The Lions Gate Times March 11 1948

This clipping was given to the Editor by Dr. Anthony Rogers, Australia. It is one of 65 pages of information that was photocopied directly from Weston's own clippings file, courtesy of Weston's daughter Doris, when Dr. Rogers was doing research on Weston for his degree in the 1980s. A friend put me in touch with Tony just as he was retiring from a university in Australia, and I began to receive a series of packages containing his original research material.

Note: E.L. is most likely Mrs. Eileen Laurie, Chairman of the Art Club in 1947.


by E.L.
     "Never part with a painting until you've lived with it least (sic) a year." Such was the sage advice given to the West Van Sketch Club by W.P. Weston, A.R.C.A., at last week's meeting.
     Sounds drastic . . . but, already, through personal experience, we've proven the wisdom of Mr. Weston's counsel. Last year's picture, like last year's hat, looks tired and frayed beside the crisp new works done with the efficiency of a year's practice . . . and there is every reason to believe our current masterpieces will look just as feeble a year from now.
     Personally, I writhe with embarassment every time I visit a friend who nobly accepted an early work of mine and hung it in her living room.
     It was my first "serious" picture and laboriously worked out in terms of correct composition, exact color balance, and the then unfamiliar "rhythm" sequences. We all agreed it was a fine piece of work, and I gave it away with the wistful remark that I'd "never do a better one."
     Now I'm trying to figure out some subtle way of getting it back without revealing too much!
     Anyway, as Mr. Weston pointed out . . . while you're painting a picture you're too close to it to analyze its faults, and it's only after months of NOT seeing it that you're able to view your own work with a really critical eye. (I wonder if da Vinci ever yearned for the repossession of the "Mona Lisa" so he could give her some eyebrows!)
     Mr. Weston has just returned from a lecture tour through the interior (sponsored by the U.B.C. extension department) and he found an amazing number of amateur art groups, all full of enthusiasm and ambition, striv- . . .

     (section of article missing, continues below)

     .... "Group Two" on the evening of Mr. Weston's lecture . . . and we were properly stunned by the precosity of our own infant.
     In less than a week its membership almost equals our own, and their very business-like executive, headed by Albert Chilton and Hubert Gibbs, has already filled out a two months' schedule for meetings and lectures.
     At this rate, if we're going to keep pace with our own family, we'll have to pull up our stocks!
     We, in turn, are invited to attend "Group Two's" first regular meeting next week . . . for which (we're proud to confess), they've secured G.H. Tyler as speaker . . . before we got a chance at him.
     Incidentally, we have a thriving clay modelling department in the Sketch Club now, working with Marion Grigsby in her Taylor Way studio.
     From all reports it's as much fun as making mud pies . . . and much more permanent.
     All those snazzy little figurines in our members' living rooms are "made in West Vancouver."
     Wonder if the Council would let us set up a roadside stand for the tourist trade this summer!
May we Present:

     Frederick Oxenham, born in Teignmouth, Devonshire. Hgt. 5'11", blue eyes, grey hair.
     Mr. Oxenham, now retired, is secretary of the Insurance Institute of B.C., and, besides his secretarial duties, is currently . . .

     (remainder of article is missing)