G           ARTISTS - H           I

Higher Rises by Gary Sim




Ha, Dennis ECU06
Ha, Irene ECU05.2
Ha, Lily ECC00
Ha, Loretta OS88
Haacke, Robert BCFA92 Vancouver
Haaf, Beverley (Bev)
  (nee McKeon, m Daniel Haaf)
1950 - 1983 b Aug 22 Vancouver  VABC77 Coquitlam  d Oct 26 Vancouver  BCVS death
Haag, Dianne BCFA85
Haag, Joseph (Joe) 1945 - b Terre Haute, Indiana  Helen Pitt solo 1979  Western Front solo 1982  ART83  ART84  ART90  TD06  VPL
Haan, Calida ART01
Haase, Peter 1950 - b Liverpool UK  to Australia 1967  to Canada 1971  m Mona Fertig  linocuts & letterpress  l Salt Spring Island  BIBLIO
Haba, Sarinah ECC11  CCA20
Haber Jewellry ECC24
Haberer, Eugene 1837 - 1921 b Switzerland  BAG80  AIC82  BIAC03 (2)
Haberlin, Lorraine VAG58
Hach, Tara ECU04
Hachkevich, Val b BC  BCFA86 Queen Charlotte City  BCP86
Hackett, Carol ART87
Hackett, Laura 1956 - b Vancouver  ed UBC 1977-78  ed Florence Italy 1978-79  grad ECCAD 1981  PITT81  VAL88
Hackett, Sophie ECU98
Hacking, Doris (Miss)
Hacking, F.L. VAG85.2  VCA86
Hackney, Russell ECC11  PGBC23  ECC24
Haddelsey, Vincent 1934 - BCA58  AIC82
Haddock, Frank 1955 - VABC77 Vancouver
Haddock, Perry b BC  ret art teacher  mem BC Art Teachers Assoc  SFCA
Haddon, Trevor IACS 1926 RBA DIR 1927 Victoria
Haddow, Amy ECC99
Hadeler, Elsie WVSC
Haden, Bruce URB87
Hadengue, C. VABC77 Vancouver
Hadfield, Bernard BCA 68
Hadfield, Carolyn (Carol) 1953 - b Vancouver  grad VSA/ECCAD 1977  SSBC80  SSBC98
Hadgkiss, Alice Reta May
  (nee Watson)
1907 - b Wawanesa MB (1910?)  m James Hadgkiss Jan 18 1939  l Maple Ridge  UBC79  BCVS marriage
Hadland, Dorothy M. (Mrs.) IDTC68 Victoria
Hadwen, B. (Miss) IACS14  IACS
Haegert, Dorothy E. WCR85  CACGV88  BCFA91  SOO96  BCFA00 Victoria  BCFA painting, photography
Haerdi, Theresa VABC77 Baldonnel
Haffey, Eileen VABC77 Ft St John
Hafkenscheid, Toni RAG05
Hafsteinsdottir, Berglind TIEV11  TIEV12
Haftner, Linda WECC23
Hagan, Sarah ECC11
Hagell, Edward Fredric 1895 - 1964
Hagelstein, Ruth Annie 1903 - 1960
Hagen, Kenneth BCFA86 Black Creek
Hagen, Kevin ECU97
Hagerman, Donna 1952 - b Oshawa ON  ed ECCAD 1976-81  WCR81  ART84  AB87  SAG89  ECU94  VPL
Hagerman, Douglas ART03  TD05
Hagerud, Dusty FBG12
Haggerston(e), Wyn VABC77 Revelstoke  ABC86  BIAC03 (1)
Haggerty, Georgie SSBC98
Haggquist, Gary ART93  ART01
Haglof, Esther Vilborg
  (nee Kjartansson)
1911 - m Arthur John Haglof
 3BC74  VABC77 Penticton  AIC82  AGGV85  AO88  BCVS husband death
Hagloff, Esther (see Haglof)
Hague, Mary Elizabeth (Libby) 1950 - b Aug 20 St. Thomas ON  RCA81  MPS95
Haider, Matt 1965 - b Campbell River  BCFA01 Saanichton  BCFA painting  IIS
Haiduk, Simon 1981 - b Kimberley
Haig, John 1954 - b Dec 3 Oshawa ON  arr BC c1971  ed VSA 1975-?  AIC82  RAG05  AGE09  LAG10  painter  BIBLIO
Haigh, Murry Stephen VABC77 White Rock
Haigh, Susan CACGV90 Ganges
Hailey, Marina ART01
Haines, Stephen BCYA85
Haining, W.J. active Victoria 1863  H70 art teacher
Hainstock, Wendy M. ECU00
Haits, Veronica WECC08
HAL (see H.C. Laidlaw)
Halbertsma, Johannes ECU04
Halchuck, Mary MPS95
Haldane, Harriet A. (Mrs.) IACS
Hale, Alice c1930s - b Waldheim SK  to Matsqui  grad UBC (BFA)  BCFA86 pottery  BCFA94 Invermere  BCFA99  BCFA ceramics  PGBC05  PGBC23
Hale, Disa Marie b Innisfall AB  BC Fest Arts 1996  LSG14 Nanoose Bay  signature member FCA
Hale, E. Amelia (Mrs.) DIR 1912/27 Victoria
Hale, Joyce BCFA90 Coquitlam
Hale, Percival (Mrs.) IACS
Hales, L. (Ms.) VABC77 W Vancouver
Haley, Brian ART93
Haley, Lesley ART03  MAY12 Vancouver  MAY13
Haley, Tim (same below?) AVA99  OSAC15
Haley, Timothy J. VABC77 Black Creek
Haley-Jones, Elene WECC10
Halfnight, Sharon VPL
Halfyard, John 1881 - 1974 AIC82  VPL
Haliburton, Jacqueline (Jackie) c1945 - 3BC74  VAG74 Vancouver  AIC82  AGGV85
Halifax, Dave 1951 - b Vancouver  grad Steveston High 1969  ed Douglas Coll 1970-72  grad ECCAD 1983 photography  PITT83  ECU05  RAG05
Halifax, Nancy (nee Chettle?) RAG05
Hall & Lowe Vancouver Photo Co. DIR 1889 Vancouver
Hall, Ann
Hall, Brigitte 1943 - AO88
Hall, Christyn M. ECC05
Hall, Dave
Hall, David 1885 - 1965
Hall, David (same as above?) SAG89
Hall, Deborah WECC23
Hall, Donna J. 1952 - b North Bay ON  l Ottawa ON  ed OCA Toronto  to Vancouver 1994  BCFA00 Vancouver  BCFA02 Salt Spring Island  CARFAC
Hall, Dorothy WVSC
Hall, Edward (Lt.) active 1863-64  H70  BAG80  BIAC03 (2)
Hall, Eisert ART01
Hall, Frances FCA64  BCA 8  VABC77 Vancouver
Hall, J.D. VCA86  DIR 1888-89 Vancouver photographer  Manager, Vancouver Photo Co.
Hall, John Scott 1943 - b Jan 17 Edmonton AB  exh UBC w/Joice Hall 1970  CARFAC l Kelowna  RCA81  FH13
Hall, John (same above?) WVSC
Hall, Joice M. (Mrs. John Scott Hall) 1943 - b Edmonton AB  RCA81  FH13 West Kelowna  BIBLIO
Hall, Kim SSBC98
Hall, Lief Ambrosia grad ECUAD 2003  ECU05.2  ECU17
Hall, Lyndl (Ms.) b South Africa  grad Concordia 2006 (BFA)  grad ECUAD 2010 (MA)  l Vancouver  GVAG20 (1)  BIBLIO
Hall, Margaret VSA
Hall, Marilyn BCFA94 Prince George
Hall, Michael J.P. TIEV11  TIEV12
Hall, Muriel WVSC
Hall, Nancy SOO96
Hall, Noel BCFA92 Mission
Hall, Norman VABC77 Bella Coola
Hall, Peggy AGGV85
Hall, R.M. BCA 68 sculpture
Hall, Robin 1942 - b Victoria  CARFAC  IIS
Hall, Ross ART03
Hall, Roth AIOM99  AIOM00
Hall, Ruth VABC77 Victoria
Hall, Sandra ART93  ECU03
Hall, Sarah PAV09
Hall, Sheila 1947? - b Regina SK  grad UBC 1983 (BA)  grad UBC 1985 (MFA)  WPG86  VANC88  ART93  ECU97  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000  PAV09  VPL
Hall, Susan FBG12
Hall, Timothy (Tim) John 1944 - VABC77 Penticton  AO88
Hall, Thomas Herbert 1885 - 1972 b Mar 6 Ackworth UK (1886?)  d Pointe Claire QC  RCA81  BIAC03 (3)  M  MM  VPL
Hall, Unina Frances c1892 - 1978
Halldran, Albert L. VABC77 Parksville
Haller, Lisa AIC82  AGGV85  AIOM99  AIOM00
Haller, Marly AIOM99
Halley, A. or J.
Halliday, C.W. (see Holliday, C.W.)
Halliday, Richard (Dick) Stuart 1939 - b May 17 Vancouver  ed Emma Lake 1961-62  grad VSA 1963  VAG64  BCA 65/BCA66  BCSA 65/66  RCA81 Montreal  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)  M
Halliday, Stratford T. 1905 - 1992
Hallisey, Mars BIS93
Hallman, Ellen VABC77 Burnaby
Halloran, Gordon 194? - VPL
Halloran, Jaz ECU05.2
Hall-Patch, Mark MP14
Hall-Patch, Vanessa grad Queens U. 2001 (BA)  grad U.Alberta 2004 (MFA)  GVAG20 (1)  l Bowen Island
Halls, Ann VABC77 Comox
Hallum, R. Arnould DIR 1929-31 Vancouver
Hallwright, G.E. (Miss) IACS 1920
Halpern, Mark PAV09
Halsey, Trish ART87
Halton, Ken GP10
Ham, Jenny RAG05
Ham, Ji Eun Linda ECU03
Hamada, Dennis ECU06
Hamasaki, Kazuo 1925 - b Prince Rupert  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)  VPL
(Jack) Hambleton Galleries IDTC68 Kelowna

Demolition of old Hotel Vancouver 1949, Jack Hambleton

Hambleton, John (Jack) 1916 - 1988
Hambleton, Richard (same below?) VABC77 Vancouver
Hambleton, Richard (same below?) VABC77 N Vancouver
Hambleton, Richard (Rick) Art
  (aka Mr. Reeee / R. Dick Trace-it)
1952 - 2017 ed VSA  VAG74 Vancouver  AIC82  VAG83 New York  VPL
Hambly, Leonard 1888 - 1978
Hamelin, Neil CARFAC  FCA-AA
Hamersley (Miss)
Hamersley (Mr.)
Hamersley (Mrs.)
Hamersley, C. (Constance?) AGGV85
Hamersley, Constance (Miss)
Hamersley, Gladys
Hamersley, M. AGGV85
Hamerston, Margaret BCFA86 Penticton
Hames, Jacinda WECC08
Hames, Michael 1952 - PH87
Hamidy, Mina GP10
Hamill, Lalita FCA-AA
Hamill, Roy SOO96
Hamill, Valerie CABC83 Kelowna
Hamilton, Alice M.
Hamilton, Brian BCFA85
Hamilton, Cheryl AIBC04  PAV09
Hamilton, Don RAG05
Hamilton, Eleanor VABC77 Vernon
Hamilton, Gerald 1923 - 1999 VPL
Hamilton, Glenda CACGV90 Victoria
Hamilton, Judy AGGV85
Hamilton, Karen b Victoria
Hamilton, Kathleen Anita 1931 - 2014
Hamilton, Lauchlan Alexander 1852 - 1941
Hamilton, Lynsey ART03  AVA05
Hamilton, M.B. (Mrs.)
Hamilton, Mabel Z. VABC77 Williams Lake
Hamilton, Malloreigh TIEV11
Hamilton, Marjorie 1911 - VAG20 fashion design
Hamilton, Mary Riter (Mrs.) 1873 - 1954
Hamilton, Mavis TD05  TD06
Hamilton, Norah AIC82  WVSC
Hamilton, Reid ECU94.2
Hamilton, Ron 1948 - AIC82  AGGV86  VAL88  VAG96
Hamilton, Ruth VABC77 Vancouver
Hamilton, Scott A. BCYA85
Hamilton, Stuart VAG74 Vancouver
Hamilton, Vanessa ECC01
Hamilton, Wendy WIP94
Hamilton-Khaan, Jane b Surrey, UK  PGBC98
Hamilton-Smith, E.
Hamley, Carolyn L. BCYA85
Hamlin, Douglas WVSC
Hamlin, Wendy 1952 - b Quebec City PQ  ed UBC  AIC82  ART83  AGGV85  ART90  VPL
Hamm, Robert ed Langara Coll 1973-75  BCFA99 Kelowna  BCFA painting, ceramics, sculpture
Hamm, Victor BCFA00 Kamloops
Hammel, Terry VABC77 Richmond
Hammersley, Gladys IACS
Hammond Furniture Co. Ltd. 1899 - 1951 VAG20 Vancouver
Hammond, Braden TD06
Hammond, Corrina ECC24
Hammond, Fanny (Mrs.) DIR 1900-01 Victoria  H70
Hample, Matthew BCFA95 Nelson
Hampson, Kirk BCFA99  BCFA00 Fernie  BCFA interior designer  Mountain Time Designs
Hanbury, Pauline VABC77 Nelson
Hanbury, Richard L. VABC77 Nelson
Hancock, Barbara M. VABC77 Lillooet
Hancock, Darrel grad ECCAD 1981  PGBC98
Hancock, Helen (Miss) HFSAA
Hancock, Lynn AGGV85
Hancock, W. Allan RCF12
Hancox, Katherine VSA
Handcraft House IDTC68 N Vancouver
Handford, Patricia
Handi House IDTC68 Kamloops
Handjeva-Weller, Nina AGGV85
Handley, Agnes c1913 -
Handley, Connie BCFA85
Handling, Roger P. BCFA91 Gibsons  BCFA92 Roberts Creek  BCFA94
Handwerker, Susan VABC77 Qualicum Beach  RAG05
Handy, Miss IACS 1915
Hane, Setsuko BCA 68  AIC82
Haney, Ruth
Hang, Phorn BCFA93 Kimberley
Hangartner, Jeannine ECU05.2
Hanke, Alex ECU00
Hanke, Ian BCFA94 Victoria
Hankinson, Bessie WVSC
Hanko, Gilmore c1934 - 1969 M  BIAC03 (1)
Hanley, Kevin GVAG20
Hanlon, Edward BCFA02 Fort St. John
Hanlon, Robert 1914 - 1989
Hanna, Freda WVSC
Hanna, John WVSC
Hanna, Marion Woodside - 1953 IACS
Hanna, Amy Muriel Collis (Mrs.) 1892 - 1977
Hanna, Stirling Preston 1892 - 1964 b Feb 10 Vancouver  IACS  d July 11 Victoria
Hanna, Violet WVSC
Hannaford, Heather PGBC80 Ft St John  BCFA86
Hannah, Adad (see Adad)
Hannah, Brooke ECU94  RAG05
Hannamari, Jalovaara FCA05
Hannan, Eleanor ART93  RAG05  ICCM15 Vancouver  ICCM18
Hannett, Lorna FCA09
Hannis, Christina ECU00
Hannum, Margaret VANTECH
Hanscom, Jay Jens 1974 - b Burnaby  ECU98  CARFAC
Hanscombe, Arthur Randall c1866 - 1953 b Toronto ON  to Vancouver 1886  Hanscombe & Gehrke  H70 engraver
Hansen, Byron CCDM01
Hansen, Donna AIC82  AGGV85
Hansen, Holger VSA late 1950s
Hansen, James SSBC98
Hansen, Leif VABC77 Vancouver
Hansen, Marilyn E. AO88  BCFA90 Summerland
Hansen, P.E. 1919 - VABC77 Coquitlam
Hansen, Raymond A. BCFA92 Vernon
Hansen, Ruth b Denmark  ed Copenhagen Sch. Art  to Canada 1961  grad Coll. New Caledonia 1980 (Dip)  BCFA90 Prince George  BCFA91  BCFA92  BCFA93
Hansen, Sara ECC24
Hanslow, Ralph Arthur c1919 - 1958
Hanson, A. Ellen WCR85  BCFA92 Vernon
Hanson, Cherie grad Bellingham 1965 (BA)  grad UBC 1971 (MA)  l Kelowna
Hanson, Corinna PAV09
Hanson, G.
Hanson, Jean BCFA93 Abbotsford
Hanson, Lawrence Clarion c1906 -
Hanson, Loy C. VABC77 McBride
Hanson, Phil VABC77 Vancouver
Hanson, Phil (same above?) MAY06 Powell River
Hanson, Ray VABC77 Vernon
Hanson, Robert ECC99
Hanta, Roy RAG05
Hanuse, Roy James 1943 - AIC82  PAV09
Hanzelkova, Jes ECC24
Hao Tian, Chen WVMA14
Haq, Farheen BCFA02 Victoria  ART03
Hara, Sue 1942 - b Hatfield England  arr Canada 1968  PGBC98  RAG05  AGGV12  VPL
Haraldsson, Arni Runar 1958 - b Reykjavik, Iceland  grad ECCAD 1983 (Dip)  ART83  VAG87  URB87  ASTC88  grad UBC 1990 (MFA)  ECU93 Vancouver  VAG96  SAG98  GAM99  ARTBC00  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000  ECU05  BAG08  GVAG20 (2)  VPL  BIBLIO
Haramia, Joseph Charles (Dr.) 1897 - 1984
Harasym, Terry ART83
Harbour, Laurance SOO96
Harceg, Tibor BCFA93 New Westminster  BCFA95 Port Coquitlam
Hardcastle, Jack W. 1882 - 1973
Hardcastle, Jill Elizabeth Jane AO88  BIS93
Hardeman, Corey CARFAC
Harder, Grant TIEV12
Hardiman, Theophilus Richard DIR 1889 Vancouver  Pioneer Gallery (see artstores)  H70
Harding, David ART93
Harding, Debbie IIS
Harding, Earnest RAG05
Harding, Marion It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Harding, Stephanie BCFA99  ART01
Harding, Tricia L. BCYA85
Hardman, Jack Nelson 1923 - 1996
Hards, Jenny FCA05
Hardwick, M. Sibella (Miss) 1895 - 1984
Hardy, Allison 1976 - b Vancouver  grad ECIAD 2000 (BFA)  SAG00  ECC24
Hardy, Beverly
Hardy, Lance VSA
Hardy, M. (Miss)
Hardy, Margaret
Hardy, Michele CABC83 N Vancouver  BCFA86  BCP86  VPL
Hardy, Myrtle (Mrs.)
Hare, Birdie 1911 - VABC77 Kelowna
Hare, Frank "Red" BCFA94 Sardis
Hare, Suzanne 1945 - AIC82
Harel, Rona 1970 - b Vancouver  grad VCC 1990 (Dip)  ECU92  grad ECCAD 1993 (Dip)  ART93
Harer, Frederick W. IACS14  IACS  AGGV83
Harferd, Marjorie c1922 -
Harford, Wendy BCFA95 Roberts Creek
Hargrave, Laura 1953 - ed U.Calgary 1977-78  grad U.Vic 1981 (BFA)  ed U.Coll.Cariboo 1989-90  KaAG95 Kamloops  KaAG01
Hargreaves, Corri L. ECU03
Hargreaves, Julia RCF12
Hargreaves, Kay Fallows AIC82  AGGV85
Hargreaves, Wendy UVIC93
Harill, E.J.
Harjula, Ter(r)ence 1931 - AIC82  VPL
Harjula, Wayne ECC99  ECC01  ART01  PAV09
Harkhorn, Henry W. BAG80
Harkley, Nadine IIS
Harle, Douglas (Doug) ART84  SSBC98
Harley, Audrey 1930 - VABC77 Vernon
Harley, Milton VABC77 Victoria

Themis - Goddess of Justice by Jack Harman

Harman, Jack Kenneth 1927 - 2001 b July 31 Vancouver  grad VSA  VAG58  UBC60  BCA 60/61/63 sculpture  NWA 1960/61 S Burnaby  FCA67  BCSA 67 member  ARCA 1971  UBC72  SSC74  GSV80  RCA81  AIC82  MM88 1961  SSBC98  BIAC03 (6)  PAV09  VPL  M N Vancouver  sculptor & foundry

Harry Jerome by Jack Harman

Harmer, Katrina WVMA14
Harmon, Byron 1876 - 1942 TOWN12
Harmony Shop DIR 1928 Vancouver
Harpe, Gabriele von
  (see von Harpe, Gabriele)
Harper, Happy AIC82
Harper, Leslie (Les) Jonah 1926 - VABC77 Victoria  AGGV85  CNIB87  CACGV88  BCFA90  CACGV90  IIS
Harper, M. VSA
Harper, Sarah BCFA90 Abbotsford
Harper, Stephanie ECC11
Harrington, Liberty ECU04
Harrington, Tam(my) ART84  WCR85  grad ECIAD 1996  AVA99  ART01  ECU05
Harris, Barbara VSA
Harris, Bess Larkin H. 1890 - 1969
Harris, Bev AIC82  AGGV85
Harris, Christopher (Chris) 1951 - AIC82  SAG89  RAG05  VPL
Harris, Christine ECC99  ECC01
Harris, Dennis R. IACS
Harris, Dennis R. (Mrs.)
Harris, Elizabeth ICCM17 ceramics  ICCM19.2
Harris, Ellen
Harris, Ernest A. 1908 -
Harris, Frances 1913 - b England  arr Canada 1939  AO88  BIS93
Harris, Francis BCFA02 Ladysmith
Harris, Gladys M. BCA 53
Harris, Gwen VABC77 Vernon
Harris, Heather BCFA00 Prince George
Harris, Hilda (Miss) IACS
Harris, I.M.
Harris, Irene c1907 - 1989
Harris, Karen L. 1949 - b Toronto ON  arr BC 1968  VABC77 Port Coquitlam  ed Brandon U. MB 1977-80  BCFA86 Sooke  SOO88  CACGV88  CACGV90 Victoria
Harris, Lawren Stewart 1885 - 1970
Harris, Marcia TOWN12
Harris, Marion Bertha
Harris, Martha Douglas (Mrs.) 1854 - 1933 b Victoria  BAG80  BIAC03 (1)  H
Harris, Mary ART03
Harris, Marya (same above?) ART01
Harris, Moira VSA
Harris, Nora (same as Nora V.?)
Harris, Nora Virginia
  (Mrs. Harris)
1923 - grad VSA 1963  BCA66  BCA 68  3BC74  AMS75  VABC77 New Westminster  AIC82  AGGV85  RAG05  GVAG20
Harris, Penelope MAY06 Vancouver  MAY13
Harris, Phyllis M. VABC77 New Westminster
Harris, R.B. VABC77 Windermere
Harris, Robert 1849 - 1919 b Wales  d Montreal  VanExh 24  H70
Harris, Rodney PAV09
Harris, Rusty AIC82
Harris, S.B.
Harris, Salmon 1948 - b Vancouver  BCAC80  AIC82  AGGV83  AB87  VPL
Harris, Sandra 1983 - b N Vancouver  grad Langara Coll. 2003 (Dip)  grad U.Vic 2007 (BVA)  LSG14
Harris, Waines IACS
Harris, Walter 1931 - b Hazelton/Kispiox  CAP79  AIC82  VAG96  BIAC03 (2)  PAV09  VPL
Harris Cran, Katherine BCFA85
Harrison, A.E. IACS
Harrison, Bryan J. BCFA94 Vancouver
Harrison, Cory IIS
Harrison, Fred VABC77 Vancouver
Harrison, Helen Margaret
Harrison, Jayne PG01
Harrison, Katherine
Harrison, Laura WECC08
Harrison, Margo BCFA92 Fort Langley  BCFA95
Harrison, Millicent S.
  Harrison, Millicent J. (Mrs.)
Harrison, Nigel It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Harrison, Philip (Phil) Greig 1942 - b Port Alberni  BCA 65(2) sculpture  AIC82  VAG83 Hornby Island  GVAG20  VPL
Harrison, Phoebe DIR 1913 N Vancouver
Harrison, Reginald
Harrison, (Ted) Edward Hardy 1926 - b Durham County, England  arr Canada 1967  grad (B.Ed)  l Whitehorse & Carcross  ret 1980  AIC82  CE00  BIAC03 (7)  AIS07  IIS  M  BIBLIO
Harrop, Frances 1946 - VABC77 Delta
Harrop, Graham b Liverpool, England  NPC90 cartoonist  VPL
Harrop, Victoria Maureen 1954 - AIC82  AGGV85
Harrower, B.J. grad KSA 1970  FCA77  BAG78  ART03
Harry, Rick (see Xwa-Lack-Tun)
Hart, Celine ECU06
Hart, James PAV09
Hart, Jeannette E. AGGV85  BCFA90 Chemainus
Hart, Madison BCFA93 Kelowna  BIS93
Hart, Patricia IIS
Hartbower, Jeff ART03  MAY08  MAY09 Courtenay  MAY11  OSAC15
Harte, Brian G. VABC77 Delta
Hartfiel, Sharleen FCA12
Harth, Linda VaAG09  VaAG18  VaAG22
Hartley, Barbara A. VABC77 Vernon
Hartley, B.S. (Instructor Commander) IACS 1920
Hartley, Basil S. (Mrs.) IACS
Hartley, Bill AIC82
Hartley, Clare (Mrs.)
Hartley, Gordon b Trail  grad UBC 1956  BCFA86 Kelowna  AO88
Hartley, Michael 1946 - VABC77 New Denver  AIC82
Hartley, Ray ART93
Hartley, Wes MAY08 Vancouver  MAY09  MAY11
Hartman, Kate TOWN12
Harton, M. DIR 1924 Vancouver
Hartshorne, H.C. (Mrs.) IDTC68 Victoria
Harvard, Shirley HFS46
Harvey, Allan (Al) b Vancouver  3BC74  JJD76  VPL
Harvey, Andy ART83
Harvey, Anne-Marie FCA-AA
Harvey, Bettina ECC05
Harvey, Brenda CACGV88
Harvey, Brian CACGV90 Victoria
Harvey, Donald (Don) 1930 - b June 14 Walthamstow, England  arr Canada 1958  BCA 62/63  BCSA 63  NWA 63 Victoria  ARCA 1970  CGP  AGGV74  VABC77  AGGV78  BCAC80  RCA81  AIC82  AGGV83  AGGV86  AB87  CNIB87  MM88 1963-68  WCWC89  BIAC03 (9)  RAG05  M  VPL
Harvey, Eleanor D. (Mrs.)
Harvey, Jean VABC77 Victoria
Harvey, Jen ECU06
Harvey, M. (Miss)
Harvey, Peggy Penn 1877 - 1963
Harvey, R. Garnham (Mrs.)
Harvey, Reginald Llewellyn 1888 - 1973 b Southampton, England  to Calgary AB 1912  co-founder ASA  VAG solo 1943 40 pictures  to Victoria 1951  d Victoria  AIC82  MM88 1929  M  BIAC03 (2)
Harvey, Ruth 1905 - BAG61 Prince Rupert  VABC77  AIC82
Harvey, (Main) Shannon ECU05.2  ECC07
Harvie, Elly ART90
Harwood, Daphne AIOM99  AIOM00  ART01  CCDM01  AIOM08 fabric arts
Harwood, Jennifer b London ON  grad SFU (BA)  VaAG09  LSG10  MMAF10  WECC10  PARK17  MMAF18  VaAG18  AIOM19  VaAG22  ECC24
Harwood, Mabel Lucetta 1872 - 1948
Harwood, Nicola ECC24
Harwood, Oliver ECC11  ECC24
Harwood, R. Gwynne (Mrs.)
  (see Harwood, Mabel)
Harwood, Robert A. de Lorbiniere 1900 - 1951
Haryett, Dawn ECU06
Hasanen, Raisa Linnea ECU05.2
Haseltine, Hilary WCR85  WIP94  APG99  ART01  RAG05  VPL
Haseman, Sylvia c1942 - b Vancouver  AIC82  M mouth painter  BIAC03 (1)
Hashim, Riyadh AWG00  GVAG20
Haskell, Kitty
  (see also Mykka, Kitty)
1949 - b Palo Alto, California  ART83
Haskins, Mike WECC10
Haslam, L. Kathleen BCA 68
Hasler, Lynn M. VABC77 Kamloops
Hass, Alex It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Hassall, Frank c1880 - AIC82
Hassall, John
Hassan, Jamelie PAV09
Hassell, Sharon Anne (Mrs.) 1942 - b Abbotsford  ed UBC  BCA 65  NGC66 Vancouver  UBC67  AIC82  AGGV85  M W Vancouver
Hasselrot-Priester, Madeleine VABC77 W Vancouver
Hassen, Ann Foster 1940 - b Victoria  UBC79
Hastie, Joanne MMAF17
Hastings, Erika ART01  ART03
Hastings, Marcus A.M. ECU06
Hastings, Peter VABC77 W Vancouver
Hastings, William 1949 - VABC77 Nelson  BCAC80
Haswell (Mrs.) VSA
Haswell, Robert UWP84
Hasz, Matthew
Hatano, Mayumi (Ms.) b Hokkaido Japan  ed Tokyo  arr Canada 1989  exh BCFA93 Regional  BCFA94 Kelowna  BCFA99  BCFA painting
Hatashita-Lee, Kathryn grad ECIAD 1994 photography  ECU05
Hatch, Jeremy ECU00  PGBC05
Hatch, Peggy (Mrs. D.H. Hatch) BCA 68  WVSC
Hatfield, Francis Maria 1924 - 2014
Hathaway, Heather BCFA94 Kimberley
Hathaway, Margaret IIS
Hatherall, Rona ret nurse  AIOM08 ceramics  mbr BC Potters Guild  mbr Aberthau Potters Club
Hatherly, Joanne IIS
Hatoum, Mona 1952 - ART90 video
Hattenberger, Patrick VPL
Hatton (Miss) IACS14
Hatton, M.F. IACS
Hatton, W.E. VAG58
Hatton, W.H.L. (Mrs.) IACS 1918
Hatton, W.S. active BC 1863-64  VCM69  BAG80  BIAC03 (3)  H
Hauerfield, John Turnstall - c1885 AIC82
Hauert, Julia POL18
Haufschild, Lutz
  (aka Lutzi Pi?)
1943 - b Germany  UBC72  VABC77 Alta Lake  GSV80  AIC82  ABC86  EBC00  BIAC03 (1)  AIBC04  PAV09  M Vancouver  VPL
Haug, Jorg BCA 68
Haughton, David A. 1956 - b Philadelphia PA  to Canada 1991  BCFA93 Vancouver  ART01  GVAG20 (1)  ECC24  CARFAC
Haughton, G. (Mrs.)
Haukedahl, Crista ART83
Haupt, Morgan ART87
Hauser, Gwen 3BC74
Hauser, Iris 1956 - VPL
Hausz, Meisha AIOM00
Havbo, Phyllis WVSC
Havemann, Isabel BCFA85
Havercroft, Lorraine Jean 1926 - 1986
Haverfield, John Turnstall - 1885 British navy  VCM69  H70  BAG80  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)
Havers, Adrienne TD05
Haviland, Roberta AIC82
Hawbolt, Richard grad VSA  PGBC80 Galiano Island  AGGV12
Haweis, H.S.W. VAG solo 1937 w/c's drawings
Haweis, Lionel Thomas John (Joy) 1870 - 1942 b Aug 24 Lichfield, England  m Sarah Lucy Vergette  daughter Renee Chipman (q.v.)  arr BC 1907  emp UBC Library 1918-39  d April 29 Vancouver  BCVS  VPC06
Hawker, William C. BCFA85
Hawes, Jeanette VABC77 Victoria
Hawes, Myra HFSAA
Hawes, Robin SOO96
Hawkes, Christine BCFA94 Gibsons
Hawkes, Dana ECU06
Hawkes, Kiku 1950 - grad ECIAD 1982  BAG83  ART84  WCR85  WIF85  ART87  APG99  ECC00  CCDM01  ECC01  ART01  ART03  ECC05  HAV05  IU05  LQP05  BRIT06  AVA07  ECC07  MAY07  GVAG20 (1)  VPL  photography
Hawkes, Maria C. ART01  ART03
Hawkes, William E.
Hawkins, Eliza 1936 - AGGV85  BCFA86 Victoria
Hawkins, Elizabeth (same above?) CABC83 Surrey
Hawkins, Glenn C. FCA77
Hawkins, Norman H. c1871 - 1934
Hawkshaw, Heather ART01
Haworth, Peter 1889 - 1986 b Feb 28 Lancaster, England  to Canada 1923  FCA Fndg.Mbr. 1941  VAG solo 1944  ARCA 1946  RCA 1954  CC71  RCA81  AIC82  MM88 1939-67  M Toronto
Haworth, Zema Barbara Coghill (Bobs)
  (Mrs. Peter Haworth)
1904 - 1988 b Jan 4 Queenstown, South Africa  FCA Fndg.Mbr.1941  VAG solo 1944  ARCA 1948  RCA 1963  CC71  RCA81  AIC82  MM88 1939-61  d Toronto ON  NGC Vol II  M  BIAC03 (15)
Hawryshko, Steve 1965 - b Edmonton AB  ed ECCAD 1990-93  ECU94
Hawrysio, Denise b Toronto ON  grad Queens U. (BFA)  grad S.F. Art Inst. (MFA)  l London, England from 1984  GVAG20 (1)  VPL  BIBLIO
Hawse, Wanda ART03
Hawthorn, Beth AIBC04
Hawthorn, Henry Gilbert 1939 - b Jan 11 Honolulu  RCA(e) 1974  RCA81 architect  AIC82  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Haxby, Sarah L.A. AVA99  ART01  ECU06
Haxlett, Edith (see Hazlett, Edith)
Hay, Alice (Miss)
Hay, Gideon ECC00  ECC01  ECC05  ECC07
Hay, Megan ECC24
Hay, Norman Mackenzie 1924 - 1988 b Vancouver  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)
Hayashi, E.
Hayden, Brenda ART01
Hayden, Ellen GP10
Hayden, Emma B. (Miss)
Hayden, Michael 1943 - b Jan 15 Vancouver  ed Ontario  RCA(e) 1975  l Agula Calif 1979  RCA81 sculptor  AIC82  AB87  M  BIAC03 (8)
Hayden, Murray VABC77 Smithers
Hayden, Sherri ART01
Haydon, Kelly FCA05  ECC07  TIEV11  PARK17  ECC24  CARFAC
Hayes, Carky 1948 - VABC77 Vancouver
Hayes, Danielle MPS95
Hayes, G. Baly (Mrs.)
Hayes, J.J. (Mrs.)
Hayes, James P.
Hayes, Jim 1942 - VABC77 Vancouver
Hayes, Karen ART01
Hayes, Richard P. BCFA94 Victoria
Hayes, Susan MPS95
Hayes-Holgate, Shaun BCYA85
Haylock, Linda WCWC89  BCFA93 Bamfield
Hayman, Francisca 1938 - b Ommen, Netherlands  arr Canada 1960  PGBC80  co-fnder Side Street Studio Victoria 1986  VAG20 Victoria
Haymer, A. (Madam) DIR 1918 Vancouver
Haynes, Charles 1945 - VABC77 Vancouver
Haynes, June FCA05  IIS
Haynes, Kerensa TD05  TD06  ECC11
Haynes, Rosalynne OVJS83 Kelowna
Haynes Norman, Rosalynne BIS93
Hayter, Gloria WVSC
Hayward, Carolyn ART01
Hayward, Christopher (Chris) 1938 - b London UK  arr Canada 1954  grad George Williams PQ 1968 (BFA)  SHEL77  VABC77 Vancouver  VAG77  BCAC80  BIAC03 (3)  GVAG20 (1)  VPL
Hayward, Dorothy (Mrs.) VSA
Hayward, Tayu (Mr.) photographer
Haywood, Maud
Hazard, William Garnet 1903 - 1987
Haze, Monique SOO96
Hazel, Maggie Harrison AIC82  AGGV85
Hazeland, Mary 1907 - from Ottawa ON  VABC77 Victoria  M  BIAC03 (1)
Hazell, Gail TD05
Hazlett, Edith F.
Head, Craig
Head, Kevin 1969? - VPL
Heading, Charity ART03
Heakes, Edna Eulalie c1897 - ed UBC 1950s  PGBC80
Heakes, Francis Vernon 1894 - 1989
Heal, Jackie VABC77 Enderby
Heald, Joseph AVA97  AVA99.2  AVA12
Healey, Julie ART83
Healey, Larissa PAV09
Healy, Sinclair Davis 1925 - 2017 b Oct 3 Moncton NB  grad Mt. Allison 1950  grad Columbia 1960 (MFA)  to Vancouver 1960  BCA 60  BCSA 64 summer  BCSA 67 member  VABC77 Vancouver  MM88  BIAC03 (3)  RAG05  d March 14 Vancouver  M
Heap, Verity BCFA92 Vancouver  ART93
Heard of Women ECC11
Hearn, Jock R. 1926 -
Hearn(e), Edna BCA 52/53/56/57  WVSC
Hearne, Mavis AIC82  AGGV85
Heath, James FDTS77  BAG80
Heather, Roy VSA
Heatherington, Marcia Dow 1936 - VABC77 W Vancouver
Heaton, Ida May (Mrs.)
  (nee Smith)
  (m Richard William Heidorn*)
1877 - 1956 b Feb 10 London, England  arr Canada c1919  VAG solo 1935 book illustrations  arr Victoria c1936  d Dec 8 Victoria  UBC79  BCVS (*name changed)  daughter Hilda B. MacLeod
Heaton, Josh ECU98
Heays, Royden b New Zealand  arr Canada 1970  WECC23 Vancouver  WECC24  photography
Heavyshield, Faye VPL
Hebb, Julie ECU06
Hebblethwaite, Walter (Wally) Benson 1929 - b Ridgetown ON  ed OCA  VABC77 Vancouver  M  MM88  BIAC03 (2)
Hebden, Lisa Jane ART03
Hebert, Sonja grad ECIAD 2002  ECU05  CT11
Hebig, Aubrey BCFA94  BCFA00  BCFA01 Nelson  BCFA02
Hecel, Joseph (Hegel?) c1910 - AIC82
Hecht, Julian ECU06
Heck, George BCA 68
Heckley, Joseph DIR 1895 New Westminster  H70
Heddington, Thomas c1777 - 1860 b Chatham UK  d England  UWP84  BIAC03 (2)
Hedges, Marc PGBC23
Hedrick, Ron SFAG13
Heelas, Doreen 1907 - 1984
Hefroth-Madsen, Vagn 1935 - VABC77 Victoria
Hegel, Josef (Joseph) SSBC98
Hegler, George E. VABC77 Kamloops
Hegler, Susan WVSC
Hegyi, Ibolya RAG05
Heidelbach, Susie VABC77 Prince George
Heidelk, Taeko VABC77 Prince Rupert
Heiden, Igna Beth
  (also Beth-Heiden, Igna van)
BCA 55-57/62 Vancouver
Heighton, Brent 1954 - VPL
Heim, Trinie BCFA85
Hein, Daphne AGGV85
Hein, Julie URB87
Hein, Scott URB87
Heine, Caren 1958 - UBC79  AIC82  AGGV85  IIS
Heine, Harry 1928 - 2004 b July 24 Edmonton AB  ed U.Alberta  arr Vancouver Island 1970  SHEL77  AIC82  ABC86  EBC00  BIAC03 (5)  d Sept 25  AIS07  M  member CSMA  member FCA  member RSMA  VPL
Heine, Mark IIS
Heinemeyer, Dawn FCA09
Heinhorst, Jodi SEY05
Heinrich, Gunter H.J. CACGV90 Victoria
Heintzbergen, Anthony (Tony) 1885 - AIC82
Heinze, Michael BCFA86 Hornby Island
Heiss, Dirk B. 1944 - b Prague CZ  ed Langara Coll  ed VSA  grad UBC (B.Sc)  grad UBC 1983  PITT83
Heitz, Mathias PAV09
Heizman, Gio PGBC80
Helcermanas, John PHG02
Held, Robert D.M. 1943 - grad ceramics (MFA)  AIC82  CG90 Vancouver  CCDM01  RAG05  art glass  VPL
Helders, Johan (John) Anton 1888 - 1956
Helem, J. Forbes 1909 - 2000
Helen, D. (same below?) UVIC05
Helen, Doris AIC82
Hel(l)enius, Frankca (Frank) 1944 - AIC82
Helfand, Fern ART01  KAG01.2  FH13
Helin, Bill RCF12  VPL
Helin, Sue Melto RCF12
Hellawell, Harry VSA  BCA 56/57  BCG57  VAG58  AIC82
Heller, Barbara 1947 - b July 29 Vancouver  grad Brandeis.U Boston (BA)  ed UBC  WIF81  JCCV91 Vancouver  CABC98  BCSTA00  ART01  AIBC04  RAG05  ICCM18  ICCM19  ICCM20  CARFAC  VPL
Heller, Lincoln ECU98
Hellewell, Donna RAG05
Hellier, Barbara (error for Heller?) VABC77 Vancouver
Helm, Carie MAY06 Vancouver
Helmcken, Ethel IACS
Helmshaw, Kenneth AIC82
Helps, L.
Hembroff-Brand, Edith 1906 - 1994
Hembroff-Schleicher, Edythe
  (see Hembroff-Brand, Edith)
Hemenway, Kate ART01  BCFA01 Vancouver  ART03  FCA06  MAY06
Heming, Arthur C. grad VSA 1951  BAG67
Heming, Herbert P. (Mrs.) IACS
Heming, Naomi (Miss) IACS
Hemingway, Kathleen
Hemingway, Lisa ECU04
Hemingway, Maureen AIC82
Hemingway, Peter George 1929 - 1995 b Sept 6 Sheerness UK  to Canada 1955  RCA(e) 1975  l Edmonton AB 1979  RCA81 architect  Hemingway Nelson  d May 15
Hemmerick, Ken VPL
Hemmingson, Mark OPA19 Sorrento
Hemmingway, Brian AWG07
Hempsall, Colin J. grad VSA 1948  BCA 52
Hemsing, Brenda BCFA92 Vancouver  WIP94  ECC99  to San Diego CA
Hemsley, Caitlin POL18
Hencheroff, Angie TIEV12
Hender, Betty WVSC
Henderson, A. VCA86
Henderson, Alex ECU06
Henderson, Barbara WVSC
Henderson, D'Arcy (Darcy) Stuart 1940 - b Princeton  BCA 65/68  grad VSA 1966  UBC67  VAG72 Vancouver  3BC74  VAG74  VABC77  BCAC80  AIC82  VAG83  AB87  SAG89  BIAC03 (2)  LAG10  GVAG20 (3)  M  VPL
Henderson, Emilie BCYA85
Henderson, Gordon Ross AIC82
Henderson, Ivan VSA
Henderson, J.T. active Victoria 1892  H70 engraver
Henderson, Janna ECU05.2
Henderson, June WVSC
Henderson, Lynda VaAG09  VaAG18  VaAG22
Henderson, Margaret Trelawny
Henderson, Mark ECU04  ECC07
Henderson, Nancy ART03
Henderson, Natasha BCYA85  ART01  ART03
Henderson, Neil ECU05.2  ECU05
Henderson, Nigel SEY05
Henderson, Pat
Henderson, Sam VPL
Henderson, Sharon WCR85
Henderson, Terry WIP94
Henderson, Wendy BCFA95 Armstrong
Henderson-Peal, Zahra A. ECU03
Hendren, Larry M. WECC10
Hendrickson, Helen VSA
Hendrix, Christine (Chris) 1931 - b Alberta  grad SAIA 1980  to Tahsis 1999  l Comox Valley
Hendry E.M. (Miss)
Hendry, A.
Hendy, F.A. BCA 62
Henke, Ulrich 1896 - 1978
Henley, Joy James ART93  UBC96
Henley, Sybil (see Jacobson, Sybil)
Hennell, Alexander Robert 1872 - 1961
Hennessy, Jane ECC11
Hennessy, M.D. grad KSA 1982 (Dip)  grad U.Vic 1985 (BFA)  grad BC Sch Art Therapy 1994  SOO96  BCFA99 Victoria  BCFA sculpture  One Studio
Hennig, Karla PAG20 Penticton
Hennington, Linda ECU06  TD06
Henrich, Soren IIS
Henrickson, Christian VABC77 Vancouver
Henriet, Evelyn VABC77 Sparwood
Henriques, Lisa 1969 - b Feb 23 Kingston, Jamaica  arr Vancouver 1978  grad ECIAD  PGBC98
Henriquez, Richard George 1941 - b Feb 5 Annotta Bay, Jamaica  RCA(e) 1978  RCA81 architect  CE00  PAV09  BIBLIO
Henry, Claire William c1922 - grad VSA 1950  White Rock/Salmo  WR93
Henry, Clark AIC82
Henry, Hazel (Mrs. Herbert A. Henry)
Henry, Hazel Lorine (same above?) VABC77 Williams Lake
Henry, Karen It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Henry, Michael (Mick) Richard 1939 - b New Westminster  VSA  grad VSA 1961 (Hon)  NGC66 Vancouver  IDTC68  IB72  3BC74  Slug Pottery  PGBC80 Roberts Creek  AIC82  BELK09  VAG20 Coquitlam  M ceramics
Henry, P. IACS
Henry, Phyllis SOO96
Henry, Ruby (see Howe, Ruby)
Henry, Theresa 1962? - VPL
Henschel, Gordon b Manitoba  ABC86  BCFA86 Port Hardy  WCWC90  BIAC03 (1)
Henshaw, Ron ECU04
Hensman, Dorothy
Henson, Dick c1942 - AIC82
Henson, Simon 1942 - b Leicester, England  AIC82  PH87  AGGV12
Henton, Justin ECU05.2
Henzell, Anthony VABC77 Campbell River
Henzell, Dorothy (see Willis, Dorothy)
Heo, Maria ECC24
Hepburn, Megan ECU05.2
Herald, Ann Creer WECC10
Herbert, D. (Mrs.) VABC77 New Westminster
Herbert, Graham 1947 - WCWC89  WCWC90
Herbert, Martin PAG20 Salt Spring Island
Herbison, Heather grad VSA 1968 graphics  BCFA85  ECU05
Herbison, Noah IIS
Herchmer, Christian VABC77 Creston
Herchmer, Laurencia (Miss) 1910 - 2007
Herendy, Mano 1923 - 1978 b Budapest, Hungary  arr Canada 1951  d Vancouver  VAG20
Herfst, Andrew grad ECIAD 1999 photography  ECU05  ANV08
Heriot, George 1766 - 1844 AIC82  VPL
Heriot, Jean (see Heriot, Joan)
Heriot, Joan E. 1911 - b Vernon  ed England  VABC77 Vernon  AIC82  AGGV85  BCFA90  BIS93
Herivel, Antoinette grad U.Regina 1986 (BFA)  grad U.Regina 1991 (B.Ed)  grad U.Regina 1996 (M.Ed)  CARFAC
Herman, Dan RAG05
Herman, Elana Louise ECU00
Herman, John
Herman, Jonathan ECU05.2
Hermanek, Klara ART01
Hermann, Elaine VAG58
Hermann, Holger ECU98
Hermant, Rosslyn ECU04
Hermant, Sydney ECU00
Hermesh, Carol PAG20 Summerland
Hernandez, Isobel WVSC
Hernandez, Jose PAG20 Trout Creek
Herndl, Jeremy grad NSCAD 1997 (BFA)   ed Ecole Nationale France 1996  preparator AGGV 1998-99  BCFA99 Victoria  BCFA
Hernon, William J.P. c1914 - 1960
Heron, Nina ART03
Herridge, Audrey ART01
Herrington, Clyde AIC82
Herriot Robb, Beverly IIS
Herrmann, Ann P. (Mrs.)
  (see Ann P. Spilsbury)
1912 - 1970
Herrmann, Dorothy
Herry, The Baroness
  (Celestine de Naeyer)
1879 - 1952
Hersey, Bertram Charles 1879 - 1955 b Oct 4 England  arr BC 1910  proprietor Vancouver Art Gallery (1922-23)  d Sept 10 Burnaby  ref artstores  DIR  BCVS
Hersey, Edith Mills (Mrs.)
  (nee Scott, m Bertram Hersey (q.v.))
proprietress Vancouver Art Gallery (1922-23)  ref artstores
Hersey, John MPS95
Hersey, Karen R. 1941 - BCFA83  BCFA84  BCFA85  BCFA86 Marysville
Heryet, Lorraine VABC77 Victoria
Herzog, Fred 1930 - 2019 b Germany  BCA 68  JJD76  AIC82  PHG97  PHG03.2  PHG05  VAG09  VAG11  d Sept 9 Vancouver  GVAG20 (1)  VPL  BIBLIO
Hescox, Richard IIS
Heseltine, Alastair 1954 - b Farnham, England  CABC98 Hornby Island  ART01
Heshedahl, Jim 1952 - b Sept 30 Vancouver  ed SFU (BA)  AVA97  AVA99  AVA99.2  AVA00.2  AVA01  ART01  CCDM01  AVA12  AVA13
Heshka, Ryan TD06
Heslin, Colleen M. ECU03  SFU09  ECU17  ECU17.2
Heslop, Linda CACGV90 Victoria  RCF12  IIS
Hespe, Heiko AIC82
Hess, Paul ECU97  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Hessay, Carle (also Karl) 1911 - 1978 b Nov 30 Shanghai, China (Dresden?)  ed England  to Vienna  ed Ecole Des Beaux Arts 1927  to French W Africa 1934  fought Spanish Civil War 1938  to Vancouver 1938  Royal Cdn. Engineers in WWII  BCA 68  d Jan 1 Spuzzum  AIC82  M Langley  VPL  BIAC03 (1)  BIBLIO
Hesse, Charmaine R. 1937 - VABC77 Victoria
Hesse, Jurgen 1924 - 2008 b Germany  arr Canada 1958  VABC77 Victoria  AVA97  AVA99  AVA99.2  d July 30
Hesse, Maria Elena Castelazo 1952 - b Mexico City  AVA97
Hesse, Sam SSBC13
Hesthammer, Noreen AIC82  AGGV85
Hetherington, Bernice AV19 W Vancouver
Hetherington, Jessie (Jess) 1930 - 2011
Hetherington, Susan AGGV85
Heti, George BCA 57 Vancouver
Hettervig, Ruby ART03
Hettman, Dale RCA81 Richmond
Heubner, Ron ART87
Heuft, Joette P. 1954 - b Medicine Hat AB  grad ECCAD 1981  PITT81
Heuniken, Heidi 1961 - ART90
Hewer, Marjorie VSA
Hewiston, June Marguerite
Hewitt, Alan ART01
Hewitt, Michael c1937 - AIC82
Hewitt, Rob ECU98
Hewlett, Mary-Lou ECU00
Hexamer, Ronald (Ron) Allen 1935 - 1987 b Sept 17 Ontario  BCA66  m Hee Sook Kim  AIC82  d July 24 Vancouver  BCVS teacher  VPL
Heximer, Matt ECU94.2
Hey, Serena Hollis de la MPS95
Heybroek, Mrs. William H. (Sandy) AIC82  M Comox  BIAC03 (1)
heyday design ECC11
Heydemann, Dirk RCF12
Heynemans, Sander 1944 - BCA 68  BAG69 Vancouver  AIC82
Heys, Oswald 1889 - AIC82
Heys, Thomas BCFA92 Richmond
Hibben, May R. BAG80
Hibben, T.N. & Co. DIR 1921 Victoria artists materials
Hibberd, W.L. (Bill) CARFAC

Raku vase by James Hibbert

Hibbert, James op Victoria Clayworks 1983  OPA19 Naramata
Hibbert, Laurel ART01
Hicken, Sophi WECC08  WECC10
Hickey, Kay WVSC
Hickey, Suzo 1959 - b Prince Rupert  ART93  grad ECCAD 1994 Vancouver  KaAG01  CARFAC
Hickford, Edward VABC77 Vancouver
Hicks, Carolyn A. RAG05
Hicks, Ken VABC77 W Vancouver
Hickson, Audrey BCFA85
Hiebert, Blake (same below?) GP10
Hiebert, Henry Blake BCFA92 Richmond
Hiebert, Jen ECC99  ECC00  GO00.2  ECC01  TD05
Hiemstra, Harriet B. PGBC98  PGBC23
Higginbotham, Jean
  (see Higinbotham, Jean)
Higgins, John T. (Mrs.)
Higgins, Keith It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Higgins, M. (Miss) IACS14
Higgins, M.R.
Higgins, Shannyn photography
Higginson, Bill WECC10  FBG12
Higgs, Lisa 1961 - AGGV85
High, I. (Mr.) IDTC68 Hope
Highes, Robyn MPS95
Highfield, Don BCFA01 Nelson  BCFA "artist, blacksmith, sculptor"
Higinbotham, Jean Trilby (nee Manly)
  (m Alan Albert Higinbotham)
1923 - 1994 b Feb 18 Saskatoon SK  grad VSA  SSBC77  VABC77 Vancouver  grad UBC 1978 (B.Ed)  SSBC80  WIF81  AIC82  AGGV85  CNIB87  d Mar 1 Vancouver  SSBC98  RAG05  BCVS  VPL
Higinbotham, Pat VABC77 Vancouver
Hilbern, H. VABC77 White Rock
Hilborn, Catherine Grace BCFA93 Vancouver
Hilckman, Bert VPL
Hild, Isobel AIC82
Hildebrand, Guy BCFA99  ART01  ART03
Hildebrand, Jock G. 1952 - VABC77 Westbank  FH13
Hildebrand, Meghan b Yukon  ed KSA  BCFA01 Nelson  BCFA02  BCFA painter
Hildebrand, Todd ECC99  ECC00  ECC01
Hildebrandt, Kathy FCA09
Hildred, Christopher 1937 - VABC77 Burnaby
Hildred, Philip 3BC74 photography  VABC77 W Vancouver
Hildreth, Pauline ART01  ECC07
Hilgemann, Judy IIS
Hilker, Fay VABC77 Kelowna  ABC86
Hill, Agnes Lawrence c1850 - c1940 b Nova Scotia  UBC79
Hill, Arlyn Patricia
  (see Coad, Arlyn)
Hill, Brenda LSG12
Hill, Dan VBPR02
Hill, Ed 1948 - b Paris ON  to BC 1969  LSG14 Gibsons
Hill, F.C. (Mr.)
Hill, H.B. AIC82
Hill, Jake TD05
Hill, Kathleen AIC82  AGGV85  grad KSA 1998 (Dip)  BCFA01 Rossland  BCFA fibre arts
Hill, Lorraine RAG05
Hill, Mabel VABC77 Westbank
Hill, Marjorie (Miss) 1895 - 1985 b Guelph ON  grad U.Toronto 1920 architecture  IDTC68 Victoria  d Victoria  VAG20 weaver
Hill, N. Nicole b Okanagan  grad Ryerson Poly ON 1998 (BFA)  BCFA99 Prince George  BCFA photography
Hill, Roland (Rowland) 1955 - BCP86 Victoria  CNIB87
Hill, Sabina CCDM01  AIBC04
Hill, Stephanie BCFA95 Vancouver
Hill, Sybil (see Sybil Cianci)
Hille, Rossana CABC83 Vancouver
Hillert, Dan BCFA85
Hillgren, August (Gus) 1881 - 1964
Hilliard, Heidi WVSC
Hilliard, Jordan ECU05.2
Hillier, Ann (see McMenomin, Ann)
Hillis, Brad CARFAC
Hillman, Elizabeth BCFA90 Dawson Creek  BCFA93
Hillman, Susan 1945 - VABC77 Burnaby  ART03  VPL
Hillmayr, Gerhard FCA77
Hills, F.C. (see Hill, F.C.)
Hill-Tout, Kay R. BCA 56/57/BCA58/59-68 Victoria  BCG57  AIC82  AGGV85
Hilmer, Paul VABC77 Kelowna
Hilton, Ann(e) WECC10  AIOM13  VaAG18  AIOM19  VaAG22
Hilton, Charles SOO96
Hilton, Eric 1937 - AIC82
Hilts, Alvin 1908 - b Apr 2 Newmarket ON  M  RCA81  SSBC98  BIAC03 (5)
Hinchcliffe, Elaine c1943 -
Hinchcliffe, Irene
Hincks, Thomas C. (Mrs.) IACS
Hind, Iona M. Carr Winnipeg School Art  VABC77 Kelowna
Hind, William George Richardson 1833 - 1889 b Nottingham, England  arr Canada 1852  Overlander 1862  d Sussex NB  VAG58  VCM69  H70  FDTS77  BAG80  AIC82  M  CE00  EBC00  BIAC03 (14)  BIBLIO
Hinder, Laura ECU05.2
Hindmarch-Watson, Patricia CARFAC
Hinds, Margery VABC77 Victoria
Hines, Sherman VPL
Hingert, Eckart BCA 68 sculpture
Hinman, Robert AIC82
Hinman, W.R. (same above?) BAG61 Turner Valley
Hinojosa, Tito ECC24
Hinton, Geoff ART84
Hinton, John Henry 1875 - 1948 AIC82
Hints, Katharine SOO96
Hipol, Khim POL18
Hirabayashi, Alix 1948? - ART84  VPL
Hiraga, Itsuka b Okinawa  CARFAC l Burnaby
Hirano, Barb ECC01
Hirata, Hosea 1952 - b Japan  grad McGill 1979 (BA)  arr Vancouver 1979  grad UBC (MA)  ref Melmoth Vancouver Group
Hirnschall, Helmut 1933 - VABC77 Vancouver  AIC82  VPL
Hirota, Jackson VAG74 Chilliwack  VABC77
Hirsch, Antonia It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
Hirst, Susan PGBC98
Hiscock, Keith 1951 - b Victoria  BCAC80  AIC82  CNIB87  IIS  VPL
Hiscocks, Elizabeth Jane (Miss) 1880 - 1956 b May 18 Victoria  IACS14  IACS  d Jan 17 Victoria
Hiscocks, Sophie (Miss)
Hit and Run ART93
Hitchcock, C.R.
Hittrich, Beata 1935 - VABC77 N Vancouver
HIVE Collective exh Dynamo Gall 1999 Vancouver  BCFA00 Vancouver  BCFA "c/o Andrew Armour"
Hives, Catherine M.
Hives, Florence Morley 1894 - 1989
Hiwgert, Eckart SSBC98
Ho, Anita ECU06
Ho, Brian Matthew ECU06
Ho Chao Hwa AIC82
Ho, George ART93
Ho, Gloria BCYA85
Ho, Philip L. ECU03
Ho, Ray AIC82
Ho, Simon RAG05
Hoadley, Joan WVSC
Hoadley, Jon BNE89
Hoare, Elizabeth AIC82  AGGV85  VPL
Hoare, William Keith BCA 65  AIC82
Hoath, Tom VABC77 Winfield
Hoban, Ann(e) ECC00  ECC01
Hoban, Leigh ART03
Hobbs, Isabel Mary 1885 - 1974
Hobbs, Jennifer Leedham grad VSA 1948
Hobbs, Mabel IACS
Hobbycraft Studios IDTC68 Victoria
Hobday, Edmund (Col.) IACS
Hobler, P.M. VABC77 Port Coquitlam
Hobo Nation Guitars ECC11
Hobson, Mark 1953 - b Vancouver  WCWC89  WCWC90 Tofino  RCF12
Hockenhull, Oliver ANV08
Hockey, Ann WVSC
Hocking, Patti VAG58
Hockley, Frederick William Pymar 1916 - 1982 b Oct 13 Vancouver  m Margaret Isabella Douglas  VABC77 W Vancouver  d Jan 2 N Vancouver  BCVS BC Tel supervisor
Hodder, Geoffrey 1930 - AIC82
Hodge, Charlene VABC77 Lumby
Hodge, Earl E. 1932 - VABC77 Vedder Crossing  BCFA91  BCFA92 Chilliwack
Hodge, Gillian 1928 - 2001 BCA 68  PGBC80  AIC82  SSBC98  d Penn Valley CA  VAG20 pottery
Hodge, Lorraine Eversly 1907 - 1986
Hodges, Elmer S. 1879 - 1947
Hodges, John KBAA83 Winlaw  BCFA86  BCFA90
Hodges, Leanne BCFA00 Quathiaski Cove  BCFA02  BCFA "visual artist"
Hodgette, Chris ECU00
Hodgins, Aimee Gertrude (Mrs.) 1866 - 1938
Hodgins, Peggy (Miss) IACS
Hodgins, Ruby BCA 52/53/55-57/61/62  FCA64  AIC82
Hodgins, Tyler grad Victoria Coll.Art 1990  AGGV12.2 Victoria
Hodgkins, Sarah ECU05.2
Hodgkinson, Barney b Vancouver Island  BCFA91 Fort Nelson
Hodgson, Deborah WCR85
Hodgson, Herbert IACS  A.R.I.B.A.
Hodgson, June WVSC
Hodgson, Linda Jang ECU98
Hodgson, Shirley CACGV90 Victoria
Hodgson, Stanley IIS
Hodgson, Wes AIC82
Hodgson, Zoe ECU06
Hodnett, Noel 1949 - b Gatooma, Zimbabwe  to S. Africa 1955  to BC c1998  ECC99  ECC00  ART01  ECC07 Vancouver  GVAG20
Hodney, M.F. (Mr.) IDTC68 Hope
Hodney, Michael (same above?) AIC82
Hodson, Brenda CACGV88
Hodson, Hazel E. (Mrs.) NGC66 Victoria
Hoeben, Tina CACGV88
Hoegenwarth, J.J. VABC77 Duncan
Hoeller, Gigi b W Vancouver  ed ECCAD 1988-91  BCFA02 Gold River  TD06  LSG11  Halfmoon Bay
Hoenig, Eva ECC11
Hoeppner, Norma TD05
Hoesing, Larry IIS
Hof, Mary Barbara
Hofer, Deirdre grad UBC (BA)  grad Cap.Coll (Cert.Bus.Admin)  emp Heffel Gallery 2004-08, 2018-current
Hoff, Wesley Kenneth c1919 - 2006
Hoffar, G. (typo for Irene?) BCSFA Winter 29
Hoffar, Irene (Mrs. Hoffar Reid)
Hoffar, J. (typo for Irene?) BCSFA Winter 29
Hoffer, William 1944 - 1997 author, bookseller, artist, publisher  BIBLIO
Hoffman, Alan ECU98  ECU05  VPL
Hoffman, Elaine KBAA83 New Denver ceramics
Hoffman, Faye ART84
Hoffman, Florence WVSC
Hoffman, Rick 1942 - b Winnipeg MB  CBCP77
Hoffman, Vallalee ECU98
Hoffmann, Jacquie ART84
Hoffman, Terry AIC82
Hoflin, Cindi BCFA92 Maple Ridge  BCFA93  BCFA94
Hofmeister, Christopher ECU06
Hogan, Danielle Carla ECU00  ECU05
Hogan, Gerry ECU00
Hogan, James UWP84
Hogan, Mary (same below?) WCR85
Hogan, Peter TIEV12
Hogan Camp, Mary 1950 - ART90
Hogarth, Adam TIEV11
Hogarth, C.M. (Miss) DIR 1927 Victoria
Hogarth, Joanne VBPR02
Hogarth, S. (Miss) DIR 1926 Victoria
Hogg, Ella b Scotland  CACGV90 Victoria
Hogg, George C. 1929 - b Kimberley  ed VSA  AIC82  ABC86  BIAC03 (1)
Hogg, James VCA86  DIR Vancouver 1889 photographer
Hogg, Lucy 1957 - b Charlottetown PEI  AB87  ART87  ART90  VAG96  YCAG96  ECU97  ARTBC00  VPL
Hoh, Joseph C.M. CACGV90 Victoria  BCFA93
Hohlweg, Brent BCFA91 Richmond  ART93
Hohndorf, Eric 1938 - ABC86
Hohner, Jeff 1961 - b Annapolis USA  ed Selkirk Coll  KAG03
Hoibakke, S. (Mr.) IDTC68 Victoria
Holahan, Catherine J. grad Columbia NY 1962 (BS)  grad Boston U. 1978 (MLS)  grad Tufts U. 1981 (BFA)  arr BC c1994  BCFA99 Galiano Island  BCFA photography  ART01  ART03
Holand, Rebecca AIOM19  ECC24
Holbard, Deborah WVSC
Holbard, Fraser FCA77
Holbard, Peter FCA77  WVSC
Holcroft, Lorna b England  arr Canada 1954  BC Craft Show 65  BCA 68  AIC82  WR93  textile designer
Hold, Chris ECU06
Holden, Barbara VABC77 Penticton  AIC82  AGGV85
Holden, Beverley from Winnipeg MB  grad U.Man  BCFA86 Terrace  BCP86
Holden, F.C. (Mrs.) IACS 1918/20
Holden, Herbert DIR 1921-22 Vancouver
Holden, Roberta AIOM08
Holdham, Jennifer 1954 - b England  arr Vancouver 1981  BAG83  mem Guild of Fabric Arts
Hole, Orangeena ART01
Holecka, Steve 1940 - b Alberta  grad ACA 1965  FCA Award 1975  VABC77 Gibsons  CAP79  GVAG20 (1)
Holl Hunt, Pamela
  (see Hunt, Pamela Holl)
Holland, Channing AVA99
Holland, Francis Walter - 1960 IACS
Holland, Jonathan rep Alexander Harrison Galleries
Holland, Kiff 1942 - b S Africa  arr Canada 1975  ABC86  BIAC03 (1)  FBG12  rep Alexander Harrison Galleries  VPL
Holland, Mark AVA98  AVA00  AVA01  ART01
Holland, Mary VABC77 Lumby
Holland, Nelson SSBC98
Holland, Richard Moss KBAA83 Nelson stained glass
Holland, S.G. IACS
Holland, Suez ECC01
Hollick, Elizabeth BCFA85  BCFA93 White Rock  BCFA94  ART01  ART03

C.W. Holliday autobiography

Holliday, Charles William 1870 - 1955
Holliday, Frank Ward 1891 - 1960 b Mar 21 England  m Florence Hamilton 1910 Vancouver picture framer  Mgr Richmond Arts (see artstores)  m Jewell Cottrell  d Sept 23 Vancouver caretaker  BCVS marriage, death
Hollinger, Phelix AIC82
Hollingsworth, Frederick Thornton 1917 - 2015 b Jan 8 Lancashire UK  to Canada c1929  RCA(e) 1974  RCA81 architect  CE00  d Apr 10 W Vancouver  GVAG20 (1)  VAG20
Hollingsworth, J. Mason DIR 1899-1900 Vancouver  H70
Hollingsworth, Phyllis
  (nee Montgomery)
1921 - 2018 b Wainwright AB  d N Vancouver  VAG20 weaving
Hollingsworth, Rob ECC11
Hollington, Guy ECC24
Holloway, George
Hollowell, Karen AIOM08
Hollstedt, Megan ECU06
Hollywood Furniture Mfg. Co. Ltd. 1946 - 1960 VAG20 Vancouver
Holm, Una B. VABC77 Kamloops  AGGV85  CNIB87
Holm, Nels VPL
Holman, Shaira WCR85  ART93
Holmes, Angela ECC01
Holmes, Barry William 1941 - BCA 68  AIC82  SSBC98  PAV09
Holmes, Devlin ART87
Holmes, Doris C. (Miss)
Holmes, Garry RAG05
Holmes, James S.
Holmes, Jessie ECU04
Holmes, Keith ART87  BCFA93 Galiano Island
Holmes, Margery VABC77 Cranbrook
Holmes, Niki ECC11  PGBC23ECC24>
Holmes, Rand MAY07 Lasqueti Island
Holmes, Reginald (Reg) 1934 - b Nov 4 Calgary AB  BCA 57/BCA58/60-62/65/66  BCG57  grad VSA 1958  VAG58  BCSA 59/61-65  BAG61 W Vancouver  NWA 1961-66  VAG64  AGGV66  BCA66  UBC67  BAG71  RCA(e) 1974  VABC77  l Toronto ON 1975-79  BCAC80  RCA81  AIC82  VAG83 l New York  AB87  ECU94  BIAC03 (6)  VAG06  M  VPL
Holmes, Tine Andriessen (Ms.) b Netherlands  CACGV90 Victoria
Holmes, William (same below?) WVSC
Holmes, William W. 1924 - b Belfast Ireland  arr Canada 1949  ed VSA c1960-65  ABC86  BCFA86 N Vancouver  BIAC03 (1)
Holmgren, Lorena CABC83 Courtenay
Holms, John IIS
Holmsten, Don MPS95
Holmsten, Olle Werner 1915 - b Upsala Sweden  to Canada 1953  won VAG sculpture competition 1959  AIC82  M Calgary  BIAC03 (1)
Holmstrom Studio ECC24
Holroyd, Ethel M. IACS
Holstein-Rathlou, Helena IACS
Holstein-Rathlou, Humo IACS
Holt, Lee PHG02
Holt, Mike IIS
Holy Body Tattoo (The) ART93
Holyoak, Don 1952 - b Toronto ON  VAG72 Vancouver  3BC74  VAG74  VABC77  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)  GVAG20 (1)
Homer, R. IACS
Homes, Jan WVSC
Honchee Studio VAG85.2
Hone, McGregor 1920 - 2007
Honey, Ken VPL
Honeycombe, Lori IIS
Honeyman, Michael WECC23  @thefoxhoundgang
Honeyman, Pierre TD05  TD06
Honeypot Clothing Co. ECC01
Hong, Leah BCYA85
Hong, Lean BCFA92 Vancouver
Hong, Yang BCFA95 Vancouver  grad ECIAD 1997  ECU97  ECC07
Honisch, Martin 1942 - b Czechoslovakia  AB87  SAG89  RAG05  AIS07  VPL
Honneytta Gallery/i> ECC24
Hood, Christine MMAF17  MMAF18
Hood, Erik ECU06
Hood, Henry (Harry) 1876 - 1956
Hood, Joseph AIC82
Hood, Kate BCYA85
Hood, Robin June WCR85
Hooge, Andrea ECC24
Hooge, Anna Louise VABC77 Kelowna
Hoogen, Richard (Dick) A.G. van den 1916 - 1978 illust Land of Shining Mountains  VPL
Hoogenboom, Danielle ECU05.2
Hook, Allan James - 1946 DIR 1914 Cobble Hill  AIC82
Hoole, Kate Adeline Smith
  (Mrs. Frank Hoole)
1878 - 1949
Hooley, Ian 1944 - AIC82  SSBC83  CNIB87  SSBC98
Hooper, Ethel E. IACS
Hooper (Hugo), Jacqueline
  (see Hugo, Jacqueline)
Hooper, John PAV09
Hooper, Stephanie
  (see Robertson, Stephanie)
Hoopes, Bill BCFA95 Bowen Island  FBG12
Hooser, Phoebe Marie (Honey) 1894 - 1984 b Summerfield NB  arr Surrey 1936  VAG51  d White Rock  VAG20 weaving
Hooson, E. (Ms.) VABC77 Surrey
Hoover, Leni AGGV85
Hope, Bateman (Mrs.) IACS
Hope, C.M. IACS
Hope, E. (Miss)
Hope, H.A.
Hopkins, Darryl ECC00  ECC01
Hopkins, D.H.
Hopkins, Donald BAG78
Hopkins, E.M. (same as next?) IACS
Hopkins, Elisabeth Margaret 1894 - 1991 b Apr 22 Gilkicker UK  arr Victoria 1954  ret Galiano Island 1964  3BC74  Galiano Painters Guild  AIC82  AGGV85  d Saltspring Island  EBC00  BIAC03 (1)  VPL  BIBLIO
Hopkins, Leonard (Mrs.) IACS14  IACS
Hopkins, Michael ECC05
Hopkins, Neville J. IACS
Hopkins, Patricia
  (see Goldman, Patricia)
Hopkins, Tannis b Winnipeg  ed Montreal/Toronto  ECC11  PARK17  ECC24  CARFAC
Hopkinson, Hugh E. BCA 56
Hopkinson, Peter 1912 - b BC  VABC77 White Rock  AIC82  M  BIAC03 (1)
Hopper, Ken c1946 - AIC82
Hopper, Robin 1939 - 2017 b Selsdon, England (1942?)  arr Canada 1968  arr BC 1977  m Judy Dyelle (q.v.)  PGBC80  AIC82  AGGV86  CNIB87  WCWC90  CABC98 Victoria  PGBC98  AGGV12  d April 6 Victoria  Times-Colonist obit  VPL  ceramics
Hopper, Sue CABC83 Victoria
Hopping, William 1886 - 1981
Hora, Dennis BCFA94 Ft St John
Horan, Ceely 1920 - 1967
Horeau, Christina RAG05
Horie, Dorothy
Horn, Ken IIS
Horn, Peter RAG05
Hornblow, David VPL
Horncastle, L.M. BCA 68
Horne, Allan BNE89
Horne, A.E. Cleeve 1912 - 1998
Horne, Arthur William 1945 - b Vancouver  BIAC03 (1)
Horne, Bill b Vancouver  ART93  WIP94  ART01  CARFAC
Horne, David Ernst 1929 - AIC82
Horne, Francis PAV09
Horne, Harry
Horne, Nesta Bowen (Mrs.) 1896 - 1987
Horne, Steve AIC82
Horne, William BCFA00 Saanichton
Horne-Payne, John Reginald 1898 - 1978
Horner, Alicia TD06
Horner, Lee SOO96
Horner-Harrison, Georgina
Horning, J. Jey BCFA93 Vancouver  AVA98  AVA99  APG99  ECC99  ECC00  AVA00  ECC01  ART01  ART03  ECC05  RAG05
Hornsby, Michael 1957 - ART87  ART90  VPL
Hornyansky, Nicholas 1896 - 1965 b Aug 11 Budapest  grad Academy of Fine Arts  to Belgium c1919-27  arr Toronto 1929  ARCA 1943  colour acquatints incl Vancouver  d May 25 Toronto ON  CAP79  RCA81  MM88 1931-60  BIAC03 (13)  FECK18  M
Horrobin, Edith Lily (nee Stainton) 1914 - 2001 b Jan 18 Liverpool UK  m Thomas Vincent Horrobin  VABC77 Kimberley painting  emp secretary Healthcare  d March 29 Cranbrook  BCVS death
Horsfield, Caitlin WVMA14
Horton, Albert 3BC74 Vancouver metal sculpture
Horton, Heather FCA-AA
Horton, John Malcolm 1935 - b Nov 18 London, England  arr Canada Nov 1966  AIC82  ABC86  BIAC03 (1)  GVAG20 (1)  rep Alexander Harrison Galleries  VPL  BIBLIO
Horton, Marguerite BCA 52
Horvat, Steve SEY05
Horvath, Camille Benois 1878 - 1953
Horvath, Michael Dimitri 1905 - 1974 b Jan 16 Harbin China  m Alexandra Ilchenko  d Sept 20 Vancouver  emp artist - paintings  BCVS death  AIC82
Horwood, Alison ECC01
Hosein, Ali 1951 - b Trinidad  arr Canada 1969  CNIB87  SOO88 Victoria
Hoskins, Johanna ART03
Hoskins, Mel 3BC74
Hoskins, Ruby 1909 - b Cardiff Wales  VABC77 Smithers  AIC82  BIAC03 (1)  VPL
Hoskins, Shirley E. grad VSA 1947
Hoskinson, Catherine (Cathrin) Ann 1949 - b Sept 14 Montreal PQ  arr Vancouver 1956  BCA 68  BAG71 Montreal  3BC74 Ontario  AB87  BIAC03 (2)
Hoskinson, Edward R. BCA 68
Hosmer, R. IACS
Hotson Bakker Architects PAV09
Hou, Maggie ECU05.2
Hou, Paul Chin-Chung ECU03
House of Hudson Jewellry ECC24
House, Kelly Lee BCYA85
House, Kevin PAG20 Vancouver
House, Ziff RAG05
Housser, Bess (see Harris, Bess)
Houston, Deryk 1954 - b Scotland  arr Vancouver 1966  ed Langara Coll  ed ECCAD  ABC86  BCFA91  BCFA93 Victoria  MPS95  BIAC03 (1)  RAG05  AWG06  GVAG20  VPL
Houston, Martha 1896 - 1980 FECK18
How, James Francis grad VSA 1950
Howard, Keith MPS95
Howard, Louise AIOM13
Howard, M.E. VABC77 Winfield
Howard, Margaret WVSC
Howard, Melba grad VSA 1941
Howard, Michael SOO96
Howard, Monica MAY07 Vancouver
Howard, (Hyam) Roy 1889 - 1981 b May 11 Sydney, Australia  arr Vancouver c1909  mem Alpine Club of Canada 1927-64  mem BC Mountaineering Club 1930-51 (VP & P)  d Nov 11 Delta  VPC06
Howard, Ruby Ella (Mrs.) 1909 - 1993
Howarth, Glenn Edward 1946 - 2009 b Sept 1 Vegreville AB  grad U.Vic 1970 (BFA)  AGGV75  NCIA76  SHEL77  VABC77 Victoria  AGGV78  ARCA 1978  BCAC80  RCA81  AIC82  AGGV86  AB87  OS88  BNE89  BIAC03 (3)  d July 26  VPL
Howarth, Jan AIOM99
Howe, Betty L. Hoglund 1933 - b Kimberley  VABC77 Chase  ABC86  BCFA91 Oliver  BIAC03 (1)
Howe, Heather ECU00
Howe, John F. 1957 - VABC77 Keremeos
Howe, Ruby Alberta
  (m David Henry)
1896 - 1965
Howe, Susan AVA98  AVA99  ART03  ECU05
Howell, Marlene IIS
Howell, Neil ABC86
Howell, Susan ECC05
Howell, Tobla (Toby) ed Ottawa U.  BCFA00  BCFA01 Victoria  BCFA ceramics  William Street Clay Studio
Howells, Paul 1957 - ART84  BCFA86 Vancouver  BCP86  PH87  VPL
Howes, Cheryl AVA00.2
Howes, Elizabeth
Howes, Hadley ECU98  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000
howey, joanne ART01
Howland, Yvonne NCIA76
Hoy, Brent BCA 68
Hoy, C.D. (Chow Dong) 1883 - 1973 VPL  EBC00  GVAG20 (1)  BIBLIO
Hoy, Julie VPL
Hoyem, M. Ruth BCFA94 Port Moody
Hoyle, John AVA00
Hoyt, Char ART03
Hoyt, Erich 1950 - VPL
Hronek, Jana BCFA85
Hruby, Malenka VABC77 Victoria
Hruschak, Maria TIEV12
Hryciuk, Doris 1937 - AGGV85
Hrynkow, Casey 1955 - b Toronto ON  ed VSA 1974-77  ECU94
Hrynkow, Ray 1953 - b Edmonton AB  ed VSA 1974-77  ECU94
Hsieh, Hsin-Ju Cynthia ECU05.2
Hsu, Joy ECU06
Hsu, Margaret 1970 - b Taipei, Taiwan  arr Vancouver 1987  grad ECCAD 1994  ECU94  PGBC98
Hsu, Sophia Yun-Fang ECU03
Hsu, Yun-Chin ECU06
Hsueh, Kai Ling Xue ECU04
Hu, Leo (Tzu-Chien) ECU03
Hu, Monica AIOM99  AIOM00
Huang, Bau-Xi (see Paul Wong)
Huang, Chun-Ping ECU06
Huang, Hung-Mei Hsu ART03
Huang, Morris POL18
Huang, Paul C. (see Paul Wong)
Huang, Ying-Hsuan (Sharon) ECU06
Huang, Yu-Hang ECU05.2
Huangyutitham, Supatra ECU06
Huba, Crystal ECU04
Huba, Paul c1913 - c1959 GSV80  AIC82  SSBC98  PAV09
Hubbs, Gary Warren ECU05.2  TIEV11  TIEV12
Huber, June BCA 68  AIC82
Huber, Peter c1939 - AIC82
Hubert, Meghann ECU05.2
Hubinette, Maria BCYA85
Hubley, Peggy BCFA95 Valemount
Hubscher, Gail MPS95
Huck, Dawn ECU98
Hudgeon, Tammy b "prairies"  LSG14 Gabriola Island
Hudgins, Ruby (see Hodgins, Ruby)
Hudson (Miss)
Hudson, A.S. VABC77 Prince Rupert
Hudson, Dan 1959 - TOWN12
Hudson, Helen TSN14
Hudson, Judith from Toronto  arr BC 1980  grad U.Vic 2000 (BFA)  BCFA01 Duncan  BCFA painting
Hudson, M. IACS
Hudson, Melissa ECC07
Hudson, Pamela (Pam) b Olds AB  arr Vancouver 1987  ECC99  ECC00  ECC07  ECC11  PARK17  ECC24
Hudson, Percy

Wil Hudson typeset business card

Hudson, Wil 1928 - 2014 b Sept 19 Milwaukee WI  to California  to N Vancouver  Grouse Mountain Press  ret 1991 Powell River  d Jan 14 Creston  typographer

Wil Hudson by Keith Shields

Huebner, Ron 1959 - CP92  VPL
Hueniken, Heidi ART87
Huestis, Joan (see Foster, Joan Huestis)
Huffman, Roger ECC99
Huggins, Nadia AGGV15
Huggins, Ring AIC82
Hughan, Linda BCP86 New Westminster
Hughes, Barbara Jean ed Epsom Sch.Art UK  ed U.Manitoba  ed Coll.New Caledonia  3BC74 Vancouver
Hughes, David G. IACS
Hughes, David R. BCYA85
Hughes, Edward John 1913 - 2007
Hughes, Georgina PGBC80
Hughes, Gordon (same below?) NCIA76
Hughes, Gordon BNE89  ECC24
Hughes, Ida (Mrs.) DIR 1914-17 Vancouver art needlework
Hughes, Louis VAG solo 1942 24 pictures
Hughes, Lynn (same below?) 1941 - PGBC80  AIC82  AGGV85  VPL
Hughes, Lynn 1951 - b Vancouver  AB87
Hughes, Mel VABC77 Victoria
Hughes, Patrick J.R. 1951 - ART84  ART87  ART90  BCFA93 Gibsons  AVA98  AVA99  AVA00  ART01  MAY07 Celista  MAY08  MAY09  MAY11  MAY12  MAY13  VPL
Hughes, Paul Edward grad U.Edinburgh (PHD)  BCFA99 Abbotsford  BCFA photography
Hughes, Philomena BCFA92 Prince George
Hughes, Roger BCA 68
Hughes, Violet DIR 1927 Vancouver
Hughes-Games, Elaine VABC77 Nelson  OPA19 Westbank  TVPG19
Hugi RAG05
Hugo, Jacqueline 1927 -
Hugon, Jean Gardiner ed UBC (4 years)  BAG78
Hui, Christopher Ka Wai ECU06
Hui, Gary ECU00
Huibers, Jocelyn b MB  CACGV90 Victoria
Hulbert, A.
Hulbert, Richard Elliot 1945 - b Dec 5 St. Louis MO  l W Vancouver 1979  RCA81 architect  The Hulbert Group
Hull, J.A. (Rev.)
Hull, John 1955 - b Burns Lake  ed ECCAD 1976-80  ECU94
Hull, Sherrill VABC77 Cowichan Bay
Hulme, H. (Mrs.)
Hulme, W.T. AVA99  AVA00
Hulten, Sofia KaAG11
Hultman, Ryan ECC99  ECC00
Humberstone, Ruth AIC82  AGGV85
Hume, Cyril D. 1956 - VABC77 Kelowna  BCAC80
Hume, Ellen IIS
Hume, J.W. VABC77 Kimberley
Hume, Jean
Hume, Katherine TD05
Hume, Margaret FCA64
Hume, Melissa ECU06  ECC24
Hume, Robert Martin 1923 - 1999
Hume, Timothy 1949 - AIC82  BCFA86 Victoria  BCP86  VPL
Humeny, Gordon 1939 - b Edmonton AB  SSBC80 Vancouver  SSBC81  SSBC98
Humes, Dennis 1940 - VABC77 Quathiaski Cove
Humes, Ellen VABC77 Quathiaski Cove
Hummel, M.A.F.
Hummell, Danial AVA01  ART01
Humphrey, Dennis 1949 - b Kapuskasing ON
Humphrey, Jack Weldon 1901 - 1967
Humphrey, Karen IIS
Humphrey(s), Betty R.
Humphreys, Elizabeth
Humphreys, Patricia
Humphries, Harold G. BCA 51/54 Notch Hill
Humphries, Patrick SOO96
Humphrys, Harry UWP84  BIAC03 (3)
Humston, Siobhan ECC05
Hundert, Martha BCYA85
Hung, Spencer ECU06
Hungar, Jeanne TVPG19 Logan Lake
Hung Chung, Allan
  (see Chung Hung, Allan)
Hunkin, Helena BCA 52 Victoria
Hunkin, M. VABC77 Burnaby
Hunrath, Fritz AIC82
Hunt, Anni ICCM15 W Vancouver  ICCM18
Hunt, Blake
Hunt, Bob 1947 - b Lethbridge AB  CBCP77
Hunt, Calvin 1956 - b Alert Bay  AIC82  AGGV86  WCWC90  SSBC98
Hunt, Corinne CCDM01
Hunt, Dean VAG11
Hunt, Dianne BCFA92 Halfmoon Bay  BCFA93 Sechelt
Hunt, Dora A. (Mrs. H.L. Hunt) BCA58/60/62  NWA 60/61/63 Vancouver  BCSA 61-63  FCA64  MM88 1960-61
Hunt, E.A.
Hunt, Edith E. VSDAA fndg student VSA
Hunt, Emily Catherine ECU03
Hunt, Harry
Hunt, Henry 1923 - 1985 SHEL77 Victoria  AIC82  AGGV86  CE00  EBC00  BIAC03 (6)  VAG20  VPL
Hunt, Herbert Garvin 1892 - 1961
Hunt, Jamie BCFA02 Alert Bay
Hunt, John Henry (Hunt, Henry?) 1928 - AIC82  GVAG20 (1)
Hunt, Marjorie WVSC
Hunt, Martin MPS95  ECC01
Hunt, Megan ECU05.2
Hunt, Oliver G. (Mrs.) IACS
Hunt, Pamela Holl 1945 - VPL

1977 print by Richard Hunt

Hunt, Richard 1951 - AIC82  AGGV83  VBC09
Hunt, Shannon IIS
Hunt, Shawn 1975 - ART01
Hunt, Thomas (Tom) 1964 - b Victoria  BCFA92 Halfmoon Bay  BCFA93 Sechelt
Hunt, Tony 1942 - 2017 IDTC68 Victoria  VABC77 Vancouver  AIC82  VAG83 Victoria  AGGV86  PH87  CE00  BIAC03 (6)  UVIC05  PAV09  M  d Dec 15 Campbell River
Hunter-Henderson Paint Co. Ltd. DIR 1919 Vancouver
Hunter, Barbara KBAA83 Nelson; ceramics
Hunter, C.W.
Hunter, Georgia SSBC04
Hunter, Gordon VPL
Hunter, Guy AIC82
Hunter, Ian ART93
Hunter, Ivan RCF12
Hunter, June AWG07
Hunter, Karen AO88
Hunter, Marty MPS95
Hunter, May
Hunter, Millie VABC77 Summerland
Hunter, Robert (Bob) W. 1915 -
Hunter, T. WAC56
Hunter, Terry ART90
Hunter, Troy BCFA00 Victoria
Huntingford, Dorset (Ms.) 1952 - grad VSA  NWA 1975 S Burnaby  WCWC89  WCWC90  CACGV90 Victoria
Huntley, Hilary PGBC23
Huntley, T.J.
Huntley, Uriel Beth c1895 - 1952 BCA 51 Port Hardy  d Oct 5 Sidney
Huphries, E.G. VABC77 Burnaby
Hupy, Art BCA 65Dec
Hurd, Allysha ECU04
Hurley, Marie Frances (Miss Nomer) BCFA85  BCFA91 Prince Rupert  BCFA92
Hurley, Robert Newton 1894 - 1980 b London, England  to Canada 1923  VAG solos 1937, 1941, 1944  member FCA  ret Victoria 1963  d Victoria  AIC82  M  BIAC03 (5)
Hurley, Sacha ECU06
Hurry, James McLeod 1870 - 1946 b Dec 3 Aberdeen, Scotland  arr Vancouver 1909  m Louise Eltringham Kendall Oct 6 1909 Vancouver  emp stone cutter  ret 1945  d Jan 25 Vancouver widowed  UBC72  GSV80  PAV09  BCVS marriage death
Hurst, Ann SEY90  WVSC
Hurst, Jack L. BCA 68
Hurst, Margaret E. BCA 68
Hurtig, Annette 1946 - 2012 b May 17 Edmonton AB  grad U.Saskatchewan (MA)  It's A Matter Of Principle 2000  d Feb 16 Victoria
Hurtig, Michelle ECU06
Hurtobise, B. (same below?) BCA 68
Hurtubise, Bernice BCFA85
Hurwitz, Dawn ECU00
Husband, G.M. (Miss) (or P.) IACS
Husband, Joan M.
Husband, Vicky 1940 - b Victoria  AIC82  AGGV85  WCR85  BIAC03 (1)
Huse, Patty KBAA83 Nelson ceramics
Huser, Tony VABC77 Vancouver
Hushlak, Gerald Marshall 1944 - b Feb 15 Andrew AB  grad U.Alberta  grad U.Calgary  grad Royal Coll. Art, London UK  SHEL77 Calgary  ARCA 1981  RCA81  AIC82  AB87  BIAC03 (5)  GVAG20 (1)  BIBLIO
Husmillo, Jason ECC11
Hussey, Clinton SEY90
Hussey, Colleen MAY09 Courtenay
Huston, W.J. IACS
Hutchens, Gordon 1949 - b Champaign, Illinois  grad U.Illinois 1972 (B.Ed)  arr BC c1973  CBCP77  PGBC80 Denman Island  PGBC98  RAG05  AGGV12  VPL
Hutcheson, Galen ART03
Hutchings, Dixie Jayne IIS
Hutchings, Hayward VABC77 Vancouver
Hutchins, Del HFS46
Hutchins, Dennis SEY90
Hutchinson, Andrew Scott ECU06
Hutchinson, Bill 1911 - VABC77 Victoria
Hutchinson, Carol KBAA83 Nelson; ceramics
Hutchinson, Daniel Bowers ECU04
Hutchinson, Don 1939 - b Windsor ON  arr BC 1959  grad VSA 1966  CBCP77  PGBC80 Burnaby  ECU94  PGBC98 White Rock  PGBC05  RAG05  VPL
Hutchinson, Kristen ECU00
Hutchison, James VPL
Hutchison, John Cameron c1864 - 1930
Hutner, Zoe ECU05.2
Hutson, Barbara OSAC15
Hutson, Eileen BCFA91 Kitimat  BCFA94  BCFA95  BCFA01  BCFA painting
Hutterli, Kurt PAG20 Kaleden  CARFAC
Hutton, Bruce ART84  ART87  RAG05
Hutton, Gwendolyn Kortright
  (see Lamont, Gwendolyn Kortright)
Hutton, Jean SOO88 Victoria
Hutton, Sue BCFA95 Masset
Hutton, Theresa ECU04
Hutzulak, Lee ART03
Huva, Terry TSN06
Huyen Dinh MAY06 Richmond
Huyghe, Avery (Mrs.)
  (m Frederick Huyghe, nee Avery)
1911 - 1981 b May 19 Farnham, England  arr Canada 1949  CGP61 Vancouver  CGP63  ed UBC 1964-66  NGC66  PGBC80  d Aug 14 Vancouver  AIC82  VAG20  BCVS death
Huyghe, Michael PGBC80  CABC83 Vancouver
Huynh, Kim 1964 - b Vietnam  arr Canada c1980  ART90  CACGV90 Victoria
Huynh, Monique ECU05.2
Huysson, Jane L. VABC77 Victoria
Hwang, Kyu ECC11
Hyang, Kim Mi BAG15
Hyatt, Heather grad Concordia 1990 (BFA)  to Atlin c1991  BCFA99 Atlin  BCFA graphite drawing
Hyde, Lynn Baur BCFA95 Richmond
Hyde, Margaret WVSC
Hye-Kyung Kim RAG05
Hyman, Alison B. ECU03
Hynze (Miss) IACS 1922
Hymers, George 1886 - 1956
Hyrtzak, Adrian ECU03
Hyslop, Jean Lawn
Hyslop, Jennie BCFA99
Hyun, Jessie Jaeyoung ECU06

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