Vancouver Daily Province, January 11 1951

This Column

by Jean Howarth

     "Say," said the voice on the telephone eagerly, "did anybody tell you how to get rid of those pigeons?"
     "Say," said the man who called in at ten yesterday, "did anybody tell you how to get rid of those pigeons?"
     "Say," said half the letters that have been coming in lately, "did anybody tell you how to get rid of those pigeons?"
     "If you do find a way to get rid of them," elaborated Maud Sherman of 3642 Dundas, "outside of climbing up into their impossible nesting places and wringing their wretched necks - I hope you'll either publish it in your column or let fellow sufferers know in some other way.
     "To spur you on - have you ever thought about pigeon lice? We had 'em! There was a nest where it couldn't be reached, and some misguided soul got the idea of blasting it out with a garden hose. If you're thinking of trying that, don't. It took the exterminators three goes to get rid of them and the house smelled of disinfectant for months, I found out that I had an allergy to the disinfectant, and some of our friends are only now beginning nervously to come back and visit us."