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Original Limited Edition Vinyl Block Print issued May 2004

Image size 9" high by 6" wide (225 mm by 150 mm)
(Low resolution image illustrated)

The creation of this block print was spurred on by the honour of being selected as the feature artist for the June 2004 issue of Amphora, the journal of the Alcuin Society. I wanted to create an original work of art for the cover, and also to create an original block print for the journal. After completing the cover image, I used it as an underlay for a brush pen drawing, and then used the drawing as the image for the block print. A small number of artists' proofs were pulled from the first and second states of the block. This image represents the third and final state. This print was selected for publication in Amphora, the journal of the Alcuin Society. It is in the June 2004 Issue Number 135, on page 2.

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