Exhibition of Contemporary British Columbia Art

Exhibition October 3 to 31, 1987
Catalogue produced and published by Artropolis
1987; No ISBN; 132 pages, softcover, 11" H x 8.5" W
Exhibition held in 788 Beatty Street warehouse
Catalogue includes essays, works illustrated

Exhibition was divided into 7 sections, initials per below indicate which section or sections each artist was in:

UR = Urban Renewal
AP = Artropolis Performance
SI = Self-Image: By the Artist, As the Artist
VP = Vox Populi
ET = Les Enfants Terribles
AV = Artropolis Video
MA = Music Artropolis


Abbott, Kate   VP
Achtem, Virginia   SI
Afari, Michelle   ET
Afari, Nadine   ET
Anderson, Kim   AP
Anderson, Matthew   UR
Armstrong, Evelyn   SI
Asmodeus, David   SI
Atkinson, Dwight Thomas   UR
Atkinson, Eryn L.   ET
Atkinson, Judith M.   ET
Atkinson, Michael J.R.   ET
Bak, Polly   ET
Baker, David   SI
Ball, Gregory   UR
Bartel, Jonathan   ET
Batchellor, Sharon   AP
Beech, Sara   ET
Beer, Ruth   SI
Big Dada   ET
Bingham, Peter   AP
Blain, Kim   AV
Boardman, Graham   ET
Bollerup, Ross   UR
Boschman, Lorna   AV
Boyko, D.B.   MA
Brechault, Dominique   UR
Brett, Leonard   UR
Brewer-White, Elaine   SI
Brooks, Gary   UR
Bruce, Katie   ET
Bryant, Nancy   ET
Bull, Hank   AV
Butler, Emily   VP
Butler, Margot   VP
Campbell, Robin   SI
Cerv Worm, Martin   ET
Chambers, Nicholas   ET
Chappell, Georgiana   UR
Chernoff, Brad   UR
Christie, Kim   SI
Clarke, Ken   UR
Claxton, Dana   AP
Condy-Berggold, Craig   UR
Corrigan, Shawn   ET
Corte, Jim   ET
Costello, Violet   ET
Craig, Kate   AV
Creed, Heidi   ET
Creed, Jesse   ET
Crossland, Jackie   ET
Crowder, Christopher   UR
Cummins, Jim   AV
Curman, Anna   ET
Darvish, Pooran   SI
Day, Christopher   ET
Dayman, Aubrey   UR
Denslow, Stephen   ET
Diesing, Freda   SI
Dikeakos, Alexandra   SI
Donnelly, Troi   ET
Dorrington, David   ET
Doucette, Lionel   SI
Ducote, Camrose   SI
Durrand, Diana   ET
Duschenes, Julie   UR
Eberman, Frank   SI
E.D.A.M.   AP
Farmilo, Christina   AP  VP
Fisi, Judit   ET
Fleming, Anne Marie   AV
Forget, Gavin   UR
Forsythe, Marianne   SI
Gallant, Illarion   UR
Gerberick, Ken   ET
Gilbert, Gerry   MA
Gill, Don   UR
Goldberg, Lori   UR
Graff, Tom   AP
Hackett, Carol   ET
Halsey, Trish   MA
Haupt, Morgan   ET
Hawkes, Kiku   ET
Heubner, Ron   VP
Hogg, Lucy   UR
Holmes, Devlin   UR
Holmes, Keith   SI
Hornsby, Michael   SI
Hueniken, Heidi   UR
Hughes, Patrick   AV
Hutton, Bruce   ET
Itter, Carole   ET
Jensen, Doreen   SI
Jillings, Danielle   ET
Kaplan, Nomi   UR
Kazmer, Karen   UR
Kemble, Diana   SI
Kennedy, Peter   UR
Kenney, Lori Anne   SI
Keruzore, Thierry   SI
Knott, Tom   SI
Kowalchuk, Allison   ET
Kronquist, Jo Ann   VP
Kulpas, Dennis   SI
Lagrito, Garnette   ET
Lambert, Zoe   ET
Larkin, Terry   AP  SI
Latremouille, Lori-ann   ET
Leda   AP
Levan, Kaaaly   UR
Levine, Paula   AV
Lewington, Wendy   SI
Lewis, Michael   UR
Lindfield, James   UR
Linklater, Mark   ET
MacCallum, Duncan   ET
MacColl, Jack   UR
MacDonald, Sarah   ET
MacLean, Lisa   SI
MacLeod, Danice   AV
MacNab, Daav   ET
MacNeil, Frank   AP  SI
Mah, Jeannie   UR
Mancuso, Michael   SI
Mandad   ET
Marsolais, Benjamin   ET
Marsolais, Natalie   ET
Martin, Naomi   AP  SI
McCutcheon, Irene   ET
McDonell, Ann   AP
Meagher, Patrick   ET
Mees, Monique   SI
Metcalfe, Eric   AV
Metz, Valerie   VP
Miller, Lee   ET
Milne, Susan   AV
Morris, Lowell   AP
Motamedi, Pari   UR
Muirhead, Ross   UR
Murphy, Erin   ET
Murphy, Meghan   ET
Murray, Don   UR
Mylrea, Marilyn   SI
Neel, David   SI
Neuman, Sonja   ET
Nevens, William   ET
Newby, Kenneth   MA
Noble Salmond, Joanne   ET
Norris, Judi   AV
Nugent, Cynthia   SI
O'Hara, Pat   SI
O'Neill, Michael   MA
Onley, Lynn   ET
Ostrem, David   UR
Ouimet, Gary   ET
Pan, Davide   ET
Pan, Marta   ET
Panis, Christina   ET
Panis, Jaydriane   ET
Paquette, Keith   AP
Parent, Yvonne   ET
Parlett, Mark   MA
Paul, Glen   UR
Payne, John   AP  SI
Peacock, Danielle   ET
Pearson, Gary   UR
Perk, Gretchen   AP
Perreault, Claude   SI
Pethick, Jerry   ET
Pitch, Marcia   ET
Plewman, Veronica   UR
Plimley, Paul   MA
Popov, Vassil   ET
Pratt, Elspeth   UR
Radul, Judy   AP
Raphanel, Philippe   UR
Reed, Clyde   MA
Reinhardt, Jeanette   AV
Ren, Arami   ET
Rennie, Bill   ET
Reoh-McLeod, Chris   SI
Robinson, Scott   AV
Roche, Brian   UR
Roland, Martin   UR
Rosati, Michael   AV
Rose, Catherine   ET
Rose, Lightning   ET
Royle, Tom   ET
Sabre, Jill   UR
Sammy, Sammy   ET
Sarahan, Joe   AV
Savage, Rowan   ET
Sawchuk, George   ET
Scheuing, Ruth   UR
Schwartzman, Joey   SI
Scully, Liz   ET
Senft, Doug   ET
Serret, Paul   MA
Shapiro, Catherine   SI
Shumsky, Russell   MA
Simpson, Gregg   MA
Sky, Stephen   VP
Smith, Julia   ET
Steele, David   UR
Stevenson, Sara   ET
Suede, Lunar   ET
Suen, Adrienne   ET
Sungur, Barbara   UR
Sutherland, J. Dayle   UR
Symchuk, Sheila   SI
Szekely, Barrie   UR
Szijarto, Marina   SI
Szohner, Gabriel   SI
Tessler, Ronnie   SI
Thomas, Ian   SI
Thomas, Tom   SI
Thompson, John   ET
Thomson, Bill   SI
Thomson, Lorraine   MA
Thorne, Michael   VP
Tisseur, Camille   ET
Truly, Ruby   AV
Ursiliak, Howard   VP
Van der Krabben, Jennifer   ET
Vendrasco, Derek   ET
Vendrasco, Jason   ET
Verchere, Ian   UR
Vertigo   AV
Vickers, Roy Henry   SI
Vie, Dan   AP  SI
Vlloa, Ariana   ET
Vlloa, Cinta   ET
Vlloa, Sergio   ET
Vlloa, Tonia   ET
Wapp, Bessie   AP  ET
Watson, Mike   AP  SI
Watts, Glen   AP
weaving, jil   ET
Webb, Betsy   ET
Webb, Jane   ET
Weideman, Lorraine   ET
Williams, Carol   VP
Wong, Paul   AV
Wyngaarden, Cornelia   AV
Yuen, Sharyn   VP
Yuille, Ingrid   UR