2000; Editor Daniel Francis, published by Harbour Publishing
ISBN 1-55017-200-X, hardcover book with dustjacket, 806 pages
Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white
Includes The Interactive Encyclopedia of British Columbia on CD-ROM

This book was a massive undertaking, and there are an extensive number of contributors who provided articles on a variety of topics. There is also a 6-page "Gallery of BC Painters and Printmakers" in full colour, in addition to the many biographies.

Note: a small number of artist groups are not listed.


Andrews, Sybil
Aspell, Peter
Balkind, Alvin (curator)
Banana, Anna
Bantock, Nick
Bateman, Robert
Bates, Maxwell
Baynes, Robert
Bell, Alistair
Binning, B.C.
Birley, Patrick (IACS)
bissett, bill
Black, Sam
Blades, Ann
Blaser, Robin
Blewitt, Peter
Blomfield, James
Bobak, Molly Lamb
Breeze, Claude
Brooks, Allan
Burrell, Arnold
Caetani, Sveva
Cardero, Manuel
Carr, Emily
Cheney, Nan
Clothier, Robert
Clutesi, George
Collings, Charles
Cotton, Peter
Coupland, Douglas
Cranmer, Douglas
Dalley, Frederick
Darcus, Jack
David, Joe
Davidson, Florence
Davidson, Robert
Dilworth, Ira (educator)
Douglas, Stan
Downs, Barry
Edenshaw, Charles
Erickson, Arthur
Falk, Gathie
Farley, Lilias
Fisher, Orville
Frame, Statira
Frank, Leonard
Freschi, Bruno
Fripp, Thomas
Gibson, George S.
Graham, Rodney
Gunterman, Mattie
Harris, Lawren
Haufschild, Lutz
Heine, Harry
Hind, William G.R.
Hopkins, Elisabeth
Hoy, C.D.
Hughes, E.J.
Hunt, Henry
Imredy, Elek
Jack, Marion (Baha'i)
Jacobson, Sybil
James, Charlie
James, Percy Leonard
Kean, Arthur
Kiyooka, Roy
Knight, Harry
Korner, John
Laing, Hamilton Mack
Landauer, Otto
Lansdowne, J. Fenwick
Lennie, Beatrice
Lewis, Glenn
Lukacs, Attila
Macdonald, J.W.G.
Maclure, Samuel
Mallandaine, Edward
Marega, Charles
Martin, Mungo
Massey, Geoffrey
Maynard, Hannah
Maynard, Max
Merrick, Paul
Moore, Rollie (Flying Seven)
Morris, Michael
Morimer Lamb, Harold
N.E. Thing Co.
Neel, Ellen
Neil, Al
Ngan, Wayne
Norris, Leonard
Oberlander, Cornelia
Onley, Toni
Page, P.K.
Pavelic, Myfanwy
Pemberton, Sophie
Peterson, Roy
Pitts, Arthur
Plaskett, Joe
Pratt, Charles (Ned)
Pulice, Foncie
Rand, Paul
Rattenbury, Francis
Razutis, Al
Reid, Irene Hoffar
Reid, Bill
Rimmer, David
Rosenblatt, Joe
Sabiston, Carole
Scott, Charles Hepburn
Seaweed, Willie
Shadbolt, Jack
Sjolseth, Minn
Smith, Gordon
Spilsbury, Jim
Sturdy, Martha
Tait, Norman
Tanabe, Takao
Thom, Ronald
Thornton, Mildred Valley
Tomlinson, Olga
Vanderpant, John
Varley, Frederick Horsman
Vickers, Roy
Wall, Jeff
Wallace, Ian
Weatherbie, Vera
Webber, John
Weston, William Percival
White, John Clayton
Whymper, Frederick
Willer, Jim
Wong, Paul
Yuxweluptun, Lawrence