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The Adventures of noman: THE GAUNTLET

Original pen & ink drawing issued June 2015

Image size 10" high by 8" wide (250 mm by 200 mm)
(Low resolution image illustrated)

A prototypical human being finds themself in various scenes, which may be presented in any order if a story is desired to be woven from the images. This drawing was “retro-fitted” conceptually into the noman series. It is taken from an actual photograph of Green River at Nairn Falls. The BCR rock gang had temporarily installed a scaffold over the canyon in order to carry 50 cases of explosives across the river. I took the picture while standing in the middle of the scaffold, suspended high over the raging waterfall and the deep canyon below. When I scanned and put this image into my book Railway Rock Gang I noticed that the rocks on either side of the canyon appeared to have faces. The faces are only slightly developed in this drawing.

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