Student Classes At Sketch Club

British Columbia Ladies' Mirror - December 15, 1923

(Specially Contributed)

     When the semi-annual exhibition of the Vancouver Sketch Club closed last Saturday, the registered attendance was 493 people. The Club was organized in 1911, and has gradually grown to its present proportions because it is filling a real want in the artistic community. The club is open to both amateurs and professionals in every branch of art. One of the interesting features at the exhibition was the work of the students who come to the Friday classes from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the evening from 8 to 10 p.m. In the afternoon a cup of tea and social half hour follow class work. Most of the students have their own teacher, but come to the club for model study.
     There is also the lay figure for students who care to come to the club at any time they choose.
     The Club expects to have the "Studio Club" magazine mailed to club members by the new year, the subscription to this magazine being voluntary, ten cents a year from each member. The magazine will be kept on file for reference. Since February last the club membership has increased more than double the membership of last year. The annual fee is $5, payable semi-annually. Mr. Dermot McEvoy is president, and Mrs. George Gilpin is honorary secretary. The club studio is at 342 Pender Street West.

     L.H.G., Hon. Secy.