Pleased With Art of West Coast Indians

Designer Furnishes Amsterdam Magazine With Striking Article

Semi-Weekly Colonist, March 2 1909

      That the art of the Indians of the Pacific Coast is not only bold, original, singular, and striking but also strong, virile and beautiful in its simplicity, is the opinion of J. Semeyn of Ansterdam (sic), Holland. Mr. Semeyn, who has spent some considerable time in the city, has recently supplied the Home Magazine of Architecture, published in his native city by his former master and employer, the famous Dutch architect, Ed. Guypers (sic), with a striking article upon the art of the Indians of Vancouver Island. Illustrated in color, strikingly true in detail, the pictures of Indian totem poles, canoes, carvings, and all manner of utensils have been beautifully done and the article dealing with the subject is exhaustive and shows much research.
      Mr. Semeyn spent seven years in the offices of Cuypers and there he specialized in the art of interior decoration. He has recently completed a series of panels in miniature which reveal a grasp of color, form and combination which mark him a master.

Semi-Weekly Colonist. "Pleased With Art of West Coast Indians" (March 2 1909):