The Gold Stripe - Volume One

Christmas 1918

From The Gold Stripe, 1918

The Gold Stripe was a soft-cover volume published by the Amputation Club of B.C., Vancouver, at the end of World War One, as "A Tribute to the British Columbia Men who have been killed, crippled and wounded in the Great War". The volume cost $1.00, with proceeds going to benefit the Amputation Club, housed at 206, Dominion Building, Hastings Street. The front cover of the publication lists the names of sixteen battles that Canadian troops participated in, and there is a reproduction of a model for a statue by Charles Marega pasted on.

The volume contains 32 pages of advertising; 8 pages of "front matter"; 160 pages of tributes, poems, photographs, illustrations, and many Rolls of Honor; and an additional 16 pages of photographs inserted throughout the text. There are numerous original works of art reproduced in the volume, including works by many early and prominent Vancouver artists. The volume thus serves as a virtual compendium of illustrators working in Vancouver at the end of World War One, including many whose graphic work is otherwise almost unknown. A second volume of The Gold Stripe was issued in May 1919, carrying on the same themes of tribute, thanks, and remembrance.

Because of the extensive amount of information in the volume, the numerous references to exhibiting artists, and the many examples of their work, it seemed worthwhile to create a table of contents to the volume (particularly since the volume does not otherwise have one). Where two names are listed in the Author/Artist column below, the first is the author and the second the illustrator of the work. In page numbering, o indicates an unnumbered photograph opposite a numbered page.

Table of Contents

Page Title Author/Artist Type
i - xvi Advertisements - -
xvii Foreword to the Hon. John Oliver "Felix Penne" letter
xviii The King at Saluting Base - photo
xix The Gold Stripe (title page) - -
xxi The Re-Establishment of the Returned Disabled Soldier - essay
xxii Industrial Retraining for the Returned Disabled Soldier - photo
xxiv Industrial Retraining for the Returned Disabled Soldier - photo
1 Greeting! Mrs. Ralph Smith, M.P.P. essay/poem
2 The Gold Stripe Mayor Gale of Vancouver essay
2 Vancouver's New Railway Terminus (sketch) Ivor Williams pen & ink
3 Off the Earth McTaggart cartoon
4 A Page of History, November, 1918 - military facts
4 The Last Abdication Norman H. Hawkins cartoon
5 South Vancouver and the Returned Soldier - essay
5 Roll of Honor - South Vancouver Board of Trade Laidlaw pen & ink
6 The Returned Soldier and Agriculture The Hon. E.D. Barrow essay
7 My Homeland L.R.T. poem
8 Christmas, 1918 (illust. poem) C.A. Ferguson pen & ink
9 Dance! (illust. poem) (IE?) pen & ink
10 A Group of Members of the Amputation Club of B.C. - photo
11 One of the Boys (J.P. Carr) - biography
11 The Boys Who Won't Return Beatrice E. Green poem
11 One of the Boys A. Uden cartoon
12 Warriors and the Wheel Stephen Golder essay
13 Some Contributors (Janet Eaves/Mrs. Winlow) - bio/photos
13 Fight On Pauline Johnson poem
14 Three Gallant Lads from Flanders Ronald Kenvyn poem
14 An Appreciation Frank C. Raney essay
15 Men of War H.C. Laidlaw pen & ink
16 Christmas Day, 1918 Blanche E. Holt Murison poem
16 Pauline Johnson's Grave L.E.T. poem
16 A Message J.A Paton essay
o16 Canadians in Regina Trench Preparing to Go Over the Top - photo
o16 Battlefield Scene near Courcelette, Somme, 1916 - photo
o17 Role of Honor - The Hudson's Bay Company (Hy Kent?) pen & ink
17 When Oscar Was Wild J. Francis Bursill memoir
19 Policing Western Frontiers R.G. MacBeth, M.A. essay
22 Golden Chrysanthemums (In The Hospital) A.M.W. poem
23 In the Fighting Top Tom MacInnis poem
24 The Battle of Plummer Township Ambrose Lewthwaite essay
25 To Liberty (illust. poem) Edwin E. Kinney / HAL pen & ink
26 Books - and The Soldier John Ridington (UBC Librarian) essay
28 Vancouver's Emblem J. Francis Bursill / I.W. pen & ink
29 Tailless Pete Robert Watson poem
30 "It never even touched yer 'at, Bill" HAL cartoon
31 The Call of the King W. Pascoe Goard essay
o32 German Prisoners Carrying British Wounded - photo
o32 Light Railway Carrying Wounded at Somme - photo
o33 (six athletes) - photo
33 Canada's Soldier Athletes Arthur P. Garvey biography
35 Star of Empire Bernard Tweedale poem
35 "Ain't yer got any younger sisters at home, Nurse?" HAL cartoon
36 The Olympian Mountains: with S.S. Empress Japan - photo
36 Sea-Room Aubrey N. St. John Mildmay poem
38 Coal Harbour, Vancouver (sketch) Ivor Williams pen & ink
39 The Skirl o' the Pipes R.W. Douglas (City Librarian) essay
41 Let Us Give Thanks (illust. poem) Paul Page / Paul Page pen & ink
42 Sursum Corda Archdeacon Heathcote essay
43 Ypres Canal - photo
44 Shakespeare and Patriotism W.R. Dunlop essay
46 The Second Battle of Ypres Lieut.- Col. Warden (Warden's Warriors) memoir
48 Consistent HAL cartoon
o48 The "Egeria" Training Ship in Burrard Inlet - photo
o48 Commercial Room, Shaughnessy Convalescent Hospital - photo
o49 Bruges J. Burbidge painting
49 Entertaining at The Front Miss Ada L. Ward essay
49 Entertaining at The Front HAL pen & ink
51 (untitled) HAL cartoon
53 Must Have Something to Love HAL cartoon
55 Before Vimy - An Interesting Snapshot - biography
56 Remember Ypres! Bernard Partridge pen & ink
57 The Sword (illust. poem) E.A. Jenns / Paul Page pen & ink
58 Rouget de Lisle singing the Marseillaise Laidlaw pen & ink
58 Donald Downie - biography
59 La Marseillaise Donald Downie essay
61 (untitled) (IE?) pen & ink
62 A Yukon Bantams Lay (illust. poem) Robert Watson / HAL pen & ink
o64 Mountain Lake, Coast Range, B.C. - photo
o64 The Land They Fought For - A West Vancouver Home - photo
o65 Aerial view - Sports Day, France 1918 - photo
65 Life at the Front Rev. C.C. Owen essay
66 The Slacker H.C. Laidlaw cartoon
66 "Good-Bye" Lieut. Lee Buchanan poem
67 Great Fight Made by the Yukon Boys Captain George Black memoir
68 "Home, Home, Sweet Home!" H.C. Laidlaw pen & ink
69 A Story of St. Julien A.M. Tibbott memoir
72 Honor Roll - The Vancouver World Norman H. Hawkins pen & ink
73 Gone West (illust. poem) Gordon Stewart / Laidlaw pen & ink
74 Our Debt (illust. poem) A.C. Cummings / Janet Eaves pen & ink
75 Two Jumps Ahead of Glory E.A. Lucas essay
77 The Sea is Britain's Glory H.C. Laidlaw pen & ink
78 One of God's Good Men (Lt. Wm. Houston) D.A. Chalmers biography
78 Smith Fell Out HAL cartoon
79 Some Sketches by "Hal" HAL pen & ink
80 A Christmas Greeting (illust. poem) Edwin E. Kinney / HAL pen & ink
o80 Recruiting in Vancouver - photo
o80 Vancouver, 1914 - Leaving for the Front Canadian Photo photo
o81 Duke of Connaught at sports day - photo
81 "Billy" Tighe - A Tribute J.E. Norcross biography
82 The Glory of the Maple Aubrey Goodall essay
85 My Escape from a German Prison Pte. D. Bilson Merry memoir
88 "The 29th Battalion" - A Tribute - essay
89 A British Columbia Landscape Josiah Smith pen & ink
90 Here Sleep the Brave Arthur Hunt Chute memoir
95 Some Sketches HAL & H.C. Laidlaw cartoons
96 Brother O' Mine Marguaretta M.S. Taylor poem
o96 The Famous Town of Vimy During German Occupation Prim-Kibbler photo
o96 Allied Flying Machine Fallen Behind German Lines Prim-Kibbler photo
o97 47th in Bivouack, Tara Hill, 1916 - photo
o97 Members of the Cycling Corps in France - photo
97 What B.C. is doing for Soldiers - essay
99 Spoils Frank Foster essay
102 The Cave Men Noel Robinson memoir
104 Peace From Afar Elspeth Honeyman poem
104 Canada's Answer Elspeth Honeyman poem
105 Grandfather's Dream - and It Came True Josiah Smith pen & ink
106 Music and the Soldier Laura Rees-Thomas (L.R.T.) essay
109 A French-Canadian Waiter at the Hotel Frontenac, Quebec (illust. poem) B. McEvoy / John Innes pen & ink
110 Canada Ernest P. Fewster poem
110 English Bay - Storm Ernest P. Fewster poem
110 English Bay - Sunset Ernest P. Fewster poem
111 (the land our boys fought for...) Josiah Smith pen & ink
112 The Gold Stripe Harry Shaw, Policeman Poet poem
112 Kitchener of Khartoum Harry Shaw, Policeman Poet poem
o112 Honor Roll of the Granby Mine - photo
o113 Ruthless Death (Marega sculpture) - photo
o113 C. Marega in his Studio - photo
o113 Goodbye (Marega sculpture) - photo
113 A Vancouver Sculptor (C. Marega) - biography
114 Redbarn Relates Bernard McEvoy story
116 "The way he wrestled and kicked and swore." John Innes pen & ink
117 Beacon Hill Tom MacInnes poem
117 Tom McInnes "Janey Canuck" (Hon. Mrs. Arthur Murphy) biography
120 Honor Role - Vancouver School Board Charles H. Scott painting
121 The Comforter (illust. poem) Lionel Haweis / Norman H. Hawkins pen & ink
122 A Fortnight with the Boys in the Trenches W.M.L. Draycot memoir
124 Patrol in No Man's Land Rodney Thomson pen & ink
126 Over The Top Laidlaw pen & ink
127 Art and the Soldier James Leyland essay
128 A Clever Soldier Artist (Ernest le Messurier) - biography
129 Honor Roll - Vancouver Daily Sun - pen & ink
130 Hastings Park - A Military Depot - essay
131 What A Diffference! At home & "Over There" HAL cartoon
132 In Salonika H.C.L. Lindsay memoir
134 Mosque over 400 year old Laidlaw pen & ink
136 Honor Roll - Board of Park Commissioners Ivor Williams pen & ink
137 "Buy A Rose" (illust. poem) F. Noel Bursill pen & ink
138 The Somme Trenches Captain Wilson Herald M.C. memoir
140 Soldiers Brag Harry R. Farmer essay
141 Honor Roll - The Vancouver Daily Province - pen & ink
142 The Y.M.C.A. and the War - essay
144 Foolish Questions A. Uden cartoon
144 Pte. A. Uden - biography
o144 Recruiting in Vancouver - 1914 - photo
o144 Military Funeral, Vancouver - 1918 - photo
o145 Lt.-Col. Cyrus Wesley Peck, M.P., V.C., D.S.O. - photo
145 Lieut.-Col. "Cy" Peck, V.C., D.S.O. - biography
146 Our Soldier Women and a Camp Dorothy G. Bell memoir
148 Historical Place Names of British Columbia A.M. Pound essay
149 Brisith Columbia in the Making (IW? monogram) pen & ink
150 Penticton's Proud Record - essay
152 A Memory of Old London Josiah Smith pen & ink
153 Victory! (illust. poem) Norah Sheppard / ? pen & ink
154 The Civil Hospital's Part in War Work M.T. MacEachern essay
156 Why the Hospital was so Busy HAL cartoon
157 Honor Roll - B.C. Society of Fine Arts - biographies
157 Collingwood Library and Institute (illust.) - / Ivor Williams pen & ink
158 Some Poetry of the War Rupert Brooke essay
159 In The Trenches Laidlaw pen & ink
160 L'Envoi Felix Penne (F. Noel Bursill)
160 (untitled - soldier and nurse in embrace) (IE?) pen & ink
xxv-xl advertisements - -