King George Secondary School
(formerly King George High School)

1972 photograph by Walter E. Frost, courtesy City of Vancouver Archives
King George High School was originally built
on Burrard between Nelson and Helmcken, the site of the current Wall Center.
The school was relocated to Denman Street in 1963, between Barclay and Haro.
In 2023 the school has space for 375 students,
but is operating over capacity with 600 students.
Artists related to the high school include teachers and students:
Donald Flather, Vice-Principal
Jacqueline Hugo, student
David (Dave) Jensen, student (Interior designer, exhibit designer, David Jensen & Associates)
Joan Thompson, student
Agnes Martin, student (artist)

1963 illustrations for the school annual by David Jensen
David Jensen provided numerous illustrations for the 1963 school annual, including
the cover image. Interestingly, I worked with David in 2008-2009 on the Squamish-Lilwat
Cultural Centre in Whistler. I was doing construction administration (and ongoing design)
for the building after the Client fired the original architects and designers. David
and his firm David Jensen & Associates were designing all of the interpretive displays
for the facility.
Although she apparently did not exhibit her artwork in Vancouver while she
lived here, Agnes Martin later became an internationally renowned American artist,
whose paintings have sold for many millions of dollars. While at King George, however,
she mostly excelled in various sports like swimming.

Photograph by Gary Sim, Dec. 2023
Archive photographs by Gary Sim, Dec. 2023
King George High School has the privilege of having a School Archives, run on
a volunteer basis for 10 years by Jim Bradbury and Jesse Coomes, assisted by Fred Hume, who is
the UBC sports archivist, and Angela Raasch. They have amassed
a wonderful collection of school history, from uniforms, trophies, and school annuals,
to a skeleton from the science class. They have also compiled a huge amount of
information from every year the school was in operation, including school annuals,
binders of material from each year, class photographs, and many student profiles.

1950 etching plate "Graduation" for school annual, and letterpress print from it by Gary Sim
A display case in the lobby adjacent to the Barclay Street entrance is used for
rotating themed displays like "welcome back"
or "examinations" or "successful students in film (or sports)" and so on.

2023 Christmas display. Photograph Gary Sim
The Archives is open for visits on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to about 1:00 or 2:00 p.m.
typically. The Archives is happy to meet former students, and they welcome information
on students who have attended the school, which may be someone's parent, for example.

2024 January games display by Angela Raasch. Photograph Gary Sim

2024 March photography display by Angela Raasch. Photograph Gary Sim
Angela Raasch asked for help filling up the diplay case for a display of photographic
equipment related to the high school's former Projectionists Club. I loaned quite a bit of
cameras and related material for her to use. My parent's old Super-8 film camera (purchased
in 1954) and 35mm Agfa camera were in the display, along with a few cameras that I have
used along the way. Film and canisters, slide viewers, accessory lenses and filters, three
light meters, and other odds and ends also made it into the wonderful display.

2024 March photography display by Angela Raasch. Photograph Gary Sim

2024 March photography display by Angela Raasch. Photograph Gary Sim
The Elgeet lens and FILMO Companion 8mm camera were loaned from my parents' collection of cameras.

2024 September welcome back display by Angela Raasch. Photograph courtesy Angela Raasch

2024 September quiz time display by Angela Raasch. Photograph courtesy Angela Raasch

2024 October Halloween display by Angela Raasch. Photograph courtesy Angela Raasch

2024 November Remembrance day display by Angela Raasch. Photograph courtesy Angela Raasch
Vancouver School Board
"Other Vancouver winners in Seattle competition are: ... Joan
Thompson, 1091 Broughton, King George High School."
From "Vancouver Lad Wins in Seattle Poster Competition"
Vancouver Province, June 6 1942
"Students End Year's Events" by Jacqueline Jones
Vancouver Province June 11 1943 page 27
"Art Willoughby Memorial Cup Won By King George Student" by Jacqueline Jones
Vancouver Province June 18 1943 page 13
""Best Button Bringer" At King George Wins Prize" by Jacqueline Jones
Vancouver Province February 12 1944 page 16
"King George High School"
Vancouver Sun July 15 1944 page 14