British Columbia's Apprentices of Bernard Leach and Their Contemporaries

Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery, University of British Columbia
2009; ISBN 978-88865-803-6, hardcover, 304 pages
Includes list of works, summary of exhibitions; no index
Illustrated throughout in colour/b&w

Includes Preface and fifteen chapters by authors Scott Watson, Lee Plested, Nora E. Vaillant (q.v.), Doris Shadbolt, Herbert Read, Glenn Allison, Soetsu Yanagi, Tam Irving (q.v.), Glenn Lewis (q.v.), Michael Henry (q.v.), Ian Steele (q.v.), Naomi Sawada, and Charmian Johnson (q.v.). Also one chapter of transcribed artist's letters.

This book was published five years after the exhibition that it represents, held at UBC Jan. 30 - April 4, 2004. A large amount of research went into this compilation of information on BC clay artists, and many original photographs and documents are reproduced. Of particular interest to collectors is the information on potter's marks. Each artist has a number of marks identified as to their meaning, such as name, date or location of studio, for example. This makes it possible to not only identify the artist who created a specific piece, but when and where the piece was made.


Henry, Michael
Irving, Tam
Johnson, Charmian
Lewis, Glenn
Ngan, Wayne
Reeve, John
Steele, Ian