"Medal Awards in B.C. Artists' Exhibition"

Vancouver Art Gallery Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 2 October 1938

      The Beatrice Stone Silver Medal, awarded annually for a painting in oil of a high order of merit, has this year been won by Mr. Robert G. Davidson of Vancouver, for his picture "Near Fort Langley, B.C." a reproduction of which appears on the cover of this issue. A native son of Vancouver, the prize-winner studied art under private teachers in this city with advanced instruction at the Chournaird (sic) Art School in Los Angeles. By profession a commercial artist, Mr. Davidson has exhibited at our annual exhibitions on several occasions, his painting "Threatening Clouds", shown last year, gaining an Honourable Mention. On making the award, the judge, Professor Dudley Pratt, handed in the following report:-
      "I selected number 25 ("Near Fort Langley, B.C.") for the medal in oil painting because it is an honest, modest, and successful interpretation of the local scene; it is a satisfactory but not overpowering composition, and is not an imitation of any other painter's work. The apparent crudeness of the drawing is naturally excused by the fact that every line, colour, and value contributes to the total effect. There is a certain lack of enrichment which is, I believe, due to inexperience, since I am told that this painting is the work of a young artist, but on every other count I was greatly pleased, this sense of pleasure growing with successive inspections of the painting."

      As in previous years, three bronze medals were awarded for work of a high order of merit in Watercolour, Black and White, and Sculpture, respectively. The names of the successful competitors follow:-
      Watercolour: Mrs. Clara L. Millar ("Dahlias").
      Black and White: Mr. T.W. Greaves ("Portrait").
      Sculpture: Miss Maisie Robertson (Polo Pony - Wood carving).

      Honourable Mentions were accorded as follows:
      Oils: Mr. Ronald Jackson ("Up-Country");
           Miss Vera O. Weatherbie ("Portrait of a Girl").
      Watercolour: Mrs. M.O. Verral ("Flower Study");
           Miss M.A. Bain ("Mountain Tops").
      Black & White: Miss Ruth Q. Dickson ("Portrait");
           Miss Marion Aird Morham ("Portrait Study").
      Sculpture: Miss Beatrice Lennie ("Night Flight");
           Miss Millicent E. Fox ("Shakespearian Interlude").

      It is planned to present medals and certificates to the successful competitors on the occasion of the opening of the Theatre Art and other special exhibitions on the evening of Wednesday, October 12th at 8:15 p.m.
