Cultural Association" |
April 6 | News-Herald | "Art Museum Was Success From Start" |
May 19 | Vancouver Province | "Diversity, Independent Spirit Keynote Fine Arts Display" (BCSFA) by Palette |
May | Vancouver Sun | "Notable Exhibits at Artists' Show" by M.V. Thornton |
June 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Van Loon Lauds Godfrey's New York Art Approach" by Pat Wallace |
July 3 | Vancouver Sun | "Capt. and Mrs. Marcel Godfrey" |
Oct. 7 | Vancouver Province | "B.C. Artists ... are invited to exhibit" |
Oct. 17 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Rebels Open Own Show" |
Oct. 17 | VAG Memo | "Re: Galloway-Dorbils Exhibit" by A.S. Grigsby |
Oct. 20 | VAG Memo | "Re: 13th Annual B.C. Artists' Exhibition" by A.S. Grigsby |
Nov. 15 | Calgary Herald | "Noted B.C. Artist In One-Man Show" (W.P. Weston) by Geneva Lent |
Jan. 3 | Vancouver Province | "Canadian Group of Painters Opens 1945 Gallery Program" by Palette |
Jan. 3 | Vancouver Province | "City Will Send Eight Paintings To Odessa" (BC At Work) |
Jan. 3 | News Herald | "Recognition Won By Arts Exhibit" (BC At Work) |
Jan. 5 | Vancouver Sun | "Gallery Exhibit Raises Bitter Scorn of Critic" (CGP) by M.V. Thornton |
Jan. 6 | News Herald | "Varied Aim, Technique In Gallery Art Exhibit" (CGP) by Browni Wingate |
Jan. 10 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibition of Theatre Art Arranged for City Gallery" (also Allsebrook) by Palette |
Jan. 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Kaslo Artist Shows In City Galleries" (Allsebrook) |
Jan. 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Kaslo Artist Staging Show At Art Gallery" (Allsebrook) by M.V. Thornton |
Jan. 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Art For Odessa" (BC At Work) |
Jan. 24 | Vancouver Province | "Collection of Eastern Artist Features Art Gallery Display" by Palette |
Jan. 31 | Vancouver Province | "Proposal to Open Art Centre At Victoria Wins Approval" (AGGV, Harris) by Palette |
Feb. 3 | Vancouver Sun | "Lawren Harris Has Show at Gallery" |
May 10 | Vancouver Province | "Striking B.C. Scenic Studies Highlight One-man Art Show" (W.P. Weston) by Palette |
May 19 | Vancouver Province | "Fine Arts Show at Gallery Features Leading City Artists" (BCSFA) by Palette |
May 19 | News Herald | "80 Exhibits On Display By Fine Arts Society" (BCSFA) by Browni Wingate |
May 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Lack of Room Limits Art Gallery Display" (BCSFA) by M.V. Thornton |
May 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Works of Art by Thorne Displayed" |
May 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Seen as Post War Aid to World" (Sing Lim) |
June 20 | Victoria Daily Times | "Need Practical Support" (Mark Kearley with A.S. Grigsby) |
Aug. 4 | Vancouver Province | "I Live the Life I Love Best" (James Blomfield) |
Sept. 24 | Vancouver Province | "Graphic Arts and Sculpture Place in Gallery Exhibition" (BC Artists) by Palette |
Nov.-Dec. | ? | "B.C. Industry Lives in Gallery Display" |
March 19 | Vancouver Province | "Grateful For Food" (Peggy Harvey) |
April 10 | VAG Memo | "Leading Vancouver Artists" |
April 26 | Vancouver Province | "Park To Be Pictured In Gallery Exhibition" (SPIP, Dale) by Palette |
April 29 | News Herald | "ART" (Emily Carr) |
March 27 | Vancouver Province | "W.P. Weston Retires After Eventful Art Career" by Palette |
Nov. 13 | News Herald | "Weston Exhibit Shows Strong Use Of Imagery" |
Nov. 13 | Vancouver Province | "Weston Display Major Event in Province's Art History" by Palette |
Nov. 22 | Vancouver Province | "Allan Brooks - Audubon of the West" by G.E. Valentine |
Nov. 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Weston Show At Gallery Impressive" by Mildred Valley Thornton |
Nov. 26 | Globe & Mail | "Church Beauty Lives in Blomfield's Art" |
Dec. 27 | Vancouver Province | "Gallery To Show Collection of George Goutiere Paintings" by Palette |
Jan. 17 | Vancouver Province | "Exhibition of Goutiere's Works to Go From Here To New York" by Palette |
Jan. 18 | News Herald | "Goutiere Art Gallery Exhibit Vivid, Poetic" by Constance Mackay |
Jan. 20 | Vancouver Sun | "Vigor Shown in Goutiere's Rich Paintings" by M.V. Thornton |
May | VAG Bulletin | "Gallery Docent" (Jessie Faunt) |
May 12 | News Herald | "B.C. Art Exhibit Non-Experimental" by Constance Mackay |
May 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Noted Polish War Refugee 'Oldest' Graduate at UBC" (George Bulhak) |
June | Behind The Palette | "A Short History of B.C. Art" by Charles H. Scott |
July 15 | Vancouver Province | "City Artist Finishes Murals at Malibu Club" (Inez Brewton) |
July 23 | Vancouver Province | "Gallery Features Landscapes In Small Centre Exhibition" by Palette |
July 26 | Vancouver Sun | "Blonde Co-Ed Plays Nurse-Maid to Cars" (Jackie Hugo) |
July 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Interior Art Shows Promise, Much Quality" by M.V. Thornton |
July 30 | Vancouver Province | "Peter Aspell Wins Awards" |
Aug. 2 | Vancouver Province | "Stanley Park Paintings On Exhibition At Gallery" by Palette |
Aug. 13 (?) | Vancouver Province | "Mt. Garibaldi Scaled by Lone City Chinese" (Yitkon Ho) |
Aug. 18 | Vancouver Province | "Magic of Hard Work Makes PNE Attractive" by A.J. Dalrymple |
Oct. - Nov. | Canadian Art | "The Teaching of Drawing" by B.C. Binning |
Oct. - Nov. | Canadian Art | "Painter of An Intimate World" (Harold Mortimer Lamb) |
Oct. - Nov. | Canadian Art | "Painting for Pleasure" (Jesse Topham Brown) |
Dec. 25 | Victoria Colonist | Obituary of Josephine Crease |
Dec. - Jan. | Canadian Art | "Introducing Valentin Shabaeff" by Robert Ayre |
Jan. 29 | Trail Daily Times | "Artist Sees Trail As a Jap Print" (W.P. Weston) by Ed Costello |
Jan. 30 | Vancouver Sun | "War Bride Artist Exhibiting Works" by M.V. Thornton |
Jan. 30 | Vancouver Province | "Veteran Painter Begins Tour to Assist Artists" by Palette |
Feb. 27 | Vancouver Province | "S.D. Tytler, B.C Artist, Succumbs" by Palette |
Feb. 28 | Vancouver Province | "City Artist Ends Successful B.C. Tour" by Palette |
March 11 | The Lions Gate Times | "Painter's Colic" by E.L. |
March 15 | Personal letter | Letter re West Vancouver Sketch Club by Mrs. Eileen Laurie |
March | Trail Daily Times | "Likes Weston" by Allan P. Allsebrook |
April 8 | Vancouver Province | "Vancouver Sculptor's Work On Display Soon" by Palette |
April ? | Vancouver Sun | "Watercolours on View At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton |
April 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Gallery WA Reports $3981 Assets" |
April 28 | Vancouver Sun | "New Pictures On Show At Art Gallery" by M.V. Thornton |
April 30 | Vancouver Province | "Doctor's Gallery Exhibit Inspired by B.C. Scenes" by Palette |
May 2 | News Herald | "Fine Arts Exhibition Features Aspell Works" by Constance MacKay |
Sept. | VAG Bulletin | "B.C. Artists' Annual Exhibition - Jury or Non-Jury?" by W.P. Weston |
Sept. | (unknown) | "H. Bulwer, Sportsman, Dies at 93" |
Oct. 25 | Personal letter | Letter re Saltspring Island Art Group exhibition by Norah Bittancourt |
March 21 | Vancouver Sun | "'Fame' for Rummy Players in Murals at Gordon House" (Molly Lamb) by Mac Reynolds |
May 3 | Vancouver Province | "Lively Spirit Pervades B.C. Artists' Exhibition" by Palette |
May 14 | Vancouver Province | "Labour Temple Mural Symbolizes Industry" (B. Lennie) by Palette |
Sept. 14 | Victoria Times | "Weston Pictures Leave Lasting Impression" by Audrey St.D. Johnson |
Sept. 21 | Vancouver Province | "Bust of Mussolini Now Glares At Wall" (Charles Marega) by Ron Thornber |
Vol. 7 No. 4 | Canadian Art | "A Fresh Brevity of Form" (Joan Boyd Wright) by Doris Shadbolt |
April 1 | Vancouver Province | "Waterfront Caught By Vancouver Artist" (Patric) by Palette |
April 1 | (paper) | "Painter Of Animals Puts No Price Tag On Ambition" (Maisie Robertson) by Naomi Lang |
April | (paper) | "History of Art in B.C. Display To Feature Emily Carr's Work" by Pat Prowd |
April 22 | Vancouver Province | "For and about Women: East Meets West" |
April 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Exhibit Records Forty Years Of Painting" |
April 25 | BCSA Exhibition catalogue | "B.C. Society of Artists - A History" by J. Delisle Parker |
May 5 | Vancouver Sun | "Watercolors Highlight of Art Showing" by M.V. Thornton |
June 16 | Vancouver Province | "Donald M. Flather" |
July 22 | Vancouver Province | "City-Owned Treasures In September Display" by Palette |
Nov. 18 | Vancouver Province | "Calling All m'B'wanas" (Donald Flather) |
Nov. 25 | Vancouver Sun | "Work of B.C. Artists offered at V.A.G. Showing" |
Jan. 11 | Vancouver Province | "This Column" by Jean Howarth |
Feb. 14 | Vancouver Province | "Aerial Pictures Unscrambled as Machine Pin-Points Areas in City and Country" (Jackie Hugo) |
May 19 | Daily Colonist | "Art Show Depicts Wildlife" (R.H. Savery) |
May 23 | Daily Colonist | "Fine Work by Victorian On Display at Museum" (R.H. Savery) by John Kyle |
May 26 | Victoria Daily Times | "Artist Displays Striking Works Of Wild Animals" (R.H. Savery) |
June 23 | Victoria Daily Times | "Sunny French Vineyards Gave Artist Inspiration" (R.H. Savery) by Merriman |
June 25 | Toronto Star | "Artist James Blomfield's is 26th Traffic Fatality" |
July 25 | Vancouver Province | "From an Angle on the Square" by D.A. McGregor |
Aug. 29 | Vancouver Province | "Great Mural Nears Competion at Bank" (Charles Comfort) by Palette |
Sept. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Eye to Better Futures" (Donald Flather) |
May 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Give-and-Take in 'Art War' Delights Artist Newcomer" (Francoise Andre) by Naomi Lang |
Vol. 9 No. 3 | Canadian Art | "Molly and Bruno Bobak" by Doris Shadbolt |
Feb. 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Queen Victoria fountain) |
Feb. 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (David Oppenheimer bust) |
Feb. 21 | Vancouver Province | "She Paints Life as She Finds It" (Francoise Andre) by J. Delisle Parker |
Feb. 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (King Edward VII fountain) |
March 14 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Pauline Johnson) |
April 11 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Harding memorial) |
April 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Joe Fortes fountain) |
May 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Robbie Burns statue) |
May 16 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Captain Vancouver) |
June 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Monuments" by Leonard W. Meyers (Gerry McGeer bust) |
Aug. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "Vancouver Gargoyles" by Harold James (Medical Dental Building) |
Aug. 26 | Vancouver Province | "Palette Exhibit - Paintings Capture Life of Far-Away Places" |
Autumn | Canadian Art | "Vancouver Artists Design for the Ballet" by Guy Glover |
Jan. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Skiers Take to Hills In Town, on Mountains" (Yitkon Ho) by Don Tyrell |
Feb. 22 | Times Colonist | "Earl Winton Clarke Funeral Under Masonic Direction" |
Feb. 23 | Times Colonist | "Hands That Are Stilled" (Earl W. Clarke) |
May 27 | Vancouver Sun | "At YWCA - (English Bay) Sketch Club Presents Good Show" by M.V. Thornton |
Sept. 8 | Vancouver Province | "Steel Scaffolding for Mural Artist" by Palette |
Sept. 25 | Vancouver Province | "New Office's Mural in Striking Effect" (B.C. Binning) |
Oct. 23 | Vancouver Sun | "Sculpture By the Ton" by Elinor Glenn (Beatrice Lennie) |
March 30 | Victoria Daily Times | "City Artist's Work to Appear In London Illustrated News" (Edward Goodall) |
April 4 | Vancouver Province | "Former Province critic dies at 90 in England" (A.N. St. John Mildmay) |
June 6 | Owen Sun-Times | "Victorian Era Artist Will Have Name Appearing on Century-Old Sketches" (Edward Goodall) |
June 7 | Ottawa Citizen | "Canada artist carries fames from Crimea" (Edward Goodall) |
June 20 | Vancouver Sun | "Stuart Thomson's Camera Captured Vancouver History" by Eric Lindsay |
Winter | Canadian Art | "A Return To Europe" by Joe Plaskett |
Feb. 13 | Vancouver Herald | "Vancouver Native Daughter is Noted Canadian Sculptor" (Beatrice Lennie) |
Sept. 6 | Vancouver Sun | "(English Bay) Sketch Club Term Opens" |
Nov. 7 | Victoria Daily Times | "Illustrated London News Features UBC Drawings" (Edward Goodall) |
Dec. 8 | Vancouver Province | "Sky-High City Zoo" by Allen Roy Evans (Hotel Vancouver) |
Spring | Canadian Art | "Art in Canadian Schools" by C.D. Gaitskell |
March 15 | Vancouver Sun | "Library Board Balks at $7,500 Sculpture Outlay" (Thomas) |
April 1 | Vancouver Province | Obituary of John Kyle |
July 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Variety Keynote of Art Exhibition" by M.V. Thornton |
October | Canadian Art | "Mosaics: Vancouver to Venice and Return" by B.C. Binning |
April 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Graphic Art Show Work of Craftsman" (George Kuthan) by Mildred Valley Thornton |
April 24 | Vancouver Sun | "Cabbage - It Can Be Art" (W.P. Weston solo) by Mac Reynolds |
April 29 | Vancouver Sun ? | "450 Jam Gallery For Weston Show" |
May ? | Vancouver Sun | "Veteran Artist's Works on Show" (W.P. Weston) by Mildred Valley Thornton |
May 30 | Nelson Daily News | "World Famous Artist Holds First Coast Exhibition After 13 Years" (W.P. Weston) by CP |
May ? | Vancouver Sun ? | "Abstractionist Art - Or 'Drip And Dribble' " (W.P. Weston) by CP |
June 12 | Vancouver Sun | "Many Interpretations in Theme of Auditorium Mural" by John Cartwright |
Aug. 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Stained Glass Window Gift from New Canadians" (QE Theatre) |
? | Canadian Art | "The Reactionaries" by Joe Plaskett |
March 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Stuart Thomson Dead" |
March 11 | Vancouver Province | "Pioneer of photography from the air dies here" (Stuart Thomson) |
April 15 | Vancouver Province | "Graphic Show not too 'Arty'" (George Kuthan) by Edith Post |
May 15 | Vancouver Sun | "No Sunday Painters Here" by Nikki Moir |
May 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Poetic Imagery in Paint Shows Nature's Life Cycle" (Shadbolt) |
May 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Art Entering Golden Age of Elegance for Public" (Orville Fisher interview) |
May 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Considered Crackpot When City 25 Years Old" (W.P. Weston) |
Dec. 9 | Vancouver Sun | "'Indescribable' Sculpture to Adorn City's Public Library" by Frank Walden |
Dec. 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Library's Odd Sculpture Finding Friends and Foes" |
Winter | UBC Alumni Chronicle | "Another Triumph for the Thomases" (Brock Hall mosaic, UBC) |
Jan. 19 | (personal letterhead) | "(artist information)" by Grace Melvin |
Feb. 17 | The Buzzer | "B.C. Art Display at Maritime Museum" (Kit Thorne, Western Art Circle) |
April 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Builds Place to Pause, Urges More of Them in City" (UBC) |
June 20 | Montreal Gazette | "Fountain Fury Flows" (R.H. Savery) |
Aug. 22 | Chilliwack Progress | "Paintings on View" (F.W. Lee) |
Dec. | Arts Council News | "A Free Standing Illuminated Sculpture" (Thomas) by Elizabeth B. Marshall |
Feb. 24 | Vancouver Province | "Onley Mural Jibes Unfunny" by Mike Tytherleigh |
Feb. 26 | Vancouver Sun | "Visitors Shocked, Jolted at New Playhouse Theatre" (Toni Onley) |
March 1 | Vancouver Province | "Artist and Controversial Work" (Toni Onley) |
March 2 | Vancouver Province | "Playouse Mural is a Real Communist Plot" (letter to editor re Onley) |
March 2 | Vancouver Sun | "Mural's Meaning? Artist Knows It" (Toni Onley) |
May 18 | The Buzzer | "B.C. Artists Exhibit at Vancouver Art Gallery" |
June 23-29 | CBC Times | "Portrait of An Artist" (W.P. Weston) |
June 29 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Art Master Lecture Subject" (W.P. Weston) by Flora Kyle |
Aug. 2 | Nanaimo Daily News | "Work of Artist Frank Bass On Display Here" |
Winter | Beautiful BC | "Mildred Valley Thornton Painting" |
Sept. 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Rathie Opens Royal Bank's New Branch" (Thomas) |
Nov. 1 | Vancouver Sun | "What's About Our Town" (Sing Lim) |
Nov. 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Watercolours by B.C. Artists" (Frank Bass) |
Dec. 20 | Vancouver Sun | "Hotel Vancouver Has Played in Hard Luck" by Alan Morley |
June 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Outstanding B.C. Sculpture Marks Oakridge Art Show" by Martha Robinson |
Aug. | Western Homes & Living | "B.C. Artists - Jack Harman" |
Oct. 23 | Victoria Daily Times | "Angel Mural for Cathedral Crypt" (Frank Bass) |
Feb. 19 | The Ubyssey | "$2,000 For New Mural" (Paul Deggan, UBC) |
Feb. 25 | Vancouver Province | "$2,000 Prize Given Sculptor" (Paul Deggan, UBC) |
Feb. 26 | Vancouver Times | "Harold Pym - in search of sanity - His aim: Christianity back in Art" by Les Rimes |
March | The BC Teacher | "Mural for Education Building Completed" (Paul Deggan, UBC) |
(Spring) | RCA Report 1964-65 | "Charles H. Scott Obituary" |
June 2 | Vancouver Province | "Sculpture to Mark First Mill" (Gerhard Class) |
June 10 | Vancouver Province | "Hastings Mill History Carved in B.C. Granite" (Gerhard Class) |
June 10 | Vancouver Sun | (news item p.20) (Gerhard Class, Hastings Mill) |
June 11 | Vancouver Times | (news item p.20) (Gerhard Class, Hastings Mill) |
June 20 | Vancouver Sun | "Final Touches Now Being Put to Pacific Press Sculpture" (Jack Harman) |
July 7 | Vancouver Province | "New Look at Pacific Press Building" (Jack Harman) |
July 7 | Vancouver Sun | "Newspaper 'Family' Moves Into New Residence" (Jack Harman) |
March 14 | Vancouver Sun | "It's Sort of a Fantasy" by George Norris (Pacific Press lobby sculpture) |
April 7 | Vancouver Province | "Sculpture Dramatic From Any Angle (George Norris) by Joan Lowndes |
April 28 | Vancouver Sun | "City Fountain 'Sore Thumb' So It's Kicked Down Drain" by Keith Bradbury |
May 14 | Maclean's Magazine | "Opposition in Vancouver to Centennial Fountain" |
June 10 | Vancouver Province | "Sculpture to Mark Old Hastings Mill" (Gerhard Class) |
Sept. 12 | Vancouver Sun | "B.C. Artist Gives Buyers Brush-Off" by Jim Rae |
Sept. 16 | Vancouver Province | "Weston imposes his will even on the clouds" by Joan Lowndes |
Oct. 19 | Vancouver Sun | "Fountain Mermaids Bared" by Jim Scott |
Oct. 22 | Victoria Times | "Carr Show in High Gear" (Emily Carr) by Audrey Johnson |
Nov. 3 | Vancouver Sun | "City pays to restore old mural" (Fraser Wilson) by Moira Farrow |
May 16 | Vancouver Sun | "Crab Design Sculpture Chosen for Planetarium" (George Norris) |
June 16 | Vancouver Province | "West End Was a Wilderness" (re Cunningham sundial) |
July 17 | Vancouver Sun | "Judy Hands Out Awards, Encouragement to Sculptors" |
July 18 | Vancouver Province | "$5,000 Award Given for Winning Sculpture" (Frank Perry, QE Plaza) |
Sept. 29 | Victoria Times | "Well Known Artist Dead at 93" (Maud Paget) |
Sept. 30 | Victoria Colonist | "Miniatures Were Her Forte" (Maud Paget) |
Dec. 21 | Vancouver Sun | "Prominent B.C. Artist Dies at 88" by Staff Reporter |
Dec. 21 | Vancouver Province | "W. Weston, noted city artist, dies" |
April 22 | Vancouver Sun | "Bank Building Gets Bronze Sculpture" (Elza Mayhew) |
April 11 | Vancouver Province | "Robert Murray A Canadian Sculpture ... in New York" by Joan Lowndes |
June 4 | Vancouver Sun | "Stone Brother's Watching" by Robert Hunter |
June 13 | Vancouver Province | "Art Takes a Flight of Fancy at Airport" by Jack McCaugherty |
Sept. 13 | Vancouver Province | "A Monument to Match the Jet Age" by Joan Lowndes |
Sept. 17 | Vancouver Sun | "Canvas Art - Husband Wife Team Work Seen" (Sylvia Golman) by Ann Rosenberg |
Sept. 23 | Vancouver Sun | "Cumbria Not Snow Plow or Billboard - It's Art" |
Sept. 28 | Vancouver Sun | "For Art's Sake" (re Cumbria sculpture) |
Oct. 4 | Vancouver Sun | "Sculptor Had Fun Creating Museum's New Showpiece" by Mike Jessen |
Oct. 4 | Vancouver Province | "Crab Statue Erected" (George Norris) |
Oct. 18 | Vancouver Province | "Planetarium - Star Attraction" |
Jan. 3 | Vancouver Province | "A Building That Makes This A Big City" (1075 W. Georgia) by Joan Lowndes |
Jan. 25 | Vancouver Province | "Universal Language" (re Sherry Grauer, 808 W. Hastings) |
April 3 | Vancouver Province | "The Fountain of Tsutakawa will Soon Bubble and Tumble in Our City" |
April | Western Homes & Living | "Harman - A Classic Approach" (Family Group) |
June 12 | Vancouver Province | "Modern Fountain Honours Pioneers" (Bentall Centre) |
June 12 | Vancouver Province | "Bentall's Fountain is An Urban Asset" by Joan Lowndes |
June 12 | Vancouver Sun | "Water Makes The Fountain" by Charlotte Townsend |
Sept. 26 | Vancouver Province | "Bank Unveils Mural" (Gordon Smith, 1177 W. Hastings) by Joan Lowndes |
Dec. 8 | Vancouver Sun | "First Day Crowds Flock to the New Conservatory" (Henry Moore) |
Dec. 8 | Vancouver Province | "Major Moore Vancouver Coup" by Joan Lowndes |
Jan. 31 | Vancouver Sun | "Rites Held For Artist" |
Jan. 9 | The Ubyssey | "The Face of Sculpture: U.B.C. and Vancouver" by Leslie Minot |
March 10 | Vancouver Express | "He's Here, There, and Everywhere" (Lutz Haufschild) |
May 29 | Vancouver Province | "Weather Will Fashion Horizons Dark Blue" (Gerhard Class) by Joan Lowndes |
June 15 | Vancouver Sun | "Honest Sculpture Erected at an Industrial Plant" by Eileen Johnson |
Sept. 28 | Vancouver Province | "The Art of Business" by Kay Alsop |
Oct. 14 | North Vancouver Citizen | "Housewife Combines Art With Home Chores" (Sylvia Golman) |
Oct. 16 | Vancouver Province | "Know Where to Stop" (Lutz Haufschild) by Ken Spotswood |
Nov. 10 | Vancouver Province | "Fruit of the Loom is Her Harvest" by Heather Ion (1075 W. Georgia) |
Feb. 9 | Kamloops Daily Sentinel | "Talented Artist to Display Her Work" (Francoise Andre) |
April 23 | Vancouver Province | "A Monument To Live With" (Henry Moore) by Richard Simmins |
May 1 | London Evening Free Press | "Hangs Her One-man Show on Campus" (Francoise Andre) |
Nov. 6 | Vancouver Province | "Public Art ..." by Richard Simmins |
Jan. 12 | Vancouver Province | "Georgia Landmark Sold for $5 Million" by Art McKenzie (Medical Dental Building) |
Feb. 4 | Vancouver Province | "A Monumental Quiz" by Gordon Croucher & Olivia Ward |
March 9 | The Courier | "New Johnson Plaque Women's Club Project" (Pauline Johnson memorial) |
May 8 | Vancouver Sun | "The Art of Charles Marega" |
Aug. 1 | Vancouver Province | "Monument to Principal" (Charles Hepburn Scott) |
Autumn | The Beaver | "Charles John Collings: the Recluse of the Rockies" by Maria Tippett |
May 5 | Vancouver Province | "Adding a Touch of Class" (Alfredo Dalfo) by Aileen Campbell |
Summer | The Beaver | "Paul Rand's West" by Douglas Cole |
Volume 60 | Cdn Alpine Journal | "Charles John Collings: the Recluse of the Rockies" by Maria Tippett (reprint of 1975) |
Sept. 27 | Chilliwack Progress | "Chilliwack Scenes Included in Show" (Jackie Hugo) |
Oct. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Jack Shadbolt Faces Six Charges over Income Tax" |
Oct. 27 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist Shadbolt Faces Tax Charges" |
Oct. 27 | Vancouver Province | "Artist Jack Shadbolt Charged With Evading Income Taxes" |
Jan. 10 | Chilliwack Progress | "Former Chilliwack Artist in Japan Show" (J.A. Smith) by Gerald Fischer |
March 23 | Vancouver Express | "The man who did anything" (Stuart Thomson) by Aileen Campbell |
Dec. 8 | Vancouver Province | "Chinese Artist Recalls His Boyhood in Vancouver" (Sing Lim) |
Jan. 23 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of R.H. Savery |
Oct. 15 | Hope Standard | "Valley Art Gallery Plans Grand Opening October 16" |
Nov. 7 | Times-Colonist | "Artist Goodall opens one-man show Sunday" (Edward Goodall) |
Oct. 5 | Times Colonist | "Annora Brown: She watched western history with the eyes of an artist" by Gray Campbell |
Dec. - Jan. | Vanguard | "A Pensive Clarity - E.J. Hughes" by Anthony Robertson |
Jan. 29 | Kamloops News | "Kamloops art goes to Coast" by Sandra Albers |
March | Interface | "Nudes and Flowers as Abstract Realism" (Mia Johnson) by David Watmough |
? | Kamloops News | "Local artists' work displayed in Victoria" |
April 6 | Kamloops News | "Local content in juried show" by Sandra Albers |
Jan. 28 | Burnaby Now | "Tampering With Textures" (Mia Johnson) |
Feb. 6 | Vancouver Sun | "Artist's Eye on Human Interference" (Mia Johnson) |
Feb. 8 | Vancouver Sun | (Tampering exhibition) (Mia Johnson) |
May 25 | Times Colonist | "An artist in education as well as in the studio" (John Kyle) by Emily-Jane Orford |
Nov. 3 | Vancouver Sun | "City Pays to Restore Old Mural" (Fraser Wilson) by Moira Farrow |
July 11 | Vancouver Sun | "At 71, there's no slowing down for artist Pavelic" by Elizabeth Godley |
March 11 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Elmor Ozard |
March 31 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Plato von Ustinov |
July 11 | Vancouver Sun | "The Master In His Eighties" (Jack Shadbolt) by Mick Gzowski |
July 11 | Vancouver Sun | "100 Works Depict Shadbolt's Progress" by Ann Rosenberg |
Nov. 26 | Vancouver Sun | "Senses and Sensibilities" (Jack Shadbolt) by Robin Laurence |
July 13 | Vancouver Sun | "Inventive Paintings Trace Process of Creation" (Jack Shadbolt) by Michael Scott |
Nov. 28 | Vancouver Sun | "Facets of a West Coast Legend" (Jack Shadbolt) by Scott Watson |
Spring | Beautiful B.C. | "The Secret Life of Donald Flather" by Daniel Wood |
? | VAG Concern group | "It's A Matter of Principle" (statement re Alf Bogusky) |
April 17 | Vancouver Art Gallery | "To All Members" (Merla Beckerman letter re Alf Bogusky) |
April 18 | Globe & Mail | "Running the Gauntlet at the VAG" (Acting Dir. McHugh) by Chris Dafoe |
Sept. 26 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Irene Neff |
Oct. 21 | Times Colonist | Obituary of Alice Parker |
Sept. 22 | New York Times | "No Brain - No Gain" (Gary Ness) |
April 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Home is where your art is" (Charles Comfort mural) by Kevin Griffin |
July 12 | Globe & Mail | "An apt pupil works in his mentor's image" (K. Kawaguchi) by Jonathan Woodward |
Sept. 10 | Vancouver Sun | "Show highlights Viewpoints of two local artists" (Gary Sim) |
Nov. 4 | Globe & Mail | "ART: You Don't Need A Fat Wallet" (Art of Collecting Forum) by Danielle Egan |
Jan. 27 | Vancouver Courier | "History's Shutterbug" (Stuart Thomson) by Len Corbin |
March 27 | Mission City Record | Obituary of Maxine Botteril |
June 8 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Barbara Wilkes Adams |
Sept. 24 | New York Times | Obituary of Lorraine Havercroft |
Nov. 7 | Chilliwack Progress | "The View From Hoff" |
? | Cdn Mil Hist #16, 4 | A War Artist’s Legacy: Patrick G. Cowley-Brown (1918–2007) by Laura Brandon |
Jan. 4 | Times Colonist | Obituary of Allan Lifton |
Jan. 13 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Ruth Dickson |
Feb. 2 | Vancouver Courier | "Politician fourth publisher of paper that would become Vancouver Courier" (J.A. Paton of The Gold Stripe) |
Aug. 8 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Bruce Dickson Boyd |
Sept. 17 | Vancouver Province | "EXHIBIT: Coastal Range" (Gary Sim) |
Sept. 27 | Burnaby News-Leader | "Prints show artist's view of B.C. landscape" (Gary Sim) |
Nov. 24 | Times Colonist | Obituary of William (Bill) West |
April 29 | Times Colonist | Obituary of Leslie Planta |
April/May | Preview | "E.J. Hughes: The Man and His Work" by Mia Johnson |
Sept. 3 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Walter Langdon-Davies |
March 1 | Vancouver Sun/Province | Obituary of Dorothy Chapman Gibbs |
Oct. 29 | Kelowna Capital News | Obituary of Mary Rowat Bull |
Nov. 3 | Vancouver Sun/Province | Obituary of Mary Rowat Bull |
April 27 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Jessie Hetherington |
July 30 | Times Colonist | Obituary of Benita Considine |
Nov. 5 | Globe & Mail | Obituary of Rowena McNair |
Jan. 31 | Business in Vancouver | "Wood designers carve out Asia sales"" (Judson Beaumont) |
June 16 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Alfred S. Colton |
Dec. 18 | Vancouver Sun | "Canada's First Chinese Print Shop Still Operating on East Georgia" (Sing Lim) by John Mackie |
Dec. 12-13 | Honolulu Star-Advertiser | Obituary of Claire Loring |
Feb. 2 | Times-Colonist | "CD of B.C. artists is a labour of love" (Gary Sim) by Robert Amos (q.v.) |
Jan. 2 | Vancouver Province | "Railway Rock Gang: Book Launch" (Gary Sim) |
Spring | BC History | "The Agricultural Hall on Mayne Island" (ref L.G. Fawkes) by Jennifer Iredale |
June 7 | Gulf Island Driftwood | "Treasury of warm tales gets launched" (The Summer Book, Gary Sim) |
Summer | BC Bookworld | "All About Eve & Pnina" (Pnina Granirer) by Joan Givner |
Feb. 10 | Toronto Star | Obituary of Beulah Jaenicke |
Nov. 13 | Montreal Gazette | Obituary of W.G. Kinnis |
Feb. 1 | Times Colonist | Obituary of Philip Butterfield |
Jan. 29 | MonteCristo online | "A Schoolteacher Was One of the First Single Women in B.C. to Hold a Mortgage." (Gertrude Lawson) by Janet Nicol |
Aug. 2 | MonteCristo online | "Vancouver’s Chinatown Through the Eyes of Artist and Printer Sing Lim" by Janet Nicol |
Winter | B.C. History | "Emily Carr, Cartoonist" by Robert Ratcliffe Taylor |
Fall/Winter | Devil's Artisan 91 | "Sing Lim, Vancouver Artist & Printer" by Janet Nicol |
Dec. 28 | Vancouver Sun | Obituary of Dunstan Massey |