
By Maud Rees Sherman, From "The Paint Box", VSDAA - June 1927

This class, under the direction of Mr. Varley, has been a most interesting one, bringing out any qualities of imagination and originality that may be in us.

At first we were given a new subject each week for a quick sketch in charcoal, the idea of mural decoration being kept in mind all the time. Our interpretation of title and its carrying out was then criticized by Mr. Varley. Later we attempted something more ambitious--Indian legends in oils--still in the form of mural decoration, and the size of the panels in the common room. This caused much delving into books of legends and ransacking of memory, as well as trips to the Museum to see the Indian collection there. The project gave us a chance to revel in colour according to our various ideas.

Just now, those of us who have finished our legends, are getting inspirations closer to our daily life. We take some part of the room we are working in, making use of each other as models--rather restless models, as they are at work on their compositions, but very good practice on that account. The more or less accidental groupings of colourful smocks, the patterns made by the tall easels and the way the casts come in, being very interesting--only needing a little ingenuity to be worked into a composition.

We are also working off the extra ideas we had for the Indian legends, but on a smaller scale than the large panels, using black and white and poster colours as well as oils. With Mr. Varley to encourage and direct our imaginations, some of us should some day do something really worth while, if only to show our appreciation of his efforts on our behalf.