Ha, Dennis | ECU06 | |
Ha, Irene | ECU05.2 | |
Ha, Lily | ECC00 | |
Ha, Loretta | OS88 | |
Haacke, Robert | BCFA92 Vancouver | |
Haaf, Beverley (Bev) (nee McKeon, m Daniel Haaf) |
1950 - 1983 | b Aug 22 Vancouver VABC77 Coquitlam d Oct 26 Vancouver BCVS death |
Haag, Dianne | BCFA85 | |
Haag, Joseph (Joe) | 1945 - | b Terre Haute, Indiana Helen Pitt solo 1979 Western Front solo 1982 ART83 ART84 ART90 TD06 VPL |
Haan, Calida | ART01 | |
Haase, Peter | 1950 - | b Liverpool UK to Australia 1967 to Canada 1971 m Mona Fertig linocuts & letterpress l Salt Spring Island BIBLIO |
Haba, Sarinah | ECC11 CCA20 | |
Haber Jewellry | ECC24 | |
Haberer, Eugene | 1837 - 1921 | b Switzerland BAG80 AIC82 BIAC03 (2) |
Haberlin, Lorraine | VAG58 | |
Hach, Tara | ECU04 | |
Hachkevich, Val | b BC BCFA86 Queen Charlotte City BCP86 | |
Hackett, Carol | ART87 | |
Hackett, Laura | 1956 - | b Vancouver ed UBC 1977-78 ed Florence Italy 1978-79 grad ECCAD 1981 PITT81 VAL88 |
Hackett, Sophie | ECU98 | |
Hacking, Doris (Miss) | ||
Hacking, F.L. | VAG85.2 VCA86 | |
Hackney, Russell | ECC11 PGBC23 ECC24 | |
Haddelsey, Vincent | 1934 - | BCA58 AIC82 |
Haddock, Frank | 1955 - | VABC77 Vancouver |
Haddock, Perry | b BC ret art teacher mem BC Art Teachers Assoc SFCA | |
Haddon, Trevor | IACS 1926 RBA DIR 1927 Victoria | |
Haddow, Amy | ECC99 | |
Hadeler, Elsie | WVSC | |
Haden, Bruce | URB87 | |
Hadengue, C. | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hadfield, Bernard | BCA 68 | |
Hadfield, Carolyn (Carol) | 1953 - | b Vancouver grad VSA/ECCAD 1977 SSBC80 SSBC98 |
Hadgkiss, Alice Reta May (nee Watson) |
1907 - | b Wawanesa MB (1910?) m James Hadgkiss Jan 18 1939 l Maple Ridge UBC79 BCVS marriage |
Hadland, Dorothy M. (Mrs.) | IDTC68 Victoria | |
Hadwen, B. (Miss) | IACS14 IACS | |
Haegert, Dorothy E. | WCR85 CACGV88 BCFA91 SOO96 BCFA00 Victoria BCFA painting, photography | |
Haerdi, Theresa | VABC77 Baldonnel | |
Haffey, Eileen | VABC77 Ft St John | |
Hafkenscheid, Toni | RAG05 | |
Hafsteinsdottir, Berglind | TIEV11 TIEV12 | |
Haftner, Linda | WECC23 | |
Hagan, Sarah | ECC11 | |
Hagell, Edward Fredric | 1895 - 1964 | |
Hagelstein, Ruth Annie | 1903 - 1960 | |
Hagen, Kenneth | BCFA86 Black Creek | |
Hagen, Kevin | ECU97 | |
Hagerman, Donna | 1952 - | b Oshawa ON ed ECCAD 1976-81 WCR81 ART84 AB87 SAG89 ECU94 VPL |
Hagerman, Douglas | ART03 TD05 | |
Hagerud, Dusty | FBG12 | |
Haggerston(e), Wyn | VABC77 Revelstoke ABC86 BIAC03 (1) | |
Haggerty, Georgie | SSBC98 | |
Haggquist, Gary | ART93 ART01 | |
Haglof, Esther Vilborg (nee Kjartansson) |
1911 - | m Arthur John Haglof 3BC74 VABC77 Penticton AIC82 AGGV85 AO88 BCVS husband death |
Hagloff, Esther (see Haglof) | ||
Hague, Mary Elizabeth (Libby) | 1950 - | b Aug 20 St. Thomas ON RCA81 MPS95 |
Haider, Matt | 1965 - | b Campbell River BCFA01 Saanichton BCFA painting IIS |
Haiduk, Simon | 1981 - | b Kimberley |
Haig, John | 1954 - | b Dec 3 Oshawa ON arr BC c1971 ed VSA 1975-? AIC82 RAG05 AGE09 LAG10 painter BIBLIO |
Haigh, Murry Stephen | VABC77 White Rock | |
Haigh, Susan | CACGV90 Ganges | |
Hailey, Marina | ART01 | |
Haines, Stephen | BCYA85 | |
Haining, W.J. | active Victoria 1863 H70 art teacher | |
Hainstock, Wendy M. | ECU00 | |
Haits, Veronica | WECC08 | |
HAL (see H.C. Laidlaw) | ||
Halbertsma, Johannes | ECU04 | |
Halchuck, Mary | MPS95 | |
Haldane, Harriet A. (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hale, Alice | c1930s - | b Waldheim SK to Matsqui grad UBC (BFA) BCFA86 pottery BCFA94 Invermere BCFA99 BCFA ceramics PGBC05 PGBC23 |
Hale, Disa Marie | b Innisfall AB BC Fest Arts 1996 LSG14 Nanoose Bay signature member FCA | |
Hale, E. Amelia (Mrs.) | DIR 1912/27 Victoria | |
Hale, Joyce | BCFA90 Coquitlam | |
Hale, Percival (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hales, L. (Ms.) | VABC77 W Vancouver | |
Haley, Brian | ART93 | |
Haley, Lesley | ART03 MAY12 Vancouver MAY13 | |
Haley, Tim (same below?) | AVA99 OSAC15 | |
Haley, Timothy J. | VABC77 Black Creek | |
Haley-Jones, Elene | WECC10 | |
Halfnight, Sharon | VPL | |
Halfyard, John | 1881 - 1974 | AIC82 VPL |
Haliburton, Jacqueline (Jackie) | c1945 - | 3BC74 VAG74 Vancouver AIC82 AGGV85 |
Halifax, Dave | 1951 - | b Vancouver grad Steveston High 1969 ed Douglas Coll 1970-72 grad ECCAD 1983 photography PITT83 ECU05 RAG05 |
Halifax, Nancy (nee Chettle?) | RAG05 | |
Hall & Lowe Vancouver Photo Co. | DIR 1889 Vancouver | |
Hall, Ann | ||
Hall, Brigitte | 1943 - | AO88 |
Hall, Christyn M. | ECC05 | |
Hall, Dave | ||
Hall, David | 1885 - 1965 | |
Hall, David (same as above?) | SAG89 | |
Hall, Deborah | WECC23 | |
Hall, Donna J. | 1952 - | b North Bay ON l Ottawa ON ed OCA Toronto to Vancouver 1994 BCFA00 Vancouver BCFA02 Salt Spring Island CARFAC |
Hall, Dorothy | WVSC | |
Hall, Edward (Lt.) | active 1863-64 H70 BAG80 BIAC03 (2) | |
Hall, Eisert | ART01 | |
Hall, Frances | FCA64 BCA 8 VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hall, J.D. | VCA86 DIR 1888-89 Vancouver photographer Manager, Vancouver Photo Co. | |
Hall, John Scott | 1943 - | b Jan 17 Edmonton AB exh UBC w/Joice Hall 1970 CARFAC l Kelowna RCA81 FH13 |
Hall, John (same above?) | WVSC | |
Hall, Joice M. (Mrs. John Scott Hall) | 1943 - | b Edmonton AB RCA81 FH13 West Kelowna BIBLIO |
Hall, Kim | SSBC98 | |
Hall, Lief Ambrosia | grad ECUAD 2003 ECU05.2 ECU17 | |
Hall, Lyndl (Ms.) | b South Africa grad Concordia 2006 (BFA) grad ECUAD 2010 (MA) l Vancouver GVAG20 (1) BIBLIO | |
Hall, Margaret | VSA | |
Hall, Marilyn | BCFA94 Prince George | |
Hall, Michael J.P. | TIEV11 TIEV12 | |
Hall, Muriel | WVSC | |
Hall, Nancy | SOO96 | |
Hall, Noel | BCFA92 Mission | |
Hall, Norman | VABC77 Bella Coola | |
Hall, Peggy | AGGV85 | |
Hall, R.M. | BCA 68 sculpture | |
Hall, Robin | 1942 - | b Victoria CARFAC IIS |
Hall, Ross | ART03 | |
Hall, Roth | AIOM99 AIOM00 | |
Hall, Ruth | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hall, Sandra | ART93 ECU03 | |
Hall, Sarah | PAV09 | |
Hall, Sheila | 1947? - | b Regina SK grad UBC 1983 (BA) grad UBC 1985 (MFA) WPG86 VANC88 ART93 ECU97 It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 PAV09 VPL |
Hall, Susan | FBG12 | |
Hall, Timothy (Tim) John | 1944 - | VABC77 Penticton AO88 |
Hall, Thomas Herbert | 1885 - 1972 | b Mar 6 Ackworth UK (1886?) d Pointe Claire QC RCA81 BIAC03 (3) M MM VPL |
Hall, Unina Frances | c1892 - 1978 | |
Halldran, Albert L. | VABC77 Parksville | |
Haller, Lisa | AIC82 AGGV85 AIOM99 AIOM00 | |
Haller, Marly | AIOM99 | |
Halley, A. or J. | ||
Halliday, C.W. (see Holliday, C.W.) | ||
Halliday, Richard (Dick) Stuart | 1939 - | b May 17 Vancouver ed Emma Lake 1961-62 grad VSA 1963 VAG64 BCA 65/BCA66 BCSA 65/66 RCA81 Montreal AIC82 BIAC03 (1) M |
Halliday, Stratford T. | 1905 - 1992 | |
Hallisey, Mars | BIS93 | |
Hallman, Ellen | VABC77 Burnaby | |
Halloran, Gordon | 194? - | VPL |
Halloran, Jaz | ECU05.2 | |
Hall-Patch, Mark | MP14 | |
Hall-Patch, Vanessa | grad Queens U. 2001 (BA) grad U.Alberta 2004 (MFA) GVAG20 (1) l Bowen Island | |
Halls, Ann | VABC77 Comox | |
Hallum, R. Arnould | DIR 1929-31 Vancouver | |
Hallwright, G.E. (Miss) | IACS 1920 | |
Halpern, Mark | PAV09 | |
Halsey, Trish | ART87 | |
Halton, Ken | GP10 | |
Ham, Jenny | RAG05 | |
Ham, Ji Eun Linda | ECU03 | |
Hamada, Dennis | ECU06 | |
Hamasaki, Kazuo | 1925 - | b Prince Rupert AIC82 BIAC03 (1) VPL |
(Jack) Hambleton Galleries | IDTC68 Kelowna |
Hambleton, John (Jack) | 1916 - 1988 | |
Hambleton, Richard (same below?) | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hambleton, Richard (same below?) | VABC77 N Vancouver | |
Hambleton, Richard (Rick) Art (aka Mr. Reeee / R. Dick Trace-it) |
1952 - 2017 | ed VSA VAG74 Vancouver AIC82 VAG83 New York VPL |
Hambly, Leonard | 1888 - 1978 | |
Hamelin, Neil | CARFAC FCA-AA | |
Hamersley (Miss) | ||
Hamersley (Mr.) | ||
Hamersley (Mrs.) | ||
Hamersley, C. (Constance?) | AGGV85 | |
Hamersley, Constance (Miss) | ||
Hamersley, Gladys | ||
Hamersley, M. | AGGV85 | |
Hamerston, Margaret | BCFA86 Penticton | |
Hames, Jacinda | WECC08 | |
Hames, Michael | 1952 - | PH87 |
Hamidy, Mina | GP10 | |
Hamill, Lalita | FCA-AA | |
Hamill, Roy | SOO96 | |
Hamill, Valerie | CABC83 Kelowna | |
Hamilton, Alice M. | ||
Hamilton, Brian | BCFA85 | |
Hamilton, Cheryl | AIBC04 PAV09 | |
Hamilton, Don | RAG05 | |
Hamilton, Eleanor | VABC77 Vernon | |
Hamilton, Gerald | 1923 - 1999 | VPL |
Hamilton, Glenda | CACGV90 Victoria | |
Hamilton, Judy | AGGV85 | |
Hamilton, Karen | b Victoria | |
Hamilton, Kathleen Anita | 1931 - 2014 | |
Hamilton, Lauchlan Alexander | 1852 - 1941 | |
Hamilton, Lynsey | ART03 AVA05 | |
Hamilton, M.B. (Mrs.) | ||
Hamilton, Mabel Z. | VABC77 Williams Lake | |
Hamilton, Malloreigh | TIEV11 | |
Hamilton, Marjorie | 1911 - | VAG20 fashion design |
Hamilton, Mary Riter (Mrs.) | 1873 - 1954 | |
Hamilton, Mavis | TD05 TD06 | |
Hamilton, Norah | AIC82 WVSC | |
Hamilton, Reid | ECU94.2 | |
Hamilton, Ron | 1948 - | AIC82 AGGV86 VAL88 VAG96 |
Hamilton, Ruth | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hamilton, Scott A. | BCYA85 | |
Hamilton, Stuart | VAG74 Vancouver | |
Hamilton, Vanessa | ECC01 | |
Hamilton, Wendy | WIP94 | |
Hamilton-Khaan, Jane | b Surrey, UK PGBC98 | |
Hamilton-Smith, E. | ||
Hamley, Carolyn L. | BCYA85 | |
Hamlin, Douglas | WVSC | |
Hamlin, Wendy | 1952 - | b Quebec City PQ ed UBC AIC82 ART83 AGGV85 ART90 VPL |
Hamm, Robert | ed Langara Coll 1973-75 BCFA99 Kelowna BCFA painting, ceramics, sculpture | |
Hamm, Victor | BCFA00 Kamloops | |
Hammel, Terry | VABC77 Richmond | |
Hammersley, Gladys | IACS | |
Hammond Furniture Co. Ltd. | 1899 - 1951 | VAG20 Vancouver |
Hammond, Braden | TD06 | |
Hammond, Corrina | ECC24 | |
Hammond, Fanny (Mrs.) | DIR 1900-01 Victoria H70 | |
Hample, Matthew | BCFA95 Nelson | |
Hampson, Kirk | BCFA99 BCFA00 Fernie BCFA interior designer Mountain Time Designs | |
Hanbury, Pauline | VABC77 Nelson | |
Hanbury, Richard L. | VABC77 Nelson | |
Hancock, Barbara M. | VABC77 Lillooet | |
Hancock, Darrel | grad ECCAD 1981 PGBC98 | |
Hancock, Helen (Miss) | HFSAA | |
Hancock, Lynn | AGGV85 | |
Hancock, W. Allan | RCF12 | |
Hancox, Katherine | VSA | |
Handcraft House | IDTC68 N Vancouver | |
Handford, Patricia | ||
Handi House | IDTC68 Kamloops | |
Handjeva-Weller, Nina | AGGV85 | |
Handley, Agnes | c1913 - | |
Handley, Connie | BCFA85 | |
Handling, Roger P. | BCFA91 Gibsons BCFA92 Roberts Creek BCFA94 | |
Handwerker, Susan | VABC77 Qualicum Beach RAG05 | |
Handy, Miss | IACS 1915 | |
Hane, Setsuko | BCA 68 AIC82 | |
Haney, Ruth | ||
Hang, Phorn | BCFA93 Kimberley | |
Hangartner, Jeannine | ECU05.2 | |
Hanke, Alex | ECU00 | |
Hanke, Ian | BCFA94 Victoria | |
Hankinson, Bessie | WVSC | |
Hanko, Gilmore | c1934 - 1969 | M BIAC03 (1) |
Hanley, Kevin | GVAG20 | |
Hanlon, Edward | BCFA02 Fort St. John | |
Hanlon, Robert | 1914 - 1989 | |
Hanna, Freda | WVSC | |
Hanna, John | WVSC | |
Hanna, Marion Woodside | - 1953 | IACS |
Hanna, Amy Muriel Collis (Mrs.) | 1892 - 1977 | |
Hanna, Stirling Preston | 1892 - 1964 | b Feb 10 Vancouver IACS d July 11 Victoria |
Hanna, Violet | WVSC | |
Hannaford, Heather | PGBC80 Ft St John BCFA86 | |
Hannah, Adad (see Adad) | ||
Hannah, Brooke | ECU94 RAG05 | |
Hannamari, Jalovaara | FCA05 | |
Hannan, Eleanor | ART93 RAG05 ICCM15 Vancouver ICCM18 | |
Hannett, Lorna | FCA09 | |
Hannis, Christina | ECU00 | |
Hannum, Margaret | VANTECH | |
Hanscom, Jay Jens | 1974 - | b Burnaby ECU98 CARFAC |
Hanscombe, Arthur Randall | c1866 - 1953 | b Toronto ON to Vancouver 1886 Hanscombe & Gehrke H70 engraver |
Hansen, Byron | CCDM01 | |
Hansen, Donna | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hansen, Holger | VSA late 1950s | |
Hansen, James | SSBC98 | |
Hansen, Leif | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hansen, Marilyn E. | AO88 BCFA90 Summerland | |
Hansen, P.E. | 1919 - | VABC77 Coquitlam |
Hansen, Raymond A. | BCFA92 Vernon | |
Hansen, Ruth | b Denmark ed Copenhagen Sch. Art to Canada 1961 grad Coll. New Caledonia 1980 (Dip) BCFA90 Prince George BCFA91 BCFA92 BCFA93 | |
Hansen, Sara | ECC24 | |
Hanslow, Ralph Arthur | c1919 - 1958 | |
Hanson, A. Ellen | WCR85 BCFA92 Vernon | |
Hanson, Cherie | grad Bellingham 1965 (BA) grad UBC 1971 (MA) l Kelowna | |
Hanson, Corinna | PAV09 | |
Hanson, G. | ||
Hanson, Jean | BCFA93 Abbotsford | |
Hanson, Lawrence Clarion | c1906 - | |
Hanson, Loy C. | VABC77 McBride | |
Hanson, Phil | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hanson, Phil (same above?) | MAY06 Powell River | |
Hanson, Ray | VABC77 Vernon | |
Hanson, Robert | ECC99 | |
Hanta, Roy | RAG05 | |
Hanuse, Roy James | 1943 - | AIC82 PAV09 |
Hanzelkova, Jes | ECC24 | |
Hao Tian, Chen | WVMA14 | |
Haq, Farheen | BCFA02 Victoria ART03 | |
Hara, Sue | 1942 - | b Hatfield England arr Canada 1968 PGBC98 RAG05 AGGV12 VPL |
Haraldsson, Arni Runar | 1958 - | b Reykjavik, Iceland grad ECCAD 1983 (Dip) ART83 VAG87 URB87 ASTC88 grad UBC 1990 (MFA) ECU93 Vancouver VAG96 SAG98 GAM99 ARTBC00 It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 ECU05 BAG08 GVAG20 (2) VPL BIBLIO |
Haramia, Joseph Charles (Dr.) | 1897 - 1984 | |
Harasym, Terry | ART83 | |
Harbour, Laurance | SOO96 | |
Harceg, Tibor | BCFA93 New Westminster BCFA95 Port Coquitlam | |
Hardcastle, Jack W. | 1882 - 1973 | |
Hardcastle, Jill Elizabeth Jane | AO88 BIS93 | |
Hardeman, Corey | CARFAC | |
Harder, Grant | TIEV12 | |
Hardiman, Theophilus Richard | DIR 1889 Vancouver Pioneer Gallery (see artstores) H70 | |
Harding, David | ART93 | |
Harding, Debbie | IIS | |
Harding, Earnest | RAG05 | |
Harding, Marion | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Harding, Stephanie | BCFA99 ART01 | |
Harding, Tricia L. | BCYA85 | |
Hardman, Jack Nelson | 1923 - 1996 | |
Hards, Jenny | FCA05 | |
Hardwick, M. Sibella (Miss) | 1895 - 1984 | |
Hardy, Allison | 1976 - | b Vancouver grad ECIAD 2000 (BFA) SAG00 ECC24 |
Hardy, Beverly | ||
Hardy, Lance | VSA | |
Hardy, M. (Miss) | ||
Hardy, Margaret | ||
Hardy, Michele | CABC83 N Vancouver BCFA86 BCP86 VPL | |
Hardy, Myrtle (Mrs.) | ||
Hare, Birdie | 1911 - | VABC77 Kelowna |
Hare, Frank "Red" | BCFA94 Sardis | |
Hare, Suzanne | 1945 - | AIC82 |
Harel, Rona | 1970 - | b Vancouver grad VCC 1990 (Dip) ECU92 grad ECCAD 1993 (Dip) ART93 |
Harer, Frederick W. | IACS14 IACS AGGV83 | |
Harferd, Marjorie | c1922 - | |
Harford, Wendy | BCFA95 Roberts Creek | |
Hargrave, Laura | 1953 - | ed U.Calgary 1977-78 grad U.Vic 1981 (BFA) ed U.Coll.Cariboo 1989-90 KaAG95 Kamloops KaAG01 |
Hargreaves, Corri L. | ECU03 | |
Hargreaves, Julia | RCF12 | |
Hargreaves, Kay Fallows | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hargreaves, Wendy | UVIC93 | |
Harill, E.J. | ||
Harjula, Ter(r)ence | 1931 - | AIC82 VPL |
Harjula, Wayne | ECC99 ECC01 ART01 PAV09 | |
Harkhorn, Henry W. | BAG80 | |
Harkley, Nadine | IIS | |
Harle, Douglas (Doug) | ART84 SSBC98 | |
Harley, Audrey | 1930 - | VABC77 Vernon |
Harley, Milton | VABC77 Victoria |
Harman, Jack Kenneth | 1927 - 2001 | b July 31 Vancouver grad VSA VAG58 UBC60 BCA 60/61/63 sculpture NWA 1960/61 S Burnaby FCA67 BCSA 67 member ARCA 1971 UBC72 SSC74 GSV80 RCA81 AIC82 MM88 1961 SSBC98 BIAC03 (6) PAV09 VPL M N Vancouver sculptor & foundry |
Harmer, Katrina | WVMA14 | |
Harmon, Byron | 1876 - 1942 | TOWN12 |
Harmony Shop | DIR 1928 Vancouver | |
Harpe, Gabriele von (see von Harpe, Gabriele) |
Harper, Happy | AIC82 | |
Harper, Leslie (Les) Jonah | 1926 - | VABC77 Victoria AGGV85 CNIB87 CACGV88 BCFA90 CACGV90 IIS |
Harper, M. | VSA | |
Harper, Sarah | BCFA90 Abbotsford | |
Harper, Stephanie | ECC11 | |
Harrington, Liberty | ECU04 | |
Harrington, Tam(my) | ART84 WCR85 grad ECIAD 1996 AVA99 ART01 ECU05 | |
Harris, Barbara | VSA | |
Harris, Bess Larkin H. | 1890 - 1969 | |
Harris, Bev | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Harris, Christopher (Chris) | 1951 - | AIC82 SAG89 RAG05 VPL |
Harris, Christine | ECC99 ECC01 | |
Harris, Dennis R. | IACS | |
Harris, Dennis R. (Mrs.) | ||
Harris, Elizabeth | ICCM17 ceramics ICCM19.2 | |
Harris, Ellen | ||
Harris, Ernest A. | 1908 - | |
Harris, Frances | 1913 - | b England arr Canada 1939 AO88 BIS93 |
Harris, Francis | BCFA02 Ladysmith | |
Harris, Gladys M. | BCA 53 | |
Harris, Gwen | VABC77 Vernon | |
Harris, Heather | BCFA00 Prince George | |
Harris, Hilda (Miss) | IACS | |
Harris, I.M. | ||
Harris, Irene | c1907 - 1989 | |
Harris, Karen L. | 1949 - | b Toronto ON arr BC 1968 VABC77 Port Coquitlam ed Brandon U. MB 1977-80 BCFA86 Sooke SOO88 CACGV88 CACGV90 Victoria |
Harris, Lawren Stewart | 1885 - 1970 | |
Harris, Marcia | TOWN12 | |
Harris, Marion Bertha | ||
Harris, Martha Douglas (Mrs.) | 1854 - 1933 | b Victoria BAG80 BIAC03 (1) H |
Harris, Mary | ART03 | |
Harris, Marya (same above?) | ART01 | |
Harris, Moira | VSA | |
Harris, Nora | (same as Nora V.?) | |
Harris, Nora Virginia (Mrs. Harris) |
1923 - | grad VSA 1963 BCA66 BCA 68 3BC74 AMS75 VABC77 New Westminster AIC82 AGGV85 RAG05 GVAG20 |
Harris, Penelope | MAY06 Vancouver MAY13 | |
Harris, Phyllis M. | VABC77 New Westminster | |
Harris, R.B. | VABC77 Windermere | |
Harris, Robert | 1849 - 1919 | b Wales d Montreal VanExh 24 H70 |
Harris, Rodney | PAV09 | |
Harris, Rusty | AIC82 | |
Harris, S.B. | ||
Harris, Salmon | 1948 - | b Vancouver BCAC80 AIC82 AGGV83 AB87 VPL |
Harris, Sandra | 1983 - | b N Vancouver grad Langara Coll. 2003 (Dip) grad U.Vic 2007 (BVA) LSG14 |
Harris, Waines | IACS | |
Harris, Walter | 1931 - | b Hazelton/Kispiox CAP79 AIC82 VAG96 BIAC03 (2) PAV09 VPL |
Harris Cran, Katherine | BCFA85 | |
Harrison, A.E. | IACS | |
Harrison, Bryan J. | BCFA94 Vancouver | |
Harrison, Cory | IIS | |
Harrison, Fred | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Harrison, Helen Margaret | ||
Harrison, Jayne | PG01 | |
Harrison, Katherine | ||
Harrison, Laura | WECC08 | |
Harrison, Margo | BCFA92 Fort Langley BCFA95 | |
Harrison, Millicent S. Harrison, Millicent J. (Mrs.) |
Harrison, Nigel | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Harrison, Philip (Phil) Greig | 1942 - | b Port Alberni BCA 65(2) sculpture AIC82 VAG83 Hornby Island GVAG20 VPL |
Harrison, Phoebe | DIR 1913 N Vancouver | |
Harrison, Reginald | ||
Harrison, (Ted) Edward Hardy | 1926 - | b Durham County, England arr Canada 1967 grad (B.Ed) l Whitehorse & Carcross ret 1980 AIC82 CE00 BIAC03 (7) AIS07 IIS M BIBLIO |
Harrop, Frances | 1946 - | VABC77 Delta |
Harrop, Graham | b Liverpool, England NPC90 cartoonist VPL | |
Harrop, Victoria Maureen | 1954 - | AIC82 AGGV85 |
Harrower, B.J. | grad KSA 1970 FCA77 BAG78 ART03 | |
Harry, Rick (see Xwa-Lack-Tun) | ||
Hart, Celine | ECU06 | |
Hart, James | PAV09 | |
Hart, Jeannette E. | AGGV85 BCFA90 Chemainus | |
Hart, Madison | BCFA93 Kelowna BIS93 | |
Hart, Patricia | IIS | |
Hartbower, Jeff | ART03 MAY08 MAY09 Courtenay MAY11 OSAC15 | |
Harte, Brian G. | VABC77 Delta | |
Hartfiel, Sharleen | FCA12 | |
Harth, Linda | VaAG09 VaAG18 VaAG22 | |
Hartley, Barbara A. | VABC77 Vernon | |
Hartley, B.S. (Instructor Commander) | IACS 1920 | |
Hartley, Basil S. (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hartley, Bill | AIC82 | |
Hartley, Clare (Mrs.) | ||
Hartley, Gordon | b Trail grad UBC 1956 BCFA86 Kelowna AO88 | |
Hartley, Michael | 1946 - | VABC77 New Denver AIC82 |
Hartley, Ray | ART93 | |
Hartley, Wes | MAY08 Vancouver MAY09 MAY11 | |
Hartman, Kate | TOWN12 | |
Harton, M. | DIR 1924 Vancouver | |
Hartshorne, H.C. (Mrs.) | IDTC68 Victoria | |
Harvard, Shirley | HFS46 | |
Harvey, Allan (Al) | b Vancouver 3BC74 JJD76 VPL | |
Harvey, Andy | ART83 | |
Harvey, Anne-Marie | FCA-AA | |
Harvey, Bettina | ECC05 | |
Harvey, Brenda | CACGV88 | |
Harvey, Brian | CACGV90 Victoria | |
Harvey, Donald (Don) | 1930 - | b June 14 Walthamstow, England arr Canada 1958 BCA 62/63 BCSA 63 NWA 63 Victoria ARCA 1970 CGP AGGV74 VABC77 AGGV78 BCAC80 RCA81 AIC82 AGGV83 AGGV86 AB87 CNIB87 MM88 1963-68 WCWC89 BIAC03 (9) RAG05 M VPL |
Harvey, Eleanor D. (Mrs.) | ||
Harvey, Jean | VABC77 Victoria | |
Harvey, Jen | ECU06 | |
Harvey, M. (Miss) | ||
Harvey, Peggy Penn | 1877 - 1963 | |
Harvey, R. Garnham (Mrs.) | ||
Harvey, Reginald Llewellyn | 1888 - 1973 | b Southampton, England to Calgary AB 1912 co-founder ASA VAG solo 1943 40 pictures to Victoria 1951 d Victoria AIC82 MM88 1929 M BIAC03 (2) |
Harvey, Ruth | 1905 - | BAG61 Prince Rupert VABC77 AIC82 |
Harvey, (Main) Shannon | ECU05.2 ECC07 | |
Harvie, Elly | ART90 | |
Harwood, Daphne | AIOM99 AIOM00 ART01 CCDM01 AIOM08 fabric arts | |
Harwood, Jennifer | b London ON grad SFU (BA) VaAG09 LSG10 MMAF10 WECC10 PARK17 MMAF18 VaAG18 AIOM19 VaAG22 ECC24 | |
Harwood, Mabel Lucetta | 1872 - 1948 | |
Harwood, Nicola | ECC24 | |
Harwood, Oliver | ECC11 ECC24 | |
Harwood, R. Gwynne (Mrs.) (see Harwood, Mabel) |
Harwood, Robert A. de Lorbiniere | 1900 - 1951 | |
Haryett, Dawn | ECU06 | |
Hasanen, Raisa Linnea | ECU05.2 | |
Haseltine, Hilary | WCR85 WIP94 APG99 ART01 RAG05 VPL | |
Haseman, Sylvia | c1942 - | b Vancouver AIC82 M mouth painter BIAC03 (1) |
Hashim, Riyadh | AWG00 GVAG20 | |
Haskell, Kitty (see also Mykka, Kitty) |
1949 - | b Palo Alto, California ART83 |
Haskins, Mike | WECC10 | |
Haslam, L. Kathleen | BCA 68 | |
Hasler, Lynn M. | VABC77 Kamloops | |
Hass, Alex | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Hassall, Frank | c1880 - | AIC82 |
Hassall, John | ||
Hassan, Jamelie | PAV09 | |
Hassell, Sharon Anne (Mrs.) | 1942 - | b Abbotsford ed UBC BCA 65 NGC66 Vancouver UBC67 AIC82 AGGV85 M W Vancouver |
Hasselrot-Priester, Madeleine | VABC77 W Vancouver | |
Hassen, Ann Foster | 1940 - | b Victoria UBC79 |
Hastie, Joanne | MMAF17 | |
Hastings, Erika | ART01 ART03 | |
Hastings, Marcus A.M. | ECU06 | |
Hastings, Peter | VABC77 W Vancouver | |
Hastings, William | 1949 - | VABC77 Nelson BCAC80 |
Haswell (Mrs.) | VSA | |
Haswell, Robert | UWP84 | |
Hasz, Matthew | ||
Hatano, Mayumi (Ms.) | b Hokkaido Japan ed Tokyo arr Canada 1989 exh BCFA93 Regional BCFA94 Kelowna BCFA99 BCFA painting | |
Hatashita-Lee, Kathryn | grad ECIAD 1994 photography ECU05 | |
Hatch, Jeremy | ECU00 PGBC05 | |
Hatch, Peggy (Mrs. D.H. Hatch) | BCA 68 WVSC | |
Hatfield, Francis Maria | 1924 - 2014 | |
Hathaway, Heather | BCFA94 Kimberley | |
Hathaway, Margaret | IIS | |
Hatherall, Rona | ret nurse AIOM08 ceramics mbr BC Potters Guild mbr Aberthau Potters Club | |
Hatherly, Joanne | IIS | |
Hatoum, Mona | 1952 - | ART90 video |
Hattenberger, Patrick | VPL | |
Hatton (Miss) | IACS14 | |
Hatton, M.F. | IACS | |
Hatton, W.E. | VAG58 | |
Hatton, W.H.L. (Mrs.) | IACS 1918 | |
Hatton, W.S. | active BC 1863-64 VCM69 BAG80 BIAC03 (3) H | |
Hauerfield, John Turnstall | - c1885 | AIC82 |
Hauert, Julia | POL18 | |
Haufschild, Lutz (aka Lutzi Pi?) |
1943 - | b Germany UBC72 VABC77 Alta Lake GSV80 AIC82 ABC86 EBC00 BIAC03 (1) AIBC04 PAV09 M Vancouver VPL |
Haug, Jorg | BCA 68 | |
Haughton, David A. | 1956 - | b Philadelphia PA to Canada 1991 BCFA93 Vancouver ART01 GVAG20 (1) ECC24 CARFAC |
Haughton, G. (Mrs.) | ||
Haukedahl, Crista | ART83 | |
Haupt, Morgan | ART87 | |
Hauser, Gwen | 3BC74 | |
Hauser, Iris | 1956 - | VPL |
Hausz, Meisha | AIOM00 | |
Havbo, Phyllis | WVSC | |
Havemann, Isabel | BCFA85 | |
Havercroft, Lorraine Jean | 1926 - 1986 | |
Haverfield, John Turnstall | - 1885 | British navy VCM69 H70 BAG80 AIC82 BIAC03 (1) |
Havers, Adrienne | TD05 | |
Haviland, Roberta | AIC82 | |
Hawbolt, Richard | grad VSA PGBC80 Galiano Island AGGV12 | |
Haweis, H.S.W. | VAG solo 1937 w/c's drawings | |
Haweis, Lionel Thomas John (Joy) | 1870 - 1942 | b Aug 24 Lichfield, England m Sarah Lucy Vergette daughter Renee Chipman (q.v.) arr BC 1907 emp UBC Library 1918-39 d April 29 Vancouver BCVS VPC06 |
Hawker, William C. | BCFA85 | |
Hawes, Jeanette | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hawes, Myra | HFSAA | |
Hawes, Robin | SOO96 | |
Hawkes, Christine | BCFA94 Gibsons | |
Hawkes, Dana | ECU06 | |
Hawkes, Kiku | 1950 - | grad ECIAD 1982 BAG83 ART84 WCR85 WIF85 ART87 APG99 ECC00 CCDM01 ECC01 ART01 ART03 ECC05 HAV05 IU05 LQP05 BRIT06 AVA07 ECC07 MAY07 GVAG20 (1) VPL photography |
Hawkes, Maria C. | ART01 ART03 | |
Hawkes, William E. | ||
Hawkins, Eliza | 1936 - | AGGV85 BCFA86 Victoria |
Hawkins, Elizabeth (same above?) | CABC83 Surrey | |
Hawkins, Glenn C. | FCA77 | |
Hawkins, Norman H. | c1871 - 1934 | |
Hawkshaw, Heather | ART01 | |
Haworth, Peter | 1889 - 1986 | b Feb 28 Lancaster, England to Canada 1923 FCA Fndg.Mbr. 1941 VAG solo 1944 ARCA 1946 RCA 1954 CC71 RCA81 AIC82 MM88 1939-67 M Toronto |
Haworth, Zema Barbara Coghill (Bobs) (Mrs. Peter Haworth) |
1904 - 1988 | b Jan 4 Queenstown, South Africa FCA Fndg.Mbr.1941 VAG solo 1944 ARCA 1948 RCA 1963 CC71 RCA81 AIC82 MM88 1939-61 d Toronto ON NGC Vol II M BIAC03 (15) |
Hawryshko, Steve | 1965 - | b Edmonton AB ed ECCAD 1990-93 ECU94 |
Hawrysio, Denise | b Toronto ON grad Queens U. (BFA) grad S.F. Art Inst. (MFA) l London, England from 1984 GVAG20 (1) VPL BIBLIO | |
Hawse, Wanda | ART03 | |
Hawthorn, Beth | AIBC04 | |
Hawthorn, Henry Gilbert | 1939 - | b Jan 11 Honolulu RCA(e) 1974 RCA81 architect AIC82 It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 |
Haxby, Sarah L.A. | AVA99 ART01 ECU06 | |
Haxlett, Edith (see Hazlett, Edith) | ||
Hay, Alice (Miss) | ||
Hay, Gideon | ECC00 ECC01 ECC05 ECC07 | |
Hay, Megan | ECC24 | |
Hay, Norman Mackenzie | 1924 - 1988 | b Vancouver AIC82 BIAC03 (1) |
Hayashi, E. | ||
Hayden, Brenda | ART01 | |
Hayden, Ellen | GP10 | |
Hayden, Emma B. (Miss) | ||
Hayden, Michael | 1943 - | b Jan 15 Vancouver ed Ontario RCA(e) 1975 l Agula Calif 1979 RCA81 sculptor AIC82 AB87 M BIAC03 (8) |
Hayden, Murray | VABC77 Smithers | |
Hayden, Sherri | ART01 | |
Haydon, Kelly | FCA05 ECC07 TIEV11 PARK17 ECC24 CARFAC | |
Hayes, Carky | 1948 - | VABC77 Vancouver |
Hayes, Danielle | MPS95 | |
Hayes, G. Baly (Mrs.) | ||
Hayes, J.J. (Mrs.) | ||
Hayes, James P. | ||
Hayes, Jim | 1942 - | VABC77 Vancouver |
Hayes, Karen | ART01 | |
Hayes, Richard P. | BCFA94 Victoria | |
Hayes, Susan | MPS95 | |
Hayes-Holgate, Shaun | BCYA85 | |
Haylock, Linda | WCWC89 BCFA93 Bamfield | |
Hayman, Francisca | 1938 - | b Ommen, Netherlands arr Canada 1960 PGBC80 co-fnder Side Street Studio Victoria 1986 VAG20 Victoria |
Haymer, A. (Madam) | DIR 1918 Vancouver | |
Haynes, Charles | 1945 - | VABC77 Vancouver |
Haynes, June | FCA05 IIS | |
Haynes, Kerensa | TD05 TD06 ECC11 | |
Haynes, Rosalynne | OVJS83 Kelowna | |
Haynes Norman, Rosalynne | BIS93 | |
Hayter, Gloria | WVSC | |
Hayward, Carolyn | ART01 | |
Hayward, Christopher (Chris) | 1938 - | b London UK arr Canada 1954 grad George Williams PQ 1968 (BFA) SHEL77 VABC77 Vancouver VAG77 BCAC80 BIAC03 (3) GVAG20 (1) VPL |
Hayward, Dorothy (Mrs.) | VSA | |
Hayward, Tayu (Mr.) | photographer | |
Haywood, Maud | ||
Hazard, William Garnet | 1903 - 1987 | |
Haze, Monique | SOO96 | |
Hazel, Maggie Harrison | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hazeland, Mary | 1907 - | from Ottawa ON VABC77 Victoria M BIAC03 (1) |
Hazell, Gail | TD05 | |
Hazlett, Edith F. | ||
Head, Craig | ||
Head, Kevin | 1969? - | VPL |
Heading, Charity | ART03 | |
Heakes, Edna Eulalie | c1897 - | ed UBC 1950s PGBC80 |
Heakes, Francis Vernon | 1894 - 1989 | |
Heal, Jackie | VABC77 Enderby | |
Heald, Joseph | AVA97 AVA99.2 AVA12 | |
Healey, Julie | ART83 | |
Healey, Larissa | PAV09 | |
Healy, Sinclair Davis | 1925 - 2017 | b Oct 3 Moncton NB grad Mt. Allison 1950 grad Columbia 1960 (MFA) to Vancouver 1960 BCA 60 BCSA 64 summer BCSA 67 member VABC77 Vancouver MM88 BIAC03 (3) RAG05 d March 14 Vancouver M |
Heap, Verity | BCFA92 Vancouver ART93 | |
Heard of Women | ECC11 | |
Hearn, Jock R. | 1926 - | |
Hearn(e), Edna | BCA 52/53/56/57 WVSC | |
Hearne, Mavis | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Heath, James | FDTS77 BAG80 | |
Heather, Roy | VSA | |
Heatherington, Marcia Dow | 1936 - | VABC77 W Vancouver |
Heaton, Ida May (Mrs.) (nee Smith) (m Richard William Heidorn*) |
1877 - 1956 | b Feb 10 London, England arr Canada c1919 VAG solo 1935 book illustrations arr Victoria c1936 d Dec 8 Victoria UBC79 BCVS (*name changed) daughter Hilda B. MacLeod |
Heaton, Josh | ECU98 | |
Heays, Royden | b New Zealand arr Canada 1970 WECC23 Vancouver WECC24 photography | |
Heavyshield, Faye | VPL | |
Hebb, Julie | ECU06 | |
Hebblethwaite, Walter (Wally) Benson | 1929 - | b Ridgetown ON ed OCA VABC77 Vancouver M MM88 BIAC03 (2) |
Hebden, Lisa Jane | ART03 | |
Hebert, Sonja | grad ECIAD 2002 ECU05 CT11 | |
Hebig, Aubrey | BCFA94 BCFA00 BCFA01 Nelson BCFA02 | |
Hecel, Joseph (Hegel?) | c1910 - | AIC82 |
Hecht, Julian | ECU06 | |
Heck, George | BCA 68 | |
Heckley, Joseph | DIR 1895 New Westminster H70 | |
Heddington, Thomas | c1777 - 1860 | b Chatham UK d England UWP84 BIAC03 (2) |
Hedges, Marc | PGBC23 | |
Hedrick, Ron | SFAG13 | |
Heelas, Doreen | 1907 - 1984 | |
Hefroth-Madsen, Vagn | 1935 - | VABC77 Victoria |
Hegel, Josef (Joseph) | SSBC98 | |
Hegler, George E. | VABC77 Kamloops | |
Hegler, Susan | WVSC | |
Hegyi, Ibolya | RAG05 | |
Heidelbach, Susie | VABC77 Prince George | |
Heidelk, Taeko | VABC77 Prince Rupert | |
Heiden, Igna Beth (also Beth-Heiden, Igna van) |
BCA 55-57/62 Vancouver | |
Heighton, Brent | 1954 - | VPL |
Heim, Trinie | BCFA85 | |
Hein, Daphne | AGGV85 | |
Hein, Julie | URB87 | |
Hein, Scott | URB87 | |
Heine, Caren | 1958 - | UBC79 AIC82 AGGV85 IIS |
Heine, Harry | 1928 - 2004 | b July 24 Edmonton AB ed U.Alberta arr Vancouver Island 1970 SHEL77 AIC82 ABC86 EBC00 BIAC03 (5) d Sept 25 AIS07 M member CSMA member FCA member RSMA VPL |
Heine, Mark | IIS | |
Heinemeyer, Dawn | FCA09 | |
Heinhorst, Jodi | SEY05 | |
Heinrich, Gunter H.J. | CACGV90 Victoria | |
Heintzbergen, Anthony (Tony) | 1885 - | AIC82 |
Heinze, Michael | BCFA86 Hornby Island | |
Heiss, Dirk B. | 1944 - | b Prague CZ ed Langara Coll ed VSA grad UBC (B.Sc) grad UBC 1983 PITT83 |
Heitz, Mathias | PAV09 | |
Heizman, Gio | PGBC80 | |
Helcermanas, John | PHG02 | |
Held, Robert D.M. | 1943 - | grad ceramics (MFA) AIC82 CG90 Vancouver CCDM01 RAG05 art glass VPL |
Helders, Johan (John) Anton | 1888 - 1956 | |
Helem, J. Forbes | 1909 - 2000 | |
Helen, D. (same below?) | UVIC05 | |
Helen, Doris | AIC82 | |
Hel(l)enius, Frankca (Frank) | 1944 - | AIC82 |
Helfand, Fern | ART01 KAG01.2 FH13 | |
Helin, Bill | RCF12 VPL | |
Helin, Sue Melto | RCF12 | |
Hellawell, Harry | VSA BCA 56/57 BCG57 VAG58 AIC82 | |
Heller, Barbara | 1947 - | b July 29 Vancouver grad Brandeis.U Boston (BA) ed UBC WIF81 JCCV91 Vancouver CABC98 BCSTA00 ART01 AIBC04 RAG05 ICCM18 ICCM19 ICCM20 CARFAC VPL |
Heller, Lincoln | ECU98 | |
Hellewell, Donna | RAG05 | |
Hellier, Barbara (error for Heller?) | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Helm, Carie | MAY06 Vancouver | |
Helmcken, Ethel | IACS | |
Helmshaw, Kenneth | AIC82 | |
Helps, L. | ||
Hembroff-Brand, Edith | 1906 - 1994 | |
Hembroff-Schleicher, Edythe (see Hembroff-Brand, Edith) |
Hemenway, Kate | ART01 BCFA01 Vancouver ART03 FCA06 MAY06 | |
Heming, Arthur C. | grad VSA 1951 BAG67 | |
Heming, Herbert P. (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Heming, Naomi (Miss) | IACS | |
Hemingway, Kathleen | ||
Hemingway, Lisa | ECU04 | |
Hemingway, Maureen | AIC82 | |
Hemingway, Peter George | 1929 - 1995 | b Sept 6 Sheerness UK to Canada 1955 RCA(e) 1975 l Edmonton AB 1979 RCA81 architect Hemingway Nelson d May 15 |
Hemmerick, Ken | VPL | |
Hemmingson, Mark | OPA19 Sorrento | |
Hemmingway, Brian | AWG07 | |
Hempsall, Colin J. | grad VSA 1948 BCA 52 | |
Hemsing, Brenda | BCFA92 Vancouver WIP94 ECC99 to San Diego CA | |
Hemsley, Caitlin | POL18 | |
Hencheroff, Angie | TIEV12 | |
Hender, Betty | WVSC | |
Henderson, A. | VCA86 | |
Henderson, Alex | ECU06 | |
Henderson, Barbara | WVSC | |
Henderson, D'Arcy (Darcy) Stuart | 1940 - | b Princeton BCA 65/68 grad VSA 1966 UBC67 VAG72 Vancouver 3BC74 VAG74 VABC77 BCAC80 AIC82 VAG83 AB87 SAG89 BIAC03 (2) LAG10 GVAG20 (3) M VPL |
Henderson, Emilie | BCYA85 | |
Henderson, Gordon Ross | AIC82 | |
Henderson, Ivan | VSA | |
Henderson, J.T. | active Victoria 1892 H70 engraver | |
Henderson, Janna | ECU05.2 | |
Henderson, June | WVSC | |
Henderson, Lynda | VaAG09 VaAG18 VaAG22 | |
Henderson, Margaret Trelawny | ||
Henderson, Mark | ECU04 ECC07 | |
Henderson, Nancy | ART03 | |
Henderson, Natasha | BCYA85 ART01 ART03 | |
Henderson, Neil | ECU05.2 ECU05 | |
Henderson, Nigel | SEY05 | |
Henderson, Pat | ||
Henderson, Sam | VPL | |
Henderson, Sharon | WCR85 | |
Henderson, Terry | WIP94 | |
Henderson, Wendy | BCFA95 Armstrong | |
Henderson-Peal, Zahra A. | ECU03 | |
Hendren, Larry M. | WECC10 | |
Hendrickson, Helen | VSA | |
Hendrix, Christine (Chris) | 1931 - | b Alberta grad SAIA 1980 to Tahsis 1999 l Comox Valley |
Hendry E.M. (Miss) | ||
Hendry, A. | ||
Hendy, F.A. | BCA 62 | |
Henke, Ulrich | 1896 - 1978 | |
Henley, Joy James | ART93 UBC96 | |
Henley, Sybil (see Jacobson, Sybil) | ||
Hennell, Alexander Robert | 1872 - 1961 | |
Hennessy, Jane | ECC11 | |
Hennessy, M.D. | grad KSA 1982 (Dip) grad U.Vic 1985 (BFA) grad BC Sch Art Therapy 1994 SOO96 BCFA99 Victoria BCFA sculpture One Studio | |
Hennig, Karla | PAG20 Penticton | |
Hennington, Linda | ECU06 TD06 | |
Henrich, Soren | IIS | |
Henrickson, Christian | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Henriet, Evelyn | VABC77 Sparwood | |
Henriques, Lisa | 1969 - | b Feb 23 Kingston, Jamaica arr Vancouver 1978 grad ECIAD PGBC98 |
Henriquez, Richard George | 1941 - | b Feb 5 Annotta Bay, Jamaica RCA(e) 1978 RCA81 architect CE00 PAV09 BIBLIO |
Henry, Claire William | c1922 - | grad VSA 1950 White Rock/Salmo WR93 |
Henry, Clark | AIC82 | |
Henry, Hazel (Mrs. Herbert A. Henry) | ||
Henry, Hazel Lorine (same above?) | VABC77 Williams Lake | |
Henry, Karen | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Henry, Michael (Mick) Richard | 1939 - | b New Westminster VSA grad VSA 1961 (Hon) NGC66 Vancouver IDTC68 IB72 3BC74 Slug Pottery PGBC80 Roberts Creek AIC82 BELK09 VAG20 Coquitlam M ceramics |
Henry, P. | IACS | |
Henry, Phyllis | SOO96 | |
Henry, Ruby (see Howe, Ruby) | ||
Henry, Theresa | 1962? - | VPL |
Henschel, Gordon | b Manitoba ABC86 BCFA86 Port Hardy WCWC90 BIAC03 (1) | |
Henshaw, Ron | ECU04 | |
Hensman, Dorothy | ||
Henson, Dick | c1942 - | AIC82 |
Henson, Simon | 1942 - | b Leicester, England AIC82 PH87 AGGV12 |
Henton, Justin | ECU05.2 | |
Henzell, Anthony | VABC77 Campbell River | |
Henzell, Dorothy (see Willis, Dorothy) | ||
Heo, Maria | ECC24 | |
Hepburn, Megan | ECU05.2 | |
Herald, Ann Creer | WECC10 | |
Herbert, D. (Mrs.) | VABC77 New Westminster | |
Herbert, Graham | 1947 - | WCWC89 WCWC90 |
Herbert, Martin | PAG20 Salt Spring Island | |
Herbison, Heather | grad VSA 1968 graphics BCFA85 ECU05 | |
Herbison, Noah | IIS | |
Herchmer, Christian | VABC77 Creston | |
Herchmer, Laurencia (Miss) | 1910 - 2007 | |
Herendy, Mano | 1923 - 1978 | b Budapest, Hungary arr Canada 1951 d Vancouver VAG20 |
Herfst, Andrew | grad ECIAD 1999 photography ECU05 ANV08 | |
Heriot, George | 1766 - 1844 | AIC82 VPL |
Heriot, Jean (see Heriot, Joan) | ||
Heriot, Joan E. | 1911 - | b Vernon ed England VABC77 Vernon AIC82 AGGV85 BCFA90 BIS93 |
Herivel, Antoinette | grad U.Regina 1986 (BFA) grad U.Regina 1991 (B.Ed) grad U.Regina 1996 (M.Ed) CARFAC | |
Herman, Dan | RAG05 | |
Herman, Elana Louise | ECU00 | |
Herman, John | ||
Herman, Jonathan | ECU05.2 | |
Hermanek, Klara | ART01 | |
Hermann, Elaine | VAG58 | |
Hermann, Holger | ECU98 | |
Hermant, Rosslyn | ECU04 | |
Hermant, Sydney | ECU00 | |
Hermesh, Carol | PAG20 Summerland | |
Hernandez, Isobel | WVSC | |
Hernandez, Jose | PAG20 Trout Creek | |
Herndl, Jeremy | grad NSCAD 1997 (BFA) ed Ecole Nationale France 1996 preparator AGGV 1998-99 BCFA99 Victoria BCFA | |
Hernon, William J.P. | c1914 - 1960 | |
Heron, Nina | ART03 | |
Herridge, Audrey | ART01 | |
Herrington, Clyde | AIC82 | |
Herriot Robb, Beverly | IIS | |
Herrmann, Ann P. (Mrs.) (see Ann P. Spilsbury) |
1912 - 1970 | |
Herrmann, Dorothy | ||
Herry, The Baroness (Celestine de Naeyer) |
1879 - 1952 | |
Hersey, Bertram Charles | 1879 - 1955 | b Oct 4 England arr BC 1910 proprietor Vancouver Art Gallery (1922-23) d Sept 10 Burnaby ref artstores DIR BCVS |
Hersey, Edith Mills (Mrs.) (nee Scott, m Bertram Hersey (q.v.)) |
proprietress Vancouver Art Gallery (1922-23) ref artstores | |
Hersey, John | MPS95 | |
Hersey, Karen R. | 1941 - | BCFA83 BCFA84 BCFA85 BCFA86 Marysville |
Heryet, Lorraine | VABC77 Victoria | |
Herzog, Fred | 1930 - 2019 | b Germany BCA 68 JJD76 AIC82 PHG97 PHG03.2 PHG05 VAG09 VAG11 d Sept 9 Vancouver GVAG20 (1) VPL BIBLIO |
Hescox, Richard | IIS | |
Heseltine, Alastair | 1954 - | b Farnham, England CABC98 Hornby Island ART01 |
Heshedahl, Jim | 1952 - | b Sept 30 Vancouver ed SFU (BA) AVA97 AVA99 AVA99.2 AVA00.2 AVA01 ART01 CCDM01 AVA12 AVA13 |
Heshka, Ryan | TD06 | |
Heslin, Colleen M. | ECU03 SFU09 ECU17 ECU17.2 | |
Heslop, Linda | CACGV90 Victoria RCF12 IIS | |
Hespe, Heiko | AIC82 | |
Hess, Paul | ECU97 It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Hessay, Carle (also Karl) | 1911 - 1978 | b Nov 30 Shanghai, China (Dresden?) ed England to Vienna ed Ecole Des Beaux Arts 1927 to French W Africa 1934 fought Spanish Civil War 1938 to Vancouver 1938 Royal Cdn. Engineers in WWII BCA 68 d Jan 1 Spuzzum AIC82 M Langley VPL BIAC03 (1) BIBLIO |
Hesse, Charmaine R. | 1937 - | VABC77 Victoria |
Hesse, Jurgen | 1924 - 2008 | b Germany arr Canada 1958 VABC77 Victoria AVA97 AVA99 AVA99.2 d July 30 |
Hesse, Maria Elena Castelazo | 1952 - | b Mexico City AVA97 |
Hesse, Sam | SSBC13 | |
Hesthammer, Noreen | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hetherington, Bernice | AV19 W Vancouver | |
Hetherington, Jessie (Jess) | 1930 - 2011 | |
Hetherington, Susan | AGGV85 | |
Heti, George | BCA 57 Vancouver | |
Hettervig, Ruby | ART03 | |
Hettman, Dale | RCA81 Richmond | |
Heubner, Ron | ART87 | |
Heuft, Joette P. | 1954 - | b Medicine Hat AB grad ECCAD 1981 PITT81 |
Heuniken, Heidi | 1961 - | ART90 |
Hewer, Marjorie | VSA | |
Hewiston, June Marguerite | ||
Hewitt, Alan | ART01 | |
Hewitt, Michael | c1937 - | AIC82 |
Hewitt, Rob | ECU98 | |
Hewlett, Mary-Lou | ECU00 | |
Hexamer, Ronald (Ron) Allen | 1935 - 1987 | b Sept 17 Ontario BCA66 m Hee Sook Kim AIC82 d July 24 Vancouver BCVS teacher VPL |
Heximer, Matt | ECU94.2 | |
Hey, Serena Hollis de la | MPS95 | |
Heybroek, Mrs. William H. (Sandy) | AIC82 M Comox BIAC03 (1) | |
heyday design | ECC11 | |
Heydemann, Dirk | RCF12 | |
Heynemans, Sander | 1944 - | BCA 68 BAG69 Vancouver AIC82 |
Heys, Oswald | 1889 - | AIC82 |
Heys, Thomas | BCFA92 Richmond | |
Hibben, May R. | BAG80 | |
Hibben, T.N. & Co. | DIR 1921 Victoria artists materials | |
Hibberd, W.L. (Bill) | CARFAC |
Hibbert, James | op Victoria Clayworks 1983 OPA19 Naramata | |
Hibbert, Laurel | ART01 | |
Hicken, Sophi | WECC08 WECC10 | |
Hickey, Kay | WVSC | |
Hickey, Suzo | 1959 - | b Prince Rupert ART93 grad ECCAD 1994 Vancouver KaAG01 CARFAC |
Hickford, Edward | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hicks, Carolyn A. | RAG05 | |
Hicks, Ken | VABC77 W Vancouver | |
Hickson, Audrey | BCFA85 | |
Hiebert, Blake (same below?) | GP10 | |
Hiebert, Henry Blake | BCFA92 Richmond | |
Hiebert, Jen | ECC99 ECC00 GO00.2 ECC01 TD05 | |
Hiemstra, Harriet B. | PGBC98 PGBC23 | |
Higginbotham, Jean (see Higinbotham, Jean) |
Higgins, John T. (Mrs.) | ||
Higgins, Keith | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Higgins, M. (Miss) | IACS14 | |
Higgins, M.R. | ||
Higgins, Shannyn | photography | |
Higginson, Bill | WECC10 FBG12 | |
Higgs, Lisa | 1961 - | AGGV85 |
High, I. (Mr.) | IDTC68 Hope | |
Highes, Robyn | MPS95 | |
Highfield, Don | BCFA01 Nelson BCFA "artist, blacksmith, sculptor" | |
Higinbotham, Jean Trilby (nee Manly) (m Alan Albert Higinbotham) |
1923 - 1994 | b Feb 18 Saskatoon SK grad VSA SSBC77 VABC77 Vancouver grad UBC 1978 (B.Ed) SSBC80 WIF81 AIC82 AGGV85 CNIB87 d Mar 1 Vancouver SSBC98 RAG05 BCVS VPL |
Higinbotham, Pat | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hilbern, H. | VABC77 White Rock | |
Hilborn, Catherine Grace | BCFA93 Vancouver | |
Hilckman, Bert | VPL | |
Hild, Isobel | AIC82 | |
Hildebrand, Guy | BCFA99 ART01 ART03 | |
Hildebrand, Jock G. | 1952 - | VABC77 Westbank FH13 |
Hildebrand, Meghan | b Yukon ed KSA BCFA01 Nelson BCFA02 BCFA painter | |
Hildebrand, Todd | ECC99 ECC00 ECC01 | |
Hildebrandt, Kathy | FCA09 | |
Hildred, Christopher | 1937 - | VABC77 Burnaby |
Hildred, Philip | 3BC74 photography VABC77 W Vancouver | |
Hildreth, Pauline | ART01 ECC07 | |
Hilgemann, Judy | IIS | |
Hilker, Fay | VABC77 Kelowna ABC86 | |
Hill, Agnes Lawrence | c1850 - c1940 | b Nova Scotia UBC79 |
Hill, Arlyn Patricia (see Coad, Arlyn) |
Hill, Brenda | LSG12 | |
Hill, Dan | VBPR02 | |
Hill, Ed | 1948 - | b Paris ON to BC 1969 LSG14 Gibsons |
Hill, F.C. (Mr.) | ||
Hill, H.B. | AIC82 | |
Hill, Jake | TD05 | |
Hill, Kathleen | AIC82 AGGV85 grad KSA 1998 (Dip) BCFA01 Rossland BCFA fibre arts | |
Hill, Lorraine | RAG05 | |
Hill, Mabel | VABC77 Westbank | |
Hill, Marjorie (Miss) | 1895 - 1985 | b Guelph ON grad U.Toronto 1920 architecture IDTC68 Victoria d Victoria VAG20 weaver |
Hill, N. Nicole | b Okanagan grad Ryerson Poly ON 1998 (BFA) BCFA99 Prince George BCFA photography | |
Hill, Roland (Rowland) | 1955 - | BCP86 Victoria CNIB87 |
Hill, Sabina | CCDM01 AIBC04 | |
Hill, Stephanie | BCFA95 Vancouver | |
Hill, Sybil (see Sybil Cianci) | ||
Hille, Rossana | CABC83 Vancouver | |
Hillert, Dan | BCFA85 | |
Hillgren, August (Gus) | 1881 - 1964 | |
Hilliard, Heidi | WVSC | |
Hilliard, Jordan | ECU05.2 | |
Hillier, Ann (see McMenomin, Ann) | ||
Hillis, Brad | CARFAC | |
Hillman, Elizabeth | BCFA90 Dawson Creek BCFA93 | |
Hillman, Susan | 1945 - | VABC77 Burnaby ART03 VPL |
Hillmayr, Gerhard | FCA77 | |
Hills, F.C. (see Hill, F.C.) | ||
Hill-Tout, Kay R. | BCA 56/57/BCA58/59-68 Victoria BCG57 AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hilmer, Paul | VABC77 Kelowna | |
Hilton, Ann(e) | WECC10 AIOM13 VaAG18 AIOM19 VaAG22 | |
Hilton, Charles | SOO96 | |
Hilton, Eric | 1937 - | AIC82 |
Hilts, Alvin | 1908 - | b Apr 2 Newmarket ON M RCA81 SSBC98 BIAC03 (5) |
Hinchcliffe, Elaine | c1943 - | |
Hinchcliffe, Irene | ||
Hincks, Thomas C. (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hind, Iona M. Carr | Winnipeg School Art VABC77 Kelowna | |
Hind, William George Richardson | 1833 - 1889 | b Nottingham, England arr Canada 1852 Overlander 1862 d Sussex NB VAG58 VCM69 H70 FDTS77 BAG80 AIC82 M CE00 EBC00 BIAC03 (14) BIBLIO |
Hinder, Laura | ECU05.2 | |
Hindmarch-Watson, Patricia | CARFAC | |
Hinds, Margery | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hines, Sherman | VPL | |
Hingert, Eckart | BCA 68 sculpture | |
Hinman, Robert | AIC82 | |
Hinman, W.R. (same above?) | BAG61 Turner Valley | |
Hinojosa, Tito | ECC24 | |
Hinton, Geoff | ART84 | |
Hinton, John Henry | 1875 - 1948 | AIC82 |
Hints, Katharine | SOO96 | |
Hipol, Khim | POL18 | |
Hirabayashi, Alix | 1948? - | ART84 VPL |
Hiraga, Itsuka | b Okinawa CARFAC l Burnaby | |
Hirano, Barb | ECC01 | |
Hirata, Hosea | 1952 - | b Japan grad McGill 1979 (BA) arr Vancouver 1979 grad UBC (MA) ref Melmoth Vancouver Group |
Hirnschall, Helmut | 1933 - | VABC77 Vancouver AIC82 VPL |
Hirota, Jackson | VAG74 Chilliwack VABC77 | |
Hirsch, Antonia | It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
Hirst, Susan | PGBC98 | |
Hiscock, Keith | 1951 - | b Victoria BCAC80 AIC82 CNIB87 IIS VPL |
Hiscocks, Elizabeth Jane (Miss) | 1880 - 1956 | b May 18 Victoria IACS14 IACS d Jan 17 Victoria |
Hiscocks, Sophie (Miss) | ||
Hit and Run | ART93 | |
Hitchcock, C.R. | ||
Hittrich, Beata | 1935 - | VABC77 N Vancouver |
HIVE Collective | exh Dynamo Gall 1999 Vancouver BCFA00 Vancouver BCFA "c/o Andrew Armour" | |
Hives, Catherine M. | ||
Hives, Florence Morley | 1894 - 1989 | |
Hiwgert, Eckart | SSBC98 | |
Ho, Anita | ECU06 | |
Ho, Brian Matthew | ECU06 | |
Ho Chao Hwa | AIC82 | |
Ho, George | ART93 | |
Ho, Gloria | BCYA85 | |
Ho, Philip L. | ECU03 | |
Ho, Ray | AIC82 | |
Ho, Simon | RAG05 | |
Hoadley, Joan | WVSC | |
Hoadley, Jon | BNE89 | |
Hoare, Elizabeth | AIC82 AGGV85 VPL | |
Hoare, William Keith | BCA 65 AIC82 | |
Hoath, Tom | VABC77 Winfield | |
Hoban, Ann(e) | ECC00 ECC01 | |
Hoban, Leigh | ART03 | |
Hobbs, Isabel Mary | 1885 - 1974 | |
Hobbs, Jennifer Leedham | grad VSA 1948 | |
Hobbs, Mabel | IACS | |
Hobbycraft Studios | IDTC68 Victoria | |
Hobday, Edmund (Col.) | IACS | |
Hobler, P.M. | VABC77 Port Coquitlam | |
Hobo Nation Guitars | ECC11 | |
Hobson, Mark | 1953 - | b Vancouver WCWC89 WCWC90 Tofino RCF12 |
Hockenhull, Oliver | ANV08 | |
Hockey, Ann | WVSC | |
Hocking, Patti | VAG58 | |
Hockley, Frederick William Pymar | 1916 - 1982 | b Oct 13 Vancouver m Margaret Isabella Douglas VABC77 W Vancouver d Jan 2 N Vancouver BCVS BC Tel supervisor |
Hodder, Geoffrey | 1930 - | AIC82 |
Hodge, Charlene | VABC77 Lumby | |
Hodge, Earl E. | 1932 - | VABC77 Vedder Crossing BCFA91 BCFA92 Chilliwack |
Hodge, Gillian | 1928 - 2001 | BCA 68 PGBC80 AIC82 SSBC98 d Penn Valley CA VAG20 pottery |
Hodge, Lorraine Eversly | 1907 - 1986 | |
Hodges, Elmer S. | 1879 - 1947 | |
Hodges, John | KBAA83 Winlaw BCFA86 BCFA90 | |
Hodges, Leanne | BCFA00 Quathiaski Cove BCFA02 BCFA "visual artist" | |
Hodgette, Chris | ECU00 | |
Hodgins, Aimee Gertrude (Mrs.) | 1866 - 1938 | |
Hodgins, Peggy (Miss) | IACS | |
Hodgins, Ruby | BCA 52/53/55-57/61/62 FCA64 AIC82 | |
Hodgins, Tyler | grad Victoria Coll.Art 1990 AGGV12.2 Victoria | |
Hodgkins, Sarah | ECU05.2 | |
Hodgkinson, Barney | b Vancouver Island BCFA91 Fort Nelson | |
Hodgson, Deborah | WCR85 | |
Hodgson, Herbert | IACS A.R.I.B.A. | |
Hodgson, June | WVSC | |
Hodgson, Linda Jang | ECU98 | |
Hodgson, Shirley | CACGV90 Victoria | |
Hodgson, Stanley | IIS | |
Hodgson, Wes | AIC82 | |
Hodgson, Zoe | ECU06 | |
Hodnett, Noel | 1949 - | b Gatooma, Zimbabwe to S. Africa 1955 to BC c1998 ECC99 ECC00 ART01 ECC07 Vancouver GVAG20 |
Hodney, M.F. (Mr.) | IDTC68 Hope | |
Hodney, Michael (same above?) | AIC82 | |
Hodson, Brenda | CACGV88 | |
Hodson, Hazel E. (Mrs.) | NGC66 Victoria | |
Hoeben, Tina | CACGV88 | |
Hoegenwarth, J.J. | VABC77 Duncan | |
Hoeller, Gigi | b W Vancouver ed ECCAD 1988-91 BCFA02 Gold River TD06 LSG11 Halfmoon Bay | |
Hoenig, Eva | ECC11 | |
Hoeppner, Norma | TD05 | |
Hoesing, Larry | IIS | |
Hof, Mary Barbara | ||
Hofer, Deirdre | grad UBC (BA) grad Cap.Coll (Cert.Bus.Admin) emp Heffel Gallery 2004-08, 2018-current | |
Hoff, Wesley Kenneth | c1919 - 2006 | |
Hoffar, G. (typo for Irene?) | BCSFA Winter 29 | |
Hoffar, Irene (Mrs. Hoffar Reid) | ||
Hoffar, J. (typo for Irene?) | BCSFA Winter 29 | |
Hoffer, William | 1944 - 1997 | author, bookseller, artist, publisher BIBLIO |
Hoffman, Alan | ECU98 ECU05 VPL | |
Hoffman, Elaine | KBAA83 New Denver ceramics | |
Hoffman, Faye | ART84 | |
Hoffman, Florence | WVSC | |
Hoffman, Rick | 1942 - | b Winnipeg MB CBCP77 |
Hoffman, Vallalee | ECU98 | |
Hoffmann, Jacquie | ART84 | |
Hoffman, Terry | AIC82 | |
Hoflin, Cindi | BCFA92 Maple Ridge BCFA93 BCFA94 | |
Hofmeister, Christopher | ECU06 | |
Hogan, Danielle Carla | ECU00 ECU05 | |
Hogan, Gerry | ECU00 | |
Hogan, James | UWP84 | |
Hogan, Mary (same below?) | WCR85 | |
Hogan, Peter | TIEV12 | |
Hogan Camp, Mary | 1950 - | ART90 |
Hogarth, Adam | TIEV11 | |
Hogarth, C.M. (Miss) | DIR 1927 Victoria | |
Hogarth, Joanne | VBPR02 | |
Hogarth, S. (Miss) | DIR 1926 Victoria | |
Hogg, Ella | b Scotland CACGV90 Victoria | |
Hogg, George C. | 1929 - | b Kimberley ed VSA AIC82 ABC86 BIAC03 (1) |
Hogg, James | VCA86 DIR Vancouver 1889 photographer | |
Hogg, Lucy | 1957 - | b Charlottetown PEI AB87 ART87 ART90 VAG96 YCAG96 ECU97 ARTBC00 VPL |
Hoh, Joseph C.M. | CACGV90 Victoria BCFA93 | |
Hohlweg, Brent | BCFA91 Richmond ART93 | |
Hohndorf, Eric | 1938 - | ABC86 |
Hohner, Jeff | 1961 - | b Annapolis USA ed Selkirk Coll KAG03 |
Hoibakke, S. (Mr.) | IDTC68 Victoria | |
Holahan, Catherine J. | grad Columbia NY 1962 (BS) grad Boston U. 1978 (MLS) grad Tufts U. 1981 (BFA) arr BC c1994 BCFA99 Galiano Island BCFA photography ART01 ART03 | |
Holand, Rebecca | AIOM19 ECC24 | |
Holbard, Deborah | WVSC | |
Holbard, Fraser | FCA77 | |
Holbard, Peter | FCA77 WVSC | |
Holcroft, Lorna | b England arr Canada 1954 BC Craft Show 65 BCA 68 AIC82 WR93 textile designer | |
Hold, Chris | ECU06 | |
Holden, Barbara | VABC77 Penticton AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Holden, Beverley | from Winnipeg MB grad U.Man BCFA86 Terrace BCP86 | |
Holden, F.C. (Mrs.) | IACS 1918/20 | |
Holden, Herbert | DIR 1921-22 Vancouver | |
Holden, Roberta | AIOM08 | |
Holdham, Jennifer | 1954 - | b England arr Vancouver 1981 BAG83 mem Guild of Fabric Arts |
Hole, Orangeena | ART01 | |
Holecka, Steve | 1940 - | b Alberta grad ACA 1965 FCA Award 1975 VABC77 Gibsons CAP79 GVAG20 (1) |
Holl Hunt, Pamela (see Hunt, Pamela Holl) |
Holland, Channing | AVA99 | |
Holland, Francis Walter | - 1960 | IACS |
Holland, Jonathan | rep Alexander Harrison Galleries | |
Holland, Kiff | 1942 - | b S Africa arr Canada 1975 ABC86 BIAC03 (1) FBG12 rep Alexander Harrison Galleries VPL |
Holland, Mark | AVA98 AVA00 AVA01 ART01 | |
Holland, Mary | VABC77 Lumby | |
Holland, Nelson | SSBC98 | |
Holland, Richard Moss | KBAA83 Nelson stained glass | |
Holland, S.G. | IACS | |
Holland, Suez | ECC01 | |
Hollick, Elizabeth | BCFA85 BCFA93 White Rock BCFA94 ART01 ART03 |
Holliday, Charles William | 1870 - 1955 | |
Holliday, Frank Ward | 1891 - 1960 | b Mar 21 England m Florence Hamilton 1910 Vancouver picture framer Mgr Richmond Arts (see artstores) m Jewell Cottrell d Sept 23 Vancouver caretaker BCVS marriage, death |
Hollinger, Phelix | AIC82 | |
Hollingsworth, Frederick Thornton | 1917 - 2015 | b Jan 8 Lancashire UK to Canada c1929 RCA(e) 1974 RCA81 architect CE00 d Apr 10 W Vancouver GVAG20 (1) VAG20 |
Hollingsworth, J. Mason | DIR 1899-1900 Vancouver H70 | |
Hollingsworth, Phyllis (nee Montgomery) |
1921 - 2018 | b Wainwright AB d N Vancouver VAG20 weaving |
Hollingsworth, Rob | ECC11 | |
Hollington, Guy | ECC24 | |
Holloway, George | ||
Hollowell, Karen | AIOM08 | |
Hollstedt, Megan | ECU06 | |
Hollywood Furniture Mfg. Co. Ltd. | 1946 - 1960 | VAG20 Vancouver |
Holm, Una B. | VABC77 Kamloops AGGV85 CNIB87 | |
Holm, Nels | VPL | |
Holman, Shaira | WCR85 ART93 | |
Holmes, Angela | ECC01 | |
Holmes, Barry William | 1941 - | BCA 68 AIC82 SSBC98 PAV09 |
Holmes, Devlin | ART87 | |
Holmes, Doris C. (Miss) | ||
Holmes, Garry | RAG05 | |
Holmes, James S. | ||
Holmes, Jessie | ECU04 | |
Holmes, Keith | ART87 BCFA93 Galiano Island | |
Holmes, Margery | VABC77 Cranbrook | |
Holmes, Niki | ECC11 PGBC23ECC24> | |
Holmes, Rand | MAY07 Lasqueti Island | |
Holmes, Reginald (Reg) | 1934 - | b Nov 4 Calgary AB BCA 57/BCA58/60-62/65/66 BCG57 grad VSA 1958 VAG58 BCSA 59/61-65 BAG61 W Vancouver NWA 1961-66 VAG64 AGGV66 BCA66 UBC67 BAG71 RCA(e) 1974 VABC77 l Toronto ON 1975-79 BCAC80 RCA81 AIC82 VAG83 l New York AB87 ECU94 BIAC03 (6) VAG06 M VPL |
Holmes, Tine Andriessen (Ms.) | b Netherlands CACGV90 Victoria | |
Holmes, William (same below?) | WVSC | |
Holmes, William W. | 1924 - | b Belfast Ireland arr Canada 1949 ed VSA c1960-65 ABC86 BCFA86 N Vancouver BIAC03 (1) |
Holmgren, Lorena | CABC83 Courtenay | |
Holms, John | IIS | |
Holmsten, Don | MPS95 | |
Holmsten, Olle Werner | 1915 - | b Upsala Sweden to Canada 1953 won VAG sculpture competition 1959 AIC82 M Calgary BIAC03 (1) |
Holmstrom Studio | ECC24 | |
Holroyd, Ethel M. | IACS | |
Holstein-Rathlou, Helena | IACS | |
Holstein-Rathlou, Humo | IACS | |
Holt, Lee | PHG02 | |
Holt, Mike | IIS | |
Holy Body Tattoo (The) | ART93 | |
Holyoak, Don | 1952 - | b Toronto ON VAG72 Vancouver 3BC74 VAG74 VABC77 AIC82 BIAC03 (1) GVAG20 (1) |
Homer, R. | IACS | |
Homes, Jan | WVSC | |
Honchee Studio | VAG85.2 | |
Hone, McGregor | 1920 - 2007 | |
Honey, Ken | VPL | |
Honeycombe, Lori | IIS | |
Honeyman, Michael | WECC23 @thefoxhoundgang | |
Honeyman, Pierre | TD05 TD06 | |
Honeypot Clothing Co. | ECC01 | |
Hong, Leah | BCYA85 | |
Hong, Lean | BCFA92 Vancouver | |
Hong, Yang | BCFA95 Vancouver grad ECIAD 1997 ECU97 ECC07 | |
Honisch, Martin | 1942 - | b Czechoslovakia AB87 SAG89 RAG05 AIS07 VPL |
Honneytta Gallery/i> | ECC24 | |
Hood, Christine | MMAF17 MMAF18 | |
Hood, Erik | ECU06 | |
Hood, Henry (Harry) | 1876 - 1956 | |
Hood, Joseph | AIC82 | |
Hood, Kate | BCYA85 | |
Hood, Robin June | WCR85 | |
Hooge, Andrea | ECC24 | |
Hooge, Anna Louise | VABC77 Kelowna | |
Hoogen, Richard (Dick) A.G. van den | 1916 - 1978 | illust Land of Shining Mountains VPL |
Hoogenboom, Danielle | ECU05.2 | |
Hook, Allan James | - 1946 | DIR 1914 Cobble Hill AIC82 |
Hoole, Kate Adeline Smith (Mrs. Frank Hoole) |
1878 - 1949 | |
Hooley, Ian | 1944 - | AIC82 SSBC83 CNIB87 SSBC98 |
Hooper, Ethel E. | IACS | |
Hooper (Hugo), Jacqueline (see Hugo, Jacqueline) |
Hooper, John | PAV09 | |
Hooper, Stephanie (see Robertson, Stephanie) |
Hoopes, Bill | BCFA95 Bowen Island FBG12 | |
Hooser, Phoebe Marie (Honey) | 1894 - 1984 | b Summerfield NB arr Surrey 1936 VAG51 d White Rock VAG20 weaving |
Hooson, E. (Ms.) | VABC77 Surrey | |
Hoover, Leni | AGGV85 | |
Hope, Bateman (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hope, C.M. | IACS | |
Hope, E. (Miss) | ||
Hope, H.A. | ||
Hopkins, Darryl | ECC00 ECC01 | |
Hopkins, D.H. | ||
Hopkins, Donald | BAG78 | |
Hopkins, E.M. (same as next?) | IACS | |
Hopkins, Elisabeth Margaret | 1894 - 1991 | b Apr 22 Gilkicker UK arr Victoria 1954 ret Galiano Island 1964 3BC74 Galiano Painters Guild AIC82 AGGV85 d Saltspring Island EBC00 BIAC03 (1) VPL BIBLIO |
Hopkins, Leonard (Mrs.) | IACS14 IACS | |
Hopkins, Michael | ECC05 | |
Hopkins, Neville J. | IACS | |
Hopkins, Patricia (see Goldman, Patricia) |
Hopkins, Tannis | b Winnipeg ed Montreal/Toronto ECC11 PARK17 ECC24 CARFAC | |
Hopkinson, Hugh E. | BCA 56 | |
Hopkinson, Peter | 1912 - | b BC VABC77 White Rock AIC82 M BIAC03 (1) |
Hopper, Ken | c1946 - | AIC82 |
Hopper, Robin | 1939 - 2017 | b Selsdon, England (1942?) arr Canada 1968 arr BC 1977 m Judy Dyelle (q.v.) PGBC80 AIC82 AGGV86 CNIB87 WCWC90 CABC98 Victoria PGBC98 AGGV12 d April 6 Victoria Times-Colonist obit VPL ceramics |
Hopper, Sue | CABC83 Victoria | |
Hopping, William | 1886 - 1981 | |
Hora, Dennis | BCFA94 Ft St John | |
Horan, Ceely | 1920 - 1967 | |
Horeau, Christina | RAG05 | |
Horie, Dorothy | ||
Horn, Ken | IIS | |
Horn, Peter | RAG05 | |
Hornblow, David | VPL | |
Horncastle, L.M. | BCA 68 | |
Horne, Allan | BNE89 | |
Horne, A.E. Cleeve | 1912 - 1998 | |
Horne, Arthur William | 1945 - | b Vancouver BIAC03 (1) |
Horne, Bill | b Vancouver ART93 WIP94 ART01 CARFAC | |
Horne, David Ernst | 1929 - | AIC82 |
Horne, Francis | PAV09 | |
Horne, Harry | ||
Horne, Nesta Bowen (Mrs.) | 1896 - 1987 | |
Horne, Steve | AIC82 | |
Horne, William | BCFA00 Saanichton | |
Horne-Payne, John Reginald | 1898 - 1978 | |
Horner, Alicia | TD06 | |
Horner, Lee | SOO96 | |
Horner-Harrison, Georgina | ||
Horning, J. Jey | BCFA93 Vancouver AVA98 AVA99 APG99 ECC99 ECC00 AVA00 ECC01 ART01 ART03 ECC05 RAG05 | |
Hornsby, Michael | 1957 - | ART87 ART90 VPL |
Hornyansky, Nicholas | 1896 - 1965 | b Aug 11 Budapest grad Academy of Fine Arts to Belgium c1919-27 arr Toronto 1929 ARCA 1943 colour acquatints incl Vancouver d May 25 Toronto ON CAP79 RCA81 MM88 1931-60 BIAC03 (13) FECK18 M |
Horrobin, Edith Lily (nee Stainton) | 1914 - 2001 | b Jan 18 Liverpool UK m Thomas Vincent Horrobin VABC77 Kimberley painting emp secretary Healthcare d March 29 Cranbrook BCVS death |
Horsfield, Caitlin | WVMA14 | |
Horton, Albert | 3BC74 Vancouver metal sculpture | |
Horton, Heather | FCA-AA | |
Horton, John Malcolm | 1935 - | b Nov 18 London, England arr Canada Nov 1966 AIC82 ABC86 BIAC03 (1) GVAG20 (1) rep Alexander Harrison Galleries VPL BIBLIO |
Horton, Marguerite | BCA 52 | |
Horvat, Steve | SEY05 | |
Horvath, Camille Benois | 1878 - 1953 | |
Horvath, Michael Dimitri | 1905 - 1974 | b Jan 16 Harbin China m Alexandra Ilchenko d Sept 20 Vancouver emp artist - paintings BCVS death AIC82 |
Horwood, Alison | ECC01 | |
Hosein, Ali | 1951 - | b Trinidad arr Canada 1969 CNIB87 SOO88 Victoria |
Hoskins, Johanna | ART03 | |
Hoskins, Mel | 3BC74 | |
Hoskins, Ruby | 1909 - | b Cardiff Wales VABC77 Smithers AIC82 BIAC03 (1) VPL |
Hoskins, Shirley E. | grad VSA 1947 | |
Hoskinson, Catherine (Cathrin) Ann | 1949 - | b Sept 14 Montreal PQ arr Vancouver 1956 BCA 68 BAG71 Montreal 3BC74 Ontario AB87 BIAC03 (2) |
Hoskinson, Edward R. | BCA 68 | |
Hosmer, R. | IACS | |
Hotson Bakker Architects | PAV09 | |
Hou, Maggie | ECU05.2 | |
Hou, Paul Chin-Chung | ECU03 | |
House of Hudson Jewellry | ECC24 | |
House, Kelly Lee | BCYA85 | |
House, Kevin | PAG20 Vancouver | |
House, Ziff | RAG05 | |
Housser, Bess (see Harris, Bess) | ||
Houston, Deryk | 1954 - | b Scotland arr Vancouver 1966 ed Langara Coll ed ECCAD ABC86 BCFA91 BCFA93 Victoria MPS95 BIAC03 (1) RAG05 AWG06 GVAG20 VPL |
Houston, Martha | 1896 - 1980 | FECK18 |
How, James Francis | grad VSA 1950 | |
Howard, Keith | MPS95 | |
Howard, Louise | AIOM13 | |
Howard, M.E. | VABC77 Winfield | |
Howard, Margaret | WVSC | |
Howard, Melba | grad VSA 1941 | |
Howard, Michael | SOO96 | |
Howard, Monica | MAY07 Vancouver | |
Howard, (Hyam) Roy | 1889 - 1981 | b May 11 Sydney, Australia arr Vancouver c1909 mem Alpine Club of Canada 1927-64 mem BC Mountaineering Club 1930-51 (VP & P) d Nov 11 Delta VPC06 |
Howard, Ruby Ella (Mrs.) | 1909 - 1993 | |
Howarth, Glenn Edward | 1946 - 2009 | b Sept 1 Vegreville AB grad U.Vic 1970 (BFA) AGGV75 NCIA76 SHEL77 VABC77 Victoria AGGV78 ARCA 1978 BCAC80 RCA81 AIC82 AGGV86 AB87 OS88 BNE89 BIAC03 (3) d July 26 VPL |
Howarth, Jan | AIOM99 | |
Howe, Betty L. Hoglund | 1933 - | b Kimberley VABC77 Chase ABC86 BCFA91 Oliver BIAC03 (1) |
Howe, Heather | ECU00 | |
Howe, John F. | 1957 - | VABC77 Keremeos |
Howe, Ruby Alberta (m David Henry) |
1896 - 1965 | |
Howe, Susan | AVA98 AVA99 ART03 ECU05 | |
Howell, Marlene | IIS | |
Howell, Neil | ABC86 | |
Howell, Susan | ECC05 | |
Howell, Tobla (Toby) | ed Ottawa U. BCFA00 BCFA01 Victoria BCFA ceramics William Street Clay Studio | |
Howells, Paul | 1957 - | ART84 BCFA86 Vancouver BCP86 PH87 VPL |
Howes, Cheryl | AVA00.2 | |
Howes, Elizabeth | ||
Howes, Hadley | ECU98 It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 | |
howey, joanne | ART01 | |
Howland, Yvonne | NCIA76 | |
Hoy, Brent | BCA 68 | |
Hoy, C.D. (Chow Dong) | 1883 - 1973 | VPL EBC00 GVAG20 (1) BIBLIO |
Hoy, Julie | VPL | |
Hoyem, M. Ruth | BCFA94 Port Moody | |
Hoyle, John | AVA00 | |
Hoyt, Char | ART03 | |
Hoyt, Erich | 1950 - | VPL |
Hoyte | ||
Hronek, Jana | BCFA85 | |
Hruby, Malenka | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hruschak, Maria | TIEV12 | |
Hryciuk, Doris | 1937 - | AGGV85 |
Hrynkow, Casey | 1955 - | b Toronto ON ed VSA 1974-77 ECU94 |
Hrynkow, Ray | 1953 - | b Edmonton AB ed VSA 1974-77 ECU94 |
Hsieh, Hsin-Ju Cynthia | ECU05.2 | |
Hsu, Joy | ECU06 | |
Hsu, Margaret | 1970 - | b Taipei, Taiwan arr Vancouver 1987 grad ECCAD 1994 ECU94 PGBC98 |
Hsu, Sophia Yun-Fang | ECU03 | |
Hsu, Yun-Chin | ECU06 | |
Hsueh, Kai Ling Xue | ECU04 | |
Hu, Leo (Tzu-Chien) | ECU03 | |
Hu, Monica | AIOM99 AIOM00 | |
Huang, Bau-Xi (see Paul Wong) | ||
Huang, Chun-Ping | ECU06 | |
Huang, Hung-Mei Hsu | ART03 | |
Huang, Morris | POL18 | |
Huang, Paul C. (see Paul Wong) | ||
Huang, Ying-Hsuan (Sharon) | ECU06 | |
Huang, Yu-Hang | ECU05.2 | |
Huangyutitham, Supatra | ECU06 | |
Huba, Crystal | ECU04 | |
Huba, Paul | c1913 - c1959 | GSV80 AIC82 SSBC98 PAV09 |
Hubbs, Gary Warren | ECU05.2 TIEV11 TIEV12 | |
Huber, June | BCA 68 AIC82 | |
Huber, Peter | c1939 - | AIC82 |
Hubert, Meghann | ECU05.2 | |
Hubinette, Maria | BCYA85 | |
Hubley, Peggy | BCFA95 Valemount | |
Hubscher, Gail | MPS95 | |
Huck, Dawn | ECU98 | |
Hudgeon, Tammy | b "prairies" LSG14 Gabriola Island | |
Hudgins, Ruby (see Hodgins, Ruby) | ||
Hudson (Miss) | ||
Hudson, A.S. | VABC77 Prince Rupert | |
Hudson, Dan | 1959 - | TOWN12 |
Hudson, Helen | TSN14 | |
Hudson, Judith | from Toronto arr BC 1980 grad U.Vic 2000 (BFA) BCFA01 Duncan BCFA painting | |
Hudson, M. | IACS | |
Hudson, Melissa | ECC07 | |
Hudson, Pamela (Pam) | b Olds AB arr Vancouver 1987 ECC99 ECC00 ECC07 ECC11 PARK17 ECC24 | |
Hudson, Percy |
Hudson, Wil | 1928 - 2014 | b Sept 19 Milwaukee WI to California to N Vancouver Grouse Mountain Press ret 1991 Powell River d Jan 14 Creston typographer |
Huebner, Ron | 1959 - | CP92 VPL |
Hueniken, Heidi | ART87 | |
Huestis, Joan (see Foster, Joan Huestis) | ||
Huffman, Roger | ECC99 | |
Huggins, Nadia | AGGV15 | |
Huggins, Ring | AIC82 | |
Hughan, Linda | BCP86 New Westminster | |
Hughes, Barbara Jean | ed Epsom Sch.Art UK ed U.Manitoba ed Coll.New Caledonia 3BC74 Vancouver | |
Hughes, David G. | IACS | |
Hughes, David R. | BCYA85 | |
Hughes, Edward John | 1913 - 2007 | |
Hughes, Georgina | PGBC80 | |
Hughes, Gordon (same below?) | NCIA76 | |
Hughes, Gordon | BNE89 ECC24 | |
Hughes, Ida (Mrs.) | DIR 1914-17 Vancouver art needlework | |
Hughes, Louis | VAG solo 1942 24 pictures | |
Hughes, Lynn (same below?) | 1941 - | PGBC80 AIC82 AGGV85 VPL |
Hughes, Lynn | 1951 - | b Vancouver AB87 |
Hughes, Mel | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hughes, Patrick J.R. | 1951 - | ART84 ART87 ART90 BCFA93 Gibsons AVA98 AVA99 AVA00 ART01 MAY07 Celista MAY08 MAY09 MAY11 MAY12 MAY13 VPL |
Hughes, Paul Edward | grad U.Edinburgh (PHD) BCFA99 Abbotsford BCFA photography | |
Hughes, Philomena | BCFA92 Prince George | |
Hughes, Roger | BCA 68 | |
Hughes, Violet | DIR 1927 Vancouver | |
Hughes-Games, Elaine | VABC77 Nelson OPA19 Westbank TVPG19 | |
Hugi | RAG05 | |
Hugo, Jacqueline | 1927 - | |
Hugon, Jean Gardiner | ed UBC (4 years) BAG78 | |
Hui, Christopher Ka Wai | ECU06 | |
Hui, Gary | ECU00 | |
Huibers, Jocelyn | b MB CACGV90 Victoria | |
Hulbert, A. | ||
Hulbert, Richard Elliot | 1945 - | b Dec 5 St. Louis MO l W Vancouver 1979 RCA81 architect The Hulbert Group |
Hull, J.A. (Rev.) | ||
Hull, John | 1955 - | b Burns Lake ed ECCAD 1976-80 ECU94 |
Hull, Sherrill | VABC77 Cowichan Bay | |
Hulme, H. (Mrs.) | ||
Hulme, W.T. | AVA99 AVA00 | |
Hulten, Sofia | KaAG11 | |
Hultman, Ryan | ECC99 ECC00 | |
Humberstone, Ruth | AIC82 AGGV85 | |
Hume, Cyril D. | 1956 - | VABC77 Kelowna BCAC80 |
Hume, Ellen | IIS | |
Hume, J.W. | VABC77 Kimberley | |
Hume, Jean | ||
Hume, Katherine | TD05 | |
Hume, Margaret | FCA64 | |
Hume, Melissa | ECU06 ECC24 | |
Hume, Robert Martin | 1923 - 1999 | |
Hume, Timothy | 1949 - | AIC82 BCFA86 Victoria BCP86 VPL |
Humeny, Gordon | 1939 - | b Edmonton AB SSBC80 Vancouver SSBC81 SSBC98 |
Humes, Dennis | 1940 - | VABC77 Quathiaski Cove |
Humes, Ellen | VABC77 Quathiaski Cove | |
Hummel, M.A.F. | ||
Hummell, Danial | AVA01 ART01 | |
Humphrey, Dennis | 1949 - | b Kapuskasing ON |
Humphrey, Jack Weldon | 1901 - 1967 | |
Humphrey, Karen | IIS | |
Humphrey(s), Betty R. | ||
Humphreys, Elizabeth | ||
Humphreys, Patricia | ||
Humphries, Harold G. | BCA 51/54 Notch Hill | |
Humphries, Patrick | SOO96 | |
Humphrys, Harry | UWP84 BIAC03 (3) | |
Humston, Siobhan | ECC05 | |
Hundert, Martha | BCYA85 | |
Hung, Spencer | ECU06 | |
Hungar, Jeanne | TVPG19 Logan Lake | |
Hung Chung, Allan (see Chung Hung, Allan) |
Hunkin, Helena | BCA 52 Victoria | |
Hunkin, M. | VABC77 Burnaby | |
Hunrath, Fritz | AIC82 | |
Hunt, Anni | ICCM15 W Vancouver ICCM18 | |
Hunt, Blake | ||
Hunt, Bob | 1947 - | b Lethbridge AB CBCP77 |
Hunt, Calvin | 1956 - | b Alert Bay AIC82 AGGV86 WCWC90 SSBC98 |
Hunt, Corinne | CCDM01 | |
Hunt, Dean | VAG11 | |
Hunt, Dianne | BCFA92 Halfmoon Bay BCFA93 Sechelt | |
Hunt, Dora A. (Mrs. H.L. Hunt) | BCA58/60/62 NWA 60/61/63 Vancouver BCSA 61-63 FCA64 MM88 1960-61 | |
Hunt, E.A. | ||
Hunt, Edith E. | VSDAA fndg student VSA | |
Hunt, Emily Catherine | ECU03 | |
Hunt, Harry | ||
Hunt, Henry | 1923 - 1985 | SHEL77 Victoria AIC82 AGGV86 CE00 EBC00 BIAC03 (6) VAG20 VPL |
Hunt, Herbert Garvin | 1892 - 1961 | |
Hunt, Jamie | BCFA02 Alert Bay | |
Hunt, John Henry (Hunt, Henry?) | 1928 - | AIC82 GVAG20 (1) |
Hunt, Marjorie | WVSC | |
Hunt, Martin | MPS95 ECC01 | |
Hunt, Megan | ECU05.2 | |
Hunt, Oliver G. (Mrs.) | IACS | |
Hunt, Pamela Holl | 1945 - | VPL |
Hunt, Richard | 1951 - | AIC82 AGGV83 VBC09 |
Hunt, Shannon | IIS | |
Hunt, Shawn | 1975 - | ART01 |
Hunt, Thomas (Tom) | 1964 - | b Victoria BCFA92 Halfmoon Bay BCFA93 Sechelt |
Hunt, Tony | 1942 - 2017 | IDTC68 Victoria VABC77 Vancouver AIC82 VAG83 Victoria AGGV86 PH87 CE00 BIAC03 (6) UVIC05 PAV09 M d Dec 15 Campbell River |
Hunter-Henderson Paint Co. Ltd. | DIR 1919 Vancouver | |
Hunter, Barbara | KBAA83 Nelson; ceramics | |
Hunter, C.W. | ||
Hunter, Georgia | SSBC04 | |
Hunter, Gordon | VPL | |
Hunter, Guy | AIC82 | |
Hunter, Ian | ART93 | |
Hunter, Ivan | RCF12 | |
Hunter, June | AWG07 | |
Hunter, Karen | AO88 | |
Hunter, Marty | MPS95 | |
Hunter, May | ||
Hunter, Millie | VABC77 Summerland | |
Hunter, Robert (Bob) W. | 1915 - | |
Hunter, T. | WAC56 | |
Hunter, Terry | ART90 | |
Hunter, Troy | BCFA00 Victoria | |
Huntingford, Dorset (Ms.) | 1952 - | grad VSA NWA 1975 S Burnaby WCWC89 WCWC90 CACGV90 Victoria |
Huntley, Hilary | PGBC23 | |
Huntley, T.J. | ||
Huntley, Uriel Beth | c1895 - 1952 | BCA 51 Port Hardy d Oct 5 Sidney |
Huphries, E.G. | VABC77 Burnaby | |
Hupy, Art | BCA 65Dec | |
Hurd, Allysha | ECU04 | |
Hurley, Marie Frances (Miss Nomer) | BCFA85 BCFA91 Prince Rupert BCFA92 | |
Hurley, Robert Newton | 1894 - 1980 | b London, England to Canada 1923 VAG solos 1937, 1941, 1944 member FCA ret Victoria 1963 d Victoria AIC82 M BIAC03 (5) |
Hurley, Sacha | ECU06 | |
Hurry, James McLeod | 1870 - 1946 | b Dec 3 Aberdeen, Scotland arr Vancouver 1909 m Louise Eltringham Kendall Oct 6 1909 Vancouver emp stone cutter ret 1945 d Jan 25 Vancouver widowed UBC72 GSV80 PAV09 BCVS marriage death |
Hurst, Ann | SEY90 WVSC | |
Hurst, Jack L. | BCA 68 | |
Hurst, Margaret E. | BCA 68 | |
Hurtig, Annette | 1946 - 2012 | b May 17 Edmonton AB grad U.Saskatchewan (MA) It's A Matter Of Principle 2000 d Feb 16 Victoria |
Hurtig, Michelle | ECU06 | |
Hurtobise, B. (same below?) | BCA 68 | |
Hurtubise, Bernice | BCFA85 | |
Hurwitz, Dawn | ECU00 | |
Husband, G.M. (Miss) (or P.) | IACS | |
Husband, Joan M. | ||
Husband, Vicky | 1940 - | b Victoria AIC82 AGGV85 WCR85 BIAC03 (1) |
Huse, Patty | KBAA83 Nelson ceramics | |
Huser, Tony | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hushlak, Gerald Marshall | 1944 - | b Feb 15 Andrew AB grad U.Alberta grad U.Calgary grad Royal Coll. Art, London UK SHEL77 Calgary ARCA 1981 RCA81 AIC82 AB87 BIAC03 (5) GVAG20 (1) BIBLIO |
Husmillo, Jason | ECC11 | |
Hussey, Clinton | SEY90 | |
Hussey, Colleen | MAY09 Courtenay | |
Huston, W.J. | IACS | |
Hutchens, Gordon | 1949 - | b Champaign, Illinois grad U.Illinois 1972 (B.Ed) arr BC c1973 CBCP77 PGBC80 Denman Island PGBC98 RAG05 AGGV12 VPL |
Hutcheson, Galen | ART03 | |
Hutchings, Dixie Jayne | IIS | |
Hutchings, Hayward | VABC77 Vancouver | |
Hutchins, Del | HFS46 | |
Hutchins, Dennis | SEY90 | |
Hutchinson, Andrew Scott | ECU06 | |
Hutchinson, Bill | 1911 - | VABC77 Victoria |
Hutchinson, Carol | KBAA83 Nelson; ceramics | |
Hutchinson, Daniel Bowers | ECU04 | |
Hutchinson, Don | 1939 - | b Windsor ON arr BC 1959 grad VSA 1966 CBCP77 PGBC80 Burnaby ECU94 PGBC98 White Rock PGBC05 RAG05 VPL |
Hutchinson, Kristen | ECU00 | |
Hutchison, James | VPL | |
Hutchison, John Cameron | c1864 - 1930 | |
Hutner, Zoe | ECU05.2 | |
Hutson, Barbara | OSAC15 | |
Hutson, Eileen | BCFA91 Kitimat BCFA94 BCFA95 BCFA01 BCFA painting | |
Hutterli, Kurt | PAG20 Kaleden CARFAC | |
Hutton, Bruce | ART84 ART87 RAG05 | |
Hutton, Gwendolyn Kortright (see Lamont, Gwendolyn Kortright) |
VPL | |
Hutton, Jean | SOO88 Victoria | |
Hutton, Sue | BCFA95 Masset | |
Hutton, Theresa | ECU04 | |
Hutzulak, Lee | ART03 | |
Huva, Terry | TSN06 | |
Huyen Dinh | MAY06 Richmond | |
Huyghe, Avery (Mrs.) (m Frederick Huyghe, nee Avery) |
1911 - 1981 | b May 19 Farnham, England arr Canada 1949 CGP61 Vancouver CGP63 ed UBC 1964-66 NGC66 PGBC80 d Aug 14 Vancouver AIC82 VAG20 BCVS death |
Huyghe, Michael | PGBC80 CABC83 Vancouver | |
Huynh, Kim | 1964 - | b Vietnam arr Canada c1980 ART90 CACGV90 Victoria |
Huynh, Monique | ECU05.2 | |
Huysson, Jane L. | VABC77 Victoria | |
Hwang, Kyu | ECC11 | |
Hyang, Kim Mi | BAG15 | |
Hyatt, Heather | grad Concordia 1990 (BFA) to Atlin c1991 BCFA99 Atlin BCFA graphite drawing | |
Hyde, Lynn Baur | BCFA95 Richmond | |
Hyde, Margaret | WVSC | |
Hye-Kyung Kim | RAG05 | |
Hyman, Alison B. | ECU03 | |
Hynze (Miss) | IACS 1922 | |
Hymers, George | 1886 - 1956 | |
Hyrtzak, Adrian | ECU03 | |
Hyslop, Jean Lawn | ||
Hyslop, Jennie | BCFA99 | |
Hyun, Jessie Jaeyoung | ECU06 |