Charles Henry Rawson

May 18 1870 - April 10 1948

Northwest Mounted Police (Constable)
Canadian Expeditionary Force (Lance-Corporal, Private)
Vancouver Sketch Club
Federation of Canadian Artists (Founding Member 1941)

Courtesy private collection.

Charles H. Rawson was born in Stayner, Ontario. He served in the Northwest Mounted Police in two periods totalling four and a half years, from 1893-1895 and from 1899 to 1901, in Regina, Lethbridge, and Dawson (City) in the Yukon.

He married Florence May Ellis in Vancouver on March 25, 1905, she was born in Wales. His profession was noted as artist.

Rawson was an early exhibitor in Vancouver, and advertised in the Henderson's Directory as an artist as early as 1907. A portrait of him titled Corp. Ch. H. Rawson was painted by Norman Hawkins and exhibited in the 1917 Eleventh Exhibition of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts, along with his own painting of Lynn Valley. He also exhibited with the group in November 1912.

1911 City Directory listing.

Rawson joined the Canadian Army at the beginning of World War One, taking his oath of attestation on September 26, 1914 at the age of "44 years 4 months." His "trade or calling" was listed as carpenter. He belonged to the "active militia" referred to as "6th F. Co. C.E." and stated that he had previously served with the North West Mounted Police and the "6th C.M.R."

His ranks were Lance Corporal and Private. He went overseas in February 1915 with the 3rd Field Company, Divisional Engineers. He received a "G.S.W." (gun shot wound) to the stomach at Festubert on May 18, while "going to put up barbed wire entanglements was hit by piece of shell in right side of abdomen, causing wound 5 cm deep (X-ray photograph). There was pain and vomiting (probably from shock) for six days."

He was evacuated by the No. 5 London Field Ambulance to Casualty Clearing Station, Chocarres (Chocques). He was transferred to the Australian Hospital at Wimereux on May 25, then to Alder Hay West Derby Hospital, Liverpool, admitted on May 27 1915. He was discharged from the hospital on September 19, but on November 11 was admitted to the Military Convalescence Hospital, Epsom, with a case of gastritis. After that, he was deemed "no longer physically fit for war service" and was sent home. He left for Canada on December 31 1915, arrived at a discharge depot in Quebec in early January 1916, and by January 19 he was in Esquimault. He was left with some shrapnel in his body that was reviewed by a military medical board in 1916. For his "minor" inability to work he was granted a pension of $75 for 6 months.

Another document, titled Medical History of an Invalid, dated October 31 1917, notes under item 11 Present Condition: "The man is anaemic (markedly), very much debilitated, obviously greatly underweight, answers questions sluggishly. Shews a toxic condition." The review board recommended that he be placed in class D3, given an x-ray examination, treatment, and reattested for pay and allowance.

Sketch of Bernard McEvoy
British Columbia Monthly, March/April 1921

A nice card showing the Brockton Point lighthouse, signal station, and keeper's house.

A 1919 wood engraving of The Lions.

"Gorse, Victoria 1919".

Cree Camp (Curing Pemmican) exhibited 1933 2nd Annual BC Artists exhibition.

Rare 1932 BC Artists' exhibition label.

Even rarer 1932 art gallery artwork tag.

Grouse Mountain Chalet in Winter, 1927, 3-colour engraving

Prospect Point, 1924

Church, 49th and Fraser, Vancouver

He exhibited at the Vancouver Exhibition in 1930 and 1932, representing the Vancouver Sketch Club. He was employed as a Customs House Clerk.

He exhibited his work in the B.C. Artists annual exhibitions, from the inaugural 1932 exhibition to 1943.

Rawson's artist stamp as applied to original artwork

He was one of the "rejectees" from the 14th Annual B.C. Artists exhibition in 1945 at the Vancouver Art Gallery who had their rejected work hung in protest at the Galloway-Dorbil Gallery on Granville Street.

He died in Vancouver in 1948 at the age of 77, according to B.C. Vital Statistics on-line. At the time of his death he had lived in B.C. for 48 years. He retired in 1935 after working as "artist + draughtsman 26 yrs, Customs 19 years." He was married to (Florence) May Ellis at the time of his death, the couple was living at 7895 French Street.

Reg. No. 2979 ex-Cst. Charles Henry Rawson, 77, died at Vancouver, B.C., April 10, 1948. He served in the N.W.M.P. from Nov. 29, 1893, to Dec. 12, 1895, and from May 1, 1899, to Oct. 11, 1901, having been stationed during those periods at Regina (Sask.) and Lethbridge (Alta.) in the Northwest Territories and Dawson, Y.T. He served with the Royal Canadian Engineers in the First World War.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Quarterly: "Obituaries" (Vol. 13 No. 4 April 1948) Canadiana,
Listings from City directories online:

1907 Artists: Rawson, Charles H.
1908 Artists: Rawson, Charles H. (4, 165 W Cordova St.)
1909 Rawson, Charles H. clk J A Coldwell lvs cor James & Westminster rd
     (note: Coldwell, Joseph A real est broker 100 Hastings W h 2360 Powell)
1910 Artists: Rawson, Charles H. (165 W. Cordova St.)
1910 Rawson, Charles H. comm artist 145 Cordova W h cor James & Westminster Road
1911 Artists Commercial: Rawson, Charles H.
1911 Rawson, Charles H., Commercial Artist Publisher of Pocket Maps Rm. 8, 619 Hastings W. phone 6435 Res. James Cor. Westminster Road
1912 Artists: Rawson, Chas. H. (14, 619 W. Hastings St.)
1912 Rawson, Charles H., Commercial Artist Publisher of Pocket Maps Rm. 14, 619 Hastings W. phone Seymour 8119 Res. James Cor. Westminster Road
1913 Artists: Rawson, Chas. H. (14, 619 W. Hastings St.)
1913 Rawson, Chas H commercial artist 14, 619 Hastings W h 1075 Westminster Rd
1914 Artists: Rawson, Chas. H. (14, 619 W. Hastings St.)
1914 Rawson, Chas H map pub 14, 619 Hasting W h 1075 Kingsway
1915 Rawson, Chas H coml artist h 1075 Kingsway
1916 Rawson, Chas H coml artist h 1075 Kingsway
1917 Rawson, Chas H customs officer h 1075 Kingsway
1918-1923 Rawson, Chas H clk customs h 1075 Kingsway
1924 Rawson, Chas H clk Customs Post Parcels h 1075 Kingsway
1925 Rawson, Chas H clk Customs h 1075 Kway
1926 Rawson, Chas H clk Customs h 1107 E 19
1927 Rawson, Chas H clk Customs h 1107 E 19
1934 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) clk Customs h 1107 E 19
1935 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) h 1107 E 19
1936 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 1107 E 19
1942 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 1107 E 19
1943 (no Vancouver listing)
1944 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 7895 French
1945 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 7895 French
1946 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 7895 French
1947 Rawson, Chas H (Florence M) retired h 7895 French
1948 Rawson, Florence M. wid C H h 7895 French

Note: the images on this page were provided courtesy of a private collection. A large number of artworks had been scanned and indexed, the ones on this page are simply chosen by the Editor as being ones of interest. Titles and content of other images in the collection included works done in Pretoria, South Africa. Some paintings were dated from the 1890s. A painting of Prospect Point is dated 1924. Other paintings are of Hornby Island, Crescent Beach, Armstrong, Hope, Stanley Park, Ashcroft, Vernon, Kootenay Lake, Penticton, New Westminster, Kamloops, Yale, Banff AB, and Regina SK. There are also a number of floral still lifes.

Lost Lagoon, Stanley Park. Exhibited in 1943 12th Annual B.C. Artists exhibition.
Titled, signed, and dated. Collection of the author.

Rawson solo exhibition at 4th Meridian, Penticton, March 2025.
Photograph courtesy 4th Meridian.

Rawson solo exhibition at 4th Meridian, Penticton, March 2025.
Photograph courtesy 4th Meridian.

2025 March 22 Collection of historic watercolours (22) 4th Meridian Art & Auctions, Penticton
2025 May 2 - 4 Collection of historic watercolours (8) Art in the City, WECC, Vancouver

1912 Nov. 25 - 30 BCSFA   Annual Exhibition November
1917 Sept. 14 - 22 BCSFA   Eleventh Exhibition Lynn Valley
1923 June Sketch Club    Semi-Annual Exhibition Golden Autumn
1924 February 2 Sketch Club    Monthly Exhibition A Winter Sunrise
1924 October Sketch Club    October Exhibition Lynn Creek
1930 Aug. 6 - 16 VanExh   Oil Paintings & Water-colours Vancouver Waterfront
1932 Aug. 29 - Sept. 5 VanExh   Vancouver Sketch Club Exhibit City Gate, Pekin
Lynn Creek
Summer Holidays, Burnaby Lake
1932 Oct. 5 - 30 VAG   B.C. Artists 1st Annual Evening, Holy Cross Mountain
King George V
Road to Summerland
1933 Sept. 22 - Oct. 15 VAG   B.C. Artists 2nd Annual Cree Camp
Colour Wood Cut
City Gate, Pekin
1933 Dec. 1 - 17 VAG   B.C. Artists Christmas Exhibition Lost Lagoon
1934 Sept. 21 - Oct. 14 VAG   B.C. Artists 3rd Annual Lynn Creek Canyon
Spanish Banks, Low Tide
Cat Boats - Beached
Echo Lake, B.C.
1934 Dec. 4 - 16 VAG   B.C. Artists Christmas Exhibition Spanish Banks, Low Tide
Cat Boats, Beached
1935 Sept. 20 - Oct. 15 VAG   B.C. Artists 4th Annual Havana Harbour, Cuba
The Prairie, Regina
1937 Sept. 17 - Oct. 10 VAG   B.C. Artists 6th Annual The Lions (Wood Engraving)
Brockton Point (Wood Engraving)
1938 Sept. 16 - Oct. 9 VAG   B.C. Artists 7th Annual Brockton Point
Wood Engravings
1940 Sept. 20 - Oct. 13 VAG   B.C. Artists 9th Annual Mount Rundle, Banff, Alta.
1941 Sept. 26 - Oct. 19 VAG   B.C. Artists 10th Annual Lulu Island
1942 Nov. 3 - 15 FCA   Red Cross Benefit (no information available)
1943 Sept. 25 - Oct. 20 VAG   B.C. Artists 12th Annual The Lions
Lost Lagoon, Stanley Park


Canadian Expeditionary Force World War One service file for Rawson (online, 84 pages)

CITY & PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES 1907 to 1948 (refer to DIR)

B.C. VITAL STATISTICS ON-LINE marriage, death (refer to BCVS)


""Golden Autumn", is by Mr. C.H. Rawson. Here the artist's palette was composed of yellow ochre, gamboge and the glowing combinations of these with vermilion. Those flaming trees are like gorgeous chords of music in a prelude, with a diminuendo of falling leaves and quivering shadows. ... "Winter" by Mr. C.H. Rawson has no hard sparkle. One feels the soft flakiness of the snow. The footprints on the path through the trees show that the snow is newly fallen."
      From "Semi-Annual Exhibit by the Vancouver Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow
      British Columbia Monthly, June 1923

"Those exhibiting included ... Mr. C.H. Rawson ... "
      From "Sketch Club Semi-Annual Art Exhibition"
      B.C. Ladies' Mirror, December 15 1923

"Mr. Rawson has caught the silver coolness of morning in his water-color "A Winter Sunrise." The coral and primrose sky seems filled with dancing motes of crystal."
      From "Impressions of the Sketch Club" by Alice M. Winlow
      British Columbia Monthly, March 1924

" ... Among those contibuting paintings and drawings are: ... C.H. Rawson ... "
      From "Noted Artists Offer Paintings For Red Cross"
      Vancouver Province (presumed), November 1942

"As requested, I have visited the Galloway-Dorbils exhibition of rejected work at 942 Granville Street. I noted the names of the following 14 would-be exhibitors in our show: ... C.H. Rawson ..."
     From "Re: Galloway-Dorbils Exhibit" by A.S. Grigsby.