Author Nom-de-Plumes & Abbreviations

For various reasons, writers on art and politics and other topics of public interest often used a nom-de-plume to sign their articles. In some cases the author used their initials. Some nom-de-plumes are easier to link to the actual name than others. Current results for local authors are as follows.

Amicus (? ref Westward Ho July 1907)
A.M.W. Alice Maud Winlow
C.G. Colin Graham (q.v.)(AGGV)
CINTRA (? unk-3601.htm)
Diogenes Bernard McEvoy
D.S.M. Doris Stone Milligan 1900 - 1982 journalist
(ref sun-3301.htm)
E.L. (? ref Lions Gate Times March 11 1948)
E.N.B. (? ref Province Sept 10 1937 VAGx0213)
(ref Province April 30 1938)
E.W.R. Elmer Willard Reid (1882-1958)
Teacher Admiral Seymour, VSB School Principal
Felix Penne John Frances Bursill
Greenjacket (? ahsav08.htm)
H.T.W. (error for T.H.W.)
I.B. (error for J.B.? Province 1920)
J.B. J. Butterfield (Province 1921, May 1924)
(Jas. Butterfield, Province reporter,
home 3034 10th Ave. West)
J.H. Jack Hardman (q.v.)
- Julia Henshaw (The Note Book, Van Sun 1933)
J.L. (? www-2202.htm) (? James Leyland)
L.H.G. Lois H. Gilpin
M.A.E. (? ref Province May 18 1940)
- Maimie Maloney (ref Van Sun May 5 1934)
- Alan Palmer Morley (The Daily Tattler 1937)
N.T. Nicholas Tuele (AGGV)
Nighthawke (B.C. Ladies Mirror drama critic)
Palette John Delisle Parker
P.C.W. (? ref Province Dec 1939)
R.A. Robert Amos (q.v.)(AGGV)
R.A.H. (? ref BCSFA - An Appreciation)
R.W.M. Reta W. Myers
- John Radford
- Noel Robinson
Spectator (? ref B.C. Monthly Dec. 1924 Educational Notes)
Stilicho Aubrey St. John Mildmay
- Mildred Valley Thornton
T.H.W. (? News-Herald: Nov. 12 1935 re Scott,
May 6 1938 re H.A. Stone)
Wayfarer (? Neil Duncan clipping 1934)
- Browni Wingate (News-Herald clippings 1941-45)