Mary Grant Sheppard
(nee Brown, m Llewelyn Sheppard)

December 13 1890 - December 9 1967

Island Arts and Crafts Society 1929-41

M.G. Sheppard was born in Newfoundland. She moved to Victoria around 1920, where she married Llewelyn Sheppard on December 22, 1920. His occupation was listed as "Master Mariner" from which he retired in 1950, passing away in 1959.

Mary exhibited work with the Island Arts & Crafts Society from 1929 to 1941, including at the Vancouver Art Gallery in the 1939 Vancouver Island Exhibition.

She died in Vancouver in 1967. The death certificate noted that she had lived in Vancouver for 5-1/2 years, in B.C. for 47 years, and in Canada her whole life. The certificate was witnessed by her daughter Margaret Grant Inglis.

1929 Oct. 22 - 31 IACS 20th Annual Exhibition A Bit of the Shoreline, Esquimalt (Oil)
Cliffs, Esquimalt (oil)
Where the Pathway Dips (w/c)
1932 Oct. 11 - 22 IACS 23rd Annual Exhibition Douglas Firs, East Sooke (w/c)
Water Lilies, Beacon Hill Park (w/c)
A Gateway, Beach Drive (w/c)
Goldstream (oil)
1933 Oct. 24 - Nov. 4 IACS 24th Annual Exhibition Daisies and Buttercups (w/c)
Arbutus at Sooke (w/c)
Mount Douglas (w/c)
Esquimalt's Rocky Shore (w/c)
The Model (b&w)
Margaret (b&w)
Laddie (b&w)
Elizabeth (b&w)
1934 Oct. 22 - 27 IACS 25th Annual Exhibition Autumn, Oak Bay (w/c)
Morning Mists (w/c)
Goldstream (w/c)
1935 Nov. 4 - 9 IACS 26th Annual Exhibition From Mt. Tolmie (w/c)
Yarrows, Constance Cove (w/c)
Stadacona Park (w/c)
1936 Oct. 26 - 31 IACS 27th Annual Exhibition Pachena, West Coast (w/c)
African Marigold (w/c)
Autumn, Pemberton Woods (w/c)
Flat Rocks, West Coast (w/c)
The White Cloud (b&w)
Surf (b&w)
1937 Oct. 20 - 27 IACS 28th Annual Exhibition New York Harbour (w/c)
Lower Manhattan (w/c)
1938 Oct. 20 - 29 IACS 29th Annual Exhibition A Fifteen Minute Wait (w/c)
A Place in the Sun (w/c)
Spring, Uplands (w/c)
1939 March 14 - 26 IACS Vancouver Island Exhibition Spring in the Uplands (w/c)
1941 April 28 - May 3 IACS 31st Annual Exhibition Spring at Uplands (w/c)
Pathway (w/c)
Beacon Hill (w/c)


B.C. VITAL STATISTICS ON-LINE marriage, death, husband death (refer to BCVS)
