Exhibitions and Members 1880 - 1979

Compiled by Evelyn de Rostaing McMann
Published 1981 by University of Toronto Press
ISBN 0-8020-2366-5; 448 pages, hardcover, not illustrated.

Includes preface, guide to entries, biographical sources, abbreviations, exhibitions & members, members of Council 1880 - 1979, list of RCA exhibitions.

The main portion of the book is an alphabetical list of all artists who exhibited in the RCA exhibitions. Each listing includes (where known) birth and death dates & locations; a summary of where the artist lived as noted in each catalogue; a list of major references to the artist; and a complete listing of every artwork that they exhibited with the RCA.

This book would have required an immense amount of work, especially in pre-computer days. Listing 25,563 artworks by more than 3,000 artists from over 100 exhibitions would have probably required the use of thousands of index cards, handwritten or typed, to be filled in and sorted prior to typing the manuscript. As well, the internet was not available for fact-checking or looking up biographical information.

As McMann notes in her preface: " ... There are discrepancies in the Academy's records, and a number of past Members' files have been discarded. Variations appear in biographical forms returned by artists to the Academy and to libraries. Newspaper obituaries disagree. Reference books supply a choice of dates and places of birth and death. The catalogues spell artists' names in several ways. ... (continues)."

Only artists with BC references are included in the list below.
Artists noted " * " are new to the BC Artist index.


Adaskin, Gordon
Ahrens, Carl Henry Von
Airola, Paavo
Aitken, James Alfred
Aitken, Melita (Mrs. R.J. Aitken)
Alexander, Robert Samuel
Anderson, Wally
Andre, Francois Marise Sylvaine
Andrew, Paul Sinclair
Archambault, Richard Benson*
Armington, Franklin Milton
Armstrong, Evelyn A.
Armstrong, William
Atkinson, Sophia M.
Atkinson, William Edwin

Bain, Mabel A.
Bainbridge, Unity
Barker, Herbert Jackson
Barnard, Julia
Bates, Maxwell Bennett
Bates, Pat Martin
Baxter, Adeline
Baxter, Ingrid
Baxter, Iain
Bell, Alistair Macready
Bell-Smith, Frederic Marlett
Bell-Smith, John
Berwick, Ronald A.D.*
Besant, Derek Michael
Bethune, Edward R.C. (Ted)
Billaux, Mary Jane Helene
Binning, Bertram Charles
Black, Sam
Blakstad, Ralph Kenneth
Bloomfield, Edgar
Bobak, Bruno
Bobak, Molly Lamb
Boyle, John Bernard
Breeze, Claude Herbert
Brigden, Frederick Henry
Brook, Philip R.
Brooks, Frank Leonard
Brown, Annora
Browne, Joseph Archibald
Brydone-Jack, Katharina Sybil (Mrs.)
Brymner, William
Buckham, Robert Marshall
Bunyard, Richard G.
Burrill, Blake (Mrs.)
Burton, Dennis Eugene Norman
Bush, Robin Beaufort

Carr, Emily
Carr-Harris, Ian Redford
Casson, Alfred Joseph
Cheney, Anna Gertrude Lawson
Chetwynd, Arthur Ralph Talbot (Sir)*
Chisholm, Madeleine*
Ciccamara, Richard Matthew
Cliff, Denis Anthony
Clymer, John Ford
Cogswell, Thomas Frederick Barry
Collings, Charles John
Coughtry, John Graham
Cowley-Brown, Patrick George
Cross, Frederick George
Cupit, William

Daglish, Peter William
Dalla-Lana, Alfred Bruno
Daly, Kathleen Frances
Davidson, Ian Jocelyn
Davidson, Robert Charles
Dean, Thomas G.
De Forest, Henry J.
Delfosse, Marie Joseph Georges
Derreth, Reinhard
Devlin, Murray John
Downes, Barry Vance

Eastcott, Robert Wayne
Edwards, Allan Whitcombe
Elias, Arthur Edward
Ellison, John
Enns, Maureen
Ensor, Arthur John
Erickson, Arthur Charles
Ewart, Peter
Ewasiuk, Terry

Farley, Lilias Marianne Ar De Soif
Farlow, Harry MacNaughton
Favro, Murray
Fisher, Brian Richard
Fitzgerald, Lionel Lemoine
Forbes, John Colin
Foster, Hilda Vincent
Frame, Statira Elizabeth Wells
Fraser, John Arthur
Frechette, Marguerite Marie
Freifield, Eric
Freschi, Bruno Basilio
Fripp, Robert Mackay
Fripp, Thomas William
Fry, Bessie Adelaide
Fulford, Patricia Parsons

Gagen, Robert Ford
Gardiner, Frank G.*
Garner, Alec John
Gerson, Wolfgang
Gifford, William Brent
Gilbert, John Martin
Gilbert, William Herbert
Glyde, Henry George
Goranson, Paul Alexander
Gordaneer, James Edward
Grauer, Gay Sherrard
Gray, Claude W.
Gresham, Arthur
Grey, Jerry
Griffith, Julius Edward Lindsay

Hagell, Edward Frederick (Teddy)
Hague, Mary Elizabeth (Libby)
Hall, John Scott
Hall, Joice M.
Hall, Thomas H.
Halliday, Richard Stuart
Hammond, John A.
Harman, Jack Kenneth
Harris, Bess Larkin
Harris, Lawren Stewart
Harvey, Donald
Haworth, Peter
Haworth, Zema Barbara Cogill (Bobs)
Hawthorn, Henry Gilbert
Hayden, Michael
Hayes, G. Baly (Mrs.)
Hemingway, Peter*
Henriquez, Richard George
Hetmann, Dale*
Hilts, Alvin
Hollingsworth, Frederick Thornton*
Holmes, Reginald
Hood, Harry
Horne, Arthur Edward Cleeve
Hornyansky, Nicholas
Housser, Bess (see Harris, Bess)
Howarth, Glenn Edward
Hughes, Edward John
Hulbert, Richard Elliot*
Humphrey, Jack Weldon
Hung, Chung (see Chung-Hung, Allan)
Hunt, Herbert Garvin
Hushlak, Gerald
Hutchison, J. Cameron

Imredy, Elek
Innes, Alice Amelia
Innes, John
Izard, Eleanor
Izumi, Kiyoshi*

Jack, Marion Elizabeth
Jackson, Alexander Young
Jarvis, Donald Alvin
Johnson, Dorothy
Johnstone, John Young
Jones, Harry Ernest
Jorgenson, Flemming
Jule, Walter

Kakinuma, Thomas
Keagey, James William
Kemble, Roger Ian*
Kennedy, John De Navarre
Kergommeaux (see De Kergommeaux)
Kerr, Illingworth Holey
Kerr, K.E. Robert
Killam, Edith Humphrey
King, Allan Winton*
King, Ethel M.
Kingan, Edward Nathan (Ted)
Kinnear, John H.
Kinoshita, Gene*
Kipling, Barbara Ann
Kiss, Zoltan Sandor
Kiyooka, Roy Kenzie
Koochin, William
Korner, John Michael Anthony
Kubota, Nobuo
Kurelek, William (Wasyl)
Kushner, Patricia Anne

Laing, William John Houston (Bill)
Lamb, Molly
Lansdowne, James Fenwick
Larson, Edward (Ted)
Law, Charles Anthony Francis
Lawson, James Kerr
Lee, Frederick Walter
Leighton, Alfred Crocker
Lennie, Edith Beatrice Catharine
Lewis, Herbert
Lim, Ben
Lindner, Ernest
Lindoe, Luke Orton
Lismer, Arthur
Loemans, Alexander Francis
Lyall, Laura

MacCarthy, Coeur de Lion
MacDonald, Grant Kenneth
MacDonald, James Edward Hervey
Macdonald, J.W.G. (Jock)
MacDonald, John Blair*
MacDonald, Murray Malcolm
MacGregor, William Firth
MacLeod, Pegi Nicol
Maclure, Samuel
Major, Richard Walter
Manning, Joanne Elizabeth (Jo)
Marani, Ferdinand Herbert*
March, Sydney
Markell, Jack Harold
Martin, Emma May
Martin, Thomas Mower
Massey, Geoffrey*
Matthews, Marmaduke*
May, Henrietta Mabel
Mayhew, Elza Edith Lovitt
Mayor, Robin
McEvoy, Henry Nesbitt (Harry)
McGivern, Harold Mackintosh
McWilliams, Allan
Melvin, Grace Melvin
Millar, Charles Blakeway*
Millar, Clara Louise Neads
Mitchell, Winifred Laura
Moriyama, Raymond*
Morrison, Irene Elaine
Morton, Douglas Gibb
Muntz, Laura Adeline
Murray, Robert Gray

Nakamura, Kazuo
Newcombe, William John Bertram
Nicol, Pegi (see MacLeod, Pegi Nicol)
Norris, George Alexander
Norris, Leonard Matheson

O'Brien, Lucius Richard
Onley, Norman Antonio (Toni)

Palmer, Herbert Franklin
Parker, Arthur Henry
Parker, Harley Walter Blair
Pavelic, Myfanwy Spencer
Payne, Gordon Eastcott
Pemberton, Sophie Theresa
Perry, Frank
Peter, Friedrich Gunther
Petley-Jones, Llewellyn
Pfeifer, Bodo
Phillips, Walter Joseph
Plaskett, Joseph Francis
Pratt, Charles Edward
Price, Arthur Donald
Prince, Richard Edmund

Radford, John A.
Raginsky, Nina
Rand, Paul
Reeve, John
Reid, Robert
Reid, William Ronald (Bill)
Richards, Frances Elwood
Rimmer, David McLellan
Ristvedt, Milly
Roberts, William Goodridge
Roberts, William Griffith
Rockett, Paul Arthur*

Sabiston, Carol
Sawai, Noboru
Sawchuck, George
Schellenberger, Otto (see Rand, Paul)
Schmidt, Marianna
Scott, Charles Hepburn
Scott, R. Stuart
Shabaeff, Valentin
Shackleton, Kathleen
Shadbolt, Jack Leonard
Shrapnel, Edward Scrope
Siebner, Herbert Johannes Josef
Singer, Danny
Sinkins, Audree Lucille
Slipper, Gary Peter
Smith, Freda Pemberton
Smith, Frederick Marlett
Smith, Gordon Appelbe
Smith, John Ivor
Smith, Kate Adeline
Snow, John Harold Thomas
Sorenson, David
Spencer, Myfanwy
Staniszkis, Joanna Katarzyna
Stapleton, Archibald Bruce
Stegeman, Charles
Stegeman, Francoise
Stevenson, W.S. (Leroy)
Stewart, David Murray McCheyne
Stewart, Donald Campbell
Stovkis, Betty
Stone, Amy Blanche
Strasman, James Colin*
Surrey, Philip Henry Howard
Symons, Beatrice

Tait, Sylvia
Tanabe, Takao
Teitelbaum, Mashel Alexander
Thom Ronald James
Thomas, Alice Blair Pollard
Thomas, Lionel Arthur John
Thompson, Charles J.*
Thomson, William James
Thornton, Mildred Valley Stinson
Thornton, Peter Muschamp
Tinning, George Campbell
Tracy, Arthur John
Trudeau, Yves
Tully, Beresford L.
Turner, Richard Julian

Ustinov, Platon Cornelius von

Van Alstyne, Thelma Salina Aylma
Varley, Frederick Horsman
Verner, Frederick Arthur

Wainwright, Robert Barry
Wake, Margaret Eveline
Watt, Henry Robertson (Robin)
Way, Charles Jones
Wegstein, Robert
Weston, William Percy
White, George Harlow
Whittome, Irene
Wilkinson, John Craig Seaton (Jack)
Willard, Ernva A.
Williams, Ivor
Williams, Margaret Adelaide
Wise, Jack Marlowe
Wong, Paul C.
Wood, Alan

Zelenak, Edward John