Exhibition Association Will Confine Exhibit to Provincial Collection


Vancouver Province, May 10 1924

     An innovation will be introduced to the Vancouver Exhibition Association this year in connection with a fine arts exhibit. This will consist in the catering exclusively to British Columbia artists and collectors. In former years the exhibition has received the loan of picture from the national gallery at Ottawa and made a bid for collections from outside the province. This year attention will be paid entirely to British Columbia water colors and oils, perticularly to water colours.

     The fine arts committee, after a canvass of the situation, is satisfied that there are many valuable collections in various parts of the province, especially in Vancouver. There are a number of collections of water colours in this city, both by Canadian and European artists, that would attract attention to any gallery and every effort will be made to secure the loan of these for the fine arts building.
     The Exhibition Association will insure all paintings and etchings and will call for and deliver them after the fair. To encourage British Columbia artists to exhibit, the directors have this year arranged for the biggest prize list and the widest classification of any similar exhibition in the West. In addition $400 has been set aside for the purchase of one or two pictures of merit by B.C. persons. The fine arts building has been overhauled in preparation for the exhibit, which is planned to give the best opportunity in the history of the province for the display of British Columbia collections and pictures by British Columbia men and women.
     A new fine arts committee for 1924 has been struck as follows: Mrs. Foggo and Mr. Bulwer representing the B.C. Arts Club; Mrs. Gilpin and Miss Wake, representing the Vancouver Sketch Club; Mrs. R.P.S. Twizell and Mr. James Leyland reresenting the Art, Historic and Scientific Association, and Messrs. J.S. Gordon, W. Walton, Walter Leek, G.A. Walkem, J.J. Banfield, Ald. John Bennett, W.C. Brown, and Mrs. Dora Macaulay and Mrs. Chapman for the Vancouver Exhibition Association.