Presented by the Assembly of B.C. Arts Councils B.C. Festival of the Arts, Chilliwack, May 24 - 28, 1989 No ISBN; 24 pages softcover pamphlet, 11"H x 8.5"W Colour cover, no illustrations; brief artist information & residence Lists title and medium of all works shown in the exhibition Catalogue provided courtesy of Mia Weinberg, 2024 |
Adams Booth, Ruth Aldworth, Roger Alley, Fran Amundson, Garth Anderson, Clayton Angliss, George Angliss, Kay Armstrong, Kathy Armstrong, Lyn Ashmore, Wanda Bailey, Gilberte Baird, Rose Baker, Marg Baker-van Nostrand, Lynn Bamiling, Ed Baravalle, Mary Barron, Sid Bassett-Price, Theresa Bavin, Pat Bavington, B.A. Bending Docherty, April Bessant, Linda Bodnar-Skoreyko, Audrey Bolderson, Sharon Borda, Sylvia Grace Bott, N.J. Boucher, Moe Brossard, Vange Bryant, Carl Emor Buchwitz, Rita Burns, David Burroughs, Pat Caldwell, Heather Campbell, Jack Carswell Simpson, K.W.B. Chen, Nancy Ruen-Fen Child, Mervyn Chubey, Sheila Churcher, Iris Cobbold, Anna-Marie Colton, Al Cools Middleton, Evelyn Corbett, Doreen Cosgrove, Colleen Crawford, Dosie Daley, Sharron Daly, Laurel David, Ron Dean, Patricia Demetzer, Harold J.T. De Vries, Lucy Dickens, Sid Dixon, M.L. Dixon, Suzanne Dolen, Cassandra Donohue, Sandra Dunham, Albertina Dutkowski, Ron Dyson, Robert Ebermann, Frank Edey, Shelley Elder, Karen Ell, Wayne Elliott, Vern Emerson, Donald Falkenberg, Ene Felter, Jas. W. Ferrante, Joe Fletcher, Lillian Myra Foote, June Forde, L.X. Francoeur, Judy Franklin, Harold George |
Frankoski, Walter Fraser, Ken French, Paulette Fricke, Patricia M. Fritsch, Ursula Garcia, Jorge E.P. Gassler, Marta M. Goldthorp, James E. Granirer, Pnina Grant, Ruth Q. Grisley, Joan Gurney, Anne Hansen, Ruth Harper, Leslie J. Harris, Elizabeth Harrison, Jacqueline Hartley, Douglas Healy, R.W. Heppner, Randall Hillert, Dan Hodges, John Hodgson Butler, Dorothy Hoffos, Robert Hooper, Robin Howe, Betty Humphrey, W.A. Hutchinson, Forrest Janyk, Katie Jicking, Jim Joneson, Gary Kluckner, Michael Kovacic, Betty Kraus-Werth, Angelika Kwiatowski, Eric Laplante, Marcel Larson, Arnor Larson, D. Lay, Deana Leir-Salter, Jill Lewis, Naomi Loiselle, Bernard Loomer, Lorne Luzod, Mary Kay Maas, Pearl MacDonald, Elizabeth Mackey, Roy Mackie, Gordon MacLeod, Belinda Madsen, Claus Marko, Rick Marshall, Noreen Materi, Cindy Matthews, Michael John Mayne, Elizabeth McHarg, Tom McLaughlin, Marie McLeod, Beverlee McLorin, Edith McMahon-Taylor, Shirley McPhail, Edna McRae, D. Michael Meyers, Joyce Miller, Berle J. Miller, Edie Mitchell, Sherry L. Mitchell, Winnifed Laura Moore, Kathleen Moorhouse, Caroline Moreau, Brian Morgan, Janet Murphy, Freda Nagley Stevenson, Pamela Nahser-Ringer, Michael |
Neejatsay Newhouse, Pauline Nielsen, A. Norbury, Rosamond Norrington Christensen, Yvonne Norris, Marianne O'Hara, Pat (cover image) Orton, Michael Pandit, Beryl Parkes, Patricia Paterson, D.J. Pedrero, Joaquin Perkins, Phyllis A. Perry, Bill Petty, Jo Phillips, John Piekarski, Pearl Plewman, Veronica Priest, Ada Radigan, Mark Redford, Ann Reid, Wilma Richardson, Al Rogers, Bill Ross, Tamara Rutledge, Marilyn Ryley, Jeanie Samphire, Lisa Sandvik, Sandra Savage, Mary Sayer, Wayne Scott, Pamela Scutt, Ruby Simmonds, Wendy Sinclair, Janis Skin, Mary Ann Small, Trudy Smillie, Kaye Solvason, Ellen Southern, Jill Starter, Lynn States, Shirley Stoll, Heinz G. Street, Sophia Sveinson, Isobel Tchir, Maggie Theriault, Raymond Thomas, Heather Timms, Marilyn Tipping, Pat Torlay, Gay Tosczak, Wilf Tower, Catherine Anne Tycho, David Grant Valenti, Julie A. Vincent, Sarah von Tiesenhausen, Peter Walker-Fogg, Elaine Ward, Janis Watson, Karen Deborah Weinberg, Miriam Welsh, Faith White, Maggie White, Timothy John Widdifield, Richard Wong, Janice Wood, Irene Woods, Naomi Wylie, Anne Yeates, Suzanne Young, David A. Young, Robert Zhang, Jade |