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Sim Publishing was pleased to present a lecture and slide show co-sponsored by Sim Publishing and the Vancouver Public Library on the recently-published RAILWAY ROCK GANG memoir by Gary Sim.

Thank you to all of the people who came out to see my talk, and special thanks again to VPL for co-sponsoring the event. The event was well attended and the talk went smoothly, without any technical glitches or other distractions. A Powerpoint presentation was created for the talk, containing 140 original photographs of the Rock Gangs at work. Forty of these photographs had never been shown prior to this event, the remainder are published in RAILWAY ROCK GANG.

Copies from the first edition of 250 are still available for purchase from PACIFIC WESTERN RAIL SERVICES.

Sim lecturing. Photo Emma Lehto.

Some of the audience. Photo Emma Lehto.

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