Art & Artists in Exhibition: Vancouver 1890 - 1950
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This project was started as a way for the Editor to easily summarize and track a large amount of art history information for his own research. It turned out that arts professionals are very supportive of the project. A few "testimonials" are listed below.

"You have done a remarkable job in assembling and cross-referencing the massive documentation on art and artists in Vancouver from 1890 - 1950. What is most impressive is the diversity of your sources ... I congratulate you on all the excellent work you have done. It is truly impressive, intelligently and skillfully organized, the format is "user-friendly" and (it) will be an enormously useful resource for all people interested in the history of the city of Vancouver and especially the city's art and artists."
         Charles C. Hill, Curator of Canadian Art, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

"You have done an impressive amount of work and it will no doubt prove to be a very useful tool for those researching the early history of art in the region. I am pleased to have had an opportunity to browse the CD and very pleased to know that there is a copy of this material available in our library."
         Ian Thom, Senior Curator, Vancouver Art Gallery

"The research has been undertaken in a very thorough manner, and the result is a document that is amazingly comprehensive and accurate. The organization of the material is clear and easily navigated, making accessible information that was previously difficult to find."
         Lynn Brockington, Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery

"... an invaluable contribution to Canadian cultural research, and a boon to all art historians who have struggled to piece together the history of West Coast painting ..."
         Paula Gustafson, Editor, Artichoke magazine Summer 2004

"Gary Sim's Art & Artists in Exhibition Volume One is a valuable heritage research tool ... this is a tour de force considering the dearth of sources and the time required to find materials ... by meticulously compiling information and publishing it, he has produced a valuable research tool. It is a compact gem densely filled with valuable information."
         Letia Richardson, Researcher and Writer, Vancouver

"It has been handy in more ways than you might imagine. We hope that you'll continue to do this noble work, even though you don't always get the recognition that you should receive."
         Cheryl Siegel, Librarian, Vancouver Art Gallery

"This tool is a rich storehouse of information about artists working in Vancouver. It is a most welcome addition to Canada's national research collection in the visual arts."
         Murray Waddington, Chief, Library, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

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