Burnaby Art Gallery, November 4 - December 5, 1971. Foreword by David P. Sicox, Juror; 60 works exhibited. Some work illustrated, no biographical info except city. Catalogue design Byron Johnstad, printed by Columbian Craftsmen. Artists denoted thus * are not referenced to the artist index. Exhibition catalogue provided courtesy of the Burnaby Art Gallery. |
Ariss, Herbert* Atchley, Dana Ayot, Pierre* Bartram, Ed* Bates, Maxwell Becker, Helmut* Binette, Suzanne* Blackwood, David* Boorda, Jerry Bruce, Robert* Bruneau, Kittie* Caiserman-Roth, Ghita* Cox, Alan* Daglish, Peter* Dickson, Jennifer* Dugas, Marc* Esler, John* |
Feist, Harold* Foulger, Richard General Idea* Guerin, Gus* Hall, Barbara* Harris, Lawren Holmes, Reg Horvat, Miljenko* Hoskinson, Catherine Jones, Marvin* Jule, Walter* Kahane, Anne* Kellie, Doug* Leclair, Michel* Letendre, Rita* Mabie, Don* |
Mayrs, David Montpetit, Andre* Onley, Toni Ouchi, Eugene* Palchinski, Sylvia* Ross, William* Savage, Harry Sayers, Chris* Sen, Ranjan Sewell, Richard* Steele, Bob Town, Harold* Vernon, Roger Whittome, Irene Wong, Anna Yates, Richard |