This list is based on a compilation put together by Bill Jeffries (q.v.) while he was Director/Curator at Simon Fraser University (SFU) from 2005 to 2012. He noted in his 2012 introduction:
     "This list covers the cities/districts of: Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver and West Vancouver only. It was compiled by Bill Jeffries as an SFU Gallery contribution to local art history. The list is incomplete, and will need corrections - you are asked to send emendations to us at (SFU) so the history can be updated. When the listings are close to complete and correct the idea is that a map showing the historical geography of public visual art exhibitions will be produced. And, sorry to have to even say this, but every owner or staff person, and every artist who had a show in any of these spaces, felt that it was significant at the time, even if that significance is lost on the rest of us now."

For some time after Bill emailed me the original document for the 2012 SFU list, I annotated a printout of it to the point where it was so heavily marked up that I had trouble reading it or adding more information. With Bill's permission I decided to "digitize" both the original printout and all of my markups into a web page, and compile an expanded and updated list.

The SFU list was 27 pages long. The process was to create a web page format, then input the SFU information as received. As I did that, I also added all of the galleries and information that I had annotated on the printout. The resulting document was then expanded by providing gallery date and address updates from 2012 onward, adding gallery web pages, referencing solo and group exhibitions at the galleries, and linking applicable artists and groups to BC Artists web pages.

The geographic area covered by the listings was expanded south of Vancouver and east of Burnaby. My markups added hundreds of galleries and references to the list. The original list did not include exhibition listings, I added those to give an idea of who the gallery artists were and what types of exhibitions the galleries showed.

The updates were based on original ephemera including club cards, exhibition catalogues, and artist invitations; online research in BC and City Directories; artist CV's, artist and and gallery web pages; newspaper clippings; monographs, and reviews of magazines and journals such as CANADIAN ART, ARTICHOKE, INTERFACE, and PREVIEW.

The solo and group exhibitions noted are representative of the shows put on by the respective galleries, they are not intended to be complete or exhaustive listings of all exhibitions held at those galleries. In March 2021 I finally completed updating the list with the information at hand. Since then I have been adding to the list as per table below when I find more information to reference.

  Galleries Group shows Solo shows Websites
2012 original list 330 0 0 0
2021 March 537 182 1,084 -
2025 February 634 247 1,323 68

Note: all addresses are in Vancouver unless noted as follows.
* indicates areas included in original 2012 list:
  ABB - Abbotsford
  ALD - Aldergrove
  BBY - Burnaby*
  CHI - Chilliwack
  CQ - Coquitlam
  DC - Deep Cove
  FL - Fort Langley
  LNG - Langley
  NV - North Vancouver (City & District)*
  NW - New Westminster
  PM - Port Moody
  RMD - Richmond
  SUR - Surrey
  WR - White Rock
  WV - West Vancouver*

( ) - date unknown
(xxxx) - date to be confirmed
[xxxx] - date confirmed by reference as the only/earliest/latest known date
xxxx - date confirmed
est - established (opened)
exh - exhibited the work of (name or group)(year)
n.d. - not dated by year
pub - published (title)
ref - refer also to (information)

Web page addresses were current to 2020, and are subject to change.

Gallery dates listed to 2019 or 2020 likely extend to 2024 in most cases.

For another way to look at local galleries, on-line journal Galleries West has an extensive index of current Greater Vancouver to Whistler galleries, searchable by keyword, location, or name, complete with live map:

*    *    *

12 West Gallery [1980]-[1981] Vancouver exh Keith Donovan 1980
exh David Ostrem 1981
112 West Hastings [2005] 112 W. Hastings St. exh Picturing the Downtown Eastside 2005
221A Artist-run Centre
(co-fndr Brian McBay)

(on campus)
(1st exhibition space)
100-221 E. Georgia St.
1265 Howe St.
306 Abbott St. (see Helen Pitt)
4by4on5th [2023] 234 E. 5th Ave. exh Emma Lehto 2023
560 Gallery [2023] 560 Clark Drive exh Genevieve Dionne 2023
exh Emma Lehto 2023
667 Howe Gallery (1979) 667 Howe St.
A & R Gallery [1986] WV exh Drew McRitchie
group exh 1986
A Walk Is ... Gallery 1986-[1999] 976 Denman St. exh Many Hands 1998
ref Cut & Paste essay 1999
Aardvark Art Gallery 1990-[1993] 1141 Davie St. exh Karl Rempel 1993
Aaron Ross Gallery (2004)-( )
( )-2019
1540 W. 2 Ave.
840 W. Hastings St.
Aboriginal Arts ( )-( ) 1044 Granville St.
Abtron Spectrum Gallery [1984] 993 Marine Dr. WV exh Drew McRitchie 1984
exh gallery artists 1984
Access Gallery 1991-1993
448 Seymour St.
134 W. Hastings St.
206 Carroll St.
437 W. Hastings St.
222 E. Georgia St.

exh Howes & Stephens n.d.
A.C.E. Gallery ( )-( ) 1319 Commercial
ACE Gallery
  (Douglas Christmas)
1724 Davie St.
418 W. Georgia St.
exh Glenn Lewis 1969
  per STIGMA, page 31
ref Douglas Gallery
ref New Design Gallery
ACT Art Gallery [2023] 11944 Haney Pl. MR
Acuna Gallery (1975) Vancouver exh Norman Rich 1975 (M)
Afternoon Projects [2023] 608 Powell St.
AIBC Gallery
  (Architectural Inst. of BC)
  (Gallery Advisory Committee:
    Gary Sim Chair 2006-2008)
970 Richards St.
440 Cambie St.
ref Art 970 this address
exh SSBC 1979
exh Photo-based Works 2001
exh Made by Hand 2004
exh Elements c2005
exh Viewpoints 2005
exh Metropolis 2006
exh Poetics of West Coast
  Modernism in WV
exh Doghouse Vancouver 2006
exh ModelCity 2006
exh Chris Reed 1976
exh Myros Buriak 1981
exh Gary Sim 2005
exh David Marshall 2008
AION Gallery 2009-2010 2315 Main St. exh Art To Carry n.d.
Alderson Galleries (1955) 919 Robson St. successor to Richmond Arts

Alderson's framing label

Alderson's Fine Arts [1968] 923 Park Royal South WV per R.S. Alexander consignment
Alex Fraser Gallery
  (Alex & Olive Fraser)
5677 Granville St.
5669 Granville St. at 41st
2027 W. 41 Ave.
2020 W. 41 Ave.
ref art stores, framing label
exh C.H. Scott 1955
exh John Koerner 1964, 1965
sold to Linda Lando mid-1990s
ref Linda Lando Gallery

1992 exhibition advertisement

Alexander Gallery [1992] 1249 Howe St. exh Jack Shadbolt 1992

1992 exhibition advertisement

Alexander Harrison Galleries
  (Alexander Harrison)
  (Chris Harrison, son)
619 Howe St.
667 Howe St.
2020 Park Royal WV
1471 Marine Dr. WV
2932 Granville St.
901 Homer St.
as Dutch Galleries 1958-1977
as Harrison Galleries
"closed suddenly" April 2018
Artists of British Columbia
exh Frank G. Bass 1963
exh Ronald N. Okey 1970
exh Lionel Thomas 1978
exh Daniel Izzard 1991, 1993 WV
exh Allan Myndzak 1992, 1995
exh Jose Salvador 1992, 1993
exh Wilson Chu 1993, 1995 WV
exh Celia Collin 1994 WV
exh Francine Gravel 1994
exh George Bates 1994 WV
exh Jae T. Dougall 1994
exh Jose Trinidad 1994
exh Santo de Vita 1994
exh Tom Dickson 1994 WV
exh Alan Simpson 1995
exh Nicholas Bott 1977, 1995, 1996
exh Ronald Jackson 1995
exh Ron Parker 1995
Allan Edwards Gallery [1984] exh Ken Prescott 1984
Alley Gallery
  (Mad Dog/Gary Dahlman)
(2004)-2006 700 E. Pender (alley) ref Hasty Hawk Gallery
Alpha West (1992) 1331 Marine Dr. WV
Alternatives Gallery and Studio [2023] 1659 Venables St. cooperative
Ambleside Gallery [1992] 207-14th St. WV exh Claude Weisbuch 1982
rep Robert Genn
Amelia Douglas Art Gallery [2023] 700 Royal Ave. NW
AMS Gallery (see UBC AMS)
Anders Art In Action
  (J. Anderson)
[1978]-[1979] Landsdowne Park Mall RMD photolithographic prints
Anodyne Contemporary
  (Chris Brayshaw)
[1998]-2000 825 Granville St. exh Evan Lee 1998
ref CSA Space
Anthony's Gallery ( )-( ) 2614 Granville St.
Antisocial Gallery
  (Simon Redekop?)
(2005)-2019 2425 Main St.
Anvill Community Art Gallery [2023] 777 Columbia St. NW
Apollo Gallery ( )-( ) 2890 W. Broadway
Appleton Galleries 1960s-1994
1267 Seymour St.
1451 Hornby St.
1644 W. 75 Ave.
1167 Robson St.
with Heritage of Eskimo Art
Art@Bentall 2020- 305-595 Burrard St. exh Laura Noonan 2021
Art 970 1982 970 Richards St. ref AIBC this address
Art Beatus 1996-2004
610-888 Nelson St. also gallery in Hong Kong
exh Taiga Chiba 2011
Art Collector Gallery (1982) 2918 W. 4 Ave.
Art Craft Gallery (1925) 2716 Granville St. exh C.H. Scott 1925

Art Emporium
  (Phillip Timms)
  (J.Y. Miller)
  (Harry Hood)
  (Torben Christiansen)
1929-( )
( )-( )
( )-( )
( )-2023
905 W. Georgia St.
901 W. Georgia St.
1153 Robson St.
2956 Granville St.
2928 Granville St.
2950 Granville St.
2948 Granville St.
2928 Granville St.

moved for construction of
  Medical-Dental Bldg.
exh Sing Lim 1979

closed after death of Christiansen
Art Gallery at Evergreen ref Evergreen Arts Centre
Art Works Gallery
  (Deanna Geisheimer)
est 1986-2004
400 Smithe St.
225 Smithe St.
1536 Venables St.
exh Click! photography 2004
exh Ode to the Masters 2004
exh Sounds of the Inner Eye 2004
exh The Big Picture 2006
exh Beyond the Image 2007
exh Ken Prescott 1986, 1989, 1995, 2013
exh Hashim/Thinguus 2000
exh Vern Simpson 2000, 2003
exh Margaret Devenyi 2001
exh Bill Bragg 2001
exh Wayne Leidenfrost 2002, 2005
exh Debra Van Tuinen 2002
exh Ken West 2004, 2006
exh Richard Wlodarczak 2005
exh Deryk Houston 2006
Artcore Consultants [1978]-1980 848 W. Hastings St. exh Gathie Falk 1978
exh Kim Adams 1979
exh Mary Arnold 1979
exh Bill Featherston 1979
exh Alan Wood 1979
exh Robert Young 1979
Artem Exhibits [2023] 3605 Commercial St.
Artemis Gallery 2011-2019 4390 Gallant Ave NV
Artemesia Gallery 1993-1995 156 E. 7 Ave.
Artists Gallery [1973]-[1983] 555 Hamilton St. ref Contemporary Art Gallery
exh Dorothy Roberts 1973 (M)
exh M. Davis 1974 ref DAWN
exh Michael de Courcy 1976
exh Leo LaBelle 1976
exh Chris Reed 1977
exh Myros Buriak 1979
exh Elizabeth Van Der Zaag 1980
Artropolis 1983
1078 Hamilton St.
522 Beatty St.
788 Beatty St.
Roundhouse Comm. Cen.
Woodward's/W. Hastings
Roundhouse Comm. Cen.
CBC/Georgia St.
CBC/Georgia St.
exh The October Show
exh The Warehouse Show
exh The Beatty Street Show
exh Lineages & Linkages
exh The Woodward's Show
exh Browser
exh Celebrating Contemporary BC Art
exh The Big Picture
Arts Club [1963]-[1978] Seymour St. exh Marie McGill 1963
exh W.P. Weston 1966
  ref Silence & Solitude
exh Ross Bollerup c1970
exh Alf Crossley c1970
exh Elizabeth Chedanne 1973
exh Vivienne Kubik 1973
exh Leo LaBelle 1976, 1982
exh Leonard Brett 1978
Arts Club Granville Island
  (curator Dorothy Tinkley)
[1988] 1585 Johnston St. op'g exh Melmoth/West Coast Surrealists
Arts Off Main 2003-( )
( )-2019
216 E. 28 Ave.
1704 Charles St.

ref PREVIEW 2018
Artspeak Gallery
  (Lorna Brown)
1045 W. Broadway
311 W. Hastings St.
112 W. Hastings St.
233 Carroll St.
exh Roy Kiyooka 1991

exh Kevin Hanley 2005
ArtStarts Gallery ( )-2019 808 Richards St. youth art program
Arts, Sciences
  & Technology Centre
[1982]-[1988] 600 Granville St. exh CABC83
exh ASTC88
exh Dennis Vance 1982
Atelier Gallery 1979-1984
1984-( )
( )-2010
3039 Granville St.
3084 Granville St.
2421 Granville St.
sold to John Ramsay 2006
ref John Ramsay Gallery
exh Contemporary Collage group 1985
exh Al Neil c1990
exh Robert Young 1993
exh Enn Erisalu 2006
exh Torrie Groening 2009
Atrium Public Gallery [1990]-2023 885 W. Georgia St. exh Shared Visions / Concerns 1990
exh Cut & Paste 1999
ref Pendulum Gallery
Atsui Gallery 2008-2010 602 E. Hastings ref Gallery Fukai
Audain Gallery SFU 2010-(2013) 149 W. Hastings St.
Aurum-Argentum [2003-2005] Vancouver exh John Capitano 2003, 2005
Autumn Brook Gallery 1545 W. 4 Ave.
Avelles Art Gallery
  (Leo LaBelle)
1970-1972 1304 S.W. Marine Dr. exh Nora Harris 1971 ref DAWN
exh Leo LaBelle 1972
exh Don Portelance 1972
exh David Marshall
exh Gregg Simpson 1981
exh Deer Lake Printmakers 1971
  ref Joyce Patterson
ref Cut & Paste essay 1999
Axion Art Gallery
  & Rental for Film
2315 Main St.
325 W. 6 Ave.
637 E. 15 Ave.
Ayden Gallery 88 W. Pender St.
B1 Gallery [2021]-[2023] 2109 Alberta St. at Beaumont Studios
ref PREVIEW 2021
BC Central Credit Union Centre [1979] 1441 Creekside Dr. exh B.C. Artists's Show 1979
ref Central Visual Artists' Association
BC Figure Works
  (Mrs. Irene E. Knezevich)
[1954] 2149 Commercial Drive ref artstores
Baird/Delano Gallery 1445 Commercial
Ballard-Lederer Gallery 2001-2003 1520 W. 2 Ave. "Canadian fine art"
exh Noel Hodnett 2002
ref Elliot Louis Gallery
Balogh-Mitchell Fine Art Gallery 2003 - ( ) 1 East Broadway opened Oct 11 2003
Baron Gallery
  (Rosemary Baron)
(2008)-2020 293 Columbia St.
Barr Gallery (1979)-(1985) 1701 W. 4 Ave.
Barroco Gallery (1979)-(1983) 111 W. 1 St. NV
Basic Inquiry 1983-2005
901 Main St.
460-380 W. 1 Ave.
1011 Main St.
exh Annual Group shows
exh Chi3h Huang 2023
exh Ron Bijok 2023

Bau-Xi Gallery 1969 framing label

Bau-Xi Gallery
  (Paul & Xisa Huang)
555 Hamilton St.
3003 Granville St.
1876 W. 1 Ave.
3045 Granville St.
exh Maxwell Bates 1964, 1967,
  1969, 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977
exh Sherry Grauer 1964, 1967, 1968,
  1970, 1975, 1976, 1983, 2001
exh Fred Amess 1965, 1966
exh Ross Bollerup 1966
exh Jack Wise 1967, 1968, 1970-1975
exh John Koerner 1967, 1970,
  1972, 1973, 1975, 1977,
  1978, 1979, 1981, 1985
exh Gary Lee Nova 1967
exh Claude Breeze 1968, 1970,
   1973, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1982
exh Don Jarvis 1968, 1970, 1972,
  1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980,
  1981, 1982, 1999, 2001, 2002
exh Toni Onley 1968, 1971-1980
exh Richard Turner 1968, 1977,
  1979, 1982
exh Audrey Capel Doray 1969,
   1971, 1978
exh B.C. Binning 1970
exh Philip Harrison 1970
exh Ted Kingan 1970
exh Garry Zeweniuk 1970, 1972
exh Harry Stanbridge 1970, 1996
exh Ralph Stanbridge 1971
exh Zbigniew Kupczynski 1972
exh Lin Chien Shih 1972, 1973,
  1974, 1975
exh Dennis Vance 1972
exh Michael de Courcy 1973
exh Judith Lodge 1973, 1974, 1975
exh Alistair Bell 1974, 1976,
  1978, 1982, 1992, 1998, 2002
exh Joe Plaskett 1974, 1975, 1977,
  1978, 1981, 1990, 1998,
  1999, 2001, 2006, 2008
exh Brian Fisher 1975, 1980, 1983
exh Peter Aspell 1977
exh E.J. Hughes 1977
exh Roz Marshall 1977, 1980,
  1981, 1982, 1985
exh David Mayrs 1977, 1979,
  1981, 1985, 1989
exh Leslie Poole 1975, 1977, 1978,
   1979, 1980, 1981, 2001
exh Gordon Smith 1977, 1978,
   1979, 1983, 1986
exh Sylvia Tait 1977, 1983, 2001, 2012
exh Ken Wallace 1977, 1978,
  1980, 1981, 1982
  1980, 2000, 2001, 2002
exh Paul Binkert 1978
exh Nan Lawson Cheney 1978
exh Alan Wood 1980, 1981
exh Gordon Adaskin 1981
exh Mia Johnson 1981, 1982, 1985
exh Walter Dexter 1982
exh Stewart Marshall 1982
exh Helga Poznanski 1982
exh Tom Smith 1982
exh Arnold Shives 1983
exh Pat O'Hara 1985, 1999
   2000, 2001, 2002, 2021
exh Marty Levenson 1985, 1988,
  1989, 1990
exh Jack Shadbolt 1988, 2001
exh Andre Petterson 1982 (Toronto), 1999, 2001, 2003
exh Bratsa Bonifacho 1999,
  2001, 2005, 2021
exh Gabor Nagy 1999
exh Margaretha Bootsma 1999,
  2001, 2002
exh Brent Boechler 2000, 2001
exh Marcus Bowcott 2000, 2002
exh Bobbie Burgers 2000,
  2001, 2002, 2003
exh Drew Burnham 2000, 2002, 2011
exh Tom Burrows 2000, 2002
exh Magdalena Kozicka 2000
exh Laurie Papou 2000
exh Tracey Tarling 2000, 2001, 2002
exh Looking to the Future 2000
exh Small Works 2000
exh Lisa Burke 2001, 2002, 2005
exh Clive D'Oliveira 2001
exh Brian Kipping 2001, 2002
exh Casey McGlinn 2001
exh Darlene Cole 2001
exh Robert Cadotte 2001
exh Robert Marchessault 2001
exh Ted Godwin 2001
exh Julie Oakes 2001
exh Gifted - Small Works 2001
exh Sheri Bakes 2002, 2021
exh Jamie Evrard 2002, 2009
exh Variations on a Blue Theme 2002
exh Karen Yurkovich 2002
exh Val Nelson 2007
exh Michelle Nguyen 2021
ref Artist Catalogue 2007
Bayshore Inn [1965] 1601 Bayshore Drive exh David Marshall 1965
exh Drew McRitchie 1976
Beaty Biodiversity Museum (2011)-[2021] 2212 Main Mall UBC ref PREVIEW 2021
Bel Art Gallery [1999]-[2003] N Vancouver exh Ken Prescott 1999 group exh 2003
Belkin Satellite [2003]-[2005] 555 Hamilton St. exh Joan Balzar 2003
exh Binning & Burrows 2005
exh Charles Rea 2005
ref Satellite Gallery
Bellevue Gallery 2006-2019 2475 Bellevue WV exh David Marshall 2008
closed 2019
Benjamin Lumb Art House [2023] 114 W. Hastings St.
Bent-Box Gallery
  (David Young)
1520 W. 15 Ave.
1536 W. 2 Ave.
exh Robert Davidson 1978
Bertelsen Gallery [1974] Vancouver rep William Sclater 1973
Bfly (1990s) 341 Water St.
The Big Red Dot [1994] 154 W. Hastings St. exh The First Man on the Moon 1994
Bill Reid Gallery
  of Northwest Coast Art
2008-2019 639 Hornby St.
Birthplace of BC Gallery [1978]-2019 9054 Glover Rd. FL exh Al Colton
exh Alan Wylie 2009
Bjornson Kajiwara Gallery ref Third Avenue Gallery
Blanket Gallery 2005-2006
2414 Main St.
758 Alexander St.
235 Alexander St.
560 Seymour St.

closed 2012
Bloedel Conservatory [2013]-2020 Queen Elizabeth Park exh SSBC13
Blue Mule Gallery (1980) 356 Powell St. ref Vancouver Centennial Biblio
exh Roy Kiyooka
Bond's Gallery
  (Ned Bowes?)
(1982) 523 Richards St.
BothKinds Project Space [2023] 1-140 E. Cordova St. artist run

1994 exhibition advertisement

The Bottom Line [1994] 4255 E. Hastings BBY exh Roger Kemble 1994
Brian Scott Fine Arts ( )-2018
2227 Granville St.
1118 Homer St.
ref PREVIEW 2018
Britannia Library Art Gallery [1996]-2020 Group:
exh AVA05
exh BRIT06
exh BRIT13
exh Famous Empty Sky 1996
exh Arlene Byrne 2000, 2012
Broadway Gallery [1977] exh Dorothy Roberts 1977 (M)
Brock Hall ref AMS Gallery
Buckland Southerst Gallery 1999-2019 2460 Marine Dr. WV
Burnaby Art Gallery
  (Denis Gautier)
  (Darrin Martens)
  (Ellen van Eijnsbergen)
  (Jennifer Cane)
1967-2023 6344 Deer Lake Ave. BBY
ref McGill Library
  exh Gary Sim 2017-2018
ref Prittie Library
  exh Gary Sim 2007
  exh Maud Sherman 2009
  exh Famous Empty Sky 2014
ref Shadbolt Centre
  exh Gary Sim 2017
Group exhibitions:
  per references
exh J.W.G. Macdonald 1969
exh Toni Onley 1969
exh Arnold Shives 1969, 1983, 2012
exh Alistair Bell 1971
exh Harold Mortimer Lamb 1971
exh Don Portelance 1971, 1976
exh R.F.M. McInnis 1972
exh Heather Cragg 1973
exh William Kurelek 1973
exh Gary Lee Nova 1973
exh Jerry Pethick 1973
exh Charles H. Scott 1974
exh Frederick Varley 1974
exh Leonard Brett 1974, 1980
exh William Townsend 1974
exh Tom Graff 1975
exh Sylvia Tait 1975, 1977,
  1978, 1981, 2018
exh Joe Plaskett 1976
exh Peter Paul Ochs 1976
exh Paul Wong 1976
exh Leighton Davis 1977
exh David Marshall 1977, 1978
exh George Rammell 1977
exh Sybil Andrews 1978, 1995, 2011
exh Gerald Hushlak 1978
exh Ione McIntyre 1978
exh Myfanwy Spencer 1978
exh Shichan Takashima 1978
exh Max Maynard 1979
exh Richard Prince 1979, 2001
exh Al Razutis 1979
exh Bill Kootchin 1980
exh Perry, Frank1980
exh Ken Wallace 1980
exh Robin Mayor 1980
exh Anne Popperwell 1981
exh Judith Williams 1981
exh Bratsa Bonifacho 1982
exh Gerald Giampa 1982
exh Pnina Granirer 1982
exh Camrose Ducote 1983
exh Robert Michener 1983
exh Steve Mennie 1984
exh Katherine Surridge 1985
exh Wayne Eastcott 1988
exh David Ostrem 1990
exh Robert Sherrin 1990
exh Robin Peck 1991
exh Glenn Lewis 1993
exh F. Henry Johnson 1996
exh Gisele Amantea 1996
exh Jack Shadbolt 1996
exh Leslie Poole 2000
exh Susan Gransby 2000
exh Pierre Coupey 2006
exh Doug Biden 2007
exh Tam Irving 2007
exh Marianna Schmidt 2007
exh Ron Eckert 2008
exh Torrie Groening 2008
exh Evelyn Roth 2009
exh Aganetha Dyck 2009
exh Gordon Smith 2009
exh Robert Young 2009
exh Ann Kipling 2011
exh Elizabeth Mackenzie 2012
exh Lyndl Hall 2012
exh Takao Tanabe 2012
exh Shinsuke Minegishi 2013
exh Eli Bornowsky 2014
exh Gathie Falk 2014
exh Jack Akroyd 2015
exh Gladys Dalla-Husband 2015
exh Hank Bull 2015
exh Scott Massey 2015
exh Michiko Suzuki 2016
exh Tania Willard 2017
exh Julie McIntyre 2018
exh Anna Wong 2018
exh Molly Lamb Bobak 2018
exh Lyse Lemieux 2021
Burnaby Art Gallery Assoc.
  (Curator Denis Gautier)
1998-2000 1895 Willingdon BBY "project sites around lower mainland"
Burrard Arts Foundation [2019] Vancouver exh Kate Metten 2019
Buschlen Mowatt Galleries
  (Barrie Mowatt)
42 & Granville St.
1455 W. Georgia St.
exh Sculpture Biennale 2005-06
closed 2011
ref Buschlen Mowatt Project Space
exh Robert Clothier 1990
exh James O'Mara 1995
exh Mark Gaskin 1998, 2000
exh Ross Penhall 1998
exh Pat Service 1994, 1998
exh Wanda Koop 2000
exh Cori Creed 2003, 2008, 2009
exh Jane Brooks 2006
exh Colour Field 2007
exh Yehouda Chaki 2006, 2008, 2010
exh Scott Douglas 2011
exh Marie Khouri 2011
Buschlen Mowatt Project Space 2004-(2019) 1300 Robson St. ref Buschlen Mowatt Gallery
Butler Galleries (1977)-(1983) 2860 W. 4 Ave. antiquarian maps/prints
exh Mildred Valley Thornton 1985
Cadillac Gallery (c2010?) 555 Hamilton St. exh Robert Spicer
Cafe Organica [2006] 41st & Collingwood exh Andrea Taylor 2006
Canadian Craft &
  Design Museum
1991-[2002] 639 Hornby St. exh CG90
exh CCDM01
exh Setting the Stage 2002
Canton-sardine [2023] 71-268 Keefer St.
Canvas Company Gallery (1981)-1983 602 W. Hastings.
Canvas Shack [1958]-[1966] ref Art in BC 1958
exh J.A.S. Macdonald 1965
exh Ebel Pol 1966 exh Chuck Gosbee (date?)
Carnegie Centre [1982]-2020 401 Main at Hastings exh Taki Bluesinger 1982
exh Tom Burrows 1983
Caroun Art Gallery 2009-2019 1403 Bewicke NV
Carrall Street Gallery (1993) 327 Carrall St.
Cartwright Street Gallery 1980-(1990) 1411 Cartwright St. exh CG90
Cascata Gallery 2004-( ) 3778 W. 10 Ave.
1536 W. 2 Ave.
Catalogue Gallery 2010-(2019) 56 Powell St.
Cathedral Place [1992] 925 W. Georgia St. exh CP92
Catriona Jeffries Gallery
  (Catriona Jeffries)
550 Burrard St.
1009 Cambie St.
3149 Granville St.
274 E. 1 Ave.
950 E. Cordova St.
exh Martin Whist 1992
exh Jerry Pethick 1997
exh CJG00
CBC Vancouver 1962-2020 700 Hamilton St. ref Artropolis 2001, 2003
Center of International Contemporary Art [2023] 228 Abbott St.
Centre A
  Contemporary Asian Art
849 Homer St.
2 W. Hastings St.
229 E. Georgia St.
205-268 Keefer St.
exh Germaine Koh 2007
ref PREVIEW 2015-2019
Centre Culturel Colombien 1979-(1983) 795 W. 16 Ave. exh Salon de Printemps 1983
exh Claudine Pommier 1983
Ceremonial / Art [2023] 3425 W. Broadway
CH Art Gallery 2004-( ) 323 Jervis St. exh Mary Blaze 2004
Chali-Rosso Art Gallery [2023] 312-999 Canada Place
Chapel Arts (2008)-(2019) 304 Dunlevy St. exh ECC 2008
exh Out of Space 2009
Charles Clark Gallery [2021] 1345 Clark Drive at Strangefellows Brewing
exh John Steil 2021
Charles H. Scott Gallery
  (Greg Bellerby)
1980-2017 1399 Johnston St. Group:
exh The Early Years 1925-39 1980
exh Faculty Assoc. Drawings 1981
exh The West Face 1981
exh The Growth Years 1939-65 1983
exh Barry Cogswell 1981
exh Alan Wood 1981
exh Leslie Poole 1984
exh Joey Morgan 1984
exh Robert Young 1984
exh Richard Prince 1985
exh Georgiana Chappell 1986
exh Nomi Kaplan 1988
exh Allyson Clay 1992
exh Greg Murdock 1995
exh B.C. Binning 1998
exh Fred Hollingsworth 2004
exh Susan Kealey 2004
exh Ian Wallace 2005
exh Elspeth Pratt 2011
exh Neil Wedman 2016
gallery closed with campus move
ref Emily Carr University of Art & Design
ref Libby Leshgold Gallery
Chernoff Fine Art Beatty St.
732 Richards St.
Children of the Raven 1977-(1980) 775 Homer St.
China Cloud Gallery (Erica Wilk) [2014] Main St. exh Gary Sim 2014
Chinatown Gallery 1997 513 Pender St.
Chinese Canadian Visual Arts Soc. [1983] Vancouver exh Insight 83 1983
Choboter Gallery (2015)-2021 23 Alexander St. rep Don Choboter
ref PREVIEW 2015-2021
Cinnabar Gallery
  (Donald Evans)
1982-1984 500-bl Granville St.
Circle Craft Co-op [1983] 348 Water St.
Circle Gallery (same above?) [1977] exh Michael Bulllock 1977
Cityscape Community Artspace
  (NV Arts Council)
2001-2020 355 Lonsdale Ave. NV
The Civic Gallery [2024] 20338-65 Ave. LNG

Undated David Clifford framing label

Clifford Framing Gallery
  (David Clifford)
1824 Marine Dr. WV ref artstores
Clifford's Galleries [1953]-[1955] exh Sybil Andrews 1953, 1955
Clochard Gallery
  (Gordon Murray)
1986-1989 3400-bl Commercial
Coast Resource Centre [2012] 1225 Seymour St. exh Art Show & Sale 2012
Coastal Peoples Fine Arts 1996-(2014)
1024 Mainland St.
312 Water St.
332 Water St.
Mainland St. closed
exh Lyle Wilson 2016
exh CPG17
ref PREVIEW 2015-2019
Coburg Gallery (Bill Jeffries) 1983-1987 314 W. Cordova St. exh Vikki Alexander 1983, 1986
exh Roy Arden 1983, 1985, 1987
exh Randy Bradley 1983
exh Share Corsaut 1983
exh Henri Robideau 1983
exh Ian Wallace 1986
exh Al Neil
Columbia St. Studio 198 W. 18 Ave. exh Predicta n.d.
The Commotion Virtual Salon [2023] 696 W. 16th Ave. formerly "truth and beauty" q.v.
Community Arts Council Gallery 1979-1985
315 W. Cordova St.
314 W. Cordova St.
837 Davie St.

exh The Seniors Show:
  Art is Ageless 1999
exh April Caverhill 1999
Concourse Gallery (1979)-( ) Granville Island Emily Carr Institute student work
Contemporary Art Gallery (CAG)
  (Keith Wallace)
766 Homer St.
555 Hamilton St.
555 Nelson St.
ref Odyssey Gallery
ref Artists Gallery
ref Greater Van. Artists Gallery
renamed CAG 1983
exh CAG85
exh CAG87
exh CAG88
exh CAG90
exh Alistair Bell 1980
exh Barbara Seamon (M8.1)
exh Monique Fouquet 1985
exh David MacWilliam 1987
exh Julie Duschenes 1987
exh Mina Totino 1987
exh Laura Baird 1988
exh Robert Keziere 1989
exh Ross Muirhead 1989
exh Kathryn Walker 1990
exh Lorna Brown 1992
exh Christos Dikeakos 1992
exh Stan Douglas 1992, 2002
exh Gordon Payne 1996
exh Evan Lee 1998
exh Wanda Koop 1998
exh Vicki Alexander 1999
exh Liz Magor 2000
exh Arni Haraldsson 2001
exh Brian Jungen 2001, 2006
exh Ed Pien 2001
exh Ken Lum 2002
exh Renee van Halm 2002
exh Ron Terada 2003
exh Damien Moppett 2005
exh Steven Shearer 2005
exh Myfanwy MacLeod 2006
exh Shannon Oksanen 2008
Contemporary Royale (1976) 1509 W. 7 Ave. related to Galeries Royale?
exh Leo LaBelle 1975 (3 exhibitions)

Undated framing label

Continental Arts
  (Mrs. Irene E. Knezevich)
[1955]-() 6460 Fraser St.
6483 Fraser St.
ref artstores
Convertible Showroom
  (Colin Griffiths)
1984-1986 40 E. Cordova St. ref CAG85
  (Todd & Christa)
(1990s)-2020 1009 Commercial exh Linda Findlay 2000
County Art Gallery (1984) 448 Seymour St.
Covan Art Gallery 2004-( ) 1536 W. 2 Ave.
Craft Council of BC Gallery ( )-2021 1386 Cartwright St.
ref PREVIEW 2018-21
exh Trish Graham 2021
exh Louise Perrone 2021
Craig Yeats Gallery [2016] West Vancouver exh exh Ken Prescott 2016
Creekhouse Gallery [1983]-2020 3-1551 Johnston St. exh Elizabeth Scott 1983
exh Val Sewell (M8.1)
  (Randy Thomas)
(1980)-1981 800-bl Granville St.
Crown Gallery [1978]-1995
562 Beatty St.
1017 Cambie St.
exh Joan A. Smith 1978, 1988
exh Wayne Eastcott 1985, 1987
exh Leslie Poole 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992
exh Leslie Fawkes 1988, 1989, 1990
CSA Space
  (Chris Brayshaw, Adam
   Harrison, Steven Tong)
2006-2019 2422 Main St. ref Anodyne Contemporary
exh Kate Metten 2020
Crying Room
  (Colleen Heslin & others)
1999-2020 157 E. Cordova St.
Daily Grind Cafe Gallery
  (Gary Sim curator)
2004-2018 1500 W. Georgia St. 28 exhibitions, incl:
exh Gary Sim 2004-2018
exh John Steil 2004-2007
exh Famous Empty Sky 2004, 2005
exh Arlene Byrne 2004
exh Bradislav Vrbaski 2005
exh Agata Teodorowicz 2005
exh Maud Sherman 2005
exh Aaron Zacharias 2005
exh Eric Allen Montgomery 2006
exh Donna Mair 2007, 2009
exh Thom Kline 2010
Dal Schindell Gallery 2019-2021 see Lookout Gallery
Danish Art Galleries [1961]-(1984) 3757 W. 10 Ave. exh Albert Sexton 1961 (M8.1)
exh Sing Lim 1963
exh Pnina Granirer 1966 (DAWN)
exh Joyce Love 1966
rep William Sclater 1973
exh Elizabeth Hollick 1983
D'Arcy Murphy Fine Arts [1990] 403 W. Cordova ref PREVIEW 1990

1916 David Spencer framing label

David Spencer Dept. Stores 1873-1948 W. Hastings St. ref artstores
Davie Art Shop
  (Wm. & Wm.F. Bullock)
[1947] - [1955] 851 Davie St. (Vancouver 1)
deborahworsfold Gallery [1999] 1537 West 6th Ave. exh Marilyn Atkey 1999
Derek Simpkins Gallery
  of Tribal Art
ref Gallery of Tribal Art
de Vooght Galleries Ltd.
  (Andrew de Vooght,
    Brian McGaffery)
[1973]-[1982] 2215 Granville St. exh Steve Holecka 1973
exh Sybil Andrews 1978
exh Ina D.D. Uhthoff 1979
exh Igor Khazanov 1982
ref Gallery of the Golden Key
Diane Farris Gallery 1984-1988
165 Water St.
1565 W. 7 Ave.
1590 W. 7 Ave.

exh John Koerner 1986, 1988,
  1989, 1990
exh Attila Richard Lukacs 1990
exh Gu Xiong 1992
exh David Bierk 1993
exh Tiko Kerr 1993
exh Thom Mayne 1993
exh Frank Mayrs 1993, 1994
exh Chris Woods 1993
closed 2011
Diane Stimpson Gallery [1974] Vancouver opened in May
Diskin Galleries [2006] - 2021 88 W Pender (Tinseltown) exh Group Show 2006
  per John Steil
exh Peter Matthews 2006
Doctor Vigari Gallery 1990-1998
1407 Commercial
1816 Commercial Dr.
also 1082 Mainland St. 1996
DODA Antiques
  (John David Lawrence)
( )-2023- 434 Richards St.
Doheny Gallery 1995 2199 Granville St. ref Patrick Doheny Fine Art
Domus Art Gallery
Donut House Gallery (1996) 2241 Granville St.
Douglas Gallery 1966-[1978] Denman St. ref New Design Gallery
ref ACE Gallery
exh Iain Baxter 1967
exh Molly Lamb Bobak 1967
exh John Koerner 1967, 1968
exh David Mayrs 1967, 1968
exh Michael Morris 1967
exh Toni Onley 1967
exh Darcy Henderson 1968
exh Bodo Pfeifer 1968
exh Twenty Canadians 1978
Douglas Reynolds Gallery 1995-2021 2335 Granville St.
Douglas Udell Gallery 1986-2010
1558 W. 6 Ave.
1566 W. 6 Ave.
ref Woltjen-Udell Gallery
exh John Capitano 2012, 2014
to Edmonton AB by 2015
The Downstairs Gallery (1979)-(1985) 1425 Marine Dr. WV "Clyde Avenue Entrance"
ref artstores
DRAW Gallery [2021] 4529 Melrose St. PC ref PREVIEW 2021
Dundarave Print Gallery
  (B.C. Binning &
  Wayne Eastcott)
26 & Mathers WV
1650 Johnson St.
exh Shorelines 2004
exh Migration 2005
exh Carve This 2008
exh The Space Between 2013
exh Leonard Brett 1982
exh Joan A. Smith 1986
exh Andrea Taylor 2006
Dutch Gallery ref Alexander Harrison Galleries
Dynamo Gallery [1999]-[2001] 142 W. Hastings St. Dynamo Arts Association
exh HIVE Collective 1999
exh Legend 2018 (Kate Metten) exh Ken Gerberick 2000
exh Marion Lea Jamieson 2001
  (Lincoln Clarkes)
[1984] 430 Homer St. ref initial gallery
ref Melmoth 2, Vol. 3 No. 2, 1985
exh International Surrealists 1984
Eagle Spirit Gallery 1996-2019 1803 Maritime Mews opened as Windrider Gallery
Eaton's Auditorium [1957] Vancouver exh FCA B.C. Region fall show 1957
Elan Fine Art [2022] 4-258 E. First Ave. see Paul Kyle Gallery
Elissa Cristall Gallery 1999-2002
1515 W. 6 Ave.
2245 Granville St.
2239 Granville St.
200-1820 Fir St.
Elliot Louis Gallery 2001-2007
1540 W. 2 Ave.
258 E. 1 Ave.
as Ballard Lederer to 2003
exh White & Other Colours 2006
exh Greased Wheels 2007
exh John Koerner 2011
Emily Carr University 1925-2019 520 E. 1 Ave. ref Charles H. Scott Gallery
ref Libby Leshgold Gallery
exh per references
Empty Wall Artworks and Decor [2023] 2987 Granville St.
English Bay Gallery 2008-( )
( )-2019
1551 Johnston St.
1535 Johnston St.
Envision Gallery (1990s) 2675 W. 4 Ave.
Equinox Gallery
  (Elizabeth Nichol)
  (Andy Sylvester)
1139A Robson St.
1525 W. 6 Ave.
2321 Granville St.
525 Great Northern Way
3642 Commercial Dr.
opened as Priestly (Equinox) 1971
exh Wayne Eastcott 1971
exh Fenwick Lansdowne 1971
exh Leonard Brett 1971, 1976
exh William Kurelek 1973
exh E.J. Hughes 1974, 1976, 1982
exh Takao Tanabe 1974, 1975,
  1977, 1979, 1982, 2019
exh Robert Michener 1975, 1977,
  1979, 1981, 1983
exh Ron Woodall 1970s
exh Robin Mayor 1976
exh Arnold Shives 1976
exh Chris Hayward 1977
exh Richard Prince 1977, 1982, 2001
exh Robert Young 1977
exh Anna Wong 1978
exh Alan Wood 1979
exh Gathie Falk 1981, 1982,
  1985, 2000, 2015, 2019
exh Gordon Smith 2003, 2008,
  2009, 2011, 2012, 2018
exh Fred Herzog 2011, 2020
exh Dempsey Bob 2018
exh Adad Hannah 2018
exh Marie Khouri 2018
exh Erin McSaveney 2018
exh Al McWilliams 2018
exh Jack Shadbolt 2018
exh Angela Teng 2018
exh Neil Wedman 2018
exh Sonny Assu 2019
exh Bobbie Burgers 2019
exh Kim Dorland 2019
exh Ben Reeves 2019
exh Etienne Zack 2019
exh Renee van Halm 2020
Equinox Project Space 2012-(2019) 525 Great Northern Way
EROS Gallery (1979)-[1982] 2233 Granville St. exh Mia Johnson 1982
ref artstores
Espresso Head Gallery & Cafe [1997] Vancouver exh Lisa Bachinski 1997
Evendim [1978] exh Ken Wallace 1978
Evergreen Arts Centre [1990]-2020 1205 Pinetree Way CQ
exh AGE00
exh AGE08
exh AGE09
exh Pierre Coupey 1990, 2013
exh Wayne Eastcott 1998
exh Vicky Marshall 2002
exh David Ostrem 2003
exh Eva Diener 2005
exh Marianna Schmidt 2007
exh Marcus Bowcott 2010, 2011
exh Robert Young 2011
exh Hyung-Min Yoon 2021
Exposition Galleries 1974-[1984] 313 Water St. exh Dorothy Manning 1974
  ref DAWN
exh Ken Prescott 1975, 1977-1984
exh Lionel Thomas 1976
Exposure Gallery (1995)-(2004) 851 Beatty St.
754 E. Broadway
exh Tim Missal 2000, 2001
Eye Scream Restaurant/Gallery
  (N.E. Thing Co.)
[1978] 2043 W 4th Ave. exh NE Thing 1978
Fairfield Gallery (1990)-( ) 416 W. Georgia St.
Fazakas Gallery [2023] 659 E. Hastings St.
FCA Federation Gallery 1956-1978
367 Water St.
1241 Cartwright St.
group exh:
FCA64   FCA67   FCA05   FCA06   FCA09   FCA10   FCA12
solo exh:
exh Ken Prescott 1979 Wildlife Compositions
exh Ken Prescott 1981 Coastal Compositions
exh Ken Prescott 1984 Coastal Compositions II
exh Ken Prescott 1993
FCA Front Gallery [1990]-[1991] 952 Richards St. per FCA catalogue
exh Ian Macfarlane/Jeannette Hart 1991
Ferry Building Gallery 1989-2023 1414 Argyle Ave. WV
exh Natural Selections 2004 exh FBG12
exh FBG19
exh Marcus Bowcott 1993
exh Galen Felde 2001
exh Unity Bainbridge 2017
exh Jane Clark-Adams 2019
Fifty-Six Gallery (see Gallery 56)
Firehall Arts Centre [1997] Vancouver exh Una Bachinski 1997
Fitch Gallery (1982) 12 W. Pender St.
Floating Curatorial Gallery (see Women in Focus)
Flower Factory Gallery [1998]-[1999] Vancouver exh Cheryl Fortier-Campbell 1998, 1999
Fort Gallery [2023] 9048 Glover Rd. FL artist run
Forum Gallery
  (at Wm. McCarley Books)
(1990)-(1995) 213 Carroll St. previously the Classical Joint?
Foto Base Gallery
  (Ann Rosenberg)
1993-1997 331 Carrall St.
Found Art Gallery
  (Sherry Haffenden)
[1991] 500-bl Powell St. at Imagination Market
exh Barbara Seamon 1991
The Frame Shop
  (Harry E. Lawson)
1946-2018 326-6th St. NW
421-6th St. NW
121 3rd Ave. NW
ref artstores
Frans Wynans Gallery 1978-1980
3061-63 Granville St.
848 W. Hastings St.
went to New York
exh Judith Lodge 1978, 1979
exh Bill Featherston 1981, 1982
exh Darcy Henderson 1981
Front Gallery ref Western Front
Gabriel Gallery (1992) 1033 Cambie St.
Galerie Allen
  (Uta Allen)
213 Carrall St.
3025 Granville St.
exh 16 West Coast Artists 1974:
incl. Michael Tyzack, Mel Ramos, Peter Voulkos
rep Jory Atkinson 1973
rep Gregor Freedman 1973
rep George Casprowitz 1973
exh Don Holyoak 1972
exh Harry Stanbridge 1972
exh Maxwell Bates 1973, 1974
exh Gregg Simpson 1973
exh Bill Featherston 1974, 1975
exh Alan Wood 1974, 1975
Galerie Mondart 2997 Granville St.
Galeries Royale 1976-(1979) 2247 Granville St. related to Contemporary Royale?
The Galleria [1990] Yaletown, Vancouver exh Drew McRitchie 1990
Gallery 3 (1990) 660 Kingsway ref Gallery T.O.O. this address
Gallery 7 [1978] Vancouver exh Vincenzi, Majcher, Prudente 1978
Gallery 22 [1975]-[1976] 2226 Marine Dr. WV exh Pernell Sevy 1975, 1976 (M8.1)
exh Ken Prescott 1975
Gallery 27 (1995) 317 W. Hastings St.
Gallery 56
  (Tony Bardach)
(1990)-[1991] 56 Powell St.
100-bl W. Hastings
exh Romeo Galdanez 1991
  ref Cut & Paste
Gallery 83 (2003) 83 E. Pender St.
Gallery 88 Arts
  (Patrick Toth)
(2015)-( ) 6247 W. Boulevard
Gallery 600 (1983) 600 Robson St.
Gallery 881 [2023] 881 E. Hastings St.
Gallery 1710 [2023] 1710-56th St. Delta cooperative
Gallery Alpha West 1990-1992 1131 Marine Dr. WV exh Leo LaBelle 1992
ref Gregg Simpson
Gallery at Queen's Park [2015] New Westminster exh NW Pride 2015
Gallery Fukai 2010-( ) 602 E. Hastings St. ref Atsui Gallery
Gallery Gachet 1992-1997
1134 Granville St.
88 E. Cordova St.
9 W. Hastings St.
ref PREVIEW 2015-2019
exh Touched by Fire 1998
exh Irene Elizabeth Loughlin 1999
(The) Gallery George 2020 - 2022
2022 - 2023
2023 -
900 George St.
1502 E. Hastings
140 W. Hastings St.
Gallery Jones (1) 2004-2019
1725 W. 1 Ave.
1-258 E. 1st Ave.
exh Sara Genn 2021
exh Ross Penhall 2018, 2021
Gallery Jones (2) 2009-(2012) 1531 Marine Dr. WV now closed
ref Gallery Jones (1)
Gallery Move
  (Robert Davidson)
1977 - (1980)
1980 - ( )
North Vancouver
opened Xmas 1977
op'g exh West Coast Surr. Group Show
ref Cut & Paste
exh Michael Bullock 1977, 1978
exh Robert Davidson 1977
exh Ted Kingan 1977
exh Leo LaBelle 1977, 1980
exh Gregg Simpson 1977, 1979, 1981
exh West Coast Surrealists 1980
Gallery Nova [1995]-(1996) 646 Hornby St. exh David Marshall 1995
Gallery of BC Arts
  (Edith Clarke)
1963-1982 1974 W. Georgia St. exh Albert Sexton 1964 (M8.1)
exh John Rankin 1968
exh Bernd Rohne 1970
building demolished
Gallery of BC Ceramics Granville Island now closed
Gallery of Photography
  (Erol Bykl)
61 Lonsdale NV
3619 Broadway St.

destroyed by fire 1975
Gallery of the Golden Key (1965)-(1967)
Gallery of Tribal Art
  (Derek Simpkins)
1999-( )
1521 W. 8 Ave.
2329 Granville St.
1509 W. 7 Ave.
exh Robert Davidson 1992
Gallery Sansair
  (Michael Lawlor)
1994-1998 112 W. Hastings St.
Gallery Six (1976) 5351 W. Boulevard
Gallery T.O.O.
  (Randall Anderson)
1988-1989 660 Kingsway ref Gallery 3 this address 1990
Gallery West 1979-( ) 850 Marine Dr. WV
GAM Gallery
  (Tarah Hogue et al)
2010-(2012) 110 E. Hastings St.
Gathering Place (1992)-[2010] 609 Helmcken St. exh GP10
George Cromartie 1993-1994 2818 Granville St.
Georgia Gallery
  (Minn Sjolseth,
   Peter Tonge)
(1960s) exh Laszlo Kardos
exh Zeljko Kujundzic
ref Minn Sjolseth (M8.1)
Georgian Galleries (1976)-(1977) 8038 Granville St.
GIN Gallery 1994-1995 00-bl W. Cordova
Glass Onion Gallery
  (Eric Allen Montgomery,
  Erin Dolman)
(1998)-(2006) 1103 Union St. exh GO00
exh GO00.2
exh Artthrob 2 2000
exh Enlightenment 2001
Goethe-Institut (1980s)-(1990s) 944 W. 8 Ave.
Gordon Smith Gallery of
  Canadian Art
( )-2023 2121 Lonsdale NV
Grace Gallery [1984]-[1986] 1406 Old Bridge St. exh Anne Popperwell 1984
exh Drew McRitchie 1986
group exh 1984, 1985
  (Vince Alvaro)
1986-1990 1250 Richards St.
Graffiti Gallery 1979-(1984) 2185 W. 4 Ave. prints by British artists
Graham Sayell Gallery 2002-( ) 2416 Granville St.
Granville Fine Art 2010-(2012) 2447 Granville St. ref Linda Lando Fine Art
Granville Island Graphics
  (Gloria Onley)
1979-(1985) 1650 Johnson St. exh Arnold Shives 1982
exh Toni Onley 1983
Granville Square [1974] 200 Granville St. exh Fair in the Square 1974
Graphica Gallery [1980] exh T.H. Roberts 1980
Greater Vancouver Artists Gallery ref Contemporary Art Gallery
Greenery Native Art Gallery 2006-(2012) 3735 W. 10 Ave.
Grey Door Gallery [2011] 400-1000 Parker St. exh Andrea Taylor 2011
Griffin Art Projects [2021]-[2024] 1174 Welch St. NV exh Combine 2021 (Kate Metten)
exh Intersecting Orbits 2024
  (Joan Balzar/Michael Morris)
Griffith Gallery [1968] Vancouver exh Bill Mayrs
Griffiths Gallery [1959]-[1969] New Westminster
S.W. Marine Dr. Vancouver
exh L.W. Kristmanson 1959 (M3)
  ref Van Sun June 2 1959
exh Joe Plaskett 1964
exh Gordon Adaskin 1967, 1968, 1969
exh Edna Cers 1968
exh Nora Harris 1969 (DAWN)
Grosvenor Fine Arts 1970-(1984)
1985-( )
( )-( )
327 - 925 W. Georgia St.
9258 Granvile St.
470 Granville St.
exh Brent Heighton 1983
exh Andrew Kiss 1983
Grosvenor Gallery ref Grosvenor Fine Arts
grunt gallery artist run centre
  (Glenn Alteen)
209 E. 6 Ave.
350 E. 2 Ave.
exh George Sawchuk 1988
exh Barbara Seamon 1994
exh Henri Robideau 2015
  ref Cut & Paste
GS & Company [2023] 107-1711 152 St. SUR
H&S Canvas Art Gallery
  (Estika Hunning)
[1970]-[1973] Kerrisdale exh Pnina Granirer 1970, 1971, 1973
ref DAWN
ref Ted Lindberg 1998
Hambleton Fine Arts [2003] exh Ken Prescott 2003
Harrington Gallery [1990]-[1993] Vancouver exh Drew McRitchie 1990, 1991
exh Ken Prescott 1993
exh Brian Simons 1993 (M8.1)
Harrison Galleries ref Alexander Harrison Galleries
Harry's [1996] exh Secrets of Collage 1996
  ref Cut & Paste essay
Hasty Hawk Gallery
  (Mad Dog/Gary Dahlman)
(2007) 802 E. Hastings St. ref Alley Gallery
Havana Gallery 1996-2019 1212 Commercial exh Adad Hannah 1998
exh Tony Bruno c2000
exh Arlene D. Byrne 2005, 2009
exh Famous Empty Sky 2010, 2014
exh HAV05
exh Mail Art Olympics 2010
exh AVA13
Heffel Fine Art
  Auction House
  (Kenneth Heffel)
  (David & Robert Heffel)
1978-2020 2247 Granville St.
exh Lin Chien Shih 1980
exh Jack Wise 1980
exh Toni Onley 1981, 1982
exh Arnold Shives 1981
exh Peter Aspell 1982, 1983, 1992
exh Leslie Poole 1982, 1983, 1984,
  1985, 1994, 1996, 1998
exh Irene Hoffar Reid 1989
exh E.J. Hughes 1990
exh W.P. Weston 1991
exh Alan Wood 1994
exh HG95
exh Vicky Marshall 1998
exh Tiko Kerr 2000
Helen Pitt Gallery 1975-1980

( )-2021
163 W. Pender St.
306 Abbott St.
163 W. Pender St.
36 Powell St.
317 W. Hastings St.
822 Homer St.
148 Alexander St.
221A E. Georgia St.
(no address)
15 E. Pender St.
236 E. Pender St.
102-148 Alexander Street

Unit 306 Society
Unit Pitt
Pitt International Galleries
Pitt Gallery
Helen Pitt Gallery
Helen Pitt Gall. Artist Run Centre
Helen Pitt Gallery

Unit/Pitt Projects
ref PREVIEW 2015-2019
exh VSA Student Ceramic 1977-80
exh West Coast Surrealists 1986
exh Share Corsaut 1978
exh David Macwilliam 1978
exh Daphne Sleigh 1978
exh David Ostrem 1980
exh Oraf 1980, 1981
exh Vicky Marshall 1982
exh Patsi McMurchy 1982
exh Carel Moisiewitsch 1994
Helm Gallery (1990) Granville St.
Heritage Gallery of Indian Art (1979) 1055 W. Georgia St.
Heritage of Eskimo Art ref Appleton Galleries
hfa contemporary
  (Noel Hodnett)
2007-2019 1000 Parker St. Noel Hodnett Fine Arts
Homer Arts
  (Murray Richmuth)
(Hastings & Cambie)
Honjo Gallery 2004 56 Water St.
Horizon Art Galleries (1995) 665 Howe St.
Horizons West Gallery [1990] 2235 Granville St. ref PREVIEW 1990
House Gallery [1980] NV exh Lee Robinsong 1980 (M)
Houston-Farris Gallery [1983] Vancouver exh Vicky Marshall 1983
Howard 495 [2021]
495 Railway
3528 Commercial St.
now closed
Howe St. Gallery of
  Fine Art (Derek Hyslop)
1996-(2012) 555 Howe St. exh Dieter Schlatter 1998, 1999
Hudsons Bay Company [1930]-2020 647 Granville St. Group:
exh B.C. Today 1965, 1969
exh New Directions in Art 1967 (FCA)
exh Paintings from the C.I.L.
  Art Collection
exh John Innes 1930
exh Emily Carr 1962
exh David Marshall 1983
Hycroft Manor/Gallery
  (University Women's
   Club of Vancouver)
(1984)-2023 1498 McRae Ave. exh R.S. Alexander 1984
exh Michael Kluckner
exh Thom Kline 2013
exh Lizz Ross 2020
Ian Tan Gallery
  (Ian Tan)
2202 Granville St.
2321 Granville St.
2342 Granville St.
2655 Granville St.
also had Hong Kong gallery
ref Portfolio Gallery
exh Marcus Bowcott 2021
exh Anselmo Swan 2021
Ibis Art Gallery [1982] 4448 W 10th Ave. exh Mia Johnson 1982
Images for a
  Canadian Heritage
  (Bill Ellis, Sidney Oreck)
1993-( )
1192 Burrard St.
779 Burrard St.
164 Water St.
exh Daphne Odjig 1983
initial gallery [2014]-[2019] 2339 Granville St. exh Lincoln Clarkes 2014
ref PREVIEW 2015-2019
In Media (1979) 1236 Seymour St.
Interiors International [1980] exh Ken Prescott 1980, 1981
Intermedia Society [1968] exh Michael de Courcy 1968
International Arts Gallery 88 W. Pender St.
International Foundation for the Arts [1983] exh Ken Prescott 1983
Interurban Gallery
  & Community Art Space
2003-(2013) 1 E. Hastings St.
9 E. Hastings St.
exh "Sounds of Surrealism" 2005:
  Arntzen, Dita
  Brett, Leonard
  Bullock, Michael
  Bungay, Angus
  Delano, Lena
  Guderna, Martin
  Hawkes, Kiku
  Jakupovic, Jasmine
  Latremouille, Lori-ann
  Spira, Maurice
exh "Let There Be Light" 2013:
  Ackerman, Shawn
  Askey, Colin
  Bond, Andy
  Bullied, Adam
  Cooke, Sarah
  Garraway, Stasia
  Jirku, Tomas
  Postill, Guy
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
  (Director Joseph Murphy)
345 Water St.
206 Cambie St.
120 Carrie Cates Ct. NV
Italian Cultural Center
  (Il Museo)
Curator Angela Clarke Ph.D.
1200 Burrard St.
3075 Slocan St.
exh Silent Spaces 2013
exh ICCM13
exh ICCM14
exh ICCM15
exh ICCM17
exh ICCM18
exh ICCM19
exh ICCM19.2
exh ICCM20
exh ICCM21
exh Ione McIntyre 1980
exh Sveva Caetani 1981
exh Henry Ciccone 1999
exh Santo De Vita 1999
exh Ruth Jones 2013
exh Dante Comoglio 2014
exh Anyuta Gusakova 2014
exh Candace Thayer-Coe 2014
exh Evie Katevatis 2015
exh Mandi Boursicot 2016
exh Shelley Stefan 2016
exh John Capitano 2017
exh Leslie Poole 2017
exh Bruno Freschi 2018
Jacana Gallery (2000) 2435 Granville St.
3060 Granville St.
Jacqueline M. Gallery 1990 560 Beatty St.
The James Black Gallery [2017]-[2023] 144 E. 6th Ave. exh Art Waste 2017 (Kate Metten)
JayDon Gallery exh Anne Popperwell 2016
Jeffrey Boone Gallery 2006-2010 1 E. Cordova St. exh John Capitano 2007
JEM Gallery
  (Carolla Goetze)
225 E. Broadway
22 E. Cordova

as JEM 2, closed Dec. 2011
Jennifer Kostiuk Gallery est 1997-2000
W. 6 Ave.
3060 Granville St.
2929 Granville St.
1070 Homer St.
exh David Burdeny 2019
Jennifer Wittmann Gallery 1529 W. 6 Ave.
Jericho Wharf [1982] Jericho exh Joey Morgan 1982
Jeunesse Gallery of Fine Arts
  (Krassi Stamenov)
2007-(2012) 2668 W. 4 Ave.
Joan Dean Gallery 1995-( ) 227 Carroll St.
Joan Lovett Gallery (1996) 725 W. 16 Ave.

1994 exhibition advertisement

John Ramsay Gallery 1990-1995
1065 Cambie St.
2423 Granville St.
exh Patrick Amiot 1994
exh Brigitte Laurent 1994
closed June 2001
ref Atelier Gallery
Joyce Williams Gallery [2001]-2016 346 W. Pender St.
1118 Homer St.
exh Charles van Sandwyk
gallery sold
Kardosh Projects
  (ref Marion Scott Gallery)
Karen Cooper Gallery [2021] 1506 Duranleau St.
ref PREVIEW 2021
Keenlyside Gallery [1979]-[1981] 3003 Granville St. exh Emily Carr 1979
exh Drew McRitchie 1980
exh Ken Prescott 1981
Keith Alexander Gallery 1995-[1999] 647 Howe Street "The Buschlen Mowatt Annex"
exh Z.Z. Wei 1998, 1999
Kelly Galleries (Ron Kelly) (1954) 1325 W. Pender St. ref CDN ART Winter 1954 p77
Kelmscott Gallery (1979) 1174 Robson St.
Kensington Arts
  (Percy James)
1929 - 1950
1056 Robson St.
4603 W. 10th Ave.
Kitsilano Pottery
  (Larry Cohen, Lise Siegel,
   Suzu Matsuda)
1976-1980 2920 W. 4 Ave.
Klee Wyck Gallery [1977]-[1984] WV exh Wood Sculpture of the Americas 1977
exh Rosemary Sleigh 1978
exh Leonard Brett 1979
exh David Marshall 1982, 1984
Kostiuk Gallery see Jennifer Kostiuk Gallery
KRAK Gallery
  (Ken Gerberick)
1984-1986 311 W. Hastings St.
Kreiger Galleries 1981-(1985) 775 Homer St. exh Leonard Brett 1982
exh Markgraff 1983
Kronert-Young Gallery (1993) 2339 Granville St.
Kupczynski Studio Gallery [1983] 2233 Granville St. ref Vanguard
Kurbatoff Gallery 2002-2023 2435 Granville St. exh Valerie Raynard 2019
exh Marlene Vermeulen 2019
exh James Wiens 2019
exh Jim Park 2023
La Bought Ami (1976) 3619 W. 4 Ave.
Labyrinth Gallery (2011) 112 E. Hastings St.
Lambert Gallery [1955] Vancouver exh Alistair Bell 1955
Lambert Pottery Studio [1954] 866 Howe St. exh Gordon Kit Thorne 1954
Lateral Gallery (see Women in Focus)
Lattimer Gallery
  (Doug & Leona Lattimer)
1986-2021 1590 W. 2 Ave.
Lavelle Gallery [1970] exh David Marshall 1970
Lawrence Eng Gallery 2008-2010 1531 W. 4th Ave. ref Tracy Lawrence Gallery
Le Hangart Gallery [2023] 2421 Granville St.
Leighdon Studio Gallery
  (Jane Leighdon)
[2010]-(2014) 190 W. 3rd Ave. exh Susan Gransby 2010
exh Rosamond Norbury 2010
pub LSG10 2010
pub LSG11 2011
pub LSG12 2012
pub LSG14 2014
Leona Lattimer Gallery ref Lattimer Gallery
Le Quattro Pose [2005] 733 Keefer St. exh LQP05 2005
Les Art's Gallery
  (Robert Chans)
(1990s) 4458 Main St. "picture framing, fine arts, antiques"
per business card
Les Barrons Gallery 1993 307 W. Cordova St.
Lewame Galleries 1997-1998 2331 Granville St.
Libby Leshgold Gallery 2017-current Great Northern Way ref Charles H. Scott Gallery
Linda Lando Fine Art 1998-2003
2034 W. 41 Ave.
2001 W. 41 Ave.
2447 Granville St.
ref Alex Fraser Gallery

ref Granville Fine Art
L.I.P. Artists Gallery [1973]   exh R.W. Bishop 1973 ref 3BC
Lipont Gallery [2021] 4211 No. 3 Rd RMD ref PREVIEW 2021
Little Gallery (1966)-1969 New Westminster ref Leo LaBelle M3
ref Olympus Art Gallery
exh David Marshall 1965, 1967
exh Gordon Adaskin 1966
exh Don Portelance 1966
exh Bruno Bobak 1967
Living Room Gallery & Bistro [1997] Vancouver exh Lisa Bachinski 1997
Lobby Gallery, Dominion Hotel
  (Wesley Yuen)
210 Abbott St.
Long Life Art Gallery (1997) 1905 Main St.
Lookout Gallery [1990]-2019 Regent Coll. UBC exh John Koerner 1990
renamed Dal Schindell Gall. 2019
Lount's Tapestry Gallery [1983] 1544 W. 8 Ave.
Lowbrow Garage
  (12 Midnight)
Lucky Red Gallery
  (12 Midnight)
207 Union St. ref New Tiny Gall. this address
Lumen Gallery 88 W. Pender St.
Lux Gallery 227 Carrall St. ref Moonbase this address
ref Pengoh Gallery this address
MacMillan & Perrin Gallery (1977)-(1980) 3007 Granville St. exh Myros Buriak 1978
Main Exit
  (Theodore Wan)
1979-1982 901 Main St. exh David Macwilliam 1980
exh Joey Morgan 1982
The Main Hall Gallery [2024] 26770 29 Ave ALD
Mainspace (1997) 350 2 Ave.
Maison V (1997) 1192 Hamilton St.
Make Gallery [2015] 257 E. 7 Ave. exh Shelley Stefan 2014
exh Wade Comer 2015
Malaspina Printmakers Gallery 1976-1979
6450 Gilpin BBY
167 W. Pender St.
1555 Duranleau St.
exh Torrie Groening 2005
exh Vanessa Hall-Patch 2005
exh Milos Jones 2006
exh Bill Laing 2006
exh Marie Price 2006
exh Jennifer Ghormley 2007
exh Liz Ingram 2008
exh Alison Judd 2008
exh Shinsuke Minegishi 2008
exh Eli Bornowsky 2009
exh Amy Pelletier 2009
exh Emmanuelle Jacques 2014
Malaspina Printmakers - Downtown 2019-2020 1265 Howe St.
Malik Studios (1970) 662 No. 3 Rd. RMD ref artstores
Mandan Ghetto [1968] 2945 W. 4 Ave. 1968 collage show
Marilyn Mylrea Gallery [2005-2008] Vancouver exh Leslie Poole 2005, 2006, 2008
Marion Scott Gallery 1975-1995
671 Howe St.
481 Howe St.
308 Water St.
2423 Granville St.
exh Alexander Schick 1988
exh Michael Lord 1990

also Kardosh Projects
Maritime Museum see Vancouver Maritime Museum
Mary Frazee Gallery 1964-1970
2464 Marine Dr. WV
413 W. Cordova St.
exh Victor Miles 1965
exh Ross Bollerup 1968, 1971
exh Wayne Eastcott 1969
exh Arnold Shives 1969, 1970
exh Nora Harris 1972
Masters Gallery 2012-2019 2245 Granville St.
McCaffrey Fine Art (1982) 3025 Granville St.
McEwen's Artspace Gallery 1982-1990 331 W. Pender St. exh Ken Westman 1983
M.C. Duthie Gallery
  (Celia Duthie)
(1983)-(1987) 776 Thurlow St.
Melmoth Gallery
  (Ladislav Guderna)
[1982] Nicola St. exh The Melmoth Group 1982
ref West Coast Surrealist Group
Metro Media (1980)-(1988) 1037 Commercial Dr.
Michael Bjornson Studio [2014] 1727 W. 3rd Ave. exh Andrea Taylor 2014
ref Third Avenue Gallery
ref Bjornson Kujiwara Gallery
Michael Blais Gallery (1990s) 667 Howe St.
Mido Gallery
  (David van Berkel,
  Werner True, Marion Fuller)

155 Water St.
936 Main St.
2952 W. 4th Ave.
2960 W. 4th Ave.
2931 W. 4th Ave.
ref artstores
rep Heather Cragg 1973 exh Stewart Babcock, Pegi Eccleston, Sylvia Tait 1975
exh David Marshall 1975
exh Oraf 1981
exh Arnold Shives 1981
Millenium Art Gallery 2003-( ) 2012 E. 6th Ave.
Mind & Matter Gallery
  (Arnie Mikelson)
c1965-( ) Whiterock
Mind's Eye Photographic Gallery
  (Art & Emily Grice)
1972-(1977) 54 Water St. exh Gary Chapman 1973(?)
exh Randy Thomas 1973
Min-Tonge Art Salon [196?] Vancouver ref Georgia Gallery
exh Min-Tonge 196?
Mirage Gallery (1960s?) 1129 W. Pender St.
Misanthropy Gallery 2004-( ) 440 W. Pender St.
Moat Gallery [2004] VPL Main Branch, Georgia St. exh SSBC04
Mole Gallery [2023] 1157 Pendrell St. exh Lorena Leal 2023
exh Katherine Batch 2023
Mona Leah Gallery 1997-( ) 1012 Southwest Marine Dr.
Monica Reyes Gallery est 2013-[2023] 2895 W. 33rd Ave.
Monny's Art Gallery (2003) 2675 W. 4th Ave.
Monte Clark Gallery 1992-2020 1727 W. 3rd Ave.
525 Great Northern Way
53 Dunlevy
exh Peter Aspell 1996
exh Drew Shaffer 1997
exh Roy Arden 2007
exh Graham Gillmore 2018
Montgomery Cafe 1984-1986 433 W. Pender St. exh Graham Gillmore 1985

Undated framing label

Montgomery Fine Art Services (1990s) 76 W. Cordova St.
1517 W. 6th Ave.
ref artstores
Moonbase 1997-2002 227 Carrall St. ref Lux Gallery this address
ref Pengoh Gallery this address
Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery
  (Scott Watson)
[1995]-2020 1825 Main Mall, UBC ref UBC Fine Art Gallery
exh BELK97
exh BELK08
exh BELK09
exh Lawrence Yuxweluptun 1995
exh Agnes Martin & Emily Carr 1996
exh Roy Arden 1997
exh Mina Totino 1997
exh N.E. Thing Co. 1999
exh Tom Burrows 2018
Motion Studio
  (Gregg Simpson)
1966-( ) 1236 Seymour St.
MOTIV 1990-( ) 2064 W. 4th Ave.
Move Gallery
  (Robert Davidson)
3198 Londale Ave. NV
170 Powell St.
Museum of Anthropology 1976-2021 6393 NW Marine Drive exh Robert Davidson 1979, 2004
exh Doug Cranmer 2012
exh Lawrence Yuxweluptun 2016
Museum of North Vancouver [2021]- 115 W Esplanade NV
  (Kevin Stevens)
1984-[1985] 3684 W. 4th Ave. exh Ladislav Guderna 1984
exh Martin Guderna 1984
exh Andrej Somov 1985
New Artists' Gallery [1997] Vancouver exh Chris Bartels

1959 advertisement in Canadian Art

New Design Gallery
(Abe Rogatnick, Alvin Balkind)
1456 Marine Dr. WV
1157 W. Pender St.
1386 Burrard St.
see also Ace Gallery
see also Douglas Gallery
represented in 1955:
  Francois Andre
  Peter Aspell
  B.C. Binning
  Bruno Bobak
  Molly Bobak
  Don Jarvis
  John Koerner
  Joe Plaskett
  Jack Shadbolt
  Gordon Smith
  Charles Stegeman
  Chuck Yip
exh John Koerner 1955, 1956, 1957,
  1959, 1961, 1962, 1963
exh Joe Plaskett 1955, 1956,
  1957, 1960
exh Francois Andre 1956, 1958,
  1959, 1961
exh Bruno Bobak 1956
exh Bill Mayrs 1957, 1959
exh Don Jarvis 1958, 1962, 1964
exh Toni Onley 1959, 1961,
  1962, 1965
exh Takao Tanabe 1959, 1961,
   1962, 1964, 1966
exh David Marshall 1960
exh Roy Kiyooka 1961, 1962, 1963,
  1964, 1965, 1966
exh Derek Seddon 1962 (M8.1)
exh Vee Elder 1963
exh Glenn Toppings 1963
exh Richard Turner 1963
exh Gary Slipper 1964 (M8.1)
exh Audrey Capel Doray 1965
exh Jack Wise 1965, 1966
exh Philip Harrison 1966

1958 advertisement in Canadian Art

New Media Gallery [2023] 777 Columbia St. NW
New Tiny Gallery (2010) 207 Union St. ref Lucky Red Gallery this address
New Westminster Art Gallery
1965 New Westminster ref M
New Westminster Public Library [1970]-2020 New Westminster exh Alistair Bell 1970
exh Heather Cragg 1973
exh Michael de Courcy 2003
Nibbles [1981] Vancouver exh Andrej Somov 1981
Niche Gallery [2023] 105-1551 Johnston St.
(N)ON Commercial Gallery
  (Fndg. Dir. Kati(e) Campbell)
1984-(1987) 1011 Commercial Dr. exh Kati(e) Campbell
  ref CAG85
Norval Morisseau Gallery (1990s) 3022 Granville St.
Nova Gallery
  (Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft)
1976-1981 1972 W. 4th Ave. opening exhibition incl. Jim Breukelman, Jack Buquet, Michael de Courcy, Art Grice, Robert Keziere, Robert Kleyn, Tom Knott, Jones Lee, Dan Milek, Robert Minden, Michael Morris, N.E. Thing Co., Marion Penner Bancroft, Tim Porter, Trudy Rubenfeld
Solo exhibitions:
exh Allen Jones 1977
exh Scott MacEachern 1977
exh Marion Penner Bancroft 1977, 1979
exh Michael de Courcy 1978
exh Barry Jones 1978
exh Les Krims 1978
exh Ian Wallace 1978
exh Theodore Wan 1979
Numen Gallery (2007)-(2009) 1120 Mainland St.
Nyree Hazelton Arts (1990s) 2656 Arbutus St.
Oakridge Shopping Centre [1964]-[1981] exh group sculpture 1964
exh Drew McRitchie 1977, 1978
Group exh 1981
O'Connor Group Art Gallery [2023] 9201 Corbould St. CHI
Odyssey Gallery
  (Norman Rich)
1967-1972 ref CAG
Offsite (see VAG)
Oktavia Gallery (1997) 2341 Granville St.
Olympus Art Gallery 1969-( ) New Westminster exh Leo Labelle 1969
ref Leo Labelle M3
Omega Custom Framing & Gallery [2006]-(2009) 4290 Dunbar St. exh Wayne Ngan 2006
exh Graham Smith 2008
On Main 2011-(2020)
1965 Main St.
427-268 Keefer St.
Onepointsix Gallery 2002-(2003) 878 Homer St.
Open Studio [1982]-[2010] W Vancouver exh Ken Mitchell 1982, 2010
Or Gallery
  (Reid Shier)
1729 Franklin St.
505 Hamilton St.
314 W. Hastings St.
112 W. Hastings St.
103-480 Smithe St.
236 E. Pender St.
exh Roy Arden 1983, 1985
exh Ken Lum 1983
exh Sarah Thomas 1983
exh OR87
exh Ian Wallace 1983, 1984, 1988
exh Jan Westendorp 1990
exh Roy Kiyooka 1991
exh Katherine Kortikow 1991
exh Emily Carr/Jack Shadbolt 1999
Orion Gallery 1995-( ) 318 Industrial Ave.
Outsiders and Others Gallery [2020] 716 E. Hastings St.
exh Andrew Cathers 2020
Pacific Cinematique [1973]-2020 Howe St. exh Gary Lee Nova 1973
exh Chris Gallagher 1982
Pale Fire Gallery [2023] 866 East Broadway
Pandemonium (1993) 150 W. Cordova St.
Paneficio Studio ( )-2020 800 Keefer St.
Paperworks Gallery
  (Stan & Jean Bodlak)
1990-( )
1944 W. 4th Ave.
1650 Johnson St.
exh Sylvia Tait 1975, 1977, 1978
exh Myros Buriak 1978
exh Ken Pattern 1979
exh Marjorie Turnbull 1983
Patrick Doheny Fine Art (1980s)-(1992) 1811 W. 1st Ave. ref Doheny Gallery
The Parking Spot
  (Scott Hawthorn)
2005-(2012) 8 E. Cordova St.
Patrick Painter 100-blk Alexander St.
36-8415 Granville St.
Paul Kyle Gallery [2023] 4-258 East 1st Ave. see Elan Fine Art
Pender Street Gallery
  (Willard Holmes,
  Kathleen (Kitty) Byrne)
1976-(1980) 33 W. Pender St. exh Mowry Baden, Roland Brener, Christos Dikeakos, Fred Douglas, Dean Ellis, Rodney Graham, Tod Greenaway, Ian Wallace 197?
exh Mowry Baden 1976
exh Roland Brener 1976
exh Barry Cogswell 1976
exh John Dobereiner 1976
exh Fred Douglas 1976
exh Bill Jones 1976
exh Natalie Novotny-Green 1976
exh Ian Wallace 1976
exh Judy Williams 1976
exh Mike Banwell 1977
exh Tom Burrows 1977
exh Darcy Henderson 1977
exh Judith Lodge 1977
exh Ann Morrison 1977
exh Rick Ross 1977
exh Ranjan Sen 1977
exh Greg Snider 1977
exh Jurg Stauble 1977
exh Alan Wood 1979
Pendulum Gallery 1986-2020 885 W. Georgia St. ref Atrium Gallery
exh Five Out of Five 1999
exh Kazumi Tanaka 2001
exh Enda Bardell 2020 exh Alan Storey 2021
Pengoh Gallery 1996-1997 227 Carrall St. ref Lux Gallery this address
ref Moonbase this address
Perel Gallery [1989] 112 W Hastings St. exh Kathryn Walter 1989
exh UBC Printmakers 1989
exh Brenna George 1989
exh Sandra Lockwood 1989
exh Eva Mansson 1989
ref SFU Centre for the Arts
Performance Works [2013] 1218 Cartwright St. exh Nicole Sleeth 2013
exh SFAG13 2013
Petley-Jones Gallery
  (Matt Petley-Jones)
est 1986-1988
1838 W. 57th Ave.
2235 Granville St.
1554 W. 6th Ave.
2245 Granville St.
exh Sybil Andrews 1995
exh Michael Kluckner 2005, 2006, 2024
exh Don Li-Leger 2005
exh Scott Plear 2005, 2007
exh John Horton 2006
exh Andra Ghecevici 2007, 2008
exh David Tycho 2007
exh Duncan Regehr 2008
exh Shawn Shepherd 2008
exh Linda Kirby 2009
exh Matt Petley-Jones 2009
Petrov Restoration Gallery [1980] 2121 Granville St. exh Tomhu H. Roberts
Phoenix Gallery (1984) 2066 W. 4th Ave.
Photographer's Gallery [1979]-( ) 636 Hornby St. exh Taki Bluesinger 1979
Phthalo Gallery ( )-2003
2004-( )
1068 Homer St.
1068 Hamilton St.
Ping Gallery (1984) 12 W. Pender St.
Pitt International (see Helen Pitt)
Place des Arts 1972-2020 1120 Brunette Ave. CQ exh David Marshall 1983
Plaskett Gallery [2002] New Westminster exh Bill Mayrs 2002
PoMo Arts [2021] 2425 St. John St. PM ref PREVIEW 2021
Portfolio Gallery (Ian Tan) 1999-2005 863 W. Hastings St. ref Ian Tan Gallery
Postscripts Gallery
  (Peggy Martin, Sue Erb)
1981-1982 2243 Granville St.
Potlatch Arts (G.A. Bud Mintz) 1978-1996 100-8161 Main St. exh Glen Rabena (M)
Potlatch Enterprises 1978-1979 163 W. Hastings St. ref Potlatch Arts
Pot Shop Gallery (Doug Taylor) 1982-1984 1723 Robson St.
Presentation House Gallery
  (Karen Love)
1976-(2015) 209 W. 4 NV
333 Chesterfield NV
exh PHG81
exh PHG87
exh PHG97
exh PHG97.2
exh PHG02
exh PHG03
exh PHG03.2
exh PHG05
exh Dorothy Manning 1976
exh Drew McRitchie 1976
exh Toni Onley 1977
exh Sylvia Tait 1978
exh Alan Wood 1979
exh Malcolm McTaggart 1980, 1981
exh Marion Penner Bancroft
  1982, 2000
exh Jim Breukelman 1987
exh Saralee James 1992
exh Al McWilliams 1992
exh Sandra Semchuk 1992
exh Jerry Pethick 1994
exh Arni Haraldsson 1995
exh C.D. Hoy 1999
exh Roy Arden 2002
exh Eileen Leier 2003
exh H.G. Cox 2004
exh Evan Lee 2006
exh Jonathan Monk 2007
exh Annette Kelm 2008
exh Dick Oulton 2008
exh Attila Richard Lukacs 2010
exh Kellie Lycan 2014
exh Bruce Stewart 2014
Priestly Gallery (see Equinox Gallery)
Prior Editions (1980)-1992
1995-( )
496 Prior St.
1049 Cambie St.
206 Carrall St.
exh monotypes 1994 (ref Bowcott)
Project Gallery [1993]-(1994) 88 E. Cordova St. exh Here There Everywhere 1993
  (ref Bowcott)
Propellor Gallery [2002] Vancouver exh Nicholas Smit 2002
Pumps Gallery 1975-1980 40 E. Cordova St. 1st exhibition May 1976
exh 20 Photo Artists 1979
exh Roy Arden 1978, 1979, 1980
exh Taki Bluesinger 1978
exh Elizabeth Van Der Zaag 1978
exh Chris Reed 1979, 1980
exh David Ostrem 1979, 1980
exh Keith Donovan 1980
Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Mezzanine Gallery 1959-2020 630 Hamilton St. curated by ECUAD Alumni Society
exh Ken Wallace 1971
exh Heather Cragg 1973
exh Gregg Simpson 1974
exh Leo LaBelle 1975
exh Roz Marshall 1978
exh Braineaters 1981
exh Myros Buriak 1982
exh Vicky Marshall 1982
exh Martin Guderna 1984
Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Plaza 1959-2020 630 Hamilton St. exh Sculpture '67 1967
R Space [2023] 11860 Hammersmith Way RMD
Racetrack Gallery (ref VAG)
Ramada Inn [1967]-2020 1110 Howe St. exh Studio Fair '67
ref Comm Arts Council Vancouver
Raymond Chow Art 1995-( ) 650 W. Georgia St.
The Reach Gallery Museum [2023] 32388 Veteran's Way ABB
Red Dot Gallery (12 Midnight) Cordova St.
Red Dot Third 2012-( ) 434 Homer St.
Redpath Gallery (1994) 2335 Granville St.
Reflections Gallery [1982]-1983 170 Powell St. exh Taki Bluesinger 1982
exh Michael de Courcy 1982
exh Chris Gallagher 1982
Rembrandt Gallery 1979-1984 1333 Lonsdale Ave. NV exh Joyce Mitchell 1983
Renaissance Harbourside Hotel [2003] exh Ken Prescott 2003
Rendez-Vous Gallery 1997-2004
2007-( )
( )-( )
671 Howe St.
323 Howe St.
900 Howe
Rennie Collection at Wing Sang 2009-(2012) 51 E. Pender St.
Republic Gallery
  (Panthea Haghighi)
2006-2020 3rd Flr - 732 Richards St. exh Carol Sawyer 2017, 2018
exh RG09
Richard Beard Gallery 1982 1681 Marine Dr. WV
Richmond Art Gallery (1970)-2020 180-7700 Minoru Gate RMD
exh Visions of Women 1983
exh Returning Artists 1996
exh RAG03
exh RAG05
exh RAG06
exh RAG13
exh Lionel Thomas 1981
exh David Marshall 1982
exh Joy Zemel Long 1986
exh Leslie Poole 1992-94
exh Geert Maas 1993
exh W.P. Weston 1993
exh Michael de Courcy 1995
exh Marcus Bowcott 1997
exh Peter Aspell 2018

Richmond Arts (F.W. Holliday) 1917-1927
923 Robson St.
787 Hornby St.
919 Robson St.
ref Doug Alderson
ref artstores
Roberts Delaney Gallery [1994] 1049 Cambie St. exh David Marshall 1994
Robson Square Media Centre [1979]-2020 Robson Square Group:
exh ECCAD grad show 1980
exh Potters Guild of BC Retro 1980
exh SSBC80 1980
exh SSBC81 1981
exh PITT81 1981
exh Ceramics '81 Potters Guild of BC
exh Ceramics '82 Potters Guild of BC
exh B.C. Art Collection 1982
exh Caruso/Broderick/Kingsmill/Payne 1982
exh SSBC83
exh Sculpture 84 1984
exh BC Artists at the Square '84 1984
exh A Different Face 1984
  ref Women in Focus
exh Robert Michener 1979, 1981
exh Ian Wallace 1979
exh Arnold Shives 1980
exh Igor Khazanov 1981
Romanov Gallery
  (Pavlik Stooshnoff)
1997 103-555 Howe St.
Ron Kelly Gallery (see Kelly Galleries)
Roundhouse Comm. Centre 1986-2020 1200 Pacific Blvd. exh Leslie Poole 2004
ref Artropolis 1990, 1997
ref Malaspina Printmakers 101 Prints
   2011, 2012, 2014 2016
exh Art & Design - BC Achievement 2023 (Kate Metten)
Salt of the Earth Gallery [1986] exh David Marshall 1986
Sarah Dobbs Gallery 1993-1995
1767 W. 3rd Ave.
2 Powell St.
Satellite Gallery 2010-(2012) 560 Seymour St. ref Belkin Satellite
Sawai Atelier (Noboru Sawai) 1979-( ) 662 Alexander St.
Seip's Art [1970]-[1971] 2610 W. Broadway exh Gordon Ronald 1970 (M)
exh P.v. Ustinow 1971
Seymour Art Gallery (1985)-( )
( )-2020
1204 Caledonia Ave.
4360 Gallant Ave. DC
exh SEY90
exh SEY05
exh David Marshall 1992
exh Charles van Sandwyck 1997
exh Charlie Mayrs 1999
exh Bill Mayrs 2001
Seymour Gallery at Lonsdale Quay [2007] Lonsdale Quay exh Landscapes 2007
per John Steil
Shalom Gallery 1983-(1988) 950 W. 41st Ave.
Shoot That Tiger 332 Water St.
Shudder Gallery
  (Sylvana D'Angelo)
2011-( ) 433 Columbia St.
Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery 1988-2020 940 W. 41st. Ave.
Sidney Baker (1940)-(1950) 510 Hornby St.
SFU Gallery [1966]-1975
AC3035 Burnaby Campus
AQ3004 Burnaby Campus
exh B.C. Crafts Show 1972
exh BC On Canvas 1981
exh Insights 1981
exh The Cult of the Mountain 1989
exh Audrey Capel Doray 1966
exh Iain Baxter 1969
exh Gregg Simpson 1969
exh Paul Rand 1972
exh Sylvia Tait 1972, 1974, 1975
exh Robert Young 1981
exh James Klyman-Mowczan 1984
exh Leslie Poole 1990, 1995
exh Robert Linsley 1993
exh Denise Hawrysio 2007
exh Susan Bozic 2008
exh Jerry Pethick 2011
SFU Co-op Gallery (1980s) 3rd flr. - 112 W. Hastings St.
SFU Studio [1982] Vancouver exh David Macwilliam 1982
SFU Teck Gallery [2001]-(2020) 515 W. Hastings St. exh Leslie Poole 1996
exh Geert Maas 2000
exh David Marshall 2001
exh Robert Michener 2001
exh Henry Ciccone 2002
exh Joy Zemel Long 2002
exh Marianna Schmidt 2007
exh Arnold Shives 2012
exh Cathy Busby 2017-18
SFU Audain Gallery
Simon Patrich Gallery ( )-( )
2969 Pine St.
2331 Granville St.
2329 Granville St.
exh Tim Missal 2000
exh Ken Prescott 2000
exh Michael Abraham 2003
Six of One Gallery (1979)-(1985) 1151 Duranleau St. exh Vancouvers Favorite Characters 1982
Smash Gallery of Modern Art
  (Anya Slade & 12 Midnight)
(1980s)-[1992] 160 W. Cordova St. exh John Goetz 1992
exh Ryon McMurray 1992
Smash Modern Art & Design
  (Jen Abrams & 12 Midnight)
2012-( ) 580 Clark Drive
Snap Contemporary Art 2007-2008 190 W. 3rd Ave.
Sound Gallery (1965) 4th Ave. & Bayswater
Spirit Wrestler Gallery 1996-2006
8 Water St.
47 Water St.
exh Susan Point 2000
Spirits of the North
  (Gabriel Patrich)
(2004)-(2012) 2327 Granville St.
Stadium Gallery (see VAG)
Stapleton Gallery [1991] 952 Richards St. per FCA catalogue
exh Ian Macfarlane/Jeannette Hart 1991
State Gallery & Projects 2001-2006 Upper flr. 1564 W. 6th Ave. exh Jim Breukelman 2005
Station Museum (1980) 18th & Jones NV
Steep's Tea Lounge [2006] 895 W. Broadway exh Mariko Ando Spencer 2006
Studio 5 [2023] 1450 West Broadway
Studio 13 Fine Art
  (Ray Ophoff)
[2012]-2021 1315 Railspur Alley exh Ray Ophoff 2012
Studio 55
  (Gary T. Ness)
[1963] 1255 W. Pender
Studio AG InH. (1965) exh Gary Slipper M8.1
Studio B Gallery
  (Owner/Mgr. Samuel Burich)
Studio Blue ( )-( )
2004-( )
202-1540 W. 2nd Ave.
4-1494 Old Bridge St.
Studio Art Gallery [1965]-[1966] exh David Mayrs 1965
exh John Koerner 1966
Studio Shop [1953] 2712 W. 4th Ave. exh J.D. Parker 1953
Studio Shop & Gallery [1974]-[1983] 2436 Marine Dr. WV exh Gordon Adaskin 1973
exh Irene Hoffar Reid 1974
exh Ron Tribe 1983
Studio XYZ [2023] 329 Carroll St. cooperative
S.U.B. Gallery [1969] UBC exh Ian Wallace 1969
Sum Gallery [2023] 425-268 Keefer St.
Sun Spirit Gallery 2008-(2012) 2444 Marine Dr. WV
Surrey Art Gallery (1975)-2020 13758-88th Ave. SUR Group:
exh SAG79
exh SAG84
exh SAG89
exh A Flower Show 1989
exh SAG98
exh SAG00
exh Selections Perm. Coll. 2001
exh Face to Face 2004
exh Sylvia Tait 1976
exh Paul Wong 1976
exh Leonard Brett 1977
exh Judith Lodge 1977
exh Sherry Grauer 1980
exh Catherine MacTavish 1981
exh David Ostrem 1982
exh E.J. Hughes 1983
exh Mike Banwell 1983
exh Zbigniew Olak 1983
exh David V. Sloan 1985/1989
exh Josie Cook 1989
exh Judith Williams 1990
exh Vicky Marshall 1991
exh Leslie Poole 1991
exh Alan Storey 1993
The Talking Stick (Doug Cranmer,
  Dick Bird, A.J. Scow)
1962-1968 2306 Granville St.
Teck Gallery (see SFU Teck Gallery)
Ted Cibula Show Rooms [1977] exh Pernelly Sevy 1977 per M8.1
Temple Gallery 1983-(1985) 4428 W. 10th Ave. exh Pat O'Hara 1983
Tempus Gallery (Geoffrey Rees,
  Ron Stonier, David Mayrs)
(1964) Near 10th & Blanca exh Gordon Adaskin 1963
exh David Mayrs 1964
exh Geoffrey Rees 1964
exh Dennis Badgley
exh John Hunt
exh Gordon Miller
ref WVM17
Tensho Gallery (1995) 485-999 Canada Place ref Terry Sasaki Art Gallery
Terry Sasaki Art Gallery ref Tensho Gallery
Textile Context Studio 1420 Old Bridge St. exh Patricia Davies
exh Ann Vicente
Third Avenue Gallery 1996-2008 1727 W. 3rd Ave. ref Bjornson Kajiwara Gallery
Third Eye Gallery
  (Gregg Simpson)
(1980) 3rd flr. - 422 Richards St.
THIS Gallery [2023] 30E-263 Keefer St.
Threshold Gallery (Samuel Fried) [1989] 214-309 W. Cordova St. ref MG89
The Threshold Gallery (1993) 1521 W. 8th Ave. exh Ladislav Guderna 1993
Torres Gallery (1995) 2255 W. Broadway
Tracey Lawrence Gallery 1998-2008 105-1529 W. 6th Ave. also Wittmann Lawrence Gallery
ref Lawrence Eng Gallery
exh David Marshall 1998, 1999
Treliving's (1985) 1080 Robson St.
Trench Contemporary Art 2010-(2012) 102-148 Alexander St. exh David Mayrs 2011
The Triangle Gallery [2000]-[2002] 2001 Wall St. exh Elizabeth A. Griffiths 2000 Details
exh Elizabeth A. Griffiths 2002 The Essence of Nature
Trylowsky Gallery
  (Dr. Zenon Trylowsky)
exh Ian Skedd
truth and beauty gallery est 2006 exh Edward Peck 2014
ref The Commotion Virtual Salon
UBC AMS Gallery
  (Alma Mater Society)
1948-( )
( )-( )
( )-2019
Brock Hall UBC
HATCH at The Nest

exh D'Arcy Henderson 1969
exh B.C. Binning 1973
exh DAWN 1975
exh Leslie Poole 1978
UBC Fine Art Gallery 1948-1995 1961 East Mall (Main Library) ref UBC Art Centre Gallery
ref Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery
exh 7 West Coast Painters 1959
exh UBC68
exh John Boyle, Claude Breeze,
  David Mayrs, Richard Turner 1969
exh Collage Show 1971
exh UBC73
exh UBC74
exh Lionel Thomas 1947, 1948, 1951
exh Don Jarvis 1949
exh B.C. Binning 1950, 1973
exh Lawren Harris 1955
exh Nan Lawson Cheney 1957, 1961
exh David Marshall 1958, 1962, 1965
exh Joe Plaskett 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973
exh Gordon Smith 1966
exh Maxwell Bates 1967
exh Michael Morris 1967
exh Leonard Brett 1969
exh Jerry Pethick 1973
exh Sylvia Tait 1974, 1975
exh Ian Wallace 1974, 1990
exh Glenn Toppings 1978
exh Joey Morgan 1979
exh Gathie Falk 1980
exh John Clair Watts 1981
exh Judith Lodge 1986
exh Richard Prince 1988
exh Vincent Trasov 1991
exh Eric Metcalfe 1992
Ukama Gallery [2023] 1802 Maritime Mews
Unit 17 [2023] 2954 W. 4th Ave.
Unit/Pitt - see Helen Pitt Gallery
Uno Langmann Ltd. 1977-2020 2117 Granville St. exh UL78
exh C.J. Collings 1993
The Unstoppable Man 00-block W. Cordova St.
The Upstairs Gallery Vancouver & Edmonton ref Self Counsel Press 1994
(vacant lot) [1977] Vancouver exh Dean Ellis 1977
Vancouver Art Gallery 1922-1923 905 Granville St. ref artstores
Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG) 1931-1951
1145 W. Georgia St.
1155 W. Georgia St.
750 Hornby St.
original building
Lort expansion
move to Courthouse
VAG - Racetrack Gallery 1970-1971 PNE
VAG - Stadium Gallery 1971-1972 Capilano Stadium
VAG - Free Space [1973] Vancouver exh James Lowell Adams 1973
exh Leo LaBelle 1972
exh D. Bailey 1973
exh Richard F. Foulger 1973
exh Vivienne Kubic 1973
VAG - Satellite Gallery 1973-1976 Vancouver
VAG - Offsite 2009-2020 Georgia & Thurlow
Vancouver Artists Gallery [1975] exh Gregg Simpson 1975
Vancouver Arts Club (see Arts Club)
Vancouver Centennial Museum [1977]-[1992] Vancouver exh Lionel Thomas 1977
exh Sharyn Yuen 1992
Vancouver Chinese Art Gallery (1990s) 123 E. Pender St.
Vancouver East Cultural Centre [1974]-2020 1895 Venables exh AVA97
exh AVA98
exh AVA99.2
exh AVA00
exh AVA00.2
exh AVA00.3
exh AVA01
exh AVA Black & White Show 2001
exh Don Druick 1974, 1975
exh Linda Findlay 1998
exh Arlene Byrne 1998, 1999
exh Leah F. Georgia 2000
exh Dita Arntzen 2001
Vancouver Fine Art Gallery [2023] 2233 Granville St.
Vancouver Gallery of Photography 857 Beatty St.
2060 Pine St.
Vancouver International Festival [1959] Vancouver exh 7 WEST COAST PAINTERS 1959
Vancouver Maritime Museum [1968]-2020 1905 Ogden Ave. exh Treasures Afloat 1968
exh Marcus Bowcott 1998
Vancouver School of Art 1925-2020 Vancouver exh Gary Lee Nova 1970
Vancouver Planetarium [1971]-2020 exh Robert Davidson 1971
Van Dop Gallery [1997]-[1998] New Westminster exh Cheryl Fortier-Campbell 1997, 1998
Van Dusen Gardens (1975) 33rd Ave. & Oak St. Stone Sculpture Symposium 1975
Verge Gallery 2004 153 E. 8th Ave.
Video In (Studios) 1988-1993
1102 Homer St.
1965 Main St.
ref Video Inn
ref VIVO Media Arts Centre
Video Inn 1973-1986 261 Powell St. Satellite Video Exchange Society 1973
ref Video In
ref VIVO Media Arts Centre
exh Paul Wong 1975, 1981
Viewspace Gallery 1974-1982 3210 Dunbar St. Vancouver Image Exploration Workshop
Vincent Lee Fine Arts 1997-( ) 1038 W. Georgia St.
Visual Space Gallery
  (Yukiko Onley)
[2015]-2024 3352 Dunbar St.
exh Lucie Lambert 2015
exh Charlie Mayrs 2015
exh Mariko Ando
  2016, 2017, 2019, 2021
exh Toni Onley 2016
exh Robert Young 2016
exh Phyllis Greenwood 2017
exh Susan Madsen 2017
exh Arnold Shives 2017
exh Ross Bollerup 2018
exh Gary Drouin 2018
exh Joel Mara 2018
exh Alex Sandross 2018
exh Catherine M. Stewart 2018
exh Naoko Takenouchi 2018
exh Emma Windsor-Liscombe 2018
exh Tomoyo Ihaya 2019
exh Brian O'Connor 2019
exh Michael Owens 2019
exh Leah Price 2019
exh Jane Stanier 2019
exh David A. Haughton 2021
exh Tam Irving 2021
exh Frances Obie 2023
exh Marisa Mary Myrah 2023
exh John Capitano 2023
exh Susan Madsen 2023
exh Gabryel Harrison 2023
exh David Wilson 2023
exh Shinsuke Minegishi 2024
exh Julia Soderholm 2024
exh Susan Fraser-Hughes 2024
exh Aileen Vantomme 2024
exh Kathryn Youngs 2024
exh Camrose Ducote 2024
VIVO Media Arts Centre 2007-(2012) 1965 Main St. ref Video In/Video Inn
VOYZX Fine Art Project [2023] 24185 106B Ave. MR
W Gallery 2002 2987 W. 41st Ave.
WAAP (see Wil Abelle Art Projects)
W.A.C. Bennett Library Gallery [1999] SFU, UBC ref Tanya J. Behrisch 1999
Wade Gallery [1985]-[1988] 1525 W. 8th Ave. exh Pat Service 1985, 1986, 1988
The Walkway Gallery [2024] 20339 Douglas Cres. LNG
Wall Gallery [2003] exh David Marshall 2003
Warwick Gallery [1971]-1975
3039 Granville St.
exh David Blackwood 1971
exh David Marshall 1976
Watermark Gallery (1979) 1537 W. Broadway Canadian/International prints
West End Community Centre [2006]-2023 870 Denman St. exh Art in the City 2006-2019
2020-21 cancelled due to COVID-19
exh Art in the City 2022-23
Lobby display case:
exh Gary Sim 2023
exh Lenka Subotic 2023
exh Ken Kattern 2023
West Vancouver Art Museum
  (Dr. Hilary Letwin)
[2019]-[2024] 360 17th Ave. WV ref WV Museum & Archives
ref Gertrude Lawson
exh Jim Breukelman 2019
exh Landon Mackenzie 2019
exh Ron Stonier 2019
exh Bobbie Burgers 2021
exh Ian Wallace 2024
exh Arthur Erickson 2024
West Vancouver Memorial Library [2003]-2020 1950 Marine Dr. WV solo:
exh Ken Prescott 2002
exh Dale Warke 2003
exh Alcuin Society 2006, 2007-2008
West Vancouver Museum & Archives 1994-2020 360 17th Ave. WV ref WV Art Museum (new name)
exh Selwyn Pullen 2008
exh Lionel Thomas 2010
exh Sonny Assu 2013
exh Pierre Coupey 2013
exh Barry Downs 2013
exh Ron Thom 2013
exh Thomas Kakinuma 2017
exh Ann Kipling 2017
exh Peter Aspell 2018
Westbridge Fine Art 1995-2003
2239 Granville St.
1737 Fir St.
pub Canadian Arts Sales Index
  annually 1977-2020
exh M.V. Thornton 2024
Western Front 1973-2024 303 E. 8th Ave. exh Colour Xerography 1976
exh Apparition Room 2023 (Kate Metten) Solo:
exh Don Druick 1974, 1978, 1980
exh Eric Metcalfe 1977
exh Paul Wong 1977, 1981
exh Ken Wallace c1979
exh Taki Bluesinger 1980
exh Gary Lee Nova 1980
exh Marion Penner Bancroft 1981
exh Fred Fitzpatrick 1982
exh Elizabeth Van Der Zaag 1982
exh Al Neil 1983
exh Roy Arden 1986
exh George Sawchuk 1988
exh Sandra Semchuk 1988
exh Jayce Salloum 2004
Westminster Art Gallery (1971) ref Gordon Ronald (M)
White Rock Gallery est 1989-[2023] 1247 Johnston Road WR
Wil Abelle Art Projects (also WAAP) [2019]-[2021] Vancouver exh Kate Metten 2019, 2021
Wilp's Tsa-ak Gallery (Norman Tait) 1980-1982 3626 W. 4th Ave.
2425 Marine Dr. WV
Windrider Gallery (see Eagle Spirit)
Winsor Gallery 2002-2007
667 Howe St.
3025 Granville St.
exh Dana Claxton 2013
Wittman Lawrence Gallery
  (see Tracy Lawrence)
Woltjen-Udell Gallery (c1980) Vancouver ref Douglas Udell Gallery
exh Mia Johnson c1985
Women in Focus
  (Floating Curatorial Gallery)
  (also Lateral Gallery)
#6-45 Kingsway
#204-456 W. Broadway
465 W. Broadway
849 Beatty St.
exh Diane Kemble 1979
exh Claire Kujundzic 1979
exh Elizabeth Shefrin 1979
exh Myfanwy Spencer 1986
exh Sherri Grauer 1987
exh Wanda Koop 1987
exh Joy Zemel Long 1990
exh Ingrid Yuille 1990
Xeno Gallery 183 E. Broadway
Yactac Gallery (Stacy Ho) 2007-(2012) 7206 Ontario St.
Yale Gallery (1996)-[1999] 1230 Hamilton St. exh Henry Ciccone 1999
Zot Gallery [1961] 1059 Davie St. exh Janet Morgan, Gerry Koch, Jack (?)