On Thursday evening in the Press Club Rooms, the Ad Club held its semi-monthly meeting.
The prize offered by President Frank Parsons for the best emblem was won by
Mr. J. H. Smith, art director of the Callopy Holland
Advertising Co., Ltd. Some 50 designs were submitted and the committee was unanimous
in its endorsation of the idea. Music was furnished through the kindness of Kent Piano
Co., and recitations by Mr. Harry Kent of
Angell Engraving Co. Mr. H. Holland read a paper on the art of letter writing, which was
well received. The entertainment was under the supervision of Mr. Sol Robertson,
of the Ladyware. Plans were made as to entertaining the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
A special committee will wait on the stores and business firms with the view to
having them decorate their different offices and store fronts for the occasion.