Island Arts and Crafts Society

Vancouver Island Arts and Crafts Society 1909
Island Arts Club 1910
Island Arts and Crafts Club 1912
Island Arts and Crafts Society 1922 - 1951

1909 - 1951


The Island Arts and Crafts Society was formed in 1909 by a small group of artists. Prominent founders of the group included Mary Daniell, John Kyle, Josephine Crease, Samuel Maclure, and Thomas Bamford. In 1913 Emily Carr joined the group on her return from a trip to France.

The Society put on annual exhibitions every year from 1910 to 1941 (except for 1939), and they also supported the arts in other ways. In 1913 they established a School of Handicraft and Design in Victoria, but it only lasted for a few years. The Society also organized a Sketch Club, which was the only portion of the group to continue after the Society itself dissolved in 1951. The sketch club section continued under the name of the Victoria Sketch Club.

Numerous members of the Island Arts and Crafts Society exhibited their work in Vancouver, at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 1933 and 1939 ("60 paintings in various media"), and at the Vancouver Exhibition. John Kyle remained involved with the Society until 1951, when he resigned from the position of President.

The Society was an important part of the artistic fabric of the province, and contibuted significantly to supporting the arts in Victoria and on Vancouver Island for many years.


NOTE: Refer also to EXHIBITIONS for listings of IACS annual exhibitions in Victoria from 1910 to 1941.

1910 September First Exhibition Victoria Fair
1911 October 5 - 7 Second Annual Exhibition Alexandra Club, Victoria
1930 August 6 - 16 Paintings by Members Vancouver Exhibition
1933 March 3 - 15 Vancouver Island Exhibition Vancouver Art Gallery
1939 March 14 - 26 Vancouver Island Exhibition Vancouver Art Gallery


Vancouver Art Gallery Bulletin, Volume 6, Number 7

THE MODERN ROOM, by Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher, Guest Curator
      1981 May 19 - September 11, Emily Carr Gallery, Provincial Archives of B.C.
      ISBN 0-7718-8255-6; Exhibition catalogue for a re-creation of an IACS 1932 Exhibition
      Includes A Short History of the Island Arts and Crafts Society,
      and a complete copy of 1932 Annual Exhibition Catalogue

THE CREASE FAMILY ARCHIVES - A Record of Settlement and Service in British Columbia
      By Christina B. Johnson-Dean; ISBN 0-7718-8259-9; 44 pages
      Colour cover, illustrated throughout black & white; includes catalogue of works
      1981 Oct. 10 - 1982 March 31 (exhibition), Provincial Archives of British Columbia
      Includes information on Josephine Crease, the Island Arts & Crafts Society, art in Victoria, etc.



"This article would not be complete without some mention of the Island Arts Club of Victoria, which has recently held its first exhibition, and in the promotion of which Mrs. Bampfylde Daniell has been a most valuable worker. This club extends its schedule to any kind of artistic craftsmanship, and seems likely to do good work in its own district."
      From "Art in British Columbia" by Bernard McEvoy
      Opportunities Magazine, 1910

"It has long been held as a matter of regret among lovers of art in Victoria that artists come to the city, but do not remain; and it is to create some feeling of friendliness and goodwill toward them that the Island Arts Club has been started. Though it came into existence only a year ago ... "
      From "Fostering British Columbia Art" by Mary Daniell
      Opportunities Magazine, 1911

"The Island Arts and Crafts of Vancouver Island have now affiliated with the B.C. Art League."
      From "Important Meeting of B.C. Art League"
      Western Woman's Weekly, April 23 1921

"Display of Island Artistry is Opened"
      Victoria Daily Times, October 27 1936

"Island Arts on Display" by John Radford
      Vancouver Sun, March 15 1939