Newspaper and Periodicals

(Refer also to CLIPPINGS)

Amphora (journal of the Alcuin Society, Vancouver)

Art Avenue (FCA journal)

B.C. Saturday Sunset

B.C. Ladies' Mirror

B.C. Teacher, "official organ of the B.C. Teacher's Association".
      1920s - 1940s; a small pamphlet published monthly in Vancouver except July & August
      (November 1930 issue was Volume X, Number 3)
      Contained articles on art, see S.P. Judge, C.H. Scott, and J. Shadbolt.
      In 1930 Ira Dilworth was President of the Editorial Board.

The Beaver

Calgary Herald

Canadian magazine

Canadian Architect and Builder
      Early art references to Vancouver in B.C. LETTERS, 1900 and 1901. See Clippings.

Canadian Art
      Fine Arts - Architecture - Graphic Arts - Design

Canadian Forum (The)

Citizen (The) (Ottawa)

Financial News

Galleries West (Alberta, now online only)

Gold Stripe (The)

Kamloops News

Lions Gate Times (North Vancouver)

London Gazette Supplement

Maclean's magazine

Man to Man

Mitton's Home Builder (Charles Marega)

Montreal Gazette

Montreal Star

Museum Notes (AHSAV original title)

Museum and Art Notes (AHSAV second title)

News-Advertisor (Vancouver)

News-Herald (Vancouver)

Opportunities magazine

Preview magazine (Vancouver)

Sackville Tribune (New Brunswick)

Saturday Night

School (The) magazine

School Days magazine, published by the Vancouver School Board
      September 1919 - June 1930 (monthly except July and August)
      Contains articles, poems, contests, school information, student exercises.
      Numerous stories and illustrations by R.S. Sherman and Maud Sherman
      Also illustrations by C.H. Scott, S.P. Judge, Maisie Robertson.

Store Topics (David Spencer pamphlet)

Studio (The) (London, England)

Sunday Province (Vancouver)

Toronto Star Weekly

Trail Daily News

Ubyssey (The) (UBC student paper, Vancouver)

Vancouver Art Gallery Bulletin

Vancouver Courier

Vancouver Daily Province

Vancouver Daily World

Western Express

Vancouver Star

Vancouver Sun

VanTech (Vancouver Technical High School Annual)

Victoria Colonist

Victoria Times

Victoria Times-Colonist

West End Breeze (Vancouver)

Western Call (The)

Western Womens' Weekly (Vancouver)

Westward Ho! (c1907)
      "A Western Canadian Magazine. Art, Literature, Criticism, Publicity"
      Includes cover illustrations by Spencer Perceval Judge
      Includes articles and illustrations by John Kyle

Western Homes & Living