Vancouver Sun, April 1948

Watercolors On View at Art Gallery

by Mildred Valley Thornton

     An exhibition of watercolors by Bessie Fry Simmons, (sic) opening this week at the Vancouver Art Gallery, will delight many people because of its careful attention to detail.
     The artist has been a frequent contributor to local exhibitions for many years and has long been known as a meticulous painter of B.C. landscapes. While one wishes for more breadth and simplicity in some of this work, the clean bright colors and deep sincerity are compensating factors.
     "Autumn Poplars" is vivid and well arranged, the gay colors making a bright pattern against the mountain background. "Boat Landing at Banff" is a very successful small painting of a quiet sylvan scene.
     "Head of the Valley, Maligne Lake" is perhaps the outstanding picture in the group, painted broadly, with a fine realization of the majesty of the subject.
     There are numerous flower paintings done with unusual imagination and a tree in a mantle of hoar frost, all showing much delicacy and refinement of treatment.
     Two new exhibitions of art are booked at UBC. In hut 0-16 an interesting collection of watercolors is being shown, the work of H. Blagdon Phillips. Picardy in World War One is subject for many of the paintings. Apart from their artistic value, many of these pictures are valuable from the historic point of view as they are of places completely destroyed in the second war. The exhibit will be on view until April 15.
     Saturday at 3 p.m. Dr. Norman MacKenzie will officially open an exhibition of work by Miss Beatrice Lennie at The Gables.
     During a recent illness, this well-known sculptor turned to painting in oils with great success, and a large collection of her recent work will be shown. Prominent among the pictures is "The Indian Basket Weaver of Sechelt." Miss Lennie also paints flowers and has lately made a special study of children. A number of these paintings and a collection of her work in the plastic arts will be on display.

Clipping provided courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Library