About the Author/Artist

Gary K. Sim

September 26 1951 -

BC Forestry work crew: log cabin building at Ingenika Forks (1972)
Canadian Telephones & Supplies (Central Office Equipment Installer 1973-1977)
BC RAIL Rock Gangs 151, 152 & 153 (Driller, Scaler, Blaster, Rock Gang Foreman 1978-1987)
Agrisystems International (Agricultural Draftsman & Designer, Seattle 1988)
Vancouver Architectural firms (Draftsman, Production Manager, Contract Administrator 1989-2019)
Architectural Technologist, AIBC (AT.AIBC 2000 - 2015)
Owner/Editor, Sim Publishing (2003 - current)
Contact Information

From Jack Bowman "friendship album" 1959



Born September 26, 1951, at St. Vincent's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. Attended Trafalgar Elementary School grades 1 - 2 and 4 - 7, Trafalgar Annex B grade 3, Prince of Wales High School grades 8 - 9, Hugh McRoberts Junior Secondary School (Richmond) grade 10, and Steveston High School grades 11 - 12. Graduated Steveston High School 1969.

Elected Class President in Grade 11. Joined S.O.U.L. group 1968 to help put on school sock hops with live bands. Booked Dal Richards Big Band, Paul Perry's Dixieland Band, and His Intricate Mind acid rock band for a 3-band blowout at Steveston High School auditorium, selling 600 tickets. Note: Mel Richards, Dal's brother, was the high school Principal, which was a great selling point for booking the venue.

Briefly attended Simon Fraser University (1969), Vancouver School of Art (1970), and "dropped out". Has worked as paperboy (Vancouver Sun and Province); welfare hostel cook (Terrace); plywood mill labourer (Fraser Mills); box plant labourer (Richmond); tree planter (Chilcotin Plateau); gardener, foundry worker, sign painter, book store clerk (Vancouver); mailman (Richmond); fruit picker (Okanagan); candle maker, YMCA maintenance assistant (Vancouver); logger, log cabin builder, trail builder for BC Forestry (Mackenzie, Ingenika Forks 1972); CT&S central office telephone equipment installer (Whalley, Williams Lake, Kamloops, Penticton, Vancouver, Chilliwack, Burnaby, Victoria 1973-1977); substitute school teacher and janitor (Shalalth); construction laborer (Seton Portage); electrician's helper (Shalalth); guitar teacher. Trained as Mountaineering Expedition Leader, Capilano College, climbed Mount Waddington 1978.

Has been a member of the International Woodworkers of America union, the Pulp Sulphite and Paper Workers union, the Federation of Telephone Workers (elected shop steward), and the Canadian Union of Transport Employees Local 6.

Electric coal train, Tumbler Ridge 1983. Photo Gary Sim.

Driller-Scaler, Blaster, Rock Gang Foreman, B.C. Rail High Scaling Gangs 151, 152, 153 (Seton Portage, Horseshoe Bay, Porteau, Squamish, Garibaldi, Tisdall, Pemberton, Lillooet, Tumbler Camp, Wolverine Camp, Whitford Siding 1978-1987); agricultural engineering draftsman for a no-till seed drill (Seattle, 1988); auction assistant (Burnaby); architectural technologist, network administrator, CAD manager, model builder, 3D modeler, renderer, and animator, Job Captain - various architectural firms (Vancouver 1989 - 2004). Production Manager, Parallel.AT Services, Inc. (2004 - 2005). Architectural Job Captain at Toby Russell Buckwell & Partners Architects (2006 - 2007). Contract Administrator at DGBK Architects (2007 - 2017), Bingham Hill Architects (2017 - 2019). Retired June 2019.

Sketch map of architectural field trips in 2009

Completed scores of architectural field reviews and site visits to Victoria, Nanaimo, Powell River, Masset, Burns Lake, Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Whistler, as well as 100 trips to Surrey and 5 trips to Spokane WA. The little sketch map above shows the trips made in one year alone, flying or driving to projects in Powell River, 100 Mile House, and Salmon Arm. One round trip drive from Vancouver to Salmon Arm, then to 100 Mile House, and back to Vancouver via the Duffey Lake Road, was 1,100 km. in 3 days.

3D Studio rendering (from animation)

Published CAD and 3D rendering articles in MultiCAD Magazine, Australia (1994-96); published multi-media article on Autodesk Press CD-ROM (1996); on-line articles "R.S. Sherman", "School Days", and "John Kyle" at Malaspina University College web site "The Home Room" (2000-2001); wrote articles for Stantec newsletter "Inform". Technical illustrations published in "Journal of Commerce", "Wellington Times", "Illinois Soybean Digest", "Agrisystems newsletter", "architectureBC", etc.

Architectural scale models

Selected as feature artist in Amphora issue 135, the journal of the Alcuin Society, published June 2004. Includes colour cover, illustrations throughout, and one page biography. Also includes 2,500 word essay "On the care and feeding of Antiquarian Booksellers". Pen & ink drawings featured in architectureBC in October 2004. Article on volunteering for Writers Festival published in Amphora issue 136. Two block prints Waiting and Shucking Shed, Lund published in Amphora 137, and articles 40 Years of Amphora in Amphora 140, Collecting Versus Entropy in Amphora 141. Series of articles The Digital Drawing published in architectureBC in 4 installments, 2004 - 2005. Article A Lighter Look at Hiring, architectureBC Winter 2006 issue.

3D Studio rendering

His spare time activities include drawing and limited edition print making, photography, Vancouver art history, research and writing, and volunteer work. In the past twenty years he has created hundreds of original artworks and shown them in more than sixty exhibitions.

3D Studio rendering from an animation

With his imprint Sim Publishing he produces illustrated monographs and catalogues, greeting cards, artist stamps, and the extensive historical digital research project BRITISH COLUMBIA ARTISTS.


NOTE: registered with AIBC as Architectural Technologist.AIBC #5679 from 2000 - 2015.

The Prime, Surrey 2019

Senior Architectural Contract Administrator, Bingham Hill Architects (2017 - 2019)
     The PRIME residential high-rise project, central Surrey
         Client: Reliance Properties / Macdonald Development Corp. with Turnbull Construction Project Managers
         $60 million CCDC-2 contract; general contractor: Metrocan UT
         37-storey 398-suite residential tower with podium and five levels underground parking.
         Role on project: Contract administration (starting when concrete was being poured on Level 31)
         Responded to RFI's; reviewed and distributed ongoing shop drawings
         Reviewed all Change Requests; issued all SI, CCO, CO, CD, and Certificates of Payment up to $2.7M per month
         Attended 90 site meetings; issued 70 site reviews
         Administered hazmat contract to remove extensive mold growth in tower drywall
         Redesigned mail room to current Canada Post letter and package standards
         Completed code-fire-life-safety reviews to all tower suites (levels 6 - 37)

Senior Architectural Technologist / Contract Administrator, DGBK Architects (2007 - 2017)
     Centennial Pavilion Level 2 North Demolition Project, VGH, Vancouver
         Client: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
         GC: Seaforth Construction
         $990,000.00 stip-sum demolition of 15,000 sf of abandoned Operating Rooms
         Coordinated drawings for Tender; Issued for Construction and As-built
         Administration of extensive hazardous materials abatement contract for lead, asbestos, mold in active hospital
         Attended bi-weekly Site Meetings and Field Reviews
     Condition Assessment - Air Terminal Building, Faro, Yukon Territory
         Client: Yukon Territory (standing offer)
         Field review of building that was damaged by frost heaving
         Wrote report and recommendations for repairs
     Okanagan Correction Centre, Oliver
         Client: Plenary Justice / BC Corrections Branch / PCL Construction
         $200,000,000.00 P3 Fast-track Design Build At-Risk project
         A CSIA security clearance was required for this project.
         Completed deficiency reviews on all 216 precast prison cell pairs (3 trips to Spokane)
         On-site field reviews for construction progress & cell installation (13 trips to Oliver)
         Reviewed and distributed Shop Drawings; coordinated and issued Supplemental Instructions

Yours truly

     Plaza 500 Apartment Conversion, Vancouver
         Client: Plaza 500 Ltd.
         GC: Haebler Construction
         $18,000,000.00 Stip-Sum renovation of 156-suite Hotel into 118 Rental Apartments
         Coordinated drawings for Tender; Issued for Construction and As-built
         Included fire & life safety upgrades, elevator replacement, new exterior glazing
         Administered extensive hazmat sub-contract for mold abatement
         Attended bi-weekly Site Meetings and Field Reviews for three years
         Designed and issued all required construction details during construction
         Issued all architectural project paperwork except Certificates of Payment
         Completed all deficiency reviews, City of Vancouver building inspections
         Achieved Substantial Performance and Occupancy December 2016
     Condition Assessment - Assisted Living Facility, Masset
         Client: Northern Health Authority
         Field review of building that was water damaged by frozen sprinkler lines
         Wrote report and recommendations for repairs
         Reviewed progress of repairs, did field review of completed work
     Statement of Requirements, Lakes District Health Care Centre, Burns Lake
         Client: Partnerships BC
         $55,000,000.00 Design-Build Competition for new Hospital
         Wrote and coordinated the performance spec for Lakes District Hospital
         Compiled all architectural and consultant updates into master document
         Managed secure plan room at PBC headquarters for Design-Build Competition
         Completed Field reviews for Early Works Package including Nurse Residence relocation
     E.C.U. Demolition & New Parking Lot, G.R. Baker Hospital, Quesnel
         Client: Northern Health Authority
         GC: Vachon Construction, Quesnel
         $760,000.00 Stip-Sum demolition of ECU, new parking lot c/w lights & block heaters
         Coordinated drawings for Tender; Issued for Construction and As-built
         Site was adjacent Fraser River, needed to work with DFO on siltation control
         Remediated hazardous materials including asbestos, PCBs, and underground oil tank in active hospital
         Attended monthly Site Meetings and Field Reviews
         Designed and issued all required construction details during construction
         Issued all contract documents including ASKs
         Completed all deficiency reviews and building inspections
     Plaza 500 Hotel Upgrade, Vancouver
         Client: Plaza 500 Ltd.
         GC: Carillion Construction
         $8,900,000.00 Stip-Sum renovation of 156-suite Hotel into Hotel Indigo
         Coordinated drawings for Tender; Issued for Construction and As-built
         Included fire & life safety upgrades, elevator replacement
         Administered extensive hazmat sub-contract for mold abatement
         Attended bi-weekly Site Meetings and Field Reviews for two years
         Designed and issued all required construction details during construction
         Project went over budget and was cancelled by Owner
     Tertiary Older Acute Psychiatric Renovation, Peace Arch Hospital, White Rock
         Client: Fraser Health Authority
         GC: Halse-Martin Construction
         $1,300,000.00 Stip-sum renovation of ECU into psychiatric care facility
         Updated drawings to match existing conditions, issued to Consultants
         Coordinated and issued all Architectural drawings and specifications for Tender
         Included psych observation room, Spyder Alert system, CCTV system, patient wander alert
         Safety upgrades included laminated windows, security bars, ligature-proof hardware
         Project expanded to include security upgrades to three lobby levels

Beam lift (click image for project information)

     London Aviation Centre, South Terminal YVR, Sea Island
         Client: London Aviation Services (owned by London Drugs)
         GC: Scott Construction
         $18,000,000.00 Fast-Track Design-Build new 65,000 sf airplane hangar c/w 25,000 sf offices
         360 x 180 foot clear span hangar (will fit two Boeing 737s)
         Drew, coordinated, and issued all Architectural drawings for construction
         Two trips to Spokane to review steel fabrication details prior to delivery
         Attended bi-weekly Site Meetings and Field Reviews for one year
         Designed and issued all required construction details during construction
         Completed all Deficiency Reviews and YVR Building Inspections
         Achieved Substantial Performance and Occupancy October 2009 (on schedule)
     Diagnostic Imaging Suite, Powell River General Hospital
         Client: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
         GC: Scott Construction
         $1,800,000.00 Stip-sum upgrade to existing Diagnostic Imaging Suite in active hospital
         Coordinated and issued all Architectural drawings and specifications for Tender
     Extended-care Servery & Activity Room Renovation, 100 Mile House Hospital
         Client: Interior Health Authority
         $140,000.00 Stip-Sum Renovation to functioning extended care unit in active hospital
         Issued all construction documents for Tender and IFC, attended all Field & Deficiency Reviews
     Angiography Suite, Kelowna General Hospital
         Client: Interior Health Authority
         $250,000.00 (construction only) retrofit of new Angiography machine into functional hospital
         New high-voltage electrical room required
         Coordinated and issued all Architectural drawings and specifications for Tender
         Issued all construction documents, attended all Field Reviews in active hospital
     Cart Washer, Kelowna General Hospital
         Client: Interior Health Authority
         $250,000.00 (construction only) retrofit of new Cart Washing machine into active hospital
         Structural upgrade required, live steam and high pressure water
         Coordinated and issued all Architectural drawings and specifications for Tender
         Issued all construction documents, attended all Field Reviews
     Shuswap Lake General Hospital Addition & Renovation, Salmon Arm
         Client: Interior Health Authority
         GC: Yellowridge Construction
         $22,000,000.00 Construction Management expansion and renovation of functioning hospital
         New Emergency Department, Diagnostic Imaging, Electrical Room, Emerg. Generator
         Project was two phases, two stages, had Clerk of Works
         Issued all construction documents, attended all Field & Deficiency Reviews for two years
     Master Planning for new Ambulatory Care Centre, Childrens & Womens Hospital, Vancouver
         Client: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
         Assembled as-built drawing set for entire site, provided Option drawings
         Did Field Reviews and photography of entire site to confirm accuracy of drawings
     Fischer Place 29-bed Complex Care Facility Addition & Renovation, 100 Mile House
         Client: Interior Health Authority
         GC: Yellowridge Construction
         $4,600,000.00 Stip-Sum Addition to functioning hospital
         Issued all construction documents, attended all Field & Deficiency Reviews for two years
     St. Joseph the Worker - Parish Offices & Residences Expansion, Richmond
         Client: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
         GC: Double-V Construction (Van Vliet)
         $1,800,000.00 Stip-sum addition and renovations to existing office & residence building
         Issued all construction documents, attended all Field & Deficiency Reviews for one year
     Managed DGBK Continuing Education program for two years (AIBC learning units)

Senior Architectural Technologist, TRBP Architects (2006 - 2007)
     Job Captain & Construction Administration: Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre, Whistler
         Client: Squamish & Lil'wat First Nations
         GC: Newhaven Construction
         $25,000,000.00 Construction Administration completion project
         Included 2 Class A museum spaces; 85-seat theatre; conservation laboratory; cafe
         Project was designed by a firm that was let go after start of construction
         Re-drew many details for constructability, cost, and coordination
         Issued two Phased drawing packages for envelope construction and interior design
         Did all Field Reviews, attended Client meetings, reviewed costing
     Drafting & coordination: Totem Park Student Commons building renovation, UBC
     Asst. IT/CAD Manager: Workstation setup, training, network support & planning
     Proposals: research, support, graphics, proofreading.

Production Manager, Parallel.AT Services Inc. (2004 - 2005)
     Managed working drawing teams for architectural projects:
     Parkside Resort (Hulbert); Thunderbird Parkade (DYSA); Rosewood Manor (DGBK)
     Quality control; hiring; marketing and business development.

Production Services Manager, Stantec Architecture, Vancouver (2001 - 2004)
     CAD Manager; in charge of office intranet & AIBC CES courses
     Managed Tenant Improvement drawings for Sun Microsystems Newark expansion
     Condition assessment report for Royal Columbian Hospital Tertiary Care Expansion
     Design & Construction Admin: St. Paul's Hospital Site Consolidation project
         Relocation of Foot & Ankle Clinic with X-ray room, secure Psychiatric Evaluation, and Respirology from St. Vincent's
         Plumbing Contractor caused 4 major floods, including ER causing a "Code Orange" mass evacuation
         Administered flood repairs and abatement contracts in addition to main contract
     Centennial Pavilion as-built drawings and window replacement projects at VGH
         Replacement of 1,178 exterior windows
         Designed custom connection between Kawneer glazing and proprietary "ventrow" unit
     Job Captain: Nutrition Research Lab, Level A4 at Childrens & Womens Hospital
         Conversion of World War II operating rooms into high-tech research lab
         Project included relocation of Electron Microscope
         Hazmat contract included lead, asbestos, PCB's, and "medical dust"
     Design & Construction Admin: Breast Health Clinic, RCH, New Westminster
         Relocation of diagnostic imaging equipment from St. Mary's to RCH
     Produced proposals including Richmond Works Yard & Centre for Plant Health

Draftsman / Job Captain / Network Administrator, TRBP Architects (1998 - 2001)
     Job Captain: Stave Falls Visitor Centre, Margranite Phase 2, Clarkdale Motors
     Working drawings: residential, commercial, federal, & industrial projects
     3D drawings: auto dealer, office tower, credit union exterior, museum gift shop
     Network administrator: backups, archives, computer management, training, upgrades
     Graphics: scanning, image editing, promotional page layout, brochure design

Technical Sales Representative / Authorized Autodesk Dealer, PacBlue Digital (1997 - 1998)
     Sales, training & support: AutoCAD, CAD Overlay, Reprodesk, Encad
     Technical Support: Oce 9800’s, colour plotters, CD-burner, scan-to-file
     Project Manager: scan & archive 12,000 City of Richmond Engineering Dept. drawings

South Terminal, Sea Island, 1997

Draftsman / Job Captain, Dalla-Lana Griffin Dowling Knapp Architects (1997)
     Job Captain: $3.2 million retail/residential development (‘The Heights’)
     Working drawings: residential, aviation, commercial, healthcare, scientific projects
     3D modeling and rendering: YVR South Terminal, Winnipeg Library Millennium proposal

Credit Union branch

Draftsman / Network Administrator / Graphic Production, TSHW Architects (1989 - 1997)
     Network Administrator & Computer Manager: Novell 3.12 network (10-user)
     Working drawings: residential, healthcare, commercial, institutional
     3D modeling, rendering, animation: residential, healthcare, commercial
     Architectural scale models: massing, study, presentation
     Proposals: graphics, page layouts, proof-reading, research

No-Till Opener

Draftsman / Head of Drafting, Agrisystems International (1988 - 1989)
     Developed drafting standards, hired and managed one draftsman
     Completed manufacturing set of agricultural mechanical working drawings
     Created presentation graphics, logo design, colour schemes, patent illustrations
     Drawings published in Agrisystems Advisory, Soybean Digest, Wellington Times, AgWeek
     Helped build working prototypes of No-till Opener and Seed Drill

No-Till Seed Drill

Blast Mile 130, Anderson Lake

Driller-Scaler / Powderman / Foreman, B.C. Rail Rock Gangs 151, 152, 153 (1978 - 1987)
     Achieved position of Permanent Foreman, High Scaling Rock Gang 152
     Specialized in high cliff work: scaling, drilling, bolting, falling danger trees
     Blasted for 9 years, with safety fuse and single-series electrical Blasting Ticket
     Introduced modern rope and climbing techniques to B.C. Rail Rock gangs
     Trained & qualified men in high cliff face rope work
     Assisted with track repair, heavy salvage, equipment operator, and train patrol
     Awarded W.C.B. Gold Safety Medal, two letters of commendation
     Camps: Horseshoe Bay, Porteau, Squamish, Garibaldi, Tisdall, Pemberton, Seton, Lillooet;
       Tumbler Ridge camps: Tumbler, Wolverine, Whitford

Central Office Equipment Installer, Canadian Telephones & Supplies (1973 - 1977)
     Installed Central Office telephone switching equipment: step, Strowger toll-ticketing, EAX
     At Whalley, Williams Lake, Kamloops, Penticton, Chilliwack, Victoria, Vancouver, Burnaby

Ingenika Forks, 1972

Labourer, B.C. Forestry Service, Mackenzie, B.C. (Summer 1972)
     Construction of 4 log cabins for air tanker base, Ingenika Forks
     Construction & maintenance of Forestry campsites & trails, Mackenzie

Labourer, A-1 Steel & Iron Foundry, Vancouver (Summer 1971)
     Worked on foundry floor helping dump and pour from 2 furnaces

Maintenance manager's assistant, downtown Vancouver YMCA (1970)
     Misc. chores including painting wayfinding signage.

Cook, Terrace Welfare Hostel (Summer 1968, 1969)

Labourer, Crown Zellerbach box plant, Richmond (Summer 1967, 1968)
     Mostly working on the "beer line" making beer cartons.

Labourer, Crown Zellerbach plywood factory, Fraser Mills (Summer 1966)
     Maintenance work: cleaning sawdust, scything weeds; flipping oiled sheets of plywood.


MS Project, BCIT, 1 day course (2005)
Autodesk VIZ, CAD Resource Centre, 1 day course (2004)
Autodesk Architectural Desktop, CAD Resource Centre, 3 day course (2001)
CAD Overlay, 1 day course (1997)
Drafting - Architectural & Mechanical; Vancouver Vocational Institute (1988)
W.C.B. Blasting Certificate - safety fuse & single series electrical (1986)
B.C. Rail Rock Rescue Training, Squamish (1982)
W.C.B. Blasting Certificate - safety fuse (1981)
B.C. Rail Safety Training (ongoing 1980 - 1987)
W.C.B. Industrial First Aid Training, 2 week course Lillooet (1981)
B.C. Rail Foreman Training, two week course Prince George (1980)
Mountaineering II, Capilano College - Mt. Waddington (1976)
Mountaineering I, Capilano College - Joffre Peaks (1974)
Vancouver School of Art, Foundation Course (1970)
Simon Fraser University, First Semester (1969)
Grade 12 graduation, Steveston High School, Richmond BC (1969)


Member, BC Alliance for Arts & Culture (2019 - 2021)
Member, BC Historical Federation (2013 - 2021)
Member, Federation of Canadian Artists (2006 - 2015)
Active Member, Federation of Canadian Artists (2008 - 2015)
Active Member, Malaspina Printmakers Society (2005 - current)
Member, Alcuin Society (2004 - current)
Friend of the National Gallery of Canada (2004, 2011)
Member, Vancouver Art Gallery (2000 - 2008)
Member, Savary Island Heritage Society (2003 - current)
Member, Wildlife Rescue Society (2013 - 2017)
Past member, Avenue for Arts (AVA) (elected 2000 - 2001)
Founding Director, City of Richmond Community Arts Council (elected 1969)


     No award was given due to "lack of entries"
BC ARTISTS nominated for 2019 Melva J. Dwyer Award
     by Gary Sim, Sim Publishing
     Awarded to a biography of Cardinal-Schubert
     National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa ON, January 23 - May 6 2018
     A bibliographic exhibition of selected donations
BC ARTISTS AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF MERIT by B.C. Historical Federation, Kamloops, May 10 2013
     Nominated by author Sheryl Salloum.
BC ARTISTS nominated for 2011 Melva J. Dwyer Award
     by Cheryl Siegel, Head Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery
     (awarded annually to an "outstanding reference work on Canadian Art and Architecture")
     Awarded to Inuit Modern, an exhibition catalogue
BC ARTISTS nominated for 2010 Melva J. Dwyer Award
     by Cheryl Siegel, Head Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery
     (head of jury failed to register the nomination that was received and it was not considered)
GARY SIM listed on 125 Years of Donors: 1880 - 2005 wall at National Gallery of Canada (2005)
ART & ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION: Vancouver 1890 - 1950 nominated for 2005 Melva J. Dwyer Award
     (awarded annually to an "outstanding reference work on Canadian Art and Architecture")
     by Cheryl Siegel, Head Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery
GARY SIM listed on Artists of Canada, National Gallery of Canada (2004)
ART & ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION: Vancouver 1890 - 1950 nominated for 2005 Vancouver Art Award
     by Dr. Richard Hopkins, School of Library Archival & Information Services, U.B.C.
ART & ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION: Vancouver 1890 - 1950 nominated for 2004 Vancouver Heritage Award
     by Lynn Brockington, Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery
Winner, C.M.H.C. Flexhousing Phase 2 Visualization Competition (1996)


Plaster rock painting table, Train Expo 2023 (PNE Forum)
Linocut demonstration, Train Expo 2017 (PNE Forum)
Linocut demonstration, Alcuin Society Wayzgoose Letterpress Printing Fair (2013)
Volunteer, Alcuin Society Antiquarian Book Fair (2013)
Linocut demonstration & lecture, Burnaby Art Gallery LINOFEST (2012)
Linocut demonstration, Alcuin Society Wayzgoose Letterpress Printing Fair (2011)
Volunteer, Alcuin Society Antiquarian Book Fair (2010)
Chair, AIBC Gallery Advisory Committee (elected 2006 - 2008)
Member, AIBC Communications Board (2006 - 2008)
Member, AIBC Gallery Advisory Committee (2004 - 2006)
Volunteer, exhibition hang team, Alcuin Books & Printing exhibitions (2006, 2007)
Director, Emily Carr University Alumni Society Board of Directors (elected 2003 - 2005)
Member, Architectural Technologist Committee, AIBC (2001-2003)
Chair, Vancouver Public Art Committee (elected 2001)
Member, Vancouver Public Art Committee, representing AIBC (2000-2001)
Volunteer, Bravo Vancouver ArtsXchange, Vancouver Cultural Alliance (1997)
Festival volunteer, Musicwest Festival (1996)
Festival volunteer, Vancouver International Writers Festival (1994 - 2005)
Festival volunteer, Vancouver International Jazz Festival (1994 - 1996)
Festival volunteer, Vancouver Fringe Festival (1992 - 1994)
Festival volunteer, Inaugural Molson Indy (1990)

SPONSORSHIPS & DONATIONS ($118,559.00 total to date)

Year Donation Recipient For Appraised value
2025 Jacket, shirts, sweaters West End Seniors Network Thrift store $200.00
2025 80 books West End Seniors Network Thrift store $300.00
2024 12 DVDs, 12 books West End Seniors Network Thrift store $70.00
2023 5 Unheralded Artists series books West End Seniors Network Thrift store $125.00
2023 30 books, 10 DVDs West End Seniors Network Thrift store $200.00
2023 Mallards print, cat print, Quebec etching West End Seniors Network Thrift store $400.00
2022 A Candle For Ukraine (relief print, framed) President & Mrs. Zelenskyy, Ukraine Gift $150.00
2022 20 movie DVDs West End Senior's Network Thrift Store -
2022 Koulou (ltd. ed. print, framed) Critteraid, Summerland Thrift Store $100.00
2022 1 copy School Days magazine (1922), 1 copy VSB Trustees Annual Report (1923), 1 set McLean's Writing Method instruction manuals (1920-1960), Chuck Gosbee's book on Vancouver schools King George High School Archives Collection -
2022 2 copies School Days magazine Roedde House Museum Collection -
2021 5 copies Railway Rock Gang, 1 E.J. Hughes catalogue The Vast & Beautiful Interior, 2 history books Mountainview Lodge, Lillooet Library -
2021 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 75.00
2021 Irene Cattelle Porter & R.S. Alexander collection:
  300+ items: exhibition catalogues, art school
  prospectii, correspondence, photographs,
  marketing material, news clippings, grant
  applications, pamphlets
Emily Carr University Archives 8,500.00
2021 13 Alcuin Book Design Award Catalogues Alcuin Society Inventory $25.00
2021 29 early 1900s tourist postcards and photographs West Vancouver Art Museum Archives -
2021 4 issues of B.C. History, Smith & Other Events Mountainview Lodge, Lillooet Library 30.00
2021 Jennens & Co. London military button c1850 Royal B.C. Museum Collection 100.00
2021 30 back issues of B.C. History Mountainview Lodge, Lillooet Library 150.00
2021 1892 Victoria business account book City of Victoria Archives -
2021 Archive copy of BC ARTISTS CD-R 2021 Rel. 2.1 University of Victoria Special Collections 50.00
2020 Eight Maud Rees Sherman watercolour paintings University of Victoria Special Collections 1,600.00
2020 The Savary Pudding, 54 original 1930s artworks University of Victoria Special Collections 5,400.00
2020 Archive copies of BC ARTISTS CD-R 2002-2019 University of Victoria Special Collections -
2020 Permission to archive Sim Publishing & BC ARTISTS University of Victoria Special Collections -
2020 Approx. 450 BC artist ephemera University of Victoria Special Collections 1,200.00
2020 Donation B.C. Historical Federation Sponsorship 65.00
2020 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 50.00
2020 Lillooet Lullaby, 2 Cariboo history books Mountainview Lodge, Lillooet Library 40.00
2020 36 art books and exhibition catalogues Interior Art Gallery Library 935.00
2020 The Adventure of Noman: Connections drawing Interior Art Gallery You Are Not Alone 300.00
2020 Ltd. Ed. print Brooks Mogul 2-6-0 McBride Museum, Whitehorse Collection 100.00
2020 Railway Rock Gang (2), 2 Lillooet history books Mountainview Lodge, Lillooet Library 100.00
2019 British Columbia Artists uploaded to Internet Free access to all internet users Research est. 10,000.00
2019 60 B.C. art books Interior Art Gallery Library 1,940.00
2019 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 125.00
2018 1920s RCMP photo album RCMP Museum, Regina SK Archives -
2018 Macdonald's Dictionary of Canadian Artists Interior Art Gallery Library 200.00
2018 Donation Alcuin Society Endowment Fund 270.00
2018 Donation B.C. Historical Federation Sponsorship 200.00
2017 Ltd. Ed. print Gallery in Summer trial proofs Burnaby Art Gallery Permanent Collection 500.00
2017 British Columbia Artists update Vancouver Art Gallery Library and Archives 75.00
2017 British Columbia Artists update Emily Carr University Library and Archives 100.00
2017 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 95.00
2016 Ltd. Ed. print Antherium by Amanda Watt Malaspina Printmakers Society Blind Date fundraiser 2,500.00
2016 B.C. art books and catalogues National Gallery of Canada Library & Archives 985.00
2016 Ltd. Ed. print portfolio Ex Machina Burnaby Art Gallery Permanent Collection 3,000.00
2016 Ltd. Ed. print Yellow Door by Richard Tetrault Burnaby Art Gallery Permanent Collection 1,000.00
2016 Ltd. Ed. print Shucking Shed B.C. Historical Federation Conference door prize 160.00
2016 Book Railway Rock Gang (2 copies) B.C. Historical Federation Conference door prize 120.00
2016 British Columbia Artists updates Vancouver Art Gallery Library and Archives 175.00
2016 1 copy School Days magazine Roedde House Museum Archive -
2016 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 95.00
2015 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 95.00
2015 100 B.C. art books and catalogues National Gallery of Canada Library & Archives 3,305.00
2015 Original E.F. Kirk watercolour Galt Museum, Lethbridge AB Permanent Collection 125.00
2014 700 B.C. art books and catalogues National Gallery of Canada Library & Archives 26,785.00
2014 100 letterpress publications Simon Fraser University Special Collections 3,900.00
2014 18 Ltd. Ed. print folio Interior Art Gallery Permanent Collection 12,500.00
2014 30 artworks & ephemera on paper Burnaby Art Gallery Permanent Collection 10,600.00
2014 Ltd. Ed. print Rainforest by Jack Wise Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Prints fundraiser 800.00
2014 Donation B.C. Historical Federation Conference sponsorship 300.00
2014 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 95.00
2013 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 70.00
2013 Donation Alcuin Society Endowment Fund 400.00
2013 40 Wayzgoose letterpress keepsakes Alcuin Society Sponsorship 600.00
2013 Publication: DGBK - The Work 1972-2012 Vancouver City Archives Archives -
2013 Ltd. Ed. print Higher Rises Laudate Singers Sponsorship 350.00
2013 Donation B.C. Historical Federation Conference sponsorship 300.00
2012 Ltd. Ed. print South Shore Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Print fundraiser 200.00
2012 Ltd. Ed. print Otters on Savary Dock Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Print fundraiser 200.00
2012 Ltd. Ed. print Basking Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Print fundraiser 140.00
2012 Ltd. Ed. print Skookumchuck Interior Art Gallery Winter fundraiser 350.00
2012 Original drawing Colour Study Interior Art Gallery Winter fundraiser 200.00
2012 Ltd. Ed. print Looking Away Interior Art Gallery Summer fundraiser 200.00
2012 Original drawing Morning, Egmont Interior Art Gallery Summer fundraiser 275.00
2012 British Columbia Artists update Interior Art Gallery Library and Archives 100.00
2012 British Columbia Artists update Emily Carr University Library and Archives 100.00
2012 Donation Malaspina Printmakers Society Sponsorship 95.00
2012 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 95.00
2011 50 Letterpress Wayzgoose keepsakes Alcuin Society Sponsorship 500.00
2011 3 issues HIGHLIGHTS, the journal of the ASA National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 750.00
2011 Ltd. Ed. etching Looking West Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Prints Fundraiser 200.00
2011 Ltd. Ed. etching Water Taxi Malaspina Printmakers Society 101 Prints Fundraiser 200.00
2011 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 70.00
2010 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 70.00
2010 Ltd. Ed. etching Looking West Alcuin Society Endowment Fund 300.00
2010 Ltd. Ed. etching Water Taxi Alcuin Society Endowment Fund 300.00
2010 Ltd. Ed. book Leaves From the Pie Tree Alcuin Society Endowment Fund 820.00
2010 British Columbia Artists update Interior Art Gallery Library and Archives 175.00
2010 British Columbia Artists update Simon Fraser University Library and Archives 100.00
2010 British Columbia Artists update National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 100.00
2010 British Columbia Artists update Vancouver Art Gallery Library and Archives 175.00
2009 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 94.00
2008 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Kelowna Art Gallery Library and Archives 249.00
2008 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Concordia University, Montreal QC Library and Archives 249.00
2008 Donation Malaspina Printmakers Society Sponsorship 60.00
2008 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 76.00
2007 Complete collection of Amphora Alcuin Society Sponsorship 1,200.00
2007 Donation Y.M.C.A. Single Mothers program Sponsorship 100.00
2007 Donation Malaspina Printmakers Society Sponsorship 60.00
2007 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 76.00
2006 Ltd. Ed. print South Shore Vancouver Heritage Foundation Endeavour Fundraiser 270.00
2006 Ltd. Ed. print Otters on Savary Dock Savary Island Volunteer Fire Fighters Fundraiser 250.00
2006 Ltd. Ed. print Run Vancouver Sun Run Sponsorship 200.00
2006 Donation Malaspina Printmakers Society Sponsorship 60.00
2006 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 76.00
2005 Ltd. Ed. print Lions Gate Alcuin Society Fundraiser 200.00
2005 Ltd. Ed. print Lawn Bowlers Alcuin Society Fundraiser 200.00
2005 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 76.00
2005 Donation B.C. Children's Hospital Foundation 72.00
2005 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Emily Carr Institute Library and Archives 249.00
2005 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Federation of Canadian Artists Library and Archives 249.00
2004 Donation Alcuin Society Sponsorship 76.00
2004 Donation VGH/UBC Domestic Violence Program Sponsorship 100.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Lawn Bowlers Stanley Park Lawn Bowling Club Sponsorship 200.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Prickly Alcuin Society Fundraiser 200.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Otters on Savary Dock Alcuin Society Fundraiser 200.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Waiting Alcuin Society Fundraiser 250.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Shucking Shed Alcuin Society Fundraiser 250.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Run Alcuin Society Fundraiser 200.00
2004 Donation Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Sponsorship 100.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Prickly Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Volunteer door prize 200.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Otters on Savary Dock Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Volunteer door prize 200.00
2004 Ltd. Ed. print Shucking Shed Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Volunteer door prize 200.00
2004 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Simon Fraser University Special Collection 249.00
2004 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 249.00
2004 Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver Vancouver Art Gallery Library and Archives 249.00
2004 27 publications from Shadbolt estate National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 800.00
2004 6 VSDAA Prospectii & ephemera National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 750.00
2003 1922 School Days magazine National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 50.00
2002 1926 The Paint Box National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives 125.00
2002 Donation Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Sponsorship 100.00
1999 Donation Vancouver Int'l Writers Festival Sponsorship 150.00


British Columbia Artists, ISBN 978-0-9732542-6-6 (2010-current)
Railway Rock Gang, ISBN 978-0-9732542-5-9 (2013)
Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950, ISBN 978-0-9732542-0-4 CD-ROM (2004 - current)
Catalogue of Limited Edition Prints, ISBN 978-0-9732542-2-8 (updated 2009)
Between the Clouds - Selected Drawings 2004 - 2008, ISBN 978-0-9732542-4-2 (2008)
Transient Moorage - Summer Sketches, ISBN 978-0-9732542-3-5 (2006)
Gary Sim - Selected Graphic Works 1998 - 2004, ISBN 978-0-9732542-1-1 (2004)
When Love Comes a Riding - John Kyle, Artist & Educator (2002)
Looking For Maud, narrative biography in progress (1998 - pending)

Cover image Amphora 135


Historic Artists of the West End, West End Journal (posted March 1 2025)
Historic Artists of the West End, Vancouver Historical Society newsletter (February 2025)
An Appreciation of William (Bill) Hoffer: Bookseller, Artist, Writer, Amphora 191, Alcuin Society (Summer 2022)
Through the Glorious Wildnerness (R.S. Sherman bio), Amphora 174, Alcuin Society (Fall 2016)
Collecting vs. Entropy, Amphora 142, Alcuin Society (March 2006)
A Lighter Look at Hiring (by Uno. M. Ploid), architectureBC, AIBC (Spring 2006)
40 Years of Amphora, Amphora 140/141, Alcuin Society (December 2005)
The Digital Drawing - Part IV - Archiving, architectureBC, AIBC (Winter 2006)
The Digital Drawing - Part III - Output, architectureBC, AIBC (Fall 2005)
The Digital Drawing - Part II - Input, architectureBC, AIBC (Spring 2005)
The Digital Drawing - Part I - Introduction, architectureBC, AIBC (Winter 2005)
Lions Gate 2: Creation of a Cover Image, Amphora 139, Alcuin Society (June 2005)
Tales of a Vancouver Writer's Festival Volunteer, Amphora 136, Alcuin Society (September 2004)
Thoughts on Antiquarian Booksellers, Amphora 135, Alcuin Society (June 2004)
Midnight on Lion's Gate (poem), Amphora 135, Alcuin Society (June 2004)
John Kyle (biography), Malaspina University-College Home Room web site (2002)
Ruiter Stinson Sherman (biography), Malaspina University-College Home Room web site (2001)
School Days Magazine, Malaspina University-College Home Room web site (2001)
R.S. Sherman (biography), Admiral Seymour School 100th Anniversary Annual (2000)
W.P. Weston - Trolling, historical article for auction catalogue, Heffel Gallery (Spring 1999)
Architectural Use of 3D Service Bureaus, multimedia article (images, animation, text)
     Autodesk Press CD-ROM “Architectura” (June 1996)
AutoCAD to 3D Studio: Making It Work - Part 2, MultiCAD magazine, Australia (May 1995)
AutoCAD to 3D Studio: Making It Work - Part 1, MultiCAD magazine, Australia (June 1995)
Standards, What Standards?, MultiCAD Magazine, Australia (October 1994)
Customizing AutoCAD, MultiCAD Magazine, Australia (September 1994)
AutoCAD to 3D Studio: In Tune including cover image, MultiCAD Magazine, Australia (July 1994)


Brooks Mogul 2-6-0 published in Alcuin Society online newsletter, September 2017
Otters on Savary Dock published in BC Bookworld, 2017
   For review of The Summer Book
Otters on Savary Dock published online by Ormsby Review, June 2017
   For review of The Summer Book
18 drawings, prints & etchings published in The Summer Book
   Mother Tongue Publishing, June 2017
Looking Away (drawing) & Higher Rises (ltd.ed. print)
   published front cover & pg. 2 Vancouver Historical Society newsletter Vol. 56 No. 5 Feb. 2017
Free Fall (drawing from Adventures of Noman)
   published as front cover of BC Musician magazine issue 119, Nov. 2016
Tower (drawing) & Snails (etching) published in FCA Art Avenue (Sept./Oct. 2010)
Septessence (invitation image) published in FCA June Highlights (June 2010)
Earl's Cove (drawing) published in FCA June Highlights (June 2010)
Slide Mile 140.3 (drawing) published in FCA Art Avenue (March/April 2010)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print) published in FCA Art Avenue (Sept/Oct 2009)
Burrard Bridge (drawing) published in Vancouver Sun (September 3 2009)
Entropy Press (wood engraving) printed by Barbarian Press and tipped into Amphora 149 (July 2008)
London Aviation Centre construction photographs, Scott Construction newsletter (May/June 2008)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print) published in Burnaby News-Leader (2007)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print) published in Vancouver Province e-news (Sept. 17 2007)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print) published in Vancouver Province (2007)
Burrard Bridge and Old Lane published in Viewpoints review, architectureBC (Fall 2005)
Burrard Bridge and Old Lane (drawings) published in Vancouver Sun (September 10 2005)
Waiting and Shucking Shed, Lund (limited edition prints) published in Amphora 137 (Dec. 2004)
Public Art on Alberni, Nine O'Clock Gun, Burrard Bridge published in architectureBC (Fall 2004)
Featured artist - Amphora 135, journal of the Alcuin Society
     Cover image, 9 prints & drawings, artist biography (June 2004)
detail (from pen & ink drawing “Stave Falls Roof”), architectureBC (Winter 2003)
End of the Run (pen & ink drawing title page image)
     for Small: the art of the Miniature - exhibition catalogue ISBN 1-894001-06-0 (1998)
Cariboo Memorial Hospital, 3D computer rendering, Journal of Commerce front page (1994)
No-till seed drill, published in Wellington Times, New Zealand
     & Illinois Soybean Digest, AgWeek, Agrisystems newsletter, USA (1988)
Cover image, Richmond Community Arts Council inaugural newsletter, Richmond (1969)


"Historic West End Artists"
     Lecture for West End Seniors Network Living Library series
     Barclay Manor, January 10 2025

"Railway Rock Gang"
     Lecture for West End Seniors Network Living Library series
     Barclay Manor, May 10 2024

"Out of Print - Looking For B.C. Artists"
     Featured zoom lecturer
     Alcuin Society YOUTUBE LECTURE + Q&A, June 16 2022

"A Brief History of the Visual Artists of B.C."
     Featured lecturer
     Ferry Building Gallery, February 20 2020

"BC Artists - the story behind the project"
     Featured lecturer
     Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars, SFU, Dec. 7 2017

"Early Art & Artists in Vancouver"
     Featured lecturer
     Vancouver Historical Society, Feb. 23 2017
     Lecture posted on Youtube

"Railway Rock Gang"
     Featured banquet speaker
     TRAINS 2014 Annual Conference (October 2014)

"Railway Rock Gang"
     Vancouver Public Library public lecture
     Main branch, Vancouver (January 15, 2014)

From "Looking For Maud" to "Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950"
     Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Inaugural Conference
     Concordia University, Montreal (October 2 - 5, 2008)


Jack Wise article for Burnaby Art Gallery 50th Anniversary book Ornament of a House (2016).

Forty Years of Amphora, review of journal's history for Alcuin Society (2005)


Gallery in Summer, limited edition linocut print for Burnaby Art Gallery (2017)
     Edition of 100 printed for 50th Anniversary celebrations.

Gallery in Winter, limited edition linocut print for Burnaby Art Gallery (2007)
     Edition of 50 with 5 Artist Proofs printed for gallery Christmas card

Entropy Press, wood engraving for Alcuin Society Printer's Mark series (2005)
     Printed by Barbarian Press in edition of 500 and tipped into Amphora 149 (July 2008)


Please refer to Sim Publishing for information, availability, and pricing on Gary Sim artwork:

Gary Sim artwork as used in BC Artists web pages.


NOTE: refer to Sim Publishing for artwork information.

2024 August 12 - Dec. 4 Selected Relief Prints Morning Owl
VanCity Credit Union, Robson Street Dark Merlin
Curator: Mia Weinberg The Spinner
Higher Rises
Green Harbour
Big Bamboo
South Shore
Blackberry Harbour
Otters On Savary Dock
Tree Swallows
Canada Goose
2024 March 12 - April 2 The Adventures of Noman 45 drawings in the series
West End Community Centre, Vancouver
Curator: Gary Sim
2024 March 12 - April 2 Birds Around Us
West End Community Centre, Vancouver
Curator: Gary Sim
2023 July 25 - August 15 B.C. Coast in Black & White Mt. Waddington & Scimitar Icefall
West End Community Centre, Vancouver Sombrio Point
Curator: Gary Sim Queen Charlotte Harbour
Waiting for more ships from China
Mute Swan
Cheakamus Salvage
Lifting 808
Morning Owl
Higher Rises
Looking Away
Terminal Moraine
On the Scimitar Glacier
End of the Run
Water Taxi
Looking West
Little Bird
Heron, Lost Lagoon
Young Heron
Bald Eagle, Masset
Between Tides
Five Bamboo
Dream Snake
Lions in Summer
Assorted kumiko assemblies
2017 Nov. 28 - 2018 Jan. 29 Surface Tension - large drawings Waiting for more ships from China
McGill Library, Burnaby BC Sombrio Point
Curator: Bob MacIntyre (BAG) Queen Charlotte Harbour
The Descent
The Sentinel
Mt. Waddington & Scimitar Icefall
2017 Sept. 26 - 2018 July Recent Ltd. Ed. Prints Gallery in Summer
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Brooks Mogul 2-6-0
Curator: Gary Sim Summer Rest
Looking Away
Between Tides
2009 Nov. 01 - 2013 Coastal Images Morning, Egmont (pen & ink)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Skookumchuck (hand tinted linocut)
Curator: Gary Sim Looking West (ltd. ed. etching)
Water Taxi (ltd. ed. etching)
2009 July 15 - Oct. 30 On the Inland Sea - Selected Prints Otters on Savary Dock
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Looking Away
Curator: Gary Sim Wreck
Eagles Eye (hand tinted)
Skookumchuck (hand tinted)
2009 May 15 - July 15 Experiments in Self-generating Rules
in Non-representational Drawings
Colour Field
Red Cloud
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery The Shortest Route
Curator: Gary Sim Implied Reactors
Cluster Study
String Theory
2009 February 22 B.C. Art Salon Lions Gate 2 (hand tinted print)
Le Gavroche Restaurant Snow on Elms (ltd. ed. print)
Curator: Gary Sim South Shore (ltd. ed. print)
Sunrise, Savary (watercolour)
Dinghies (pen & ink)
Foundry Yard (pen & ink)
Catch (pen & ink)
Otters on Savary Dock (print)
Shucking Shed (ltd. ed. print)
Morning, Egmont (pen & ink)
Bloomfield Cottage (pen & ink)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
Coast Range (ltd. ed. print)
Waiting (ltd. ed. print)
Beaver Lake (pen & ink)
Ghost Chestnut (mixed media)
Sombrio Point (photograph)
Looking Away (ltd. ed. print)
Eagle's Eye (hand tinted print)
Flowers (hand tinted print)
Run (ltd. ed. print)
Bridge (ltd. ed. print)
The Feast (pen & ink)
Slide Mile 140.3 (pen & ink)
Cheakamus Salvage (pen & ink)
Wreck (ltd. ed. print)
Golden Ears (mixed media)
Leaving (pen & ink)
Turnstones (watercolour)
Forest Edge (watercolour)
Green's Point (watercolour)
Basking (ltd. ed. print)
Savary Shells (watercolour)
Eucalyptus (pen & ink)
Marega 23 (pen & ink)
Prickly (ltd. ed. print)
Gallery in Winter (ltd. ed. print)
Coal Harbour (pen & ink)
Old Lane (pen & ink)
Solstice Dragonfly (pen & ink)
2008 Aug. - Nov. Vancouver Drawings Public Art on Alberni (drawing)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Seismic Upgrade, Stave Falls
Curator: Gary Sim Nine O'clock Gun (drawing)
Looking Away (drawing)
2007 Sept. 17 - Nov. 18 Coast Range - Limited Edition Prints Lions Gate
Prittie Library, Burnaby Lawn Bowling
Curator: Bob MacIntyre, (BAG) Otters on Savary Dock
Shucking Shed
Snow on Elms
Looking Away
Higher Rises
South Shore
Eagle's Eye
Coast Range
2007 Sept. 17 - Nov. 18 Coast Range-Limited Edition Prints Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print + block)
Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby Snow On Elms (ltd. ed. print + block)
Curator: Bob MacIntyre, (BAG)
2006 July - September Transient Moorage Eucalyptus
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Transient Moorage
Curator: Gary Sim Beaver Lake
Northern Prospect
Merging Traffic
West End Lane
Mike and Dave
Bloomfield Cottage
Lifting 808
Cheakamus Salvage
Slide Mile 140.3
Earl's Cove
2006 January - June 21 B.C. Sketches - Recent Drawings Vancouver Art Gallery (pen & ink)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Catch
Curator: Gary Sim Beacon Point
Earl's Cove
Lund Harbour
Mace Point
Seton Salvage
Foundry Yard
2005 Sept. 8 - Oct. 6 Viewpoints Waiting (print)
Architectural Institute of B.C. Shucking Shed (print)
Curator: Colin Wong Otters on Savary Dock (print)
Run (print)
Snow on Elms (print)
Lifeguard (etching)
Sunrise, Savary (watercolour)
Green's Point (watercolour)
Sombrio Point (b&w photograph)
Ghost Chestnut (print, pen & ink)
The Phoenix of Public Art (m.m.)
No Butterflies Were Abused (m.m.)
N'Oubliette 1 (mixed media)
N'Oubliette 2 (mixed media)
Thought Fragments (m.m.)
2004 June 21 - July 30 Selected Recent Drawings Lions Gate
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Nine O'Clock Gun
Curator: Gary Sim Looking Away
Public Art on Alberni
Golden Ears
Lifting 705
Seismic Upgrade, Stave Falls
Marega 23
Solstice Dragonfly


NOTE: refer to Sim Publishing for artwork information.

2023 October 14 Alcuin Society Wayzgoose Dark Merlin (ltd ed print)
Main Branch, VPL Green Harbour (ltd ed print)
Letterpress Printing Fair North South East & Wayz (ltd ed print)
Also prints as per Art In The City
2023 May 5 - 7 Art In The City Morning Owl (ltd ed print)
West End Community Centre Looking Away (ltd ed print)
Open Art Fair Summer Rest (ltd ed print)
On the Scimitar Glacier (original drawing)
Erratic Shoreline (original drawing)
Little Bird (ltd ed print)
A Candle For Ukraine (ltd ed print)
Seagull (ltd ed print)
Koulou (ltd ed print)
Dream Snake (ltd ed print)
Skookumchuck (ltd ed print)
Higher Rises (ltd ed print)
Looking West (ltd ed etching)
Water Taxi (ltd ed etching)
Brooks Mogul 2-6-0 (ltd ed print)
Bald Eagle, Masset (ltd ed print)
Mallards (ltd ed print)
Hummingbird (ltd ed print)
Penguins (ltd ed print)
Reactor (ltd ed print)
Five Bamboo (ltd ed print)
Nine O'Clock Gun (original drawing)
Young Heron (ltd ed print)
Heron, Lost Lagoon (ltd ed print)
Columbia Blacktail (ltd ed print)
2022 November 3 - 26 BIMPE XI Dream Snake (ltd ed print)
Visual Space Gallery Koulou (ltd ed print)
Winter Grass (ltd ed print)
2022 Feb. 4 - May The Living Room Gallery in Winter (ltd ed print)
Centre A
2021 Sept. 3 - 13 You Are Not Alone Connections (pen & ink)
Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin Germany   (Adventures of Noman)
2020 Oct. - Nov. You Are Not Alone Connections (pen & ink)
Interior Art Gallery   (Adventures of Noman)
2017 October Blind Date (Malaspina) Between Tides (ltd. ed. print)
Burnaby Art Gallery Looking Away (ltd. ed. print)
2017 July 13 to Sept. 50th Anniversary Exhibition Gallery in Summer (ltd. ed. print)
Burnaby Art Gallery
2016 Nov. - 2017 Jan. Seasons Greetings Gallery in Winter (ltd. ed. print)
Burnaby Art Gallery
2016 May 8 - 2017 Sept. 26 Coastal Images Erratic Shoreline
Daily Grind Cafe Forest Edge
Curated Gary Sim Mace Point
View from Landale's Cottage
2014 April - June Scimitar Series Waiting for more ships from China
China Cloud Gallery Erratic Shoreline (pen/pencil)
Curator Erica Wilk On the Scimitar Glacier (pen/pencil)
Terminal Moraine (pen/pencil)
Sunset, Scimitar Icefall (pen)
2011 Mar. 4 - April 3 From the Collection: Linocuts Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
Burnaby Art Gallery
Curator Darrin J. Martens
2010 Nov. - 2011 Jan. Christmas Under 300 Exhibition Skookumchuck (hand tinted print)
Interior Art Gallery South Shore (ltd. ed. print)
Invitational Show 21 (pen & ink, pencil drawing)
2010 June 29 - Aug. 26 Summer Gallery Shucking Shed (ltd. ed. print)
Federation of Canadian Artists Looking Away (ltd. ed. print)
Juried Group Show Eagle's Eye (hand tinted print)
Skookumchuck (hand tinted print)
Lions Gate - Colour Study (print, drawing)
End of the Run (pen & ink drawing)
Ivanhoe (pen & ink drawing)
Forest Edge (watercolour)
Catch (pen & ink drawing)
Snow on Elms (ltd. ed. print)
Windy Day (pen & ink drawing)
21 (pen & ink drawing)
Snails (etching)
The Shortest Route (pen & ink drawing)
Wreck (ltd. ed. print)
Otters on Savary Dock (ltd. ed. print)
Lund Harbour (pen & ink)
2010 June 13 Mid-Main Art Fair Looking West (ltd. ed. etching)
Heritage Hall, 15th & Main Water Taxi (ltd. ed. etching)
Enda Bardell Invitational Group Wreck (ltd. ed. print)
Looking Away (ltd. ed. print)
The Shortest Route (pen & ink
String Study (pen & ink, pencil)
Forest Edge (watercolour)
Eagle's Eye (ltd. ed. print with gem)
Coast Range (ltd. ed. print)
Lions Gate Colour Study (pen & ink)
Skookumchuck (ltd. ed. print)
End of the Run (pen & ink)
2010 June 1 - 13 Septessence Looking West (ltd. ed. etching)
Federation of Canadian Artists Water Taxi (ltd. ed. etching)
Juried Group Exhibition Snails (trial proof etching)
Tower (pen & ink)
Cheakamus Salvage (pen & ink)
Time of Change (pen & ink, pencil)
Morning, Egmont (pen & ink)
Earl's Cove (pen & ink)
Nine O'Clock Gun (pen & ink)
21 (pen & ink, pencil)
Cluster Study (pen & ink, pencil)
Doubling Study (pen & ink, pencil)
Skookumchuck (ltd. ed. print)
Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
South Shore (ltd. ed. print)
2010 Jan. 26 - Feb. 28 Capturing the Canadian Spirit Slide Mile 140.3 (pen & ink)
Federation of Canadian Artists Looking West (ltd. ed. etching)
Juried Exhibition
2009 Dec. 3-2010 Jan. 10 Jingle! Looking West (ltd. ed. etching)
Malaspina Printmakers Society Water Taxi (ltd. ed. etching)
Open members show
2009 Nov. 17 - Dec. 6 Small Painting Salon Looking West
Federation of Canadian Artists (limited edition etching)
Juried Exhibition
2009 Sept. 8 - 20 A Bird, A Stone, A Letter Looking West
Federation of Canadian Artists (limited edition etching)
Juried Exhibition
2009 May 19 - June 7 Open Print Exhibition Higher Rises
Federation of Canadian Artists (limited edition linocut)
Juried Exhibition
2008 December Christmas Show Gallery in Winter (ltd. ed. print)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Flowers (ltd. ed. print)
Curator: Gary Sim
2008 July - October Summer Show Egmont Morning (drawing)
Flapping Fish Gallery, Egmont Egmont Harbour (drawing)
Invitational group show Eagle's Eye (ltd. ed print)
2008 July - Sept. Hot Off The Press! Coast Range
Malaspina Printmakers Society Gallery in Winter
Open members show Wreck
2007 Dec. - 2008 Jan. Books and Printing Looking Away (ltd. ed. print)
West Vancouver Memorial Library Lifting 808 (drawing)
Alcuin Society Invitational Coast Range (ltd. ed. print)
Flowers (ltd. ed. print)
Savary Haikus (artists book)
Cheakamus Salvage (drawing)
Wreck (ltd. ed. print)
Eucalyptus (drawing)
2007 Dec. - 2008 Jan. Christmas Show Flowers
Malaspina Printmakers Society Coast Range
Open members show Snow on Elms
2007 July 15 - Nov. 6 Mountains Coast Range (ltd. ed. print)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Combatant Col (b&w photograph)
Curator: Gary Sim
2007 July - Sept. Hot Off The Press! Wreck
Malaspina Printmakers Society
Open members show
2007 May Mayworks Lifting 808 (hand drawn card)
Arrowsmith Gallery, Courtenay
Curator: Ed Varney
2007 March 21- June 21 Ships Ahoy! Coal Harbour (drawing)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Ivanhoe (drawing)
Curator: Gary Sim Dinghies (drawing)
2006 Dec. 1 - 31 Books & Printing Eagle's Eye (tinted print)
West Vancouver Memorial Library Lion's Gate 2 (tinted print)
Alcuin Society Invitational Slide Mile 140.3 (drawing)
Basking (tinted print)
Shucking Shed (tinted print)
Adventures of Angleman (laserprint)
Snow on Elms (ltd. ed. print)
2006 Dec. - 2007 Jan. Winter Exhibition Snow on Elms
Malaspina Printmakers Society
Open members show
2006 December Christmas Show: Sim, Steil, Taylor Basking (hand tinted print)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery N'Oubliette 2 (m.m. assemblage)
Curator: Gary Sim Eagle's Eye (hand tinted print w/gem)
RGBK(Y) Mandala (drawing)
2006 July - Sept. Hot Off The Press! Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
Malaspina Printmakers Society Bridge (ltd. ed. print)
Open members show
2006 May 29 - Aug. 10 Metropolis Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
Architectural Institute of B.C. Bridge (ltd. ed. print)
Curator: Malaspina Printmakers
2006 May 12 - 14 Art In The City Solstice Dragonfly (drawing)
West End Community Centre Eagle's Eye (print)
Open Art Fair Higher Rises (print)
Lions Gate (print)
Basking (print)
Otters on Savary Dock (print)
Snow on Elms (print)
2005 Dec. - 2006 Jan. Bundle It Up! Looking Away
Malaspina Printmakers Society Run
Open members show Snow on Elms
Otters on Savary Dock
Shucking Shed
Lions Gate
2005 Dec. 9 - Jan. 20 Sim, Sky, and Steil Higher Rises (ltd. ed. print)
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery South Shore (ltd. ed. print)
Curator Gary Sim Coal Harbour (pen & ink)
Old Lane (pen & ink)
2004 Dec. 10 - Jan. 12 8 B.C. Printmakers Waiting
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery Shucking Shed
Curator Gary Sim Otters on Savary Dock
Lions Gate 3
2004 April - May Made By Hand Seismic upgrade, Stave Falls (p&i)
Architectural Institute of B.C. Looking Away, English Bay (p&i)
Open group show
2002 Sept. 5 - Oct. 11 Architect As Artist Lifting 705 (pen & ink)
Architectural Institute of B.C. Public Art On Alberni (pen & ink)
Open group show Nine O'Clock Gun (p&i)
Looking Away (pen & ink)
2001 Black and White Show Windy Day (pen & ink)
Vancouver East Cultural Centre
Avenue for Arts (AVA) Invitational
2001 January Architectural Landscape Photos
& Photo Based Work
"Every 25 Years in Vancouver"
Architectural Institute of B.C. College of Art (photographs)
Open Group Show Community Center
White Spot
Sunset Beach
2000 Sept. 1 - Oct. 1 ArtThrob 2: Size Doesn't Matter Part of the Real History of the World
Glass Onion Gallery Part of the Real Map of the World
Curator: Eric Montgomery
2000 June 30 - July 30 Further Journeys Beyond Utopia Parkway N'Oubliette 1 (m.m. assemblage)
Glass Onion Gallery N'Oubliette 2 (m.m. assemblage)
Curator: Eric Montgomery
2000 June 10 - July 7 Small 2: The Art of the Miniature Square Dance (mixed media)
Vancouver East Cultural Centre
Avenue for Arts (AVA) Invitational
2000 June 1 - 30 New Fortune City "Every 25 Years in Vancouver":
AIA Gallery, Seattle College of Art (photographs)
Avenue for Arts (AVA) Invitational White Spot
Sunset Beach
Community Center
2000 Feb. 27 - April 6 Ode To Jack No Butterflies Were Abused (m.m.)
Vancouver East Cultural Centre
AVA Curator: Ed Varney
1998 April 26 - May 21 Small: The Art of the Miniature End of the Run (pen & ink)
Vancouver East Cultural Centre
Avenue for Arts (AVA) Invitational


National Gallery of Canada
City of Burnaby Permanent Collection of Significant Works on Paper
Numerous private collections


MAUD REES SHERMAN - Drawings and Watercolours
      Prittie Library, Metrotown, Burnaby; Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby
      November 2009 - January 2010
      Loan exhibition of artwork from collection; curatorial statement
Ongoing exhibitions at Daily Grind Cafe gallery wall (2004 - 2017)
Various exhibitions at AIBC Gallery including Viewpoints selection and hang (2005)
Selection and hang at West Vancouver Memorial Library Books & Printing exhibitions (2006 - 2007)


"I met Gary Sim through Emily Carr University and I think his recent "Salon" was a very good one. Here is Gary in his own words (edited for brevity) ... "
      Marketing Brilliance, opinion by Chris Tyrell
      OPUS Framing & Art Supplies newsletter Issue 248 June 2009

"Check out the wicked print at the top of this column. That's by Gary Sim, a Vancouver artist who's got a bunch more linocut and vinyl-cut prints up at this library, as part of an outreach program by the Burnaby Art Gallery. This particular piece is entitled Higher Rises, and is reminiscent of at least a half-dozen vistas in my West End neighbourhood. Très local cool."
      Hans Ongsansoy, Vancouver Province & on-line E-list, September 17 2007

"This slender little disk holds a wealth of information. There are capsule histories of arts organizations, short biographies of artists, lists of exhibitions and titles of paintings included. There are exhibition review, bibliographic citations and artists' statement. All of these are linked together to make easy work of finding the information you're looking for. ...
      This reference tool is of great value to a busy librarian who gets many queries about artists who were working during these early years. The sheer volume of information is astonishing. Like many references in Canadian art, it was created by an author who wanted to share the results of his research. ...
      This electronic resource will be a useful collection of information for libraries, schools, galleries, dealers, curators, and students of Vancouver history. We are indebted to Mr. Sim for the staggering amount of research and planning that went into this project. And, a very positive aspect of electronic resources, it is still growing!"
      Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950 (electronic resource)
      Review by Cheryl Siegel, B.C. Historical Journal, Vol. 38 No. 3 pg. 26, 2006

"The work of the two artists presented in Viewpoints was influenced by their past, where they have been, what they have seen. The result (sic) were representations of familiar places through the eyes of the creators, in media that included watercolours, pen and ink drawings, block prints and mixed media."
      Gallery: Viewpoints, Editor, architectureBC, page 8, Fall 2005

"Gary Sim is an architectural technologist whose artwork is a mix of realistic and abstract ideas in various forms that include pen and ink drawings, three-dimensional work, and experimenting with glass, clay, wire, wood, cut gems, and found materials. ...
      Editor, AIBC Intern Architect Update, September 2005

"In addition to the books offered for auction, this year we are pleased to announce that one of our members, local artist Gary Sim, has contributed original art works to the auction. These have particular interest to our members, as all of them have appeared in various of the Society's publications. As well as two of his own works (which appeared in Amphora), there are eight original page layouts for the 1966 Alcuin publication A Theatrical Trip for a Wager, and one test print of the front cover image."
      The Alcuin Society Citations Book Auction and Lunch, Vancouver, November 2005

"Kudos to Gary Sim for this impressive resource which documents artists and exhibitions in Vancouver from 1890 - 1950."
      Art & artists in exhibition (electronic resource)
      Vancouver Public Library new books listing, October 2005

"The Viewpoints show at the Architecture Centre Gallery is a two-artist affair. ... On this page are sketches by Gary Sim. An architectural technologist, Sim is an active member of the local arts community, as a founding member of the Richmond Community Arts Council, a member (and former chair) of the Vancouver Public Art Committee and as a volunteer for the Vancouver International Writers Festival. Viewpoints runs until Oct. 6 at the gallery, 100 - 400 Cambie, Vancouver."
      Show highlights Viewpoints of two local artists
      Editor, Vancouver Sun, pages F1 & F15, September 10 2005

"Congratulations to our very own artist and writer Gary Sim who received kudos for his work for the Alcuin Society in the Fall 2004 issue of architectureBC. I don't know of anyone who does more to promote the Society and its works than Gary! Many thanks.
      News and Notes, Richard Hopkins, Amphora Issue 136, page 27, September 2004

About the Artist /Author
      Amphora Issue 135, page 36, June 2004

"Amphora, the journal of the Alcuin Society, has selected Gary Sim as the feature artist for Issue Number 135. ... The selection is a great honour and includes the design for the colour front cover, numerous images printed throughout the journal, and a one-page artist's biography. ... In addition to this the editor selected an article by Sim on "the care and feeding of antiquarian booksellers" for publication in the same issue."
      Amphora Art, architectureBC, Fall 2004, pages 13-15
      Illustrated: Public Art on Alberni, Nine O'Clock Gun, Burrard Bridge

"A labour of love by Vancouver architectural technologist Gary Sim, this CD-ROM compilation of information about Vancouver's earliest artists, exhibitions, and art organizations is an invaluable contribution to Canadian cultural research - and a boon to all art historians who have struggled to piece together the history of West Coast painting. ... "
      Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950
      Paula Gustafson, Artichoke magazine book review, Summer 2004

"On the more positive side of the ledger this issue has represented for me the discovery of a multi-talented new friend in the person of artist, researcher, and writer Gary Sim. Initially I visited Gary's studio just to see the woodcuts we might feature in Amphora #135. I took away a handful of great art pieces to pass along to Stuart Isto for the issue in hand. Then, however, Gary proceeded to get busy and cut an original piece of work involving the entrance to the Lions Gate Bridge especially for the cover of the journal. Stunning! And then, since I had taken him a few sample back issues of Amphora, I received a wonderful piece of writing from him entitled "On the Care and Feeding of Antiquarian Booksellers", written in response to an article he had read on the future of bookselling in Amphora #134. Believe me it is a pretty darn exciting thing to latch on to such a talented individual. I hope to feature more of his artwork and writing in future issues."
      From the Editor's Desk, Amphora Issue 135, June 2004
      by Richard Hopkins, Chair, Alcuin Society publications committee

"Zeidler's stylistic opposite in this show is Gary Sim, who does drawings of such taut precision and emotional control as to raise the question of what a drawing is. Whereas Zeidler relies on the quick freehand gesture, Sim uses perfectly straight lines. Sim became an architectural technician in 1988, as he puts in his artist bio, "seeking a safer career after nine years as a blaster and rock gang foreman for B.C. Rail". Every line in his four drawings in the show is handled as purposefully as lit dynamite. The best of his four riveting little pen-and-ink compositions pictures the salvage of Locomotive 705 from Cheakamus Canyon."
      from "Architectural Art", Sean Rossiter, The Georgia Straight, September 19-26, 2002.

"Gary Sim has been one of the Festival's most outstanding and long serving volunteers. Gary has been a volunteer of the Festival for 10 years. As a volunteer Gary has done many things for the Festival. He has escorted authors, co-ordinated the Great Canadian Spelling Bee, performed (several times) at the volunteer appreciation parties, worked with Festival's Writer Services Co-ordinator at the Festival's hospitality suite and most recently persuaded Stantec, the company he works for, to become a corporate sponsor of the Festival. He was also responsible this year for hosting the readings at our volunteer party. (For those who didn't know or didn't guess, lots of the Festival volunteers are wonderful aspiring writers and they get a chance to express their talents at the party.)
      These are the things he has done for the Festival. In his other life Gary has blown up mountainsides, scaled rocky cliffs and put himself in dangerous positions on behalf of BC Rail. He is a very talented artist and has an extensive knowledge of artists and their work. Maps fascinate him; he writes; he sings; he plays the guitar; he enjoys good food and he has incredible contacts in all aspects of his creative life.
      Gary is very modest about his skills and accomplishments, so we wanted those of you who have perhaps worked with him as a volunteer or who have seen him around the Festival quietly "doing his thing" to know how valuable he is to our team and how much we appreciate his contribution. Thanks Gary and we trust you'll keep us on your priority list of volunteer opportunities."
      "Friend of the Festival: Gary Sim"
      by Alma Lee, Creative Director, Vancouver International Writers Festival
      Published in the Festival's Fall 2002 newsletter, and posted on Festival website.