The Vancouver Sketch Club held its monthly exhibition at
the studio, 342 Pender street west, on Saturday last.
Due perhaps to the Easter holidays, sickness or other causes many members failed
to contribute, but such works as were hung on the walls proved that the club
possesses several faithful and earnest workers. Of special interest were the works
of Miss Marion E. Jack, a new member. Her subjects, taken
from the far north, besides showing considerable dexterity in brush work, prove
that Miss Jack has a keen appreciation for color. Mr. F. Smith contributed a charming little study, rich in color, good in tone and full of poetic feeling. A strong and direct from nature sketch from near Seaside Park was Miss Maud Sherman's Easter offering, whilst Mr. R.S. Sherman found inspiration from the same locality. Miss E. Wrigley's study of wall-flowers was charming in color and painted with a thorough knowledge of her materials. The president, Mr. Tom Fripp, helped by exhibiting several of his mountain studies, "A Bit of Mount Sir Donald" being a strong, direct bit of painting. Miss M. Conran, Mrs. George T. Gilpin, Miss Batiste, Mr. Laing, and Mr. J. Scott, with two clever portraits in charcoal, all helped to keep up the credit of the club. (list of exhibition visitors not transcribed) |