November 26 2007 - upcoming exhibitions
It is always a busy time of year for artists, and Sim will have work in the
following exhibitions:
1. Christmas exhibition - Daily Grind Cafe at 1500 West Georgia Street.
This is a group exhibition curated by Sim, showing work by Sim, John Steil, and Donna Mair.
This exhibition will be hung this week.
2. Malaspina Printmakers Society annual Christmas exhibition.
Sim has submitted three prints to this exhibition, Flowers,
Coast Range, and Snow On Elms.
The opening for this exhibition is December 6th, from 7 to 9 p.m.
3. West Vancouver Memorial Library 2nd Annual Books and Printing exhibition.
Sim will have one or two artist books in this exhibition.
The opening of this exhibition is the evening of December 7th, although it is
on show from December 1st to 31st.
The exhibition is curated by The Alcuin Society.
November 20 2007 - Sim prints acquired for The City of Burnaby Permanent
Art Collection

Following the exhibition Coastal Range, the Burnaby Art Gallery has
purchased prints of Higher Rises and
Snow On Elms for The City of Burnaby Permanent Art
Collection. It is an honour to have my work added to their collection of
"significant works on paper", and I would like to thank Gallery Director and
Curator Darrin Martens for his support.

November 14 2007 - Sim commissioned to create Burnaby Art Gallery
Christmas card
The Burnaby Art Gallery has commissioned Sim to create a limited edition
block print Christmas card. Wishing to revive an earlier series of
commissioned cards, the Gallery has asked for an editioned print to send
to patrons and artists. The print will be an image of the Burnaby Art Gallery
in winter.
September 17 2007 - Sim awarded Active status in Federation of Canadian Artists
Upon return from a few days vacation up the coast I received a letter from the
Federation of Canadian Artists, notifying me that I had successfully been
juried in to Active status with the Federation. This allows for greater
exposure and exhibition of work through their Gallery and website, especially
through submission to members only exhibitions. The Federation was founded
in 1941 as a national arts organization.

September 17 2007 - "Coastal Range" exhibition on now
Now on exhibition at the main branch of the Burnaby Library at Metrotown
is the exhibition Coastal Range, a solo presentation of limited
edition block prints by Gary Sim. Fourteen individual prints are on display
on the mezzanine level of the library until November 18th. The library is
open Monday to Friday 9 to 9, Saturday 9 to 6, and Sunday 1 to 5.

There is also a display case for the exhibition at the Shadbolt Centre
for the Arts. As shown in the photograph below, the linoleum blocks for
prints Higher Rises and Snow on Elms are mounted alongside
prints pulled from the blocks.

The Burnaby Art Gallery press release for the exhibition has been published,
along with illustrations of the block print Higher Rises, in the
Province (Vancouver) on September 17th and in the News Leader
(Burnaby and New Westminster) on September 28th. The press release and an
image of Higher Rises is also posted on the Burnaby Art Gallery
Web site.
September 17 2007 - Block printing workshop cancelled
Alas, we didn't get anyone to sign up for the block printing workshop in
Madeira Park, so it is cancelled. Thank you to those who expressed interest.

September 6 2007 - "Mountains" exhibition on now
Now on exhibition at the Daily Grind Cafe at 1500 West Georgia Street in
Vancouver is the exhibition Mountains, a brief overview of artworks
that show the western mountains from the Rockies to the Coast. Art in
the show includes early works by Maud Rees Sherman, Bessie Fry Symons, and
Barleigh (Barbara Leighton), and recent works by Ann Vicente and Gary Sim.
The artwork is created in various styles, and different mediums, including
watercolour, pencil, block prints (4), and photograph. The exhibition will be on
display until the end of October. Note: the cafe is only open
Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

September 2 2007 - linocutting workshop announced
In cooperation with Anita Horovenko of Three Ducks on a Roof in Egmont, we are
pleased to announce an all-day block printing workshop at Pender Harbour on
September 23rd.

September 2 2007 - new Limited Edition Print published
We have completed another new edition - Flowers,
an early morning view seen walking through Barclay Heritage Park. Please refer
to linked page for more information. The Mountains exhibition at the
Daily Grind Cafe continues to elude us. The previous show Ships Ahoy!
is now down, and the blank wall awaits...

August 20, 2007 - Wreck on display at Malaspina Summer Show
On a visit to Malaspina Printmakers Society on Granville Island we
noticed that recent print Wreck is up on the wall in the Summer

August 17 2007 - two new Limited Edition Prints published
Inspired by the invitation to exhibit block prints at the Burnaby Art
Gallery, we have completed 2 new editions - Coast Range 1
and Wreck. Please refer to linked pages for more
information. The Mountains exhibition at the Daily Grind Cafe has
been delayed, but should be up on display within the week.

July 12 2007 - Solo exhibition of Sim block prints
to show in Burnaby
We are very pleased to announce that the Burnaby Art Gallery has asked to put
on a solo exhibition of Sim block prints. The show will run from September 18 to
November 20, 2007. Fourteen block prints will be on display at the Bob Prittie
Library (the main branch of the Burnaby Library, at Metropolis), and more prints
and blocks will be on display at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts.
I would like to thank Bob MacIntyre, Preparator / Exhibition Coordinator at the
Burnaby Art Gallery, for arranging this exhibition. Also, thanks to Mona Fertig
of Mother Tongue Press for posting the link to my website on her own website
that led Bob to see my prints in the first place.
The exhibition is a great opportunity to show the prints, with an estimated
3,000 people a day using the Library, and many more visiting the Shadbolt Center
for the Arts. A press release will be issued by the Gallery. All work will be
for sale, either through the gallery or directly from Sim Publishing.

July 10 2007 - Mountains Exhibition to show at Daily Grind Cafe
The curatorial branch of Sim Publishing is pleased to announce a pending
exhibition of art and photographs of Western Canadian mountains at the
Daily Grind Cafe, 1500 West Georgia Street. Artwork is expected to include historic
limited edition prints by Bessie Fry Symons and Barbara Leighton (Barleigh),
a historic watercolour painting and a pencil drawing by Maud Rees Sherman, and a
limited edition print and two photographs by Gary Sim.
The exhibition will go up in the next week or two, and run until the end
of September. The Cafe is open from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday
to Friday.

Sim Publishing has released another incremental update to its flagship
project ART & ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION: VANCOUVER 1890 - 1950. More
than 300 files are new or updated since Release 1.23 in April 2007. Additions
include 2 more transcribed exhibition catalogues of the B.C. Society of Fine
Arts, numerous new artist biographies, and other updates.
An all-time list of exhibitors at the Island Arts and Crafts Society has been
transcribed, providing a large base of information on Vancouver Island artists,
and particularly those who exhibited their artwork in Vancouver. A 1928 list of
members of the Architectural Institute of B.C. has also been added.
Another major addition to the project is the inclusion of images (finally),
which include over 40 photographs of public art in Vancouver, and of artworks by
artists listed in the index - such as the painting of Foul Bay shown above by
artist Maud Rees Sherman (1900 - 1976).
1890 - 1950 for more information about this project, which is available
only on CD-ROM for $249.00, directly from the publisher.
April 29 2007 - Web site updated

A number of web pages have been updated or added to the Sim Publishing
web site.
April 15 2007 - Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950
Release 1.23 Issued
Sim Publishing continues expand this massive art history project, our "flagship"
publication. Work continues on transcription of B.C. Society of Fine Arts
exhibition catalogues, creation of additional artist biographies, expansion
of existing biographies, addition of more news clippings and original archival
material, and listing of additional reference publications.
1890 - 1950 for more information about this project, which is available
only on CD-ROM for $249.00, directly from the publisher.
March 21 - June 21 2007 - SHIPS AHOY show at Daily Grind cafe
A small survey exhibition of marine art by Vancouver artists will be on display
at the Daily Grind cafe, 1500 West Georgia Street, from March 21 to June 21.
Works by five artists will be shown, including Aubrey N. St. John Mildmay,
B.C. Binning, Alistair Bell, Vahid Dastpak, and Gary Sim. The artwork spans
a period of 87 years, and is done with a wide range of mediums including original
watercolour and pen and ink, serigraph, woodblock print, and etching.
The cafe is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed weekends).

January 2 - March 9 2007 - Donna Mair Photography - CITYSCAPES
An exhibition of architectural photography by Donna Mair, safety officer for
Newhaven Construction, is on display at the Daily Grind Cafe, 1500 West Georgia
Street, until March 9 2007. The cafe is open Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. Please drop by for a look at the show.

January 2 2007 - THE ART of BOOKS & PRINTING exhibition
comes down at West Vancouver Memorial Library
The very successful exhibition THE ART of BOOKS & PRINTING at the West
Vancouver Memorial Library came down on the 2nd. We were asked to pick up
works at 9:00 a.m. that day. Although this seemed a bit cruel right
after New Year's day, the volunteers both take down the current show
and put up a new one on the same morning, so it is efficient for them.
As it happened, a rain storm had hit the night before, and over five inches
of rain fell on the north shore. It was still raining when we drove along
Marine Drive, and some manhole covers were spouting jets of rainwater. We
encountered one store that was flooded, with water pouring out from under
the front door. Mercifully we picked up the artwork without incident, and
made it home safely.
On December 1st, the day of the opening, the library's curator called and
asked me if I could bring along two more artworks. I rushed home to select
two more, and took them along to the opening - the volunteers put them up
on the spot. In the end, I had seven artworks on display, plus a copy of
Amphora 135 with my cover image on it. The photograph below shows
Basking and Shucking Shed on the left, then Eagle's
Eye, The Adventures of Angleman, with Lions Gate 2 - the original image
for Amphora 135 - on the right. Also in the exhibition were Snow on
Elms and Slide Mile 140.3.

January 2007 - Best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year!
In these troubled times, we would like to give you our best wishes for a safe and
healthy New Year. Hopefully you will find something to look at or read on this
web site that will give you a bit of pleasure or a laugh...
Sim Publishing has been trying to take it a bit easy this winter. A number of updates
have been made to ART & ARTISTS IN EXHIBITION:
VANCOUVER 1890 - 1950, and some puttering about has been done making artist
books (A Handful of Haikus and a couple of others) out of some lovely materials
purchased from Ann Vicente at Textile Context on Granville Island.
Perhaps when the days are longer we'll get back up to speed with other ongoing
Continue to 2006
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