Published by the Canada Council, 166 pages, paperback; no ISBN This catalogue is an exhaustive list of 13,536 artworks purchased by the Canada Council Art Bank from 1,795 artist between 1972 and 1987. Every work is indexed with title, date, medium, size, #/copies, and art bank inventory number. Artist information includes name, place of residence, year of birth, and year of death if applicable. There is a brief introduction to the index, a list of 127 works repurchased by artists, and a list of all 383 jurors who selected the works for purchase by the Art Bank. Only artists with British Columbia addresses, or with pre-existing BC Artist index entries, are cross-referenced in BC ARTISTS (per list below) from the 1,795 artists in the Art Bank catalogue. Editor's note: this is an excellent source of information on artist year and place of birth, which is often hard to find. A number of artist names were also updated. Also, a number of artists that are listed in CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF ORIGINAL PRINTMAKING by Malaspina Printmakers were able to be cross-referenced for the first time. This resulted in a number of those artists being deleted from the artist index, as well as updates being added to many of the other artists in that catalogue. |
Adams, Jane Adams, Kim Adams, Kim Hastings Aitken, Kelley Akroyd, Jack Alderton, Jenna Alexander, David Anderson, John Angliss, George Arden, Roy Armitage, Gill Armstrong, Evelyn Arnold, Grant Babcock, Stuart Baden, Mowry Bagan, Wesley Daniel Banwell, Michael Barkley, Alan Bates, Maxwell Bates, Pat Martin Baxter, Iain Baxter, Ingrid Bell, Alistair Biden, Doug Bigelow, Robert Binning, B.C. Bishop, Roy Black. Byron Black, Sam Blanc, Edmond Blanck, Nora Bobak, Bruno Bobak, Molly Bowden, Gary Boyd, Bruce Breeze, Claude Brener, Roland Breukelman, Jim Buquet, Jack Burrows, Tom Burton, Dennis Butler, Charles Campbell, Laird Capel, Audrey (see Doray, Audrey Capel) Cardiff, Janet Carney, Fred Carr-Harris, Ian Chapnick, Karen Chelak, Lynda Chin-Shek Lam (see Lin Chien-Shih) Chisolm, Deirdre Ann Cliff, Dennis Cobbald, Anna-Marie Cogswell, Barry Corman, Don Corsaut, Share Corte, Jim Coughtry, Graham Coupey, Pierre Cowan, Julie Cragg, Heather Currelly, Judith Curry, Gwen Czartoryski, Chris P. Daglish, Peter Dahl, Chris Dale, Jack Dalrymple, Neil Davey, Michael Davidson, Robert Dean, Diana Dean, Max Dean, Tom De Camillis, Laurie de Castro, Robert de Courcy, Michael de Kergommeaux, Duncan Denslow, Stephen Detheridge, Allan Dexter, Walter Dickerson, Katharine Diener, Eva Dobereiner, John Dobereiner, Wendy Donaldson, Larry Doran, James Doray, Audrey Capel Drummond, Betty Jean Ducote, Camrose Durrand, Diana Duschenes, Julie Dyck, Aganetha Eakin, William Eastcott, Wayne Eckert, Ron Edell, Nancy Eglington, Judith Ellis, Dean Epp, Edward Erisalu, Enn Evermon, Bob Evrard, Jamie Falk, Gathie Faminow, Polly Featherston, William Ferguson, Gordon Field, Robert Fisher, Brian Forrest, Nita Foster, Judith |
Fouquet, Monique Francis, Britt(on) Freifield, Harriet Gallagher, Chris Gardiner, Len Garrioch, Ian Gledhill, Randy Gordaneer, James Grauer, Sherry Green, Art Green, Mary Greer, John Gregson, Sally Grey, Jerry Grison, Brian Grossman, Angela Hagerman, Donna Harris, Salmon Harvey, Donald Hayden, Michael Henderson, D'Arcy Hogg, Lucy Holmes, Reginald Honisch, Martin Hoskinson, Cathrin Howarth, Glenn Hughes, E.J. Hughes, Lynn Hushlak, Gerald Itter, Carole James, Geoffrey Jarvis, Donald Jeffrey, Jack Johnson, Terence Jolliffe, Michael Jones, Barrie Jones, Bill Jorgenson, Flemming Judge, Jennifer Judge, Michael Jule, Walter Kaplan, Nomi Kemble, Diana Kerr, Illingworth Keziere, Robert Kidd, Jane Kidder, Jack Kipling, Ann Kiyooka, Roy Knott, Tom Kobayashi, Reimi Koehn, Lola Koenker, Deborah Koop, Wanda Kootchin, Barry Korner, John Kubota, Nobuo Kurelek, William Kushner, Patricia Laing, Bill Lammerich, Yvonne Laushway, Lynda Lee-Nova, Gary Lewis, Glenn Lindner, Ernest Lodge, Judith Lucas, David Owen Lum, Ken Lyons, Don MacDonald, Murray MacKenzie, Elizabeth Mackenzie, Landon MacKenzie, Stuart MacLaurin, Ruth MacLennan, Toby MacTavish, Catherine MacWilliam, David Magid, Marilyn Leya Magor, Liz Malloff, Georganna Manning, Jo Markham, Michael Marshall, Roz Marshall, Vicky Martin, Ian Martin, Joan Maynard, Max Mayor, Robin Mayrs, David McCarroll, Billy J. McNeely, Robert McWilliams, Allan Meigs, Sandra Meisterman, Ken Metcalfe, Eric Michener, Robert Michener, Sally Minden, Robert Moore, Patricia More, David Morgan, Joey Morris, Michael Morton, Douglas Mulligan, Lorna Rae Murray, Ian Murray, Robert N.E. Thing Co. Ltd. Nakamura, Kazuo Nelson, Steven G. Newman, Brian Niven, Jack Noonan, Gail |
Oakes, Julie Odjig, Daphne Ohama, Linda Ohm-Eriksen, Cecilia Onley, Toni Ostrem, David Ouchi, Eugene Overfield, Richard Page, Robin Pattern, Ken Pearse, Harold Peck, Robin Penner Bancroft, Marion (see Bancroft, Marion Penner) Pethick, Jerry Pfeifer, Bodo Piddington, Helen Plaskett, Joseph Plear, Scott Edward Poole, Leslie Porter, Tim Preston, John Prince, Richard Puley, Gery Raphanel, Phillippe Redgrave, Felicity Reid, Bill Reynolds, Al Richman, Sylvia Rimmer, David Ristvedt, Milly Ristvedt-Handerek, Milly Roach, Gerald Roberts, David Roberts, William Robideau, Henri Roy, Elizabeth Sabiston, Carole Salloum, Jayce Sanders, Benita Sawai, Noboru Sawchuk, George Schwarz, Judith Scott, Sylvia Scott, Ted Semchuk, Sandra Sen, Ranjan Senft, Douglas Senini, Blake Shadbolt, Jack Shives, Arnold Siegel, Lisi Simpson, Gregg Smedley, Geoffrey Smith, Elizabeth Ann Smith, Joel Smith, John Ivor Snider, Greg Snow, John Sorenson, David Sourkes, Cheryl Spreitz, Karl Stanbridge, Ralph Steinman, Barbara Stevens, Nancy E. Stevenson, Sylvie Straiton, Ken Sutherland, Don Suzuki, Aiko Szekely, Barrie Tait, Sylvia Tanabe, Takao Taylor, John C. Teitelbaum, Maschel Tessler, Ronnie Thomson, Mary L. Tiessen, George Trasov, Vincent Turner, Richard Van Alstyne, Thelma Vandermay, Robert Van Halm, Renee Wainwright, Barry Wakayama, Tamio Walker, D.C. Wallace, Ian Wallace, Ken Walton, James weaving, jill p. White, Norman Whittome, Irene Wilkinson, Jack Williams, Judy Williams, Kate Willsher-Martel, Joan Wilson, Lyle Wise, Jack Wong, Anna Wong, Paul Wong, Steven Wood, Alan Woodrow, Paul Woods, Chris Yates, Norman Yates, Richard Youds, Rob Young, Robert Yuille, Ingrid Zeigler-Sungur, Barbara Zelenak, Ed Zeweniuk, Garry |