"The ranch at Shuswap lake situated in a beautiful country of mountains and lakes, game and fish galore was an ideal location for a man who loves the outdoors in 1888 when I first saw it was a good cattle country but when I returned to it in 1908 there was a stinking little lumber town on part of it and a sawmill and the hills were full of homesteaders that poached on the Chase herd of cattle and the tough lumber town was not a good place to raise children, at least both Amy and myself thought so. She finally sold her part of the home ranch and Vancouver is a right likely place to spend the money." |
From JOSIAH HOWARD SMITH LETTER courtesy Webster Family collection |
His drawings of characters from the "old West" still ring true 130 years later, their names are echoes from the past: Alkali Ike, Arizona Al, Bronco Bill, Calamity Joe, Crazy Calkins, Deadwood Dick, Grizzly Pete, Hurricane Bill, Lariat Luke, Lasso Pete, Long Jim, Monte Mose, Old Pike, Young Pike, One-Eyed Ike, Prairie Pete, Rancho Bill, Siwash Joe, Syracuse Sam, Wild Jack.
More civilized visitors from the east were called Doctor Futtnett, Miss Gushington, Mrs. Stoneage, Plankington, and Witherby, for example.
Other references noted that Smith provided illustrations for JUDGE and LIFE magazines in the USA "for fifteen years", and later for The World and the Daily Province newspapers in Vancouver.
His signatures for the illustrations in JUDGE, for example, are typically quite discrete, ranging from a small J-S (representing J H S) to JHSmith in various script forms. The H is always just a dash between the J and the S. Work is usually signed lower left or lower right, and may overlap the actual image linework.
"As the town of Chase grew rapidly after the massive Adams River Sawmill began production, his
artwork became a source of pride for the community. Nearly every store and office displayed one
of his paintings, which for the most part were of Western scenes and featured horses. To save
money, many of Smith’s paintings were done on the canvas backing of linoleum. The largest ones
were the murals that adorned the walls of the Black Douglas Opera House, which later became the
Royal Canadian Legion building until it burned down in 1958. Some of his most appreciated works were the cartoons and illustrations he did for the Chase Tribune. Drawn with a whimsical, carefree style, these drawings reveal Smith’s passion and humour, especially the caricatures of local residents, politicians and businessmen. His drawings were also used for advertisements, including one for Celista pioneer Harry Fowler’s boat manufacturing business." |
Smith moved to Vancouver around 1916, when his name appears in the Vancouver City directory. He exhibited artwork in the 1916 and 1917 annual exhibitions of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts. More exhibited artworks might be discovered in the missing 1918 and 1919 group exhibition catalogues. Smith became Art Director for the Callopy-Holland Advertising Company Ltd. around 1917. The company put on a solo exhibition of "several of his beautiful paintings" in their office in 1917. Unfortunately the company was liquidated in September 1918.
"After you left us I was in New York a year and while back home on a visit Amy who was visiting at home on the ranch at Shuswap Lakes wrote me that her brother, manager of the ranch, had died and asked me to come up and help settle up the estate. Any way I went up there and was at the ranch for several years until we finally devided (sic) it up among the six remaining heirs and I landed in Vancouver and started a so-called Comic paper. Then came the slump which generally follows a boom and I dropped the paper before it put me on the rods. I have been painting pictures ever since mostly “Wild West” subjects and sell principally in San Francisco and other California towns. But prices these days are nothing startling for size and the income tax never bothers me. In fact I am only a few jumps ahead of the tax auction and a mortgage company, but as John Vanderheyden used to say when he lost a horse race “Tell the boys I feel good about it.” " |
From JOSIAH HOWARD SMITH LETTER courtesy Webster Family collection |
1916 "SMITH J Howard artist h 375 Aberdeen"
1917 "SMITH J Howard artist h 375 Aberdeen"
1918 "SMITH J Howard art dir Callopy-Holland Adv Co h 375 Aberdeen"
1919 "SMITH J Howard art studio 2882 Vanness h 375 Aberdeen."
1920 "SMITH Howard artist r 1609 St Andrews (N Van)" (possibly the artist)
1921 "SMITH J Howard artist 2882 Vanness h 2880 same"
1922 "SMITH J Howard artist 2882 Vanness h 2880 same"
1923 "SMITH J Howard artist 2882 Vanness h 2880 same"
1924 "SMITH J Howard artist 2880 Vanness"
1925 (not listed by name, listing for 2880 Vanness was "Smith J H" and 2882 was "Vacant")
1926 "SMITH J Howard coml artist 2882 Vanness h 2880 same"
1927 "SMITH Josiah H artist 2880 Vanness h 2880 same"
1928 "SMITH Jos H artist h 2880 Vanness"
1929 "SMITH J Howard artist 2882 Vanness h 2880 same"
1930 "SMITH J Howard artist 3536 Vanness h 5325 Aberdeen"
1931 "SMITH Josiah H artist 3536 Vanness h 5325 Aberdeen"
1932 "SMITH Josiah H artist 3536 Vanness h 5325 Aberdeen"
1935 "SMITH J Howard artist h 5325 Aberdeen"
1939 "SMITH J Howard artist 3536 Vanness h 5325 Aberdeen"
1940 no entry found in name listings; F. Bailey resident at 5325 Aberdeen.
1940 entry in address listings: "3536 Vanness *Smith J H artist"
1941 no entry found in name listings; F. Bailey resident at 5325 Aberdeen.
1941 entry in address listings: "3536 Vanness *Smith J H artist"
1942 entry in address listings: "3536 Vanness *Ross, D.W." (Donald Whitfield Ross, Smith's son-in-law)
Note: the " * " asterisk before Smith and Ross's names indicates that to "the best knowledge of the Directory's editors" the building at the listed address was owned by the person listed at that address.
In 1926 a series of cartoons by Smith were published in the Vancouver Daily Province.
Tom McInnes was a well-known personality in British Columbia. He was an "old hand" on the coast, and in addition to writing and publishing Chinook Days, he also wrote Roundabout Rhymes, and published a book about why the colonists in B.C. should continue to exclude Asians from settling here. He also served on the Bering Strait Commission to determine country and fishing boundaries in that area.
On July 17 1937 Smith's daughter Mary Virginia Smith married Donald Whitfield Ross in Vancouver. He was 27, she was 23. Both of them were born in Chase, and were first cousins. Interestingly, the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Andrew Roddan, a well-known United Church Minister and amateur artist.
"And it was (a) grand ranch in its day but the times following the C.P. Railroad spoiled it so that’s that. I find myself enjoying life here in what people call my old age, without much property to speak of, if anything, better than I ever did before. Health is the main thing. If a man can keep that, to limbo with the money! Anyway according to Bible prophesy we are in the “Last Days” and after the big smash up we may be able to pass the exam and get a Chance under the “new government wherein dwelleth righteousness” ... I hope to hear from you again when the signs are right for a letter, H.S." |
From JOSIAH HOWARD SMITH LETTER courtesy Webster Family collection |
1917 February | Paintings | Callopy-Holland offices, 436 W. Hastings |
1916 September | BCSFA Annual Exhibition | Cossacks in Action |
1917 Sept. 14 - 22 | BCSFA Eleventh Exhibition | In The Surf |
1932 Oct. 5 - 30 | VAG B.C. Artists 1st Annual | A Jam in the Pass |
1936 Sept. 18 - Oct. 11 | VAG B.C. Artists 5th Annual | Lunch Time |
CHINOOK DAYS, by Tom McInnes (author of Roundabout Rhymes)
1926; illustrated by Josiah Smith (9 drawings) and
John Innes (2 drawings).
1,000 copies printed for the opening of Grouse Mountain Highway and Scenic Resort.
An excellent collection of pen and ink drawings by Smith.
Entry for Smith:
SMITH, J.H. (1861 U.S. – 1941)
Illustrator and cartoonist. Also painted in oil.
To B.C. sometime after 1890. Subject matter recalls Old West
Comm. Mrs. Keir (“information communicated by”)
Lists one artist file at Vancouver Public Library
4 references cited for Smith (with incorrect first name of Jerome):
AAW1 (Artists of the American West, Volume 1)
H2 (Harper)
Sam (Illustrated biographical encyclopedia of artists of the American West)
WECa (The World Encyclopedia
of Cartoons)
B.C. VITAL STATISTICS ON-LINE death (no certificate); daughter's marriage (certificate); wife's death (no certificate) (refer to BCVS)
This web page contains a lot of information about Smith, including a number of Smith's artworks
and a photograph of Smith and his wife Amy Chase.
JOSIAH HOWARD SMITH LETTER to Frederick Webster (dated between 1933 and 1941)
Many thanks to Carol Finkelstein, New Jersey, for sending scans in Feb. 2025 of a very interesting letter in
which Smith describes some of his life.
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ON THE SMITH FAMILY was used to find information on Smith's ancestors.
HATHI TRUST online: THE JUDGE, New York N.Y.: Judge Publishing Company (1881 - 1947)
Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection
This online archive has posted early issues of The Judge, which include a large number of
illustrations by Smith in both black & white and colour.
"In his "Cossacks in Action" Mr. J.H. Smith indicates that he might go to the front as an
artist-correspondent for one of the pictorial journals - he is better than many of them."
From "With The B.C. Artists" by "A Visitor"
Vancouver Province, September 27 1916
"On Thursday evening in the Press Club Rooms, the Ad Club held its semi-monthly meeting.
The prize offered by President Frank Parsons for the best emblem was won by
Mr. J. H. Smith, art director of the Callopy Holland Advertising Co., Ltd. ... (continues) "
From "To Take Part in Entertaining Seattle Visitors"
Vancouver Daily World, July 20 1917
""The Athens of South Vancouver." Really Collingwood seems to be earning that title. The
Art of the municipality is gravitating towards Collingwood and giving that place
quite a reputation. Mr. Ivor Williams, the clever artist, is a resident of Collingwood.
So is Mr. Josiah Smith, whose fine cartoons have, several times, appeared in The World."
From "The World's Window"
Vancouver Daily World, August 21 1919
"Final rites for Josiah Howard Smith, 80, of 3536 Vanness, who died in General Hospital
on Friday, were conducted in Roselawn Funeral Chapel today. Interment took place in Ocean
View burial park. ... (continues) "
From "Last Rites Held For City Artist"
Vancouver Province, March 10 1941
"Funeral services for Josiah Howard Smith, 80, pioneer artist and former Vancouver newspaper
cartoonist, who died in hospital Friday, were conducted in Roselawn Funeral Chapel on Monday; burial,
Mountain View cemetery. ... (continues) "
From "Josiah Howard Smith"
Vancouver Sun, March 11 1941