Vancouver Art Gallery Memo, October 17 1944

Re: Galloway-Dorbils Exhibit

To: Mr. W. H. Malkin,
3269 S.W. Marine Dr., City
Oct. 17th, 1944.

     As requested, I have visited the Galloway-Dorbils exhibition of rejected work at 942 Granville Street. I noted the names of the following 14 would-be exhibitors in our show:

F.W. Bater, F.W. Buchanan, Enid Dale, T.H. Emerson, C. Stansfeld Jones, Ileen MacKenzie, Agatha Pearce, Amy Pearce, C.H. Rawson, P. Romaniuk, E. Sheppard, E. Hamilton-Smith, B.M. Taylor, V.R. Timms.

     In my opinion, no self-respecting Jury could have passed any of the work now on display at Galloway-Dorbils for inclusion in a Gallery exhibition.

ASG/hv        Curator

Memo provided courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Library